Chapter 19

Well, Soru is certainly good, but it's time to test the force of gravity. After all, it is for the second stage of the fruit that I will now save development points, and growth points should also be saved up.

* Hmm *

Oooh, the gravity field extends over almost seventy meters, I don't even know how I can determine it, it is natural for me how to move my hand.

Eh, it's a pity there is nothing heavy here, I'll check how heavy objects I can lift, already on land. Although, there are a few things I can try ...

* Hmmm *

Yes! It turns out ... I rise into the air, finally I can lift myself with gravity, I tried before, but my control was too terrible, to lift myself into the air is not the same as lifting a stone. Here you need control and concentration, because gravity is the curvature of space, and not the raising of various objects. If this were so, then it would not be so difficult, because I do not lift objects with the power of thought, this is not telekinesis. I have to act on a certain object in my field, with a certain force. Gravity is too subtle a thing, if you press too hard, the object can literally fly into me.

I am able to fly not due to the fact that I raised myself in the air with an unknown force, everything is quite understandable here. I can say I bend the space around me so as to move in a certain direction. That is why the fruit of gravity is a rather dangerous thing, because a lot depends on gravity in this world, but no one controls it. It simply exists as space and time exist. But what if this force is controlled, what then? Then it will be possible to do a lot, and very, very, much ... Of course, I do not know much about gravity, for the most part in the past world I studied biology, genetic engineering and chemistry. For the rest, I knew only superficially, as well as with gravity ... Probably that's why I died, it was not worth getting into what I did not understand, even though I knew how to make explosives, but it was just a theory, but what to do is needed there was money ...

Of course, although I can fly now, the problem is that it is quite difficult, even five minutes have not passed, and I am already exhausted, and somehow slowly, I need to practice. And of course, pumping up the fruit, the current flight in battle is useless, although if I were to master Geppo, perhaps it would be useful together with gravity, I will have to try ...

Okay, I'm distracted for some reason. What's on our agenda? Oh yes ... Us.

With her, unlike Zoro, it will be much more difficult, because it is easy to find a common language with him. For example, this deal, which we made, with Us will not work like that, she is a thief and she has a completely different character and concept of honor. Plus, she hates pirates. But she also has her weaknesses, he-he-he. I already have some ideas, I just have to sail to Konomi.

North distracted me from my thoughts when he came up to me and said:

- Cap, I have a question.

I turned to him and asked:

- What is the question, something about your training?

North tensed a little, then continued.

- Uh, no, that's not what I mean ... Why didn't you use a sword against this guy? You didn't even take it, isn't it better to use a sword against a swordsman?

Hah, so he noticed, well done. I smiled and answered:

- I am not a swordsman, I did not want to dishonor my skills, in front of the future strongest swordsman. Although I think I should learn a little more with the blade. - I looked at North and added: - And you would not be in the way.

Nor waved him off and laughed nervously.

- Ha-ha, cap, your training is enough for me, and I love axes, axes ... - And I ran away. Huh, it looks like my training scared him a lot. Well, nothing, it will soon get used to it. Besides, now we also have Zoro, I think he will appreciate them, if you remember the canon, he also prefers hard training. You will need to buy training equipment somewhere, otherwise sparring and push-ups on one finger are fed up.


Yes, we sailed for a long time, of course we turned in the wrong direction a couple of times, without it nowhere ... But we were able to sail where we needed to.

Here they are, Konomi Islands. There were several islands, some larger, others smaller. But we were only interested in one, the one on which the village of Kokoyasi was located.

We moored on one of the banks, and I turned to Zoro and North, and said:

- Stay on the ship, I won't be long.

They both nodded and continued to drink rum. Heh, they hit it off quickly, they both like to drink and sit in silence. Zoro quickly got better after our fight, only a few bruises and abrasions remained.

Okay, I'll go find the head of the village, I need to find out where Nami is now, and the best way to do this is to ask the old man or her sister. Of course, he most likely does not know where she is, since she is forbidden to come to the village, as far as I remember, but at least I will find out where her sister lives.

I didn't have to search for a long time, the locals quickly showed me the sheriff's house, and I headed there. It seems that this old man is very respected here, when I asked about him, they told me almost all the ins and outs of him, also with such pride, as if it was their father. And the residents do not seem to suffer too much from the pirates, at least they do not show how bad everything is. This mayor deserves respect, it is not an easy task to unite the people and give them hope.

Oh, here's his house.


I knocked, and a gruff voice came from behind the door:

- I'm going, I'll open it right now. - And a quiet was heard: - And who has brought there again ...

* Click *

The door opened, and an old man in a cap with a turntable was attached to me. His face and hands were all scarred, and he looked rather stern. He looked me up and down and asked warily:

- Who are you guy?

- My name is Mor, I wanted to talk to you about something ... - and added a little more quietly: - This concerns the uprising.

The old man widened his eyes, looked around and said:

- Come in.

We went into the house, and the old man brought me into the living room, invited me to sit down, and poured tea. Then he looked at me and asked:

- How do you know ... About the uprising.

I took a sip of my tea and said:

- Yes, I found out by accident. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, and besides, I'm here to help you with your problem.

The mayor looked up in surprise and said:

- What do you mean? You don't mean to say that you ... - I smiled and added: - Yes, I came to finish Arlong.

The sheriff stopped talking and looked at me for ten seconds, I decided to continue talking:

"Actually, I'm not only here to get rid of Arlong, I'm here for your friend ... Us.

The old man frowned and asked:

- Us? And where is this girl?

I smiled and said:

- I heard about her navigational abilities, so I decided to offer to join my team, but then I learned about Arlong and your situation.

- So you're a pirate?

I nodded.

- Hah, the pirate is helping us get rid of the pirate, in business ... - the sheriff sighed.