19: Good News

Luckily enough for Donna, she had shows to attend and organize throughout the winter-spring season, so she didn’t see much of the eagle-eyed Mrs. Quinton or the equally observant and hopeful Mrs. Marshall. Even her friends didn’t have a chance to scrutinise as she only met with them after a long day when they were all too tired to notice any possible changes.

It wasn’t until the second trimester that Donna was lounging by the pool with Shirley when the latter said, “Are you gaining weight or is the bikini top shrinking?”

Donna smiled. “Probably I am getting a bit fatter. That’s what’s supposed to happen, right?”

“When what?” Shirley asked slowly, leaning forward.

Donna’s smile merely widened and she traced a spiral on her bare belly.

“Oh my goodness,” her best friend whispered. “You’re pregnant?”

Donna nodded and Shirley screamed in excitement.

“Wow. Oh my god! I’m so happy for you, Don. Oh my god,” she kept saying. She hugged her friend tight. “You lucky twit.”