Chapter 54

- Haha, this ship is great! - Shouted North, standing at the bow of the ship.

We sat with the guys on the deck at the table and ate Sanji's cooking. Everyone was delighted with the new ship and were in high spirits.

I drank my tea and spoke:

"I'm going to the New World, I have something to do there.

- What? Are we sailing to the New World? - asked Nami.

I shook my head.

- You stay, or rather, you will float to another place.

- What?! But why? - Nami was indignant.

I was about to answer, but Zoro interrupted me.

- We understand. Zoro nodded.

Sanji also agreed:

- Yes, we will stay.

- What?! And you go there too? - The girl became even more angry.

- Then it is decided, after Sabaody, we will split up for a little while. - I finished the conversation and got up from the table.

Nami wanted to say something else, but Robin stopped her by shaking her head.

POV Nami

Robin shook her head letting me know that I would not continue this conversation with the Captain. But I absolutely do not understand why ... Why did they agree so easily? This is the New World, how can he go there alone, without us, it's also dangerous there.

When Mor went to his cabin, I broke down and asked:

- Why did you agree? We're all a team, how can we just let him go alone? Even if he and the captains, we are just ...

North did not let me finish, hitting his mug on the table, then he burst out laughing and said:

- Haha, it's not that we don't want to sail with him, we just can't.

- What? But why? - I did not understand.

- We are weak! Zoro growled.

Sanji nodded as well and said with a sigh.

- The fucking swordsman is right, we are too weak for the New World, unlike Mora, so we cannot sail with him, we will only get in the way.

After his words, I finally understood why they behaved this way, are we really that weak? But if so, then ...

I asked:

- Then what should we do?

- Become stronger! Zoro said with determination in his eyes. Everyone else also nodded confidently with a twinkle in their eyes. This gave me confidence, and I nodded just as emphatically.

POV Nami The End.

After I overheard the children's entertaining conversation and felt how their will became stronger, I felt better and I was even more confident in them. After Sabaody they will sail to one of the islands for training, where they will spend quite a lot of time. I want them to strengthen even more than it was in the canon, so they will have to stay there longer.

We have been sailing for the whole day, we quickly said goodbye to Iceberg and set off on the voyage as soon as Log Pos was tuned in. We need to hurry, I have some plan for Sabaody so I need to be in time during this month. We have to swim across the Florian Triangle, and this is a rather unpleasant place. I didn't plan on visiting Thriller Bark, so we'll sail by. Although I wanted to check what would happen for the murder of the second Shichibukai, but I did not become impudent. Now there is no time for this, I would have to cope with my present strength. Therefore, only Sabaody, no twists and turns.


We sailed for almost two weeks, and finally we are here on Sabaody. The Florian Triangle gave us a bit of a nerve with its storms, but Nami is just a great navigator and a decent helmsman, so we did it.

The Sabaody Archipelago was quite a beautiful place, many mangroves adorned the place magnificently. Even the air here was different, cleaner or something ...

- Eh, beauty. - I said, stepping on one of the islands.

Turning to the guys, I said:

- Okay, I'll go and do something, and you have fun, just be careful with the marines and these assholes from the government. But if they make you angry, do what you see fit.

The guys nodded and began to disperse, only Robin stayed and waited for something.

- You won't go? - I asked the girl.

She smiled and replied:

- I'm going ... But I'm only going with you.

I chuckled:

- Okay, let's go, it might be even better.

So we went to one interesting place, namely the "Bar Ripoff Syakki", he was in the thirteenth grove. It was there that I had a little business before leaving for the New World, and I hope that everything will work out.

Entering the spacious bar, I immediately noticed a tall, slender woman with a cigarette. She looked at me and said smiling:

- Wow, the Sea Devil himself has come to my bar.

I chuckled:

- Come on, there have been people here to get to know me Miss Shakki.

She smiled and said:

- But there has never been a newcomer with such an award.

I sat down at a chair in front of the bar and asked:

- I'm looking for someone, can you tell me where to look for him?

- And who? - Asked the barmaid.

- Dark King. - I answered calmly.

The woman exhaled the smoke and said with a smile:

- And why do you need it?

"I just wanted to see the legendary pirate. - I said with a smile.

- Yes? It's hard to believe. "Shakki muttered skeptically.

- So will you help?

She sighed:

- It's not difficult, he is probably losing all his bellies again somewhere. Most often, he hangs out in the fifteenth grove, there is one casino, called the "Golden Crown", look for him somewhere there.

I smiled and thanked:

- Thank you Miss Säkki, maybe I'll see you again.

The woman exhaled smoke and said:

- No doubt.

Immediately after that, I headed to Grove Fifteen in search of Rayleigh. It was in my hand that he was now hanging out in the casino. I could play with him and chat, and the fact that he hadn't disappeared for six months was very good, which is why I was in a hurry to go to Sabaody. It will disappear very soon until the very beginning of the canon, and it will be very problematic and I will have to come up with another plan. I don't know where he disappeared for these six months, but now I have a good job for him, I just have to persuade him to do it.

We found a casino very quickly, a little unusual looking. It was a large transparent glass dome with slot machines and poker tables inside. Also, there were many people and just at one of the tables sat someone very familiar, with gray hair and glasses. He looked like an ordinary old man, but his calm aura caused goosebumps. I couldn't feel his strength because my will was simply too weak compared to him. But I had enough simple instincts to understand that it is better not to joke with him.