Chapter 4: Unbeknownst Identity (I)

I was woken up by two people arguing about what to do with me.

An hour ago, the friend that El mentioned finally came, but upon hearing about me he went to rage.

El didn't hesitate to fight back, so that's why they've been fighting for an hour already

I was pretending to sleep so that I won't disturb them, while also gathering information on the cause of their argument.

First of the identity of El's friend is what shocked and frightened me at the same time.

El won't stop calling him Satanael, which stricken me to think that's the name of this friend of his.

Satanael, in other words, he's the infamous devil Satan. The true devil himself, other known as Lucifer. He's the angel that betrayed God and rebelled against him.

Thinking about him close to me is already scary itself, but for him to talk about me like we're mutual friends is out of the line scarier. But is it an honor though that he knows me?

The thing they're talking about which causes a fight between them is my identity.

Haruki Mimasaka, a young virgin and introverted boy, which is of course me. I am an ordinary human born in the country of Japan, I have black hair and both of my eyes are red, other than that I'm just a normal 18 years old male.

Mimasaka is the last name of my adoptive parents, so it means that I'm only a Mimasaka by name.

My real last name was Hotaru, so which makes my real name Haruki Hotaru, and not Haruki Mimasaka.

I didn't want to use the name Hotaru, because I'm still in rage for my parents leaving me when I was still a child.

"Who am I?" Is always the question I ask myself every day. As far as I know, I'm a normal human being that was born on Earth, until today that is.

"Why is the Prince with you?" and "You better return the Prince to us." That is what I've heard from Satanael.

The word Prince piqued my interest, and that's the reason I'm confused about my actual true identity.

Who is he talking about? Who is the Prince that he is saying? Asking this question repeatedly to myself, even though the question is already answered.

Being in denial that I'm a demon is very hard to think through. After all, I've been living my life as a lie.

Thinking that I'm human is a lie; proclaiming as one, and being close with them is just nothing but a fake. It's just a fake persona of Haruki Hotaru.

Living as a human for 18 years, and it felt like I'm being betrayed by myself when I found out about my true identity.

Then do I deserve all the fun things I've done with them? Do I deserve the smiles everyone gave me back on Earth? No, after all, a devil shouldn't be with humans.

Is this the reason why angels don't go to Earth too? Is it because we look like humans, but in terms and appearance we're really not?

Using the strength I have left, I stood up to confront both of them, because I just want to find out the truth about my true self.

"I told you, I'm not giving him back until he found out the truth about Hell."

"I can just teach him that, so stop being stubborn and give him back."

Both of them noticed me standing up and moving towards them.

"You two, tell me who I am." Is what I asked them in a serious and angry tone.

The two of them looked at each other and nodded at the same time; signaling that they'll tell me the entire truth.

The two demons started explaining everything to me from the start. About my parent's identity, my identity, and the last war that happened a long time ago.

I learned many things from what they've said to me. First is that my parents are the King and Queen of Hell, which makes me the Prince. And second was that the Generals of Hell which are a group of strong demons, and Satanael was the leader of that group expected me to return today, but that changes when this El guy kidnapped me. "So, my real parents are here and they're the Rulers of Hell..." I can't believe this... This is truly insane... It's hard to determine what I'm feeling right now that I found out the truth.

"Don't misunderstand Haruki, I was about to tell you this, but we got interrupted by Akemi."

I don't know if he's telling the truth or not, but I'm not gonna even question what he said.

"Bring me to them." All I wanted to do as of now is to meet them; my parents, and ask them the reason that they left me back on Earth.

I'm not gonna make any excuses for El to prevent me to meet them because this has been my goal for my entire life.

A goal that I didn't even know would even happen, but it looks like it is now

"If you insist, but I need to contact Akemi first about this, and El you better flee now, because I don't want them to apprehend you."

El looked hesitant to give me away, but he surrendered to what I wished to do. "Then let's make a deal; I can go anywhere I want here in Hell safely, so if Haruki met his parents I can go to him again and talk to him any time soon."

Satanael happily agreed to El's condition. "*Sigh* Sure, sure."

"Now, goodbye for now Haruki, we'll meet again sometime."

El created a portal and transported himself with a smile on his face, and said to me before leaving. "Even if it's only for a bit, it was fun talking to you."

Talk about a hassle, he could've just told me about it earlier, so we wouldn't have run away, but I guess it was really fun being chased by an Archduke of Hell.

"Anyway, it's nice to meet and see you return Prince Haruki, I'm Satanael. One of the Archdukes of Hell, and the current leader of the Demonic Generals." Satanael gave me his right hand happily to try for a handshake.

I shook his hand with a smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Satanael. So... What are we gonna do? Because there's no way that you'll just turn me in right?"

It's better to create a fake story than saying that I just find him.

"I can just say that I notice Akemi chasing after you and caught up to you two, but the kidnapper escaped and left you."

Talk about basic I could say, but I guess there's no other way besides that, especially if Satanael knows that guy who kidnapped me.

"I'm gonna message Millie first, so just wait for a moment."

"Sure." But... Thinking about it, being a devil seems like fun because finally, I can see them. And they're the King and Queen of Hell? I'm truly gonna be insane if that's true.

"Done with the message, so I'm gonna create a portal now."

