Chapter 55

Walking inside this casino. We were greeted by a couple of guards, large and muscular fishmen. They calmly let us in and we headed further, straight towards Rayleigh's table.

There were three people sitting at his table and they seemed to be playing for high stakes, I took one of the seats and, pulling out a packet of bellies, handed the croupier with the words:

- Exchange.

He nodded and after counting the money they gave me chips for the game. Robin stood behind me and smiled, all the players looked at us with different looks, some with passion, some with apprehension, and some like Rayleigh, with a carefree smile.

Up close, the dark king looked quite ordinary, almost the same as the anime, a tall man with gray hair in round glasses and a silver cloak. If I didn't know that he is more than seventy years old, I wouldn't believe that he is already an old man.

I answered Rayleigh's smile and we started the game. I will not say that I was good at poker, I was rather very bad, I knew the rules very superficially, so it's not surprising that I lost outright. But luckily I was not the only one like that, it looks like the Dark King also had not very good skills in the game, or too bad luck. But he was not particularly discouraged, it seems that this was not the first time for him, he continued to play with a calm soul.

During the next game, I turned to Rayleigh with the words:

- It looks like your luck has left you.

He smiled and said:

- And you would not hurt to learn the rules of the game.

I shrugged and said:

"Well, I just couldn't resist playing with you even if I lost.

Rayleigh laughed at my words and said:

- Ha-ha-ha, so young people still remember old people, this is commendable.

I got up from the table and said:

- Yeah, poker is not my thing, how about a more risky game, what do you think?

I saw interest in the eyes of the Dark King and he asked:

- What game is this?

I took out a coin and tossed it with the words:

- Coin game.

- Ha-ha-ha, you want to deceive the old man, right?

I shook my head.

- I'm not crazy to deceive the Dark King, no will to observe, well, how, do you agree?

Rayleigh looked thoughtful and scratched his chin, then got up from the table and said:

- Haha, why not, what are the rates?

- Well, how about - I held out five fingers and said, - Five hundred million?

- Uh, you seem to have decided to strip me to the skin, do you think I have that kind of money? Reilly said in surprise.

- Well, I can not borrow you a lot, and then you will win back - I suggested.

The old man became thoughtful, and then waved his hand and said:

- Come on, but mindlessly without will, I will immediately understand if you use it - With a kind smile, Rayleigh said. True, this smile gave me goosebumps.

I nodded and said:

- Okay, then can we get out of here? It's too crowded.

- Of course, let's go to the bar, it will be quieter there. - The old man agreed.

After that we headed back to Shakki Rip. Going inside, a woman's voice was heard:

- Did you find it ... Did you lose all the money again?

Rayleigh grinned.

- Just think I lost a little, now I will play everything.

Shakki looked at me and said:

- Are you going to play with him?

I nodded.

- Exactly, I always dreamed of playing with the Dark King.

Shakki shook her head and said:

- Yes, do what you want ...

We sat down at the table with Rayleigh and he asked:

- Let's start?

- Come on, which side of the coin do you choose? - I held out a coin and asked.

- Obverse. - Chose Rayleigh.

I nodded and asked:

- We play for five hundred?

- Yes, I have enough for one time. Rayleigh agreed.

- Then let's start. - I tossed a coin.

* Vshuuh *

The coin spun in the air for a couple of seconds, and then fell on the table with a characteristic sound.

* Tink *

- Ha-ha, mine took! - exclaimed the old man.

- Here you eat .. - I swore. Then he sighed and asked:

- One more time?

- Pha, you still ask? We've only just begun! - exclaimed the old man.

I shook my head and said:

- I don't have much money, can we raise the rates?

Rayleigh's eyes sparkled and he said:

- I'm all for, what kind of bet?

I grinned and spoke slowly:

- One billion.

The dark king whistled:

- Not sickly, the last time I played for that kind of money, I don't remember when ... - Then he waved his hand and said: - Well, a billion is a billion, let's play!

Yes, this is excitement, at first I did not believe that he was a gambling man, but now ... No wonder he decided on that scam with slavery. Well, it suits me, I smiled and said:

- Let's start. - Then he tossed a coin.

* Vshuh * * Vshuh * * Vshuh *

She spun as if in slow motion, and at some point landed right on the edge of the table, this was just the moment I was expecting. My gravitational field was already widespread, so the thought was enough for me to make the coin stand as I needed. Therefore...

* Tink *

"Reverse ..." Rayleigh muttered displeasedly.

I smiled and said:

- One more time?

Rayleigh began to ponder something, and at that moment he heard:

- Rayleigh, as always you do not know the measure, enough ...

* Bam *

Rayleigh slapped his hand on the table and said with determination:

- Let's play!

At this Shakki simply shook her head and turned away.

I smiled and said:

- Senior, do you have money to play?

At my question, Rayleigh grimaced and said:

- You're definitely a Sea Devil ... Hmm, what did you say there about money in loans?

This was the moment I was waiting for, of course it was risky to use the fruit against someone like the Dark King, but I decided to risk it for this moment. So I smiled and suggested:

- How about a different bet?

- Another? - The old man asked with interest.

I nodded.

- Yes, if you win, you will receive a billion, and if I win, then you will fulfill one of my requests, within reason of course.

After that, the Dark King chuckled:

- So what are you planning, wanted to force the old man to do something for you?

- I'm a pirate, what's wrong with that - I shrugged.

- Ha ha ha ha, good answer. Okay, I agree, but I'm not going to kill anyone, and I'm not going to steal either, I'm also not going to get involved with the patrol and the government, okay? Rayleigh asked seriously.

I nodded.

- Of course, my request is much simpler.

After that, Rayleigh exhaled and said:

- Okay, throw in your coin.

I did not hesitate and tossed a coin with a smile on my lips ...

* Vshuh * * Vshuh * * Vshuh *

After a few turns, the coin finally landed and made a pleasant ringing ...

* Tink *