Chapter 15 e Lynx

Firmin took the rope like a lasso and slammed the back door shut. “Get us out of here!” he replied. The vehicle kicked forward, making their standings unbalanced. As they tumbled and held onto their footing, Firmin ripped a board off of the wall, and dropped it onto the floor in between them. “Get on,” he ordered. Then, he kicked the board next to Iggy’s feet.

Iggy gave the rope resistance. Firmin swung it over Iggy’s head, yanked it around his legs, and snapped it back. Firmin tripped him right down onto the board, exactly where he wanted him to be. Iggy cracked the board when he fell.

Firmin stood over him with a long leg on each side and pried the helmet off of his sopping wet head. Sweating bullets, his skin was flushed bright red and his eyes were so green in comparison. He smiled wide, exposing more than half of his white teeth and his perfect sharps. Perhaps already forgetting where he was, he held out both of his arms and exclaimed, “Iggy! At last I have found you!”