Chapter IV

The 'death' of Zak left those who knew of his existence in utmost shock. The hallways and rooms were filled with chatter of the abandoned and forgotten first son. New servants who had no idea who he was learned everything in a few minutes.

Minister Lu, contrary to what Zak had thought, was stunned speechless. Throughout the years, he had blamed his son for the death of the love of his life but a part of him knew that it was no one's fault at all. His anger and sadness at the time overruled his sensibility and he took it out on an innocent child.

Over the years, his anger slowly faded and his mind cleared but his pride wouldn't let him revoke his decision to bring his son back. How pathetic was that. For someone to choose pride over their child.

When he remarried, he did so for the benefits and never gave a thought for his son. He knew this new wife of his wasn't to keen on his first son and yet he never said a word about it.

When his first two daughters were born, he was filled with joy. His mind occasionally strayed towards his son but his pride was still holding him back.

When his second son was born, instead of happiness, he grew worried for his first son knowing there was a high chance his in-laws would attempt to kill him so that his second son could take the seat as the heir of the House of Lu.

For this exact reason, he had called his former wife's maid to discuss his protection and the two spent the whole day and night making arrangements for this matter was a lot more complicated than just bringing his son back to the main house. There were many factors to consider.

Who would've thought that when maid An returned, she would discover his son's dead body.

Regret and despair.

That was all he felt. For the whole day, Minister Lu stayed in his room not talking to anyone and refusing any meals. He was overcome with guilt. This was all his fault. He chased away his own son and the only remaining memory of his former wife whom he loved. There were no excuses he could come up with to defend his horrid behaviour and could only weep alone.


Zak had no idea of what was happening in the estate and he didn't care. Now that he's left, he was free to do whatever he wanted. Whether it be joining the gaang or becoming a nomad, there was nothing stopping him.

His heart pained though at the loss of 200 credits from his savings that the system took in exchange for that body double. It was worth it though.

He blended in with the crowd on the streets wearing a black hood to hide his face though he doubted anyone would recognise him. His tall figure did attract some attention though but nothing note-worthy. The first place he visited was a weapon store.

Zak recalled the store the gaang went to in the fire nation when Sokka was feeling useless and opted to go there. The only problem was, he had no idea where it was though with his skills, he could just hop on top a few buildings and look around. Shouldn't be too hard right?


Zak forgot one small detail and that was, the weapon shop was on a whole other island located in the east of the fire nation kingdom while he was currently in the west. His immediate thought was to forget it but then remembered, 'didn't Sokka make his own sword? Why didn't I think of that before?'

Additionally, he could build a connection with Sokka's master and famous swordsman, Piandao. That should come in handy some time right?

'Fufu, I've decided. Let's go to the eastern islands.'

Zak bought some food from the money he got from selling off his old clothes and set off to find a boat.

Luckily, there was one doing a round trip there and he quickly paid the fair and boarded it. The ship was a standard fire nation ship made with metal though the design was different from the ships used for war.

Zak found a spot and leaned against the railing allowing the cool wind to brush against his face. It blew off his hood but he didn't bother putting it back on since most of the people here were commoners who wouldn't even know he existed.

His handsome face did however attract numerous gazes but he was too caught up enjoying the breeze to notice.

Zak's attention was drawn to two men near him who were discussing something of much interest.

"Hey did you hear? About the prince?"

"Everyone's talking about it. How could I not know?"

"Hmph, if you ask me, he deserved what Fire Lord Ozai did to him. It's no secret he broke the rule plus, I heard he's weak."

"I don't know. I think his majesty went too far. It was his own son after all."

Another voice hushed them. "Be quiet. You both should know better than to talk about such matters in public."

Zak had already heard everything and he frowned.

Fire Lord Ozai, aka the main villain of the canon was indeed a ruthless person. Zak hated the way many people, especially nobles, worshipped him like a god. He often heard stories from nanny An about the palace. Most of it was gossip but he felt the ones of Ozai's dictatorship were very much true.

It was impossible for Zak to have helped Zuko since the capital was miles from here and frankly, he wasn't sure how he would do it. Anyway, it wasn't like Zuko was evil. He just became a desperate child.

Zak's only purpose right now was to stay low-key (maybe) and travel the world. If his path happens to collide with team avatar's then he wouldn't mind switching things up but that's only if fate leads him there.

As he was thinking of all of this, another ship was sailing towards them and it was the flag that caught Zak's attention.


One of the crew caught sight of it and sent word to the captain.

"Captain! Pirates!"

As soon as the passengers heard that, the deck erupted into panic and people pushed and people pushed and shoved others to go below the deck.

At first, Zak was going to join them thinking there were bound to be some fire-benders who would fight but there were only...two. What the hell?! A passenger ship this big only has freaking two fire-benders!

It's okay, there's bound to be some swordsmen. Zak looked around and he face-palmed.

'Crap only one bloody swordsman?! I swear I'm suing this damn ship owner when we get off.'

The swordsman looked incredibly weak as well. But Zak told himself, "Maybe I'm too judgemental. Perhaps they only have three fighters because they're super strong,"

( A few moments later ~)

"Yeah I totally jinxed it." Zak commented with a dark face. He resisted the urge to face-palm again as he stared at the three men.

The three fighters were lying face down on the deck with their butts in the air. It was the most pathetic thing Zak had seen and he felt sorry for their poor effort. The pirates laughed and teased them before turning towards Zak, the only other person on the deck, with malicious looks.

Zak sighed. 'So much for low-key. Who knew I'd have to show off my skills this soon?'

In return to the pirates obvious taunting and deadly looks, Zak gave them a vicious smile and he threw off his hood before lighting two flames on top his palms.

"Let's dance shall we?"