Chapter 45

Eh, I was too naive, we had already exchanged a couple of thousand blows, but he still showed no signs of fatigue. What can not be said about me, I clearly felt that I had several broken bones, and the rest were already cracking and were at their limit. I used the power of the fruit, but the fog was powerless, it easily dodged my star bullets with the help of the observation haki and Kami-e. The funny thing was that I did not lose to him in endurance, did not lose in the power of the blow, as well as in speed. I lost in fighting skill, fighting instinct and experience. This vice admiral is definitely a battle-hardened fighter, I underestimated him too much. It seemed to me that he was an ordinary staff vice-admiral, who sat on the spot and lost his former strength. How wrong I was, the teacher said that you should not underestimate the vice admirals, they all must have decent strength, even if they do not catch pirates, but just sit at the base and work with documents. If this continues, I will lose very soon, something needs to be done ...

I looked in the direction of the fight between Zoro and Sanji and tensed even more, everything was quite expected. Zoro was almost exhausted, he held on with the last of his strength, his whole body was bloody, and he held on only thanks to his unbending will. The same was true for Sanji, he was at the limit, although he was wounded in many places, but his legs suffered the most, after all, he did not have khaki weapons, unlike his opponent. I overestimated myself too much, because of my actions they may not survive today ... I looked in the direction of North and sighed, everything was no better there, Nami had already left the battle, and Robin was covering her, North took the whole blow and was already at the limit ...

"Damn, that's rub, crap ..." - flashed through my head. I did not think that everything would come to this, I no longer feel my hands, and all the organs seemed to be mixed. Jonathan began to attack even harder, probably realized that I was holding on with the last bit of strength ... Here h ...

* BOOM * * Vshuuh * * crackle *

The kick came unexpectedly to my left arm, I could not block it and was sent flying, breaking through several buildings. I got up staggering, and spitting blood sighed ...

"Shit ... My fruit is powerless here, although I covered my fists with fog and khakis, it's useless against him. His will to arm is on a completely different level, but I only spent more energy on the fog ... "- Hmm, if I don't do anything, I'm freaked out. My left arm is not fully functional, as are all the ribs on the left side. The bones were shattered and I clearly felt that several organs were badly damaged, I was just bleeding ...

* Bhaa *

I vomited pieces of something bloody ... It looks like parts of organs, not good ...

I stood up straight and looked at Jonathan and said:

- Yes, the vice admiral is really strong, I did not expect ... - And at the same moment he said in his head.


[Name: James D. More]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Body Strength - 200 "High Stage"]

[Body Agility - 150 "Fast Stage"]

[Body Vitality - 115 "Silver Stage"]

[Shooting - 0]

[Melee - 55 "Experienced"]

[I teach the Uchu no Mi:

The force of gravity is 100 "Nebula"]

[Observation Hacks - 0]

[Weapon Hacks - 0]

[Rokushiki: Soru]

[Unallocated points: Height - 100]

"Fine! This is my last option, it's not in vain that I accumulated them before this fight. Thirty-five shackles in vitality, forty-five in melee, and twenty in khaki weapons! " - After my command, all hundred points were instantly distributed, and then ...

* B-z-z *


It was as if something clicked in my head, and I felt an indescribable sensation ... As if my spirit became many times stronger, as the bones began to grow together and the body became noticeably stronger, but most importantly, my mind began to fill with fighting techniques, where deaths and smoother than before. They were no longer so simple, but seemed to give off martial skill, real strength. All this happened in a split second, so they didn't have time to attack me, but Jonathan clearly noticed the changes in me and asked with a frown:

- What just happened?

I rubbed my broken arm and grimaced, nevertheless, although I became noticeably tenacious, past injuries did not recover, which was a little unpleasant ... I looked at the vice admiral and chuckled:

- The second wind opened, or did you think I was going to die here?

Jonathan chuckled and snorted.

- Do you think this will help you? You are already a corpse! - And rushed to the attack.

We started to exchange a lot of punches, but this time I could go on par with him, now I'm a martial artist after all. Over time, I saw some gap in his attacks and prepared myself.

- GRRR! I growled and covered my fist with the will of weapons as much as possible, then squeezed all the fog to the maximum and covered my fist with it like a glove. Then he swung with all his might and ...


Our fists collided with incredible force, the building next to me was blown apart by the shockwave and I was thrown back.


I flew twenty meters and crashed into a mountain. I spent almost all my strength on this attack, and therefore it was quite difficult to get up, but I still stood up straight and looked towards Jonathan. A hundred meters from me there was a huge foggy curtain, but it quickly dissipated and he appeared before me ... A broad-shouldered man all in tattered clothes and covered in blood, he was standing on his feet ate, and most likely he would not last long, his right hand was completely torn off, and just a huge amount of blood flowed out of it.

"Heh, it looks like it worked ..." - flashed through my head. I tried to inject a compressed mist under his skin through his past wounds, and then I tried to rip his arm apart. The only problem that prevented me from doing this before, his will to arms, she simply blocked my fog. But as my strength increased, I was able to do it.

I sighed and gathered all my strength into a fist, and began to walk slowly towards Jonathan, it was quite difficult, I ate on my feet, and lost quite a lot of blood, I think I'll pass out soon, I need to hurry.

Twenty seconds later, I was still able to approach him and feel his aura, my will was too exhausted, so I could only feel at this distance. He was unconscious, stood straight and was bleeding, but was passed out, probably dying ... Yeah, I did not think that my new attack could do that much harm, amazing ...