Chapter 60

Heh, 310 points, what a beautiful number ... Although it seems like a lot, in fact, it is terribly small. There is not much you can do with so many. Hmm, and to pump, even eyes run up. Of course, I'm not going to touch development points, now they are very important for me. Therefore, only pumping stats, no more, and it is worth leaving fifty points just in case. During the battle with the vice admiral, those unallocated points helped me a lot, you can say they saved my life.

Okay, I still have time to take the power of the "universe", but it's worth bringing the body back to normal, my current strength is quite enough, but it costs to raise vitality and agility up to two hundred.

Well, let's go, 50 points in agility and vitality!

* B-z-z *

Immediately after distributing the glasses, a wave of hot energy passed through my body, I even felt my bones crackle, and my blood began to run faster. Because of this, even my brain began to work much better, what I previously missed in martial arts became easier to understand. It looks like my blood has become much more nutritious for my brain and body, probably the bone marrow has been boosted by this strange energy.

Also, my body has become much lighter, I can move much faster, even without using Sora, my speed will not be inferior to those who use Rokushiki. And in the place with Soru, the speed went to a completely different level, now it would be easier to defeat Jonathan, he just would not catch up with me. Although, of course, I'm still far from the Admiral, I remember Kizaru's speed in that skirmish with Rayleigh, it's a completely different level. Although he uses fruit, so his speed is probably faster than the other admirals, but I think even the slowest of them, I still fall short.

Okay, there are still two hundred points left, fifty of which I'll save for later. Hmm, well, probably it is worth raising the will of observation and weapons, you can't do much with my current one. My will to observe in battle is useless, since it is too weak, and the will of weapons is not strong enough to attack and ineffective for defense, the opponents have become too strong, so I will raise them. Well, 30 points in weapon hacks, and fifty in observation.

* B-z-z *

Again the energy went through my entire body and I felt my spirit rise to a completely different level.

Previously, my observation hacks were useful, but lately it was impossible to rely on it, the opponents became too strong and I simply did not have time to predict the blow. But now everything must change, now even with my eyes closed I can feel the movements of everything around. Of course it was a little fuzzy, but before I couldn't even do that, and now I can feel my will much further than before. Although, I still do not know how to predict the future, perhaps for this you need to reach the stage of the master, who knows ...

As for the khaki weapons, here, I myself even felt a completely different level. I reached out my hand and covered it with khaki. The color has changed from dark black to dark blue, apparently this is the next level. I have heard that the highest level of weaponry khaki is to cover the body with "transparent will" or something like that. Well, one day I will achieve this, but for now it's worth getting used to it.

So what's next? Hmm, there are sixty points left ... Oh, okay, I'll throw them in the strength of the fruit, now it's useless to raise the rest, I just moved on to new stages everywhere, and the fruit is always useful. Okay, 60 points per fruit!

* B-z-z *

Heh, it's nice as always ... The energy went through the whole body, and I felt a new surge of strength. Now the fog has become noticeably larger, and the force of gravity has increased even more.

Hmm, what if ... ten more points from the fruit!

* B-z-z *

As soon as the strength of the fruit reached three hundred, I felt a strange burning sensation all over my body, and then a mist began to come out of my body. The world around him trembled and even the air began to distort. But the fog only covered me, it did not spread further, so no one was hurt. But this fog ... Its weight was simply monstrous, because of this, boards began to crack under me. When this began to happen, I remembered that we are at the bottom of the sea and if the ship comes to an end, then so will I. Therefore, I began to resist with all my might this fog.

This went on for about ten minutes, with every minute the fog got heavier and heavier, as if it was evolving and checking if I could bear its weight. Each time I felt how in my body the force of gravity moves to another level, over and over again, as if I had overcome some kind of border separating me from the true force of gravity ...

And now, after another couple of minutes, it stopped, the cracks stopped covering the deck. I was all wet with sweat and could hardly stand, it felt like I was carrying a whole mountain.

I exhaled and went back to the cabin, under the gaze of my fellow travelers. Having already approached the door, I turned and said:

"I'm even stronger now, so don't even think stupid, better fix the deck." - And slammed the door.

When I reached the bed, I collapsed exhausted.


My awakening was surprisingly cheerful. It felt like I was reborn, and what made me even more happy, no one killed me while I was sleeping. This is good, because I slept like a dead man, and most likely would not even have noticed the knife at my throat. Well, since you're alive, you can drink for it ...

Of course, it would be worth checking my strength, I just feel how it overwhelms me, but I'm at the bottom of the sea, so it's worth a while, one wrong move and the resin coating can burst. Still, I shouldn't have pumped at this depth, although I didn't know that this would happen. When I got to 290 points in the fruit's strength, it felt like something clicked in my head, and there was a great desire to reach three hundred. Although, maybe it's just my perfectionist soul did not tolerate such a person, who knows.

Okay, let's look at our stats: "Status!"

[Name: James D. More]

[Age: 17 years old]

[Body Strength - 200 "High Stage"]

[Body Agility - 200 "High Stage"]

[Body Vitality - 200 Golden Stage]

[Shooting - 0]

[Melee - 100 "Master"]

[I teach the Uchu no Mi:

Gravity - 300 "Nebula" "Awakening - 50%"]

[Observation Hacks - 50 "Experienced"]

[Weapon Hacks - 50 Experienced]

[Rokushiki: Soru, Geppo, Kami-e]

[Unallocated points: Development - 3, Height - 40]

Haha, beauty ... It's a pity that there are almost no glasses left, but it was worth it, now it's not even a shame to look at your status.

Hmm, what's this?