
I slowly open my eyes. I rub my eyes and stare at the ceiling.

I get up and sit on the bed.

" You woke up, babe. " Eric says, ordering the maids around.

" Where am I? " I scream, looking at the unfamiliar environment.

" In my place. " He says.

The maids left the room.

Eric turns around and approaches me. He sits on the bed beside me. His hand moves forward to tuck my hair behind my ear. I avoid his touch.

He doesn’t withdraw his hand but he intends to do it.

“ ss.”

He caresses my cheek.

I slap his hand away.

" What happened to my kitty? " I glare at him.

" I don't know. " His voice lacks any emotion.

“ Take me back where you took me,” I say rudely. How dare he kill my kitty?

I continue.

" If Alex came to know that you kidnap me. "

He interrupts.

" What will he do to me? Do you think I don't know anything? " He asks.

My eyelids fly up. I stare at him.

He changes the topic and continues “ Do you know what day is the day after tomorrow. "