Chapter 49

- Ohh, your left, my head aa ... - I woke up with a terrible pain in my head, everything was dim in my eyes and I was trying to grope for something nearby.

- Eh? It's ... - I felt something soft and elastic very close. Feels like ...

"Yah? When would I have time ... "- flashed through my head. I slowly began to open my eyes, and as soon as I did, I was dumbfounded. Next to me lay a naked girl, and not one ... Hmm, three naked girls. Clothes and a pile of empty booze bottles were scattered around. North, Zoro, and Sanji snored nearby, in different corners, each hugging several naked girls. Then something in my head cleared up, and I remembered where we are.

- Brothel ... - I muttered. I remember how we came, but I don't remember why and when ... Yes, and we kind of started drinking while on the ship. By the way, where are Nami and Robin?

I pushed the sleeping girls away from me and got out of bed, then looked around.

- Hmm, where are my clothes ... - I was completely naked, actually I didn't have enough clothes anyway, only torn pants and a raincoat. As for cowards, then every sailor will tell you that these clothes are not for the sea ... Hmm, and how can I find anything in this trash?

After wandering a little, I found a clear liquid, seemingly like water ... Hmm, well, it was not ...

- Pfff ... - I spat out the liquid and said: - Rum. - From this only the head ached even more. Looking a little closer, I did notice the familiar pants and quickly put them on.

- Huuh, so much safer. - I exhaled with relief. Looking towards the guys, I said:

"It's time to wake them up, I don't want the patrol to get caught, with our muzzles, we'll probably be looking for someone dangerous. - I went to the first one lying next to him and kicked him.

* Bam *

- North, hare to sleep, get up!

North jumped up like a scalded one and started yelling

- Attacked! Napa at us ... - I quickly covered his mouth with my hand and said: - Quiet, your head hurts so much.

He blinked a couple of times, and then it dawned on him and he nodded, then I took my hand away.

The redhead sighed and muttered:

- Cap, why are you so scared, I almost did my pants ...

I chuckled:

"You don't have pants, don't worry.

- In terms of? How is it not ... Uh? Where ... Where are they ?! North exclaimed.

I shrugged my shoulders:

- The devil only knows, we had to look for our own too.

North began to look around and then said:

- What the fuck? Where are we? We didn't have that much rum ...

- Did you just notice the drink? - I grinned.

The redhead scratched his head and said:

- Duc like us here Sanji brought, or not ... I don't remember well.

I looked in the direction of our cook and said with a smile:

- Then we'll ask him.

When I approached Sanji, I was surprised that he was quite healthy, not a drop of blood, although there were a couple of naked girls lying nearby. Was he really so drunk that he even overcame his problem ...

I chuckled at the thought and kicked Sanji.

* Bam *

- Sanji get up! - He did not react to my kick, but only waved his hand and continued to sleep further. Then I grinned maliciously and shouted: - Look! There are naked girls!

At first nothing happened, but then ...

Sanji jumped up and started looking around, then fell into a stupor. After a couple of seconds, a fountain of blood erupted from his nose and he just passed out ...

Looking at this sight, I did not know whether to laugh or cry. Eh, poor fellow ...

After checking that our cook was not dead, I stomped in the direction of Zoro.

* Bam *

- Get up! Zoro, we've been attacked! - Another kick and scream.

Zoro jumped up and was about to draw his katana when he saw me and sighed:

- Huuuh ... What the fuck? Why scare you like that?

I chuckled:

- It's not good to sleep, we need to get out of here, see for yourself.

At my words, Zoro looked around and muttered:

- What a...

"Tell me, I don't remember a damn thing. - I said.

The swordsman scratched the back of his head, and then replied:

- It was like the ero-cook brought us here, and then North went for a drink, and then I don't remember.

I nodded.

- Well, it's at least something, let's bring him to his senses, maybe he remembers something.

On this and decided, North threw Sanji over his shoulder, and we stomped out of here. Leaving the room, we went down the corridor. This building was a typical brothel, red walls, lots of decorations and incense. Coming out of the corridor, we found ourselves in a large hall and there we were met by a fat man with a goatee and an obscene grin. He waved his hand at us and laughed:

- Ha-ha, dear and generous clients, did you like it with us?

I coughed and said:

- Why, um ... Sir, could you tell us how we arrived here yesterday, and was there anyone else with us?

The fat man looked at me in surprise, and then grinned:

- Don't remember, huh? This happens here a lot, don't worry. I will be happy to tell you how we chatted with you yesterday. Anyway ... Yesterday there were the same number of you, though that gentleman was conscious. "The man pointed in the direction of Sanji, then continued," He ordered a dorm room and twenty girls, and then paid a pretty decent amount. This rarely happens with us, so we provided the best possible service. Then this gentleman came ... - The fat man nodded towards North and continued: - And ordered a large batch of Rum and Wine. Well, then ... - The fat man scratched his head and said: - You were busy all night, and now it is the evening of the next day.

North whistled.

-Hoh, not bad ...

The fat man smiled and then exclaimed:

- I almost forgot, someone was looking for you ... - And he began to rummage in his pockets, then took out a wanted leaflet and showed us: - This girl. I, of course, did not say anything to her, it is not in our rules to hand over clients - Then he whispered: - Especially generous, clients.

I glanced at the flyer and immediately recognized a cute brunette on it. The guys also recognized her, but did not say anything. I slipped into Sanji's jacket and pulled out some bally bills and gave it to the fat man, saying:

- Thank you for the services and information, I hope as few people as possible will learn about our stay here.

The fat man quickly took the money and nodded gravely.

- Of course, sir, for us customer satisfaction comes first, good luck gentlemen.

We calmly said goodbye to him and left the brothel.

- So Robin is somewhere nearby? North asked.

I nodded.

"Looks like when we find her, maybe we'll find out how we got here.

Everyone agreed and we headed to the port, if Robin is here, then maybe our ship too.