26: Warring Within

He remembered what Ashley had put in the papers so long ago and to Greg, she seemed like a bitter woman who had issues of her own to sort out. She spent so much of her time voicing concerns for women and her position as a feminist was well known. Greg was one kind of man she disliked; it was more than unfortunate they had been booked in to the same hotel. The whole episode might have passed without notice otherwise. Now he had to fire fight.

With one final blow to the black sand bag, he turned to the weights.

In days gone by he probably would have seduced her into submission for the fun of it, but he knew this would be potentially disastrous to consider at this point in time. So what could he do now? He thought about it as he lifted the bar off the safety hooks and began bench pressing. It wouldn’t be wise to face his feelings for Donna- or share them- until he had sorted out the Warner mess.