Chapter 47

Immediately after the old man fell, it sounded in my head:

[* Beep * Killed Sentinel Rear Admiral Graves Sachs. Reward: 10 growth points.]

"Heh, how cute, ten points ..." - I chuckled mentally. Well, not surprisingly, the third always gives less, although I didn't even plan to kill all three. I wanted to run away after we rescued Sanji, but when I saw this old man get rid of him, I no longer wanted to spare him. Serves the bastard right, ain't got to touch my people.

Um, okay, it's time to get out. I looked in the direction of Zoro and nodded, he had already grabbed Sanji and went to North to help him, everything was not as bad as ours. He quite calmly got rid of the Marines, but they also pretty much wounded him. Robin helped him as much as she could, but most of all she protected Nami, she was not particularly wounded, but for some reason she was unconscious. Around them there were many unconscious sentinels, there were dead, but few, I asked them to reduce casualties to a minimum. Still, even though the sentinels are our enemies, you need to know when to stop.

Okay, time to get them out and finish with Jonathan.


- Khaa, damn ... - As soon as I took a step, my legs gave way and I almost fell. Yes, there is almost no strength left, the body is already at its limit. Well, if so, then ...

* H-y-y *

I used gravity and headed towards the guys, my strength should still be enough for a couple of minutes, and to lift several people.

Quickly flying up to the guys, I shouted:

- Let's go! - And immediately lifted them all into the air. They did not resist, but the sentinels were not very happy about this and started shooting at us. I no longer had the strength to dodge, so several bullets hit me, since my skin and bones are stronger than those of ordinary people, so it didn't really hurt me.

I headed outside the patrol base, in the direction where our ship was, it was just on the way to the vice admiral.

I did not fly very fast, I tried to save energy for one bullet, and after almost a minute I saw Jonothan in the distance. He was still unconscious, so I stretched out my hand and said:

- Star Bullet.

* Wshuu * * Bach *

The bullet hit right in the head, and Jonathan began to kick in the side.

* Bach * He fell dead and in my head sounded:

[* Beep * Watcher "Vice Admiral" Jonathan is killed. Reward: 1 development point, 100 growth points.]

"Great, and now ... Ghaa, shit ..." - The strength is already running out, even one bullet was too difficult, you need to hurry !!

- Come on! LET'S GO! ГРР! - I already flew out of the base and flew towards the ship. It was getting dark in my eyes, and I gritted my teeth until I bleed, tried not to pass out. If we fall into the water, we will definitely die. Zoro will not be able to pull everyone out, he himself is holding on.

And now, after another ten seconds, which lasted almost an eternity, I saw our ship in the distance, this gave me even more determination, and I used all the remaining strength for the last dash.

- AARGG !!


All I remember is the hard surface of the deck and then darkness ...


- Ohh, my head ... - My awakening was painful, my whole body ached, but my head was the most. Probably due to the excessive use of will.

I got up and looked around. All around was the familiar cabin of the new ship, and nothing else. My condition was rather deplorable, I was all in bandages, only my nose and eyes were open so that I could see and breathe.

I tried to get out of bed, and with grief in half I succeeded. It was difficult to move around, so I took a mop in the corner and used it as a crutch. Leaving the cabin, I wandered into the kitchen, I was terribly thirsty, as well as to eat.

* Skriep *

I opened the door and found a not entirely empty kitchen. Zoro and North were sitting here, and Robin was cooking something. The guys saw me, and North exclaimed:

- Haha, woke up already, it's good, sit down, Robin is cooking today.

I smiled and went to the table. At this time, Robin asked:

- How are you?

I chuckled:

- It's normal, everything seems to be moving, and the scratches will heal.

Zoro chuckled and said:

"You've been out for almost three days, a day less than a cook.

- How is Sanji? - I asked.

- He will live, a couple of broken bones, but it is not dangerous, now it is lying down. - explained North.

I nodded and said:

- This is good, but what about Us? She was kind of passed out during the fight.

North smiled and replied:

- This girl somehow managed to bump her head and passed out, although she was able to knock out a lot of the sentinels, in this she is a fine fellow.

I exhaled with relief and said:

- It's good, since everything is in order, then you can relax.

- Ah-ha-ha, relax? We are probably already celebrities, now we shouldn't relax. - The redhead laughed.

- Heh, you're right, I think the patrol is very unhappy now, it will soon be hot. - I grinned.

After that, we chatted a little more and ate Robin's concoctions, and everyone went to their cabins. Everyone needs rest now, especially after such a battle. We may still have something to happen, we should be in better shape.

I returned to my cabin and lay down to rest.

Hmm, you should probably find a doctor, now he would be very useful, Robin and Nami, although they know a little about this, but you need to find a specialist. You never know, suddenly some kind of illness, or something worse. Okay, it's worth looking around and looking for a good candidate.

So, this time I got a good increase in strength, besides, I was able to earn the growth and development points that were so necessary. Now my strength is about the level of a vice admiral, and this is exactly what I was striving for before going to Whitebeard. Still, if I immediately rushed to him with useless force, problems could happen, and now I am more confident in our negotiations. Therefore, our next destination is "Moby Dick", but first you need to find it, and it may not be so easy. Well, nothing, I'll think of something, there is still time, I hope Thatch found the fruit, and I can get it.