Chapter III

In the silent windy night at the House of Lu, there was a faint melodious tune coming from the outer building. The only ones who had the honour of hearing it were those who heard it by chance.

The courtyard of the outer building was lit with the moon's gaze and in the centre sat a handsome teen with long black hair tied in a loose ponytail. The teen had closed eyes and his fingers gracefully played the erhu, gliding the bow across the two strings. If someone from our world heard it, they'd instantly recognise the tune as the famous; Avatar's Love.

As soon as the song came to an end, the teen let out a breath and opened his eyes. He brushed his fingers along the instrument as his mind wondered.

"It's already been 17 years since I came to this world. Seeing that I've survived this long, I'm pretty pleased with myself."

The teen, Zak, threw a narrowed glance at the main house. Tonight would be his last night here. For 17 whole years, Zak never once stepped a foot outside the outer buildings' compound and training peacefully. Unfortunately, the time that Zak was dreading finally came as after so many years, another son was finally born into the Lu family.

The son was his father and stepmother's third child and only boy. After two miscarriages, the Madam finally managed to have a healthy pregnancy but it turned out to be a girl therefore, Zak was safe. The second pregnancy was similar. The third one was where Zak's supposed luck ran out as she ended having a healthy boy.

Well, had it been a few years ago, Zak would've been worried but last year, he managed to fully master the water breathing technique. His proficiency would probably on par with Giyu Tomioka so yes, it was pretty good. He didn't dare show it to anyone though in fear of becoming a fugitive.

Along with his mastery of the technique, he has full control of his chi and successfully learned chi blocking. Zak was very proud of his progress and was glad his hard work paid off. He opened his status page and read through it.

[Host Profile =

Name: Zak (17 years)

Title: First son of the House of Lu

Origin: Fire Nation]


[Host Stats =

Strength: 70

Endurance/Stamina: 70

Dexterity: 80

Intelligence: 105]


[Host Skills =

• Breath of Water: ( First Form > Water Surface Slash: 10/10 , Second Form > Water Wheel : 10/10, Third Form > Flowing Dance: 10/10, Fourth Form > Striking Tide: 10/10, Fifth Form > Blessed Rain After The Draught: 10/10, Sixth Form > Whirlpool: 10/10, Seventh Form > Piercing Rain Drop: 10/10, Eighth Form >Waterfall Basin: 10/10, Ninth Form >Splashing Water Flow: 10/10, Tenth Form >Constant Flux: 10/10, Eleventh Form >Dead Calm: 10/10]

• Chi channelling: (100 / 100) ]

"Fufu, not bad indeed. System, I will spin the wheel now," Zak was planning on saving his spin that he earned last year for mastering the water breathing technique but decided to spend it now in case he wins something beneficial for tomorrow.

[Ding! Spin to Win]

The screen transformed into a wheel and started spinning. Zak waited and the wheel finally stopped on a question mark.

[Ding! Congratulations host. You have earned earned the fire bending technique. Now installing information...]

"Oho, so I've finally got fire bending. At least now I can blend in with the fire nation." Zak smirked. Now if he was attacked, he could fight back using fire bending and keep his breathing technique a hidden card.

He felt the information flood his mind and decided to try it out for himself. The fire-bending forms and stances utilised strong arm and leg movements which was based on Northern Shaolin martial arts.

Fire-bending involves vigorous footwork and light retreats. With its arrow-like forward attack methods, fire-bending is probably the best element for combat. At least in Zak's opinion it was. (A/N: I just copied this from avatar fandom wiki)

Zak took his position and threw out a strong punch.


From his fist came a powerful burst of flames. After that, he kicked out his right leg and another lot of fire blew out.

"So powerful," Zak muttered lighting a small flame in his palm. Then his eyebrow lifted and he blinked. "It turns out the system also gave information on the Dancing Dragon."

Zak recalled it was the dance Zuko and Aang performed together before they were captured by the Sun Warriors. It was the same dance they performed in front of the dragons.

"However, I don't think I'll need it unless I decide to visit those dragons."

Currently, he had no use for the dance but thought it was good to know.

Zak practiced a little while longer to get his body accustomed to the dynamic movements which were a lot different from his water breathing technique. Once he felt satisfied, he grabbed his erhu and jogged back into the building to get ready for his escape.


Nanny An had business at the main house and hadn't gone back to the outer building until morning. When she arrived back, she had a bad feeling. She walked to the young master's room and knocked on the door.

"Young Master, it's time to wake up."

Unlike usual, she was met with complete silence.

"Young Master? It's time to wake up,"

There was still no answer. Nanny An was worried because the Zak was never late and always answered when she called.

"Young Master, I'm coming in,"

She slid open the doors and saw a figure lying still on the bed. Her heart beat frantically as she rushed to the bedside.

"Young Master!!"

On the bed, with closed eyes, lay Zak who looked pale with blue lips. Nanny An, fearing the worst, grasped his wrist and searched for a heartbeat only to find nothing.

"Y-Young," Her eyes filled with tears as she touched his cold cheek. It was then when her eyes caught a piece of paper under his hand that lay on his chest. She carefully took the piece of paper and saw something written on it.

What she saw immediately melted away her sadness and panic and her expression changed to shock and relief.

The letter was as follows:

To my dearest Nanny,

If you have found this letter, that means I have most likely left the estate and escaped. What you are currently looking at is but a fake body of mine. Don't bother wondering how I made it and just know that I am very much alive and safe. I am sorry if I caused you to cry but you and I both know I needed to leave or else I would have died by the hands of my father or stepmother.

In the top corner of my drawer, you'll find a pouch of gold coins that should be enough for you to resign and live somewhere new because I suspect you will be relieved from your duties now that I am no longer around. I added a little bit extra as a thank you for caring for me all these years.

Please report my 'death' to my father. He won't suspect you because you were at the main house the whole of yesterday and last night and I made sure I was seen during the day. Therefore, you won't have to worry about being accused of anything. Let them check my body and they will probably come up with my cause of 'death' as heart failure.

For all these years, I could never thank you enough. One day I will be sure to repay you in full but for now, I plan to build a life for myself and travel. I pray that you will find happiness and live the rest of your life for yourself.




A/N: My letter is very....lame? Cringey? I don't know but I bad with these kind of things. At first, my initial plan was to kill the nanny off but I managed to withhold my killing fetish. Be grateful.

Also, thank you so much for the power stones. I really appreciate your support.