Chapter 10

Shouldn't a tutor ask what the child is knowledgeable about before jumping to conclusions?

It was fun to see him flustered as he repeated the same mistake until we reached the more advanced stuff. Maybe because I refused to talk.

He gave me a stack of books about geography, history, biology and magical theory.

“Umm, see you tomorrow!”

He looked so close to losing composure as he left the study.

I was given a new room with an actual bed and a small opening which allowed light to enter.

It was cosy. I started reading and the maid brought me a glass of milk, bread and butter.

She almost dropped the tray when she saw what I was reading.

After I ate, I repeated the same exercises I did yesterday.

Two years passed like this and my tutor didn't have anything else to teach me while black beard also finished his training. My maid didn't show up anymore after four months, without me knowing the reason. She returned recently, but I didn't have another maid taking care of me in the meanwhile.

Black beard took me to the forest near the fortress and tossed me a short sword.

“Don't return without your first kill!”

He's no fun! If I come back with a dead bird I find, does it count?

I walked up into the depths of the forest without worrying of getting lost since reaching the city would only require going back down the mountain.

Isn't this the perfect time to escape?

At least those soldiers didn't give me anymore trouble since I've been training with black beard.

I also didn't have to give face to my father since I haven't seen him at all these two years.

I was dilly dallying until I heard a strong growl. A feline type of demonic beast pounced out of nowhere and slight parts turned to its black fur from transparent. Its eyes glistened a bright yellow and its white fangs were protruding from its slightly opened jaws.

It's actually a nightmare cat!!! It can camouflage with the surroundings but it usually hunts at night!

What is it doing here!?

I was imagining fake tears dripping from my predicament.

It saw my sword and took a hostile stance. It circled around me and I knew that running from it would be impossible, it's speed far surpassing my own.

I gave up at this point. It can rip my throat before I could strike it and I am still not able to make use of my magical powers, not even mentioning that using healing magic like the original heroine is no more than fantasy.

As I expected, it pounced and pinned me down holding it's paws on my shoulders. It was covered in thick bristles while some irritated me from their brief contact with my face.

It opened its jaws and puffed. It licked my face.

What the heck?

What happened next made me look hilarious. I bet my face looked overly stupid.

The beast transformed into black beard himself.

Now that's a development I didn't foresee!