Satanael created a portal in front of us, and nervousness is already filling me up, I guess I'm still not prepared to meet them

After a blink of an eye, we're finally here, we're at the city before, and right in front of us is a building, not any normal building, but a laboratory.

It's very huge, maybe the devils are using science to develop their country; never expected that. I thought magic is enough for them, but I guess it's true that everyone wouldn't succeed without science.

"Stay behind me, I didn't tell them that I caught you, but instead I said have a surprise for them."

My brain cells started to decay when I heard what he said, so Satan himself is childish huh? Never expected that.

When we entered the lab, we were walking around the laboratory with a guide, and while walking I noticed the scientist bowing after seeing Satanael.

I guess it's normal for people to bow to their superiors, but the feeling of them respecting them a lot is quite insane.

You can respect and admire someone, but don't overdo it, because it'll make you look like a weird stalker.

"*Knock*, Miss Millie, Sir Satanael is finally here."

Finally, but Satanael said that I won't meet them now, but later, apparently Akemi the girl who chased us got in trouble, so that's why Satanael wants me to apologize to her.

Even if it's El's fault that she got in trouble, I still need to apologize for some reason, but if I can use that as an excuse to talk to that beauty of a devil, then I'll do it!

Also, Satanael wants me to meet someone first, I think her name is Millie, and she's the leader of the scientists here.

The door was opened by a mysterious handsome man, and for some unknown reason, I already hate this guy. Not because I'm jealous of his handsome face or whatever, but it's just intuition.

"Oh Satanael you're finally here, so what do you want to talk about?" A girl talks behind that handsome man.

So that girl is Millie huh?, she's very cute and beautiful, I wish I can get along with her.

"*Cough* So I heard that you're interrogating Akemi and Ifrit, so I want to make this clear, I want you to free them now."

"They broke the rule, and they said that they'll take the punishment, even though I didn't want them to take one."

"So what else? There's gonna be more than that right?"

"Apparently my brother returned yesterday, and someone kidnapped him, so that's why they took action."

What did she say..? Did she call me her brother? No way, so she's my sister?

"Can you bring the both of them here, I want to show them something that'll surprise their faces. Hehe!" Talk about excitement, is he really the infamous devil?

"Sure, Lucas if you may."

The handsome guy, who apparently has a name which is Lucas, went to the other room. Maybe that's where Akemi and the Ifrit guy are taking their punishment.

"*Cough*, anyway, who's this beside you?"

"Hi I'm–" I was about to introduce myself to my sister, but this old guy stopped me from talking.

"He'll introduce himself after Akemi and Ifrit are here."

D*mmit old man, I want to talk to my sister already! Do you know how happy I was that I found out that I have a cute little sister like her?!

Not long enough after Satanael ruined my introduction, Lucas, Akemi, and Ifrit finally came out.

Both of them were shocked and confused when they saw me.

Akemi's eyes were filled with relief and happiness after seeing me okay, and she's also a little bit envious of Satanael but didn't bother to show it to him.

"No way! Why is the Prince here?! Satanael, don't tell me that you caught him!?" Ifrit suddenly shouted in confusion.

I and Satanael were both dumbstruck when Ifrit suddenly revealed that I'm here, way to ruin my introduction dude.

"Prince..." Millie looked extremely surprised by the sudden declaration of Ifrit. "Is that really my brother..?" She softly asked.

Millie was speechless after hearing that, her feelings were filled with happiness upon hearing that I'm back, and I was also the same, even if we only met each other now, the feeling of reuniting with your lost siblings is truly a blessing.

"*Cough* It's nice to meet you, Millie." I handed her my hand, to try for a handshake.

"Bi-big brother..." Tears of joy were pouring from her eyes; suddenly she hugged me tightly, talk about heart-warming.

"I finally got to meet you..." she said while hugging me, I smiled happily and said "It's nice meeting you too Millie." and hugged her back tightly.

"I can't believe you beat me at it again Satanael." Ifrit angrily said to him

"Haha! Who do you think I am? I am the strongest devil here on Hell, every competition is an instant win to me!"

After our emotional meeting, Millie and Satanael freed Ifrit and Akemi from their punishment.

I got to apologize to Akemi for bringing her trouble, and she accepted my apology.

Actually to tell you, my heart was pounding intensely when she talked to me.

What do you expect from a lousy virgin? It's my first time interacting with a beautiful girl, so it's normal to be nervous.

Also, Lucas and Ifrit were very nice people and fun to get along with, but the downside is... when I found out that Lucas is the Sin of Lust and has a harem(Well he kept insisting that it's not true.), I immediately hated him forever.

Ifrit is a weird case, he already looked like his in his mid-40s, but he's still a little childish like the other guy.

Also, I got to meet a guy named Faust who's an Archduke of Hell, and also the head scientist of Millie here at the lab.

Finally, we're now at the castle to meet my parents, I'm very nervous to meet them, I don't know what to say.

"Hey, Millie." I talked to her nervously.

"What is it?"

"Do you think they left me at Earth because they didn't want me?"

Millie was angry at what I said and kept insisting that it's not true.

"You know big brother, there will be no such thing as a parent regretting having a child, there are some special cases, but if you meet our parents you'll get what I'm saying."

I hope so, that's the only thing I wish, and finally, it's at the palm of my hand, now it's time to meet them.

Even if my luck is not that good compare to others, I still have hope within me. Even if my chances are close to almost 0, nothing beats my wish.