Chapter 61

"Awakening"? Wow, this hasn't happened before. I guess I was able to reach it when I crossed the threshold of three hundred points, not bad. Wondering what I can do when the fruit is fully awakened? Surely something interesting ... That Shichibukai and Drez Rose had some pretty good abilities.

Okay, stop admiring, it's time to see how there is progress with swimming.

I got up and left the cabin. Everything on the deck was pretty good, after my yesterday's reinforcement everything was fixed, these guys knew their business. I went up to the guy in the tuxedo who was at the helm and asked:

- How long will it take? When is the arrival?

He shuddered at my voice, then calmed down and said:

"Soon, sir, we passed Fish-Man Island a couple of hours ago, and we'll soon be on the surface.

I nodded.

- Well I'll wait.

I sat down not far from him, on some kind of barrel, and waited for the emergence, drinking rum.

After about a couple of hours we finally surfaced, it was calm and dark around. The starry sky and the quiet breeze made me feel good. Still, it's much better on the surface ... Heh, especially for the fruit trees, although I can fly, but if I fell into the water, these guys would hardly help me. I turned to them and said:

- Okay, thanks for the work, now you can sail wherever you want, then I myself. - Immediately after that, I took off into the air and headed in the direction shown by Vivre maps.

Hmm, that was a long time ... I flew for almost three days, and not because the island was far away, but because this New World is just a disgusting place. Lightning struck me twenty times, the wind drove me from side to side, but the funniest thing was that time when the Vivre-card flew away somewhere. If I couldn't fly and control gravity, I simply wouldn't have found it. Because of this, I had to suffer more than usual. But, having solved all the problems, I still got to several large islets, on one of which there was a city called Purinha.

The islands were deserted, with some strange reddish sand. But unlike ordinary deserts, trees grew here, albeit a little unusual. They were very long, no less than a hundred meters, and very thin. There were almost no leaves, and those that were, resembled palm leaves, large and long. But only a hundred times longer than palm trees, they could safely wrap a whole ship. In short, the islands were strange but beautiful.

I went down to the island where Vivre-karta led, and went to where she directed me.

The architecture of the town was somewhat reminiscent of Alabasta, if I didn't know where I was, I would have thought that I was somewhere there.

I walked for about ten minutes and stopped at an ordinary-looking building, of which there were plenty of them. But there was something that set him apart from everyone else. It is a huge tablet that featured the symbol of the Whitebeard Pirates, white cross-shaped bones, and a skull with a white mustache.

I went inside and found an ordinary shop of weapons, quite passable quality. Behind the counter stood a middle-aged man with a ginger mustache and ginger hair. He smiled at me and said:

- Hey guy, did you come to buy a blade?

I shook my head and took out the Vivre card, saying:

"That's why I'm here.

The man smiled and nodded:

- Oh, I see, are you looking for the captain? Do you want to join the team?

- No, I just have one thing to do with him, or rather one of his commanders. - I answered.

The seller was surprised and said:

- To whom?

- To Thatch.

The man thought about it, and then said:

"Hmm, you've picked a good time, I heard Thatch returned to Moby Dick two weeks ago. If you want to find him, then you should hurry up, suddenly he floats away somewhere else.

I nodded.

- Thanks, how can I find Whitebeard's ship?

- Now. - Briefly said the guy and walked away somewhere.

Then a voice was heard:

- Hi Marco, there is a guy here who wants to meet Thatch ... No, I don't know why ... So what to do? Hmm, okay ... I get it ... Yeah, you too.

After the conversation, the seller came up to me and said:

- Okay guy, the team is celebrating something over there, so they're just standing there now. If you hurry, you can meet with Thatch. I'll give you something ... - The seller rummaged in some box, then took out something and held out:

"Here, this will lead you to the ship, but be careful and don't talk too much. Oh, and from you a hundred thousand.

I chuckled:

- Heh, it's clear, here. - I handed him the money and left the store.

- Hmm, another Vivre card, well, I hope I won't drop it this time. I sighed and then went to look for a small boat. I have already swooped down, I will swim better, and for a long time I wanted to plow the seas on a small sail.

The boat was not difficult to find, it was full of them. I took the first one I saw and hoisted a small sail. Well, my fun adventure has begun ...


Hmm ... What a good idea I got to sail in the New World by boat. Heh, but it's fun, though I almost turned over a couple of times, but my fruit works wonders. The boat is much easier to manage thanks to him.

I'm curious how Mihawk manages such a boat? Although, he seems to be sailing on the Grand Line, and everything is better there than here, but crossing Reverse Mountain on it, hmm, he's just crazy ...

It seems to me that I was really lucky, since Thatch returned two weeks ago, then maybe the fruit is with him, I hope I can pick it up before Titch bangs it, otherwise it will be very unpleasant ... I think Ace will be there, after all, Thatch is his friend, I doubt that he will miss the meeting with him, and this is in my favor. Still, Ace is a key character in my plan, without him I will not see fruit. Also, I really hope for his friendship with Thatch and Whitebeard's fatherly care. If everything goes right, then very soon I will become even stronger and my everyday life of experiments on fruit will begin. Still, I have no idea how Titch is taking away the powers of other fruit, and this needs to be investigated. I'm not sure who I'll start with, but this will need to be done not in the New World, but closer to the heavenly island. After all, my goal is the Enel fruit, I have not yet decided who to give it to, but it is definitely worth picking it up, such a wonderful fruit should not be lost from such a weakling.

Hmm, by the way, I have not tested my strength, although I can fly without problems, but this is not the main feature of the fruit. Now we need to understand what I can do, who knows what will happen to me on the Whitebeard ship, you need to be prepared for anything.