Chapter 8

After he saw that I couldn't take any more strikes, he left.

I was literally starving when a maid came and led me to a place right outside the kitchen. She brought a huge basket full of potatoes and left it outside near me.

“If you want dinner tonight, you'll have to peel the whole pile!”

With that, she left but not before throwing me a knife.

It's not that it's hard peeling potatoes, but if I use a knife, quite a lot would go to waste since I'm not used to it.

Since I struggled not wasting too much, it took a bit till I finished. The sun was about to set when the maid finally came to dismiss me of my duties. She was slightly surprised about finishing my job obediently, but the food she gave was a hardened loaf of bread which she threw on the ground.

I picked it up while my tummy rumbled.

The maid looked weirdly at me, but just took me back to my room.

I heard the key turn in the lock and felt desolated.

I had a flashback of the time my mother used to turn the key and open the door. I would hurry by the door and hug mother by the leg just being happy by the sheer sight of her smile returning my greeting.

I flopped to the floor and chewed the hard and dry bread while the tears I held in all day started to flow and unrestrained whimpers resounded in the little chamber.

The next morning I was greeted by the same treatment. What was worse is that I already had a light fever. At least I have clean clothes. I felt disgustingly dirty yesterday.

I was brought once again to the training ground and I was weak in the knees from the lack of proper food and sluggish from my fever.

The same man pummelled me till I collapsed. It seems that the same maid is checking up on me 3 times a day. When I wake up, finish getting beat up and doing my deal of chores. She has brown hair and purple eyes. I guess she looks in her 30's, but since I remembered that people could live hundreds of years in this game world, I won't assume anything.

She eyed me weirdly, but I don't know what for. She took me to the stables this time which made me look at her weirdly in return. She passed me a small shovel and instructed me to clean them and then to lay fresh hay. I was baffled by the fact that they expected a small child do such hard work. But considering the previous world I came from and the stories I heard about child labour, it wasn't that uncommon for children to die by overworking.

I took the shovel and remembered my time spent in the countryside at my grandparents in my previous life. I used to clean up like this for my dog. I miss him. I miss my grandparents. I miss my parents that I rarely got a chance to spend time with.

I successfully managed to finish the job by nightfall when the maid came to get me.

This time she thankfully didn’t throw the bread on the ground and guided me back to my room.

I was so tired that I didn't get to eat and just fell immediately asleep.