Chapter 46

- Hmm, kill him now? - I thought a little while standing next to the body of the vice admiral: - No, I will not make the past mistake ... - I turned towards Zoro and sighed. Yes, it looks like I still have to fight, you need to start with the rear admiral, and then I will finish off this redhead, he still does not run anywhere. I understand, I'm on my feet now, but if I don't find the strength to kill the Rear Admiral, I'll definitely regret it. Points do not roll on the road, and now I really do not want to lose them.

Therefore, I gathered all my strength into a fist and headed towards Zoro, it was quite hard for him now, he fought back with his last strength, with only two katanas. He was lucky that he was able to injure the nosy rear admiral, so the battle dragged on, well, this is in my hands, it is much easier to kill the wounded.

I came closer to the battle of Zoro and two Marines, one of them saw me and shouted:

- Komaro! Stop the swordsman, I'll deal with it, he was eating on his feet. - And rushed in my direction.

He raised the blade over his head and shouted:

- Crescent moon!

I sighed and whispered:

- Star Bullet. - A fog came out of my body and formed one single bullet. When the blue-haired man saw this, he laughed:

- Ha-ha-ha, do you think some small bullet will stop me ?! DIE!

* Vshuuh * The blade flew straight to my neck. The corner of my lips lifted and I said:

- Rest in peace!

* Wshuu * * Bach *

My bullet instantly pierced the blue-haired man's heart, he did not even have time to understand how it happened, but his katana still continued to fly in my direction. I put my hand out and covered it with some khaki.

* Tink * * Krak *

- Argh, shit ... - I almost cut my hand off, my will was almost exhausted, I was able to block the blade only thanks to my strong bones.

* Bach *

- Not-impossible ... - The blue-haired man mumbled in a trembling voice while kneeling.

I went up to him and smiled:

"It's not easy to dodge my small bullet. "He tried to dodge, and hoped so, but it was useless. I completely control the trajectory of the bullets, so he should have tried to block it, and he had every chance, with my current strength, but now ...

* Bach * The blue-haired fell dead, and in my head it sounded:

[* Beep * Due to the actions and nature of the carrier, the data was recalculated. Reward system changed]

[* Beep * Killed the patrol "Rear Admiral" Meiser Polver. Reward: 1 development point, 100 growth points.]

"Heh, there are awards for the Marines, as I thought." I looked in the direction of Zoro, and stomped there. He's not so bad now, he could even beat the nosy, but now we don't have much time, we need to quickly save Sanji and get out of here.

I stood about ten meters from their fight and looked around ... Hmm, that's it! I reached out and picked up the wreckage of Zoro's katana, then directed it toward the sentry.

He noticed something, but ...

* Bach * * Bach * * Bach *

Zoro did not give him time to escape, and all the fragments of the blade hit the rear admiral's back, one even hit him in the neck, so ...

- Gkaa, blghkr ... - Nosy fell to the ground, choking on his own blood. I stepped closer and pointed his sword at his heart.

* Vshuuh * Blood splattered and he quickly died.

[* Beep * Killed Sentinel Rear Admiral Komaro Rythred. Reward 1 development point, 30 growth points.]

"Wow, even a development point was given, with the second kill it is quite rare" - I looked in the direction of Zoro and sighed:

- You look shitty, can you go?

Zoro sheathed the remaining katanas and chuckled.

- Yes, I would have managed without you.

I smiled and said:

"I have no doubt, but we should get out, let's go to Sanji's.

Zoro nodded and we went to help our cook. Everything was too bad for him, now he didn't even fight, he was just beaten by the old man.

* Bach * * Bach * Bach *

Sanji flew over, smashing several buildings, then began to slowly climb. I frowned and growled:

- Zoro, help him, and gather the rest in one place, I will deal with the old man.

Zoro gave me a serious look and nodded, then ran towards Sanji.

I looked in the direction of the old man, and he, as if sensing something, also looked at me, and then smiled and said:

- Still, we underestimated you guy, you turned out to be much stronger ... - And he sighed: - What a pity, such a talent ... But, I have to kill you, in the name of justice.

I chuckled:

"You talk well, but are you so sure of my death? I've already knocked down two rear admirals and defeated Jonathan, do you think you have a chance?

The old man frowned, and then relaxed and chuckled, said:

- Ha-ha, maybe you were able to defeat them, but look at yourself, you ate on your feet, and I still have a lot of strength. I admit, this boy has worn me out a little, but these forces are more than enough to finish you off.

While he was chatting, I didn't stand still, and was already looking at my status with all my might:

[Name: James D. More]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Body Strength - 200 "High Stage"]

[Body Agility - 150 "Fast Stage"]

[Body Vitality - 150 "Silver Stage"]

[Shooting - 0]

[Melee - 100 "Master"]

[I teach the Uchu no Mi:

The force of gravity is 100 "Nebula"]

[Observation Hacks - 0]

[Weapon Khaki - 20]

[Rokushiki: Soru]

[Unallocated points: Development - 2, Height - 130]

"I think it is pointless to improve survival, now it will no longer help, my body is already at the limit, dexterity and strength are also useless now, it would be stupid to fight in close combat with him, he is a master of weapon hacks. As for the skills, they also won't save my position now, I ate on my feet ... Well, if that's the case, then ... All one hundred and thirty points by the power of the fruit! "

* B-z-z-t *

After my command, a pleasant heat spread throughout my body, and I felt like my whole body was on fire. But the most intense heat was in the area of ​​my tattoos, they already lit up with a bright blue light.

This did not escape the attention of the old man, and he asked warily:

- What is it?

I broke into a satisfied smile and muttered:

- How nice ... - Then I opened glowing eyes and looked at the old man: - This is your end ... Die! "Immediately after that, all the force of the nebula burst out of my body, and nine bullets were formed. The old man immediately sensed danger and attacked.

He stood twenty meters away from me and crossed half the distance in a split second, but, unfortunately, my bullets were faster.

* Bach ** Bach ** Bach ** Bach *

All nine bullets hit right on target, and the old man fell dead. This is not surprising, because after I pumped the power of the fruit, I was able to control a lot more fog. Although, now I have to use almost all of my new fog.