Chapter 20

- Well, it doesn't look like you are some kind of thug, although maybe it's even worse. - The old man sighed and looked at me: - So, you are looking for Nami before you kill Arlong? Do you want to impress her to join your team? He chuckled. "Smart, especially in her case.

I raised an eyebrow and asked:

- What do you have in mind?

He grinned and said bitterly:

- Arlong did more harm to her than to our entire village ... If you want to know, ask her, it's not for me to tell you, but if you can kill Arlong for her, maybe she will appreciate it, but don't hope that she will go because of this. with you. She doesn't really like pirates, much more than me ...

I nodded and said:

"Thank you Genzo san, even if she doesn't come to my team, I will still rid you of this fish. By the way, do you know where Nami is now?

The old man shook his head and replied:

- No, I rarely see her, especially after she joined this, ahem, "fish", if you want to know, ask her sister, they communicate more often.

- Where can I find her?

The sheriff put on his cap and stood up saying:

- Come on, I'll show you.

I finished my tea and followed him.

We walked for a short time, and after about ten minutes, we came to the outskirts of the city, to a tangerine farm. The old man turned to me and said:

- Wait, I'll call you now. - And went deep into the tangerine grove.

After a while he came out, and next to him was a beautiful girl with blue hair. She had a tattoo on her right arm that ran along the collarbone. The girl was in an apron that could not hide the rather voluminous shape. As far as I know, Nami has even more, I would like to see them, ahem ... Stop staring ... Damn, she noticed the trip.

They came up to me, and the girl smiled at me strangely and greeted me:

"Hello, Genzo san told me about you. Are you really capable of getting rid of it? - With hope in her voice asked the girl.

I smiled and answered:

- If he were a strong pirate, would he hide in this wilderness, from strong people? People like him can only oppress the weak. I will quickly kill him, but first ... - I looked into her eyes and said seriously: - I know that your sister has taken on a heavy burden, but now I am here and I can solve her problems, but first I want to find her.

Nojiko nodded and said:

- She is not on the island now, but she will soon be, usually she does not come for a week, at least two. In the next couple of days, she should show up. When she arrives, I can find you and report you.

I shook my head and answered:

- Not worth it. Nojiko-san, could you show me your mother's grave?

Nojiko looked at me in surprise and asked:

- What for?

I smiled and said:

- There I can meet Nami and talk.

Nojiko was silent for a while, and then showed me the grave of her mother with Us.

This place was the same as in canon, just a wooden cross on a hill, and a pretty beautiful sea view, a nice place. Here I decided to wait for Nami.

Well, I didn't have to wait long, in the evening of the same day, in the distance I saw a lonely sail on a small boat. One person was sitting in it, and next to him was a rather voluminous bag, probably stolen gold. I realized it was Nami just by looking at her red hair. Although, it is too difficult to see from here, I will wait a little longer, soon she should come here ...

After some time, I felt that someone was approaching and moved away.

A slender girl with short red hair approached the cross, and putting flowers down, sat down opposite him. Yes, and she's nothing, at least from the back ...

She sat silently opposite the cross for a while, and then she spoke:

- Bell-mère san, there is very little left, I have almost collected the required amount ... Soon, everyone will be free ...

And then she continued to be silent.

Well, I think it's not very polite to spy on and eavesdrop, it's time to get down to business. I came out from behind the tree and slowly began to approach the girl. At first she did not hear me, but then she turned sharply and stood up, frowned and said:

- Who are you?

- I'm Mor, and you? - I answered calmly.

She did not answer and continued to ask warily:

- What are you doing here, were you eavesdropping?

I smiled and said:

- I was just passing by. Are you afraid?

We snorted:

- Why else, why should I be afraid? I'm a pirate, I'm from Arlong's crew, why should I be afraid?

I began to slowly approach her and say:

- Oh, so you're from Arlong's team, I'm afraid to start?

Nami tensed and frowned:

- You're not afraid of Arlong, are you an idiot?

I laughed:

- Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha, why would I be afraid of small fish? Besides ... - I threw a glance at the cross and said: - He killed her, don't you wish him death?

After these words, Nami tensed a lot and replied:

- How do you know? Who are you? What do you need?

Having already approached close to her, I sincerely smiled and said:

"This will be over soon, and although I am a pirate, I will be glad to have you on my team. If you dream of seeing the world, you will be welcome on my ship, but if you dream of drawing a map of the world ... Well, I think with us you will have the opportunity to fulfill your dream. "Having said that, I didn't give her a chance to answer and just disappeared using Sora. Quite an effective skill.

Well, the first part of the plan is ready. Knowing girls, they prefer those who do things more than talk. So I didn't talk much and just dumped.

Although, I was certainly a little stunned. Nami's body is in no way inferior to that of Tashigi, and her breasts are even larger, and her face and hair, ohh ... She is unusually beautiful, if Tashigi is a gorgeous cutie, then Nami is a gorgeous beast. And knowing her according to the canon, she is quite liberated, which can be clearly seen from her actions.

Although I would love to have Tashigi and Nami on my team, but I doubt it is possible ... Um, what am I thinking? I'm just sure that if you use Mero Mero on me, then I won't be able to turn stone or stone ... Ugh ... Ay, it doesn't matter.

Hmm, speaking of Mero Mero, it might be worth visiting the Amazon island. Oooh, there is a whole paradise!

* Bang * * grunt *

- Aaaaa ... Thyuyuzh ... Argh ... My head aaa, I should have thought so, I almost got killed, fucking stone.

Ahem, okay, it's time to get down to business, and not to dissolve drooling. Where is this Arlong Park?