Chapter 30

North fought on our ship and fought off the pirate crowd quite well, Nami helped him as much as she could, but her combat abilities were so-so. Although she trained lately, but not with such zeal as the others, justifying herself by the fact that you see a ship full of men and we have to fight ourselves, and her job is to draw maps. In principle, she is right, but I still insisted, at least for small workouts, she reluctantly, but agreed. North was quite good at dealing with a whole crowd, this is not surprising, because his strength has grown very much thanks to the fruit, a little more and he will be at the level of Sanji.

Speaking of Sanji, he fought on one of the four ships that attacked us, with some skinny pirate wielding a staff, judging by the pirate's condition, Sanji will be done soon.

Zoro, on the other hand, took on some swordsman and had already dealt with him, so he sat quietly and sipped rum.

In general, everyone was busy with business, and the attacking pirates had not yet noticed that their cap horses had moved. Well, if that's the case, I'll go and deal with his entourage.

The first in line was the long-armed one, who was almost bleeding to death. He lay there all pale and wheezing, I did not gloat, and with a good blow I broke his head. Then I began to wait ... Wait more ... And more ...

"Mm? Strange ... "- flashed through my head.

- Where is my glasses? I muttered.

- Hmm, Awards! - When I said this, a window flashed before my eyes.


5 to 10 million bellies. [Killed: 2]

10 to 30 million bellies. [Killed: 1]

Between 30 and 60 million bellies. [Killed: 1]

60 to 100 million bellies.

Between 100 and 150 million bellies. [Killed: 1]

Between 150 and 200 million bellies.

200 to 300 million bellies.

- Eh? It seems to have been counted ... Your rish ... It seems I will not be able to get points, since I killed a pirate from another category, which was much higher. - I sighed: - That's a bummer, if I had known before, I would not have blunt ...

Hmm, well, it can't be helped, the system has no instructions, so something like that had to happen. Now I will try to kill exactly according to the list of awards.

The next in line was a squeaky fat man, it seems he turned out to be the smartest and began to sail away on one of the ships, he would have succeeded, but too late.

I slowly rose into the air and slowly began to catch up with the receding ship ...

- Aaaa, shshirt! Devil! More idiots! He's catching up! - Hysterically shouted a toothless fat man.

* Shuh *

I landed a couple of meters from him and asked:

- Why did you attack us?

When the fat man saw me, he fell on his ass and began to crawl away quickly:

- Oh, no, no, kill me ...

I sighed and said:

- If you tell me why you attacked, then I will not throw you overboard, okay?

The toothless eyes sparkled, and he began to bow:

- Shpashshibo! Shpashibo goshpodin, I am lousy. - He got up and dusted himself off: - Cough, cough, I weigh goshpodin. We attack all the novshkofs that are sailing to the Grand Line, so we go wild. - The pirate hissed.

I chuckled:

- I see, it looks like today is not your day. - Then he turned around and said as he left: - Get out, and so I don't see you again.

The fat man groaned in the trail:

- Shpashibo!

Well, I sort of finished. There was no point in killing him, since I can't get points, then let it roll, killing him won't bring me anything. I'm no hero to rid the sea of ​​pirates.

I returned to my ship and nodded to North.

- Not bad you are, how they flee. "There was a pile of corpses on the ship, and the rest jumped overboard and swam away somewhere. It looks like they finally realized that their cap is dead.

I used gravity and threw all the ghouls overboard. Then he looked towards Sanji and said:

"Nami, swim up to Sanji, we should take these pirates' belongings.

After my words, the girl's eyes sparkled, and she rushed to the steering wheel. I set sail and we turned around.

Our cook has already dealt with everyone on that ship, so we were already going to reload the goods, but it was not there. It turned out that there was nothing here, as well as on the ship on which Zoro was. So I had a thought and I said:

- Swim to the one that is drowning, it looks like everything is there.

Most likely, everything is good on their flagship, well, I think this is logical, why store jewelry on other ships?

The ship had already gone under water quite well, but still their captain's cabin had not been flooded yet, so we were able to take out all the chests, of which there were, as many as six pieces.

- How much is there? - I asked our navigator, which was now lying in a heap of gold.

- Mmm, there are a lot ... - Nami purred. Hmm, now she is unlikely to say anything ...

I sighed and waved my hand:

- Okay, then you will tell.

In general, we made good money and had a nice fight. The Grand Line met us perfectly. Of course, we didn't need gold, but is it superfluous?

Well, now I think it's worth a drink.

- Guys, who wants rum ?! - I shouted.

- Ha ha ha, pour! - Yelled North.


Ohh, another fun binge. Yesterday was fun, but not so much now ...

- Argh! Water ... Pestilence, help ... "Sanji said with a pleading voice.

I pretended not to hear and walked out of the common room onto the deck.

- What a wonderful night ... - I lay down on the cold boards and relaxed.

Hmm, can you distribute the glasses? Now I can take the next strength of the fruit. I think it will be something interesting.


[Name: James D. More]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Body Strength - 100 "Mid Stage"]

[Body Agility - 100 "Fast Stage"]

[Body Vitality - 15]

[Shooting - 0]

[Melee - 55 "Experienced"]

[I teach the Uchu no Mi:

Gravity - 100]

[Observation Hacks - 0]

[Rokushiki: Soru]

[Unallocated points: Development - 3, Height - 200]

Eh, even the eyes are happy ... I will pump well.

Well, let's start with the strength of the body, last time I passed out due to the fact that my body was too weak, I was still lucky to survive, so I will not be stingy and immediately throw in a hundred to move on to the next stage.


* Bz-z-z *

As soon as the glasses were spent, my body began to change before my eyes, my muscles grew a little and became even more prominent, my height also changed, I grew at least ten centimeters. But this is not the main thing ... The main thing is my strength!

Incredible! This is the first time I feel this way, all the past upgrades are not comparable, I seemed to be reborn, the feeling is that I can destroy anything with one blow of my fist.

Previously, my powers increased by 50% due to the "Middle Stage", but now they have increased by 100%. So, if my strength was 1000, then thanks to the "High Stage" it became 2000 thousand. Amazing.

But, of course, I was slightly arrogant, even if I became physically twice as strong, so what? I am still very, very far from the strength of the admiral ...

Well, we figured it out with force, now it's fruit time, finally ... "Nebula"!