Chapter 50

Arriving at the port, we immediately noticed our ship in a conspicuous place. Our flag was proof of this, a white skull and a bloody star fluttering proudly in the wind. What I love about the Grand Line is the fact that pirates are accepted quite calmly here, on almost every island. The golden era, what can you do, and after all, not all pirates are normal guys, most are still bastards ...

We headed for the ship, and I looked at other ships along the way. Can already change his, now I'm a pirate, and you can confiscate from someone. Hmm, that's ...

I saw a large ship with a rather familiar flag. Hmm, this is definitely him, the nose of this ship cannot be confused with anything - Saxi Foxy. And what have these assholes forgotten here? And even so close to us, don't tell me ...

- Fe-fe-fe-fe, it's the captain! There you are, and we are looking for you everywhere! - There was a strange laugh from somewhere. I already shuddered, but I found the strength and turned.

- Hmm, and hello to you Foxy, how are you? - I greeted him as if we had known each other for a long time. But in fact, I see him for the first time, I don't know when we met. I really hope that we did not become friends ... Stop, he just said ...

- Fe-fe-fe, captain, I am the best, I found my captain! - A fat man with a red nose rushed at me. Yeah, Foxy looked the same as in the manga. A fat man with outstretched arms and legs, with a wolf's face and a long red nose. I dodged his embrace and asked:

- You didn't confuse anything, since when did I become your captain?

Foxy looked at me in surprise and then replied:

- How, you beat us in Davy Back Fight and became our cap, forgot what?

I froze, and then, coughing, I said:

- Ahem, well, yes, exactly ... Since you are now my team, then go to your ship and wait for my instructions.

Foxy nodded gravely and shouted:

- That's right, the captain! "And then he and his entourage fled to their galleon.

My eye twitched and I exhaled with relief:

- Huuh, we need to quickly bring down, I don't want to deal with them.

We exchanged glances with the guys and headed to our ship. Climbing onto the decks, I immediately heard:

"Finally, I thought you're not coming back."

I turned to the voice and grinned.

- Hi Robin, how are you?

The girl giggled and started walking in my direction:

- I'm fine, but as for you ... - She looked around us and said: - I had to look for you for almost a week.

- A week? Have we been binge for a week? - I asked in surprise.

Robin nodded.

- Yes, or rather, ten days after we celebrated our awards, you all did not want to calm down and sailed to the nearest island. We have already slept with Us, so we did not even suspect that you had gone somewhere.

- That's for sure! And then you just swam away from there! We didn't even know where to look for you! - Nami came out and spoke angrily.

I chuckled and asked:

- But somehow they found it?

We snorted:

- Found, but if not for these idiots ... - The girl nodded towards the ship Foxy: - That would have been impossible. They sailed to our meeting, and we found out that they lost to you in some stupid game, and became members of our team. Then we started looking for you together and sailed here. It turned out that you are having fun in ... BORDELA! Are you quite already ?! The girl shouted angrily.

"Uh, it's all Sanji, you know him, and we just couldn't refuse ..." North hesitated.

- Exactly, exactly! Zoro nodded nervously.

- Hmm, something hurts my head, I'll go to rest. - I quickly began to move away from sin.

I still heard a lot of Nami's screams and swearing, well at least my speed did not let me down and I managed to get out of there. I think even if I was the captain, I might have gotten it too. When Nami is angry, she does not notice at all who is in front of her ...

Hmm, I think I remembered everything from her scream. We got a good drink and sailed to Mosver, one island not far from Jaya, and got even more drunk there. We could not find our ship, and stole it from some other pirates, so we sailed away. Then we met these freaks from the Foxy team, and offered to play Davy Back Fight, but we did not mind. So they lost themselves with giblets, and became our team members. We were pretty amused, and we decided to celebrate, since they just had a huge amount of rum, so we hung out there for several days. Sanji then suggested that we find the women, well, we didn't mind, so we took our ship and quickly sailed away from the sleeping Foxy and his crew. Actually, that's how we ended up in that fat man's brothel. Yes, the merry drinking party was outstanding ...

Heh, when Sanji wakes up, he'll be shocked ...

Okay, fun is of course good, but we ought to get busy with business, it's time to go to Whitebeard. Not far from here, Jaya in Mock Town may know something about Whitebeard. Well, while we are sailing, it is worth dealing with my pumping.

"Status!" - I said in my mind.

[Name: James D. More]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Body Strength - 200 "High Stage"]

[Body Agility - 150 "Fast Stage"]

[Body Vitality - 150 "Silver Stage"]

[Shooting - 0]

[Melee - 100 "Master"]

[Learning Uchu no Mi:

The force of gravity - 230 "Nebula"]

[Observation Hacks - 0]

[Weapon Khaki - 20]

[Rokushiki: Soru]

[Unallocated points: Development - 3, Height - 110]

Yes, after the G-8 I became much stronger, moreover, my points increased noticeably. After those battles, I became even more aware of my main problem, the lack of training. Although I was pumping thanks to the system, I still did not consolidate the result, and this is very bad. After dealing with the fruit of darkness, you need to go to the bottom, and this is not discussed.

So, okay, I have enough pumping with my body, now the main problems are in skills, I would like to take Geppo and Kami-e. One will help me to move better in the air, and the other goes very well with the will of observation. In addition, if I learn them, I will also know how to train them, and it will be useful, the guys should learn them. Well, then decided, buy Geppo and Kami-e!

* B-z-z-t *

Immediately after the purchase of the skills, a wave went through my body, and then information and experience of using Rokushiki's skills began to flow into my brain. I felt as if I had been using them for months and became a master at it. It is worth checking them in action, Nami's screams seem to be inaudible, I'm going to dispel.