
I sigh heavily. I hate him to the core. But still, I can’t forget him.

He became a part of my life. I can’t throw him out of my life.

I had good and bad memories with him.

After I flew here, I thought I would forget him and live my new life. But it's harder than I thought.

I look at the portraits in the room. It was difficult to forget him from my life. After I flew, I couldn't forget him and it became a habit for me to portray him daily. And whenever I came across his news or magazine articles about him. I always read them carefully and collect them.

My neighbors don't know who Alex or Eric is. It's a good thing for me.

When Matthew saw the portrait for the first time. He was astonished. I thought he found out who the man was in the portrait. But his question was opposite to my thoughts.

‘ Who is this man?’ He asked.

His question made me laugh.