Chapter 9

I managed to wake up early today as I wasn't splashed with water just yet and wolfed down my regrettably hardened bread.

When the maid came in she didn't throw the bucket but undressed me and washed me with a towel and thankfully she also used soap. She gave me new shoes and a clean tunic.

I flinched when she wiped me, because my body was riddled in bruises.

For the first time, I blocked the sword that was heading for my neck.

Black beard suddenly stopped with the torture and fixed my posture.

“Swing the sword like this for 1000 times!”

With that he just left.

I held the hilt tightly and started swinging it again and again and at the end my hand was sore. I don't know what type of work I have to do today, but I might not manage with my hand refusing to budge.

The maid took me to the dungeon where the prisoners were held. I had to clean the floor with the help of a rag and a bucket filled with water containing some soapy substance resembling liquid soap. Most of the cells were empty, but traces of blood and accumulated filth remained, so they have been previously inhabited.

Only three cells contained prisoners that were currently staying indefinitely from what I deducted, since they looked badly out of shape with the long hair and beards. They didn't look old, but their current form could only bring it out that way. They also looked extremely sickly.

I only had to clean the empty ones and even if it took a few hours, it wasn't that much.

I received a bowl of warm porridge this time and the maid waited until I was finished. By the time she left I realized it would be a while to get dark. She threw a blanket before she left.

Is this their meaning of you'll be treated better?

Screw all of you!

I decided to do some stretching and some exercises I learned in my previous life. I also learned taekwondo for two years so it is quite helpful.

When I woke up, the maid wiped me with warm water for a change.

Black beard made me run laps this time. He taught me how to correctly swing the sword afterwards.

I was changed in a simple white dress made out off cheap material and was given some decent shoes to fit it.

Today I was taken to a room that looked like a study. A 20 year old man with blonde hair in a ponytail and amber eyes, wearing silver rimmed glasses, was inspecting me from head to toe.

“My name is Taylor and I will be your tutor from now on! Take a seat!”

He pulled out a nearby chair and opened a book.

I took a seat and looked at the book that introduced the alphabet.

I inwardly snorted.

After introducing his lesson, I was asked to write down the contents.

He was surprised to see me achieve what he told me flawlessly.

“You already know how to write and read?”

Talk about rhetorical questions.