Chapter 29

I slept quite peacefully, like the rest of the team, we crossed the Red Line without incident, met Old Man Crocus and his whale Laboon. We learned from the old man the route to Whiskey Peak, so we sailed there for almost a day. The Grand Line was really an unusual place, sometimes there was a storm, sometimes it was calm, in general, the weather was intense, I like it. But how could we peacefully sail where we need to, this is the Grand Line? And now the inhabitants of "Paradise" showed themselves in all their glory ...

* Bach * * Bach * * Bach * * Bach * * Tuduuh *

From four different ships, nuclei flew at us, in the beginning it was fun, but quickly got bored, Zoro and Sanji got rid of them easily, they had some kind of competition, so I had nothing to do. After a few minutes of shelling, the attackers realized that it was useless to shoot and went for a rapprochement, but what are we? We do not mind ! It's time to put your skills to the test in battle.

Yes, I thought so then ...


* Bach * * Bach * * Bach *

- Ha ha ha, sucker, and you are not bad, I admit, if we fought together, I might have lost, but what a pity ... There are three of us! Ah ha ha ha. - Launched a hefty, three-meter, black pirate with two huge axes.

- Ah-ha-ha-ha, you're finished bastard! - Squeaked a fat-bellied little man.

- Your sweetheart will be ours! - A long-armed pirate in a red bandana licked his lips.

* Svshsh * * Vshuuh *

They attacked me from three different directions, it was not a problem to dodge the fat man and the long-armed one, but this guy with axes ...

* Grunt *

- Argh! - I blocked his ax with my hand, using gravity at one point on my hand, I came up with this skill to fight with swordsmen, but it was difficult to hold against such power, my palms were already oozing blood. And even these two ...

* Vshuhh * * Bam *

I threw a cannon next to one, so he slowed down when he dodged, and from the blow of the second, I defended myself with the other hand.

* Bam *

I snorted:

- And it's all? Weaklings!

* Vushsh *

I quickly shifted the long-armed katana to the right and knocked off their captain's ax, then turned sharply and using Sora moved to the slowest, "fat man", and attacked with my fist.

* Tudum *

At the last moment, he was able to block the blow with his ax, but ...

* Crackle *

- Eh? Panic flashed in his eyes.

* Split * bamah *

His ax shattered into pieces, and my fist landed right in his jaw, and the fat-bellied one flew off the ship like a cannonball, losing half of his teeth along the way.

- Jo! Oh, you bastard! - The black man got angry and rushed at me, not with the speed characteristic of his size.

I grinned and rushed to meet him. My palm and his ax collided, sparks flew into the air from the collision, but no one took a step away, until ...

- Die! - I heard from behind. A long-armed man attacked me with his two katanas, from which I quite calmly dodged, taking off the air.

- Eh? You're flying? - The black pirate was surprised: - I see! You are a fucking fruity!

- The boss won't help him! - Shouted the swordsman and jumped at me with a katana.

"Idiot" - I thought, taking out a handful of bullets for a pistol from my pocket.

- Taste it! "I used gravity and fired bullets at the swordsman.

- Do not forget about me, creature! - Shouted the big man from below, and jumped at me with an ax.

I smiled and flew higher, waving my hand to him:

- Sorry, today is not your day.

* Ringing * * Ringing * * Ringing * * Bach * * Bach *

While I was climbing higher and higher with a cheerful smile, my bullets did their job, the long-armed one was able to repulse the majority, but a few were still able to penetrate his defenses.

- Heck! The long-armed man growled, dropping his katanas and clutching the wound on his neck.

- Hmpf! Rubbish! And you call yourself the second mate ?! - Shouted black: - Okay! You are a bitch, I asked for it, I will tear you kid! Do you think that if you can fly, I won't get you ?! - After his words, his body began to transform.

* Crackle * * crackle *

-Uh? - I was a little stunned by his transformation, because I did not see anything ridiculous, and then laughed: - Ah-ha-ha-ha, chicken ?! You want to make me laugh to death ?! Ah ha ha ha.

- Aaaa! You yourself are a chicken, you mustache horseradish! It's a rooster! Cock! Do you understand?! - A big chicken cackled. Now it is clear why they have a skull with a crest on their flag.

- You have a hike and chicken brains, where did you see a rooster with such a small comb? - I asked chuckling.

- Shut up! Die creature! - Chicken pirate cackled and flew at me.

* Vshuuh *

"Yours .." - flashed through my head. I instinctively put my hands in front of me and blocked his axes.

* Tudukh * * bam * * bam * * bam *

My bones almost cracked from the blow, I ate blocked it, but still flew a couple of meters, but the "cockerel" did not get off easily, its axes began to crack, I clearly heard this sound.

His speed was amazing, even using Sora I probably will not be so fast, and in flight I definitely cannot fight him, he can fly a little because of his wings, although it seems not very long. Well, then let's fight on the ship ...

I went down on the deck of an already badly wrecked ship and looked in the direction of my guys. They are doing quite well, this rooster has a good team, mine will have to work hard. Even I had to fight three at once, since the two whom I defeated were much stronger than Arlong, they could even withstand several of my blows. It was lucky that their captain decided to attack me with them, otherwise my guys would not have been able to win. Probably, he also sensed that I was a difficult opponent and decided to play it safe.

While I was thinking, the chicken finally decided to attack again:

- Get it! Cock style - steel wings!

He put his wings in front of him and folded them together, then ran abruptly at me.

* Vshuuh *

"How fast" - I reacted immediately and using gravity, lifted everything I could lift: cannonballs, swords, muskets, and began to squeeze, simultaneously dodging his chicken karate.

It is much more difficult to compress steel objects than stones and sand, but it is not impossible, so I put in more force and created a semblance of a small sphere from different pieces of iron, then launched it into a chicken.

When he saw a sphere flying towards him, he frowned and shouted:

- Cock style - steel beak!

* Tudum *

The iron ball and beak collided, and at that time I attacked using Soru and gravity around my palm. The chicken noticed this immediately, but he could not defend himself, because I did not just hit him with an iron ball, I also used almost all the force of gravity and pressed the ball against his beak.

As I got too close, fear flashed in his eyes, and he covered himself with wings to protect himself. But is it really so easy to escape the blow of my palm?

* Bam * * Tuduh *

- Kudaaa ... kh ...

As soon as I attacked his wing, it immediately crumpled, at the same time, I increased the pressure on the sphere and it was able to push back the pirate's beak and crashed into it with all its weight.

* Babakh *

The chicken was completely crushed, breaking through the upper and lower decks, and then the bottom of the ship, falling into the water.

* Boole * * boole *

All that's left is a few bubbles ...

- Heh, not a bad fight. - It was the first time I did my best, apart from training with a teacher. If I hadn't gotten rid of those two, then perhaps today I would have been feeding the fish.

[* Beep * Due to the actions and nature of the carrier, the data was recalculated. Reward system changed]

[* Beep * Pirate "White Beak" Nestor Gorel killed, 100,000,000 bellies. Reward 2 development points, 200 growth points.]

Oooh, wow, this is a present, two points of development and two hundred growth.

Hmm, there were only a hundred lamas for him? It seems that I am not so strong, although, this is the Grand Line, here the pirates for a hundred million are much stronger than those in North Blue, for example. Well, now I can pump up a little.

Okay, it's time to end here.