Chapter 59

The body of this guy began to be covered with something blue, it looked like the skin of a reptile or a snake. This blue skin covered his entire body, and then he grew a tail, and then, claws appeared on his arms and legs. A long, forked tongue protruded from his mouth, and he hissed:

- Did you? She-she-she, now you're sick of the end! - Immediately after that, he jerked in my direction at high speed. Before, I might have been surprised at this speed, but now ...

* Vshuh *

I instantly moved to the side and his claws did not touch me. He did not stop and attacked more, then more ... This continued until he began to breathe heavily and hiss:

- Shshto, who went ...

I chuckled:

"You're pretty good, at such a speed, it's not surprising that they give you more than two hundred million." But you seem to have forgotten, my reward is much higher than yours, or did you think that the Marines were just mistaken when they assigned it to me?

- Arr, do not be arrogant sssoplyak! - Evil hissed the serpent and attacked again.

It already started to annoy me and I decided to finish everything as soon as possible. So I decided to show him the difference between us. I imbued my fist with the will of weapons and covered it with fog, then met its claw ...

* BAM *

A shock wave spread from the impact, then a scream was heard:

- Ahhh ...

Damn ... I overdid it ... The serpent plowed the floor of the deck and flew into his cabin, destroyed boards were scattered everywhere and a large bloody trail stretched. Fortunately, the ship was not particularly damaged, you can repair and wash it. What can not be said about this guy, his hand twisted at an unimaginable angle and bones were sticking out from all sides. He also lay and did not move, as he was passed out, already in his human form. Probably all the bones in his body are completely broken. This is not surprising, because he was like an egg that struck a stone, his strength is no longer a threat to me.

With such injuries, he is unlikely to survive, so I decided to finish everything quickly ...

* Vshuh * * Bach *

A piece of the nearest plank instantly pierced the big man's heart, and he died immediately.

After that, a familiar voice sounded in my head:

[* Beep * Killed the pirate "Blue Serpent" Eivor, 254 million belli.

Reward: 2 points of development, 200 points of growth. ]

Eh, again I had to kill a guy with a higher bounty than necessary. But there was no choice, he simply would not have survived with his injuries, and even if he had survived, someone else could have killed him if I had left him here, and then I would have received nothing at all. Who knows what's on the minds of these people, they can bang their own. Hmm, it's a pity of course, but I did not lose much in glasses, maybe a little less than a hundred points of growth, this is not so critical, I will survive. I looked at the command of this "Blue Serpent" and said coldly:

"Take everything away from here, or follow your captain. - The whole crowd was in shock, but no one argued, after my words, they quickly removed the corpse of their captain and began to repair the broken cabin and deck.

I went to the cabin and said:

- Get out, here I can handle it myself. - And immediately after that I picked up all the pieces of boards and connected them together, the cabin was instantly repaired, of course I had to support everything with the force of gravity, but it was not difficult. I slammed the door and went inside.

The inside of the cabin was not so bad, certainly not a suite, but it will do for me. This guy had almost five hundred thousand bellies in the boxes, not bad for a pirate with such an award. It looks like he only kept cash here, since I did not find any gold.

Well, it's okay, I didn't take too much money with me, so it won't be superfluous.

After inspecting the cabin, I went out on deck and was surprised. Everything was almost repaired and put in order, it looks like these guys know how to do their job, that's good. I went to the wheel and shouted:

- Who is the navigator here?

After some time, the same guy in a tuxedo from the pub came out of the crowd. True, now he did not look very well, apparently the unexpected death of the captain upset him greatly. It didn't bother me much, so I told him:

- Send the ship to the New World without any stops, I'm not interested in Fish-Man Island or anything else, I need to get to the other side of the Red Line. After that you can sail wherever you want, I will not bother you and you will be free. So the livelier, the longer I wait, the angrier I get, and you better not know what I will do to you if you play for time or try to throw something away. - I looked at him piercingly and asked: - Is everything clear?

He nodded in dismay and said:

- Y-yes, yes, everything is clear, sir, we will not let you down.

- Well, that's nice. - I went into the cabin and said: - Don't bother about trifles, only as a last resort. - Then I slammed the door and went to the bed. I haven't slept for a couple of days, it's time to rest. These guys shouldn't attack, they won't have enough courage. Well, and even if that's enough, I have no will to observe for beauty, I can easily spot the intruder, even sleepy.


I don't know how long I slept, but I woke up already in the dark, it's probably night ... But wait, I must be under water, so everything is clear ...

Hmm, I ought to see what is outside, I have never been under water.

I put on my cloak and left the cabin. A wonderful underwater world immediately appeared before my eyes ...

- How beautiful. I muttered.

Although it was dark around, the ship was well lit, and you could see all the beauty of the underwater world. Fish, various sea animals and creatures, reefs and rocks, flowers and algae. Everything was amazingly beautiful ...

Eh, it's a pity the guys do not see this ... It is imperative to bring them here, they will be impressed. Heh, yeah, it won't be long before they will be able to enjoy the view, I don't even know how long they will stay in Paradise. Yes, and I, after the New World, will not be back here soon ...

Well, we don't have much choice, we need to gain strength, and this takes time. Hmm, speaking of strength, I have unallocated points, it might be worth spending a little.

"Status" - I said mentally. Immediately after that, my status appeared before my eyes:

[Name: James D. More]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Body Strength - 200 "High Stage"]

[Body Agility - 150 "Fast Stage"]

[Body Vitality - 150 "Silver Stage"]

[Shooting - 0]

[Melee - 100 "Master"]

[Learning Uchu no Mi:

The force of gravity - 230 "Nebula"]

[Observation Hacks - 0]

[Weapon Khaki - 20]

[Rokushiki: Soru, Geppo, Kami-e]

[Unallocated points: Development - 3, Height - 310]