Chapter 5: Unbeknownst Identity (II)

[Sora Belphegor POV]

"Haruki... When will be the day that I'll see you again."

While holding a picture of Haruki firmly, the Queen of Hell is having another cry for thinking about Haruki.

The wish for a mother to be reunited with her lost child is beautiful in its own meaning.

She always dreamt of being reunited with Haruki.

The Queen has always imagined what will the experience be if her entire family would've had it if Haruki returned to them.

"Don't worry Queen Xuntea, the Prince will return... believe me, maybe he's here tomorrow, or even now."

The young lad who's laying down on the sofa is currently doing everything to make the Queen happier.

The King is currently busy with work, so he can't console the Queen today.

So the young lad who's with the Queen is worriedly thinking of a solution to brighten her.

What do I do? if only Millie and King Jarren are here.

Millie is currently at the lab, because of Akemi and the old fart causing trouble, while the King is having a meeting for the safety of our town.

Come on Sora think... I'm the only one here, and I'm very indebted to them, so how would I help?

Talking to himself over and over to find a solution to this problem.

He thought of many things like watching a movie together, playing games, reading books, but it didn't affect her at all.

The sadness of not knowing if your son is safe, and how to meet him again is painful if you overthink.

Sora wanted to try and contact the others, but everyone's busy doing their work, being the only one here with the Queen is making him sad and lonely at the same time.

Not long enough, someone messaged him in his head, reading it he was shocked and happy at the same time. "No way... Is this true..?"

Now he needs a way to distract her, he thought.

An idea came to mind to Sora, what if he asks her for a quick spar, because the both of them haven't trained together for a long time.

Ever since the new Archdukes grew up, and ruled their own country, the castle began to start to feel empty.

No sounds of people shouting at each other, and sometimes fighting, is already enough to make you mad, but for others, it's better than living in complete quietness.

Learning the psyche of someone is not the specialty of Sora, but if it's about the behavior and way of thinking, and that's perfect.

The Queen fought in the war before, but after it ended she retired from fighting, which would make her rusty if she fought again, as Sora thought.

"Then my Queen, are you ready?" Sora has convinced the Queen for a quick spar with her, mostly because he wanted to embarrass her and show her that he can beat her.

"Yes, better be nice to me, I haven't used this rapier in such a long time, so I'll try to make it more entertaining for you."


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

Right now, me and Millie we're finishing introducing myself to the people who work here at the castle. Upon hearing about my return, everyone who worked here was thrilled with joy.

Millie told the maids what she's gonna plan, and the maids followed her order the moment she asked.

"Wait Millie, are you serious about throwing a party?"

Wouldn't it be better just to meet them? Then why a return party? I'm happy, but this is just too much.

"Of course it is, you returned; look how happy everyone is when they met you."

"I can see that, but... Isn't a return party suppose to surprise the person who's been gone a long time? Then why am I here?"

It's weird, right? A party that you're supposed to be represented and surprise at is known by the person.

Well... I guess it's still a party, even if it's not a surprise, due to my introverted nature partying isn't my thing, so I don't know what to do or think about.

"Someone named Sora is in the castle distracting mother, and I want this party to make you both happy."

Did something happen to her? Our mother? Does she have some sort of sickness? That is what I want to ask, but couldn't take the courage to say.

"Also, this a way for you to meet the other Generals."

"Generals... As I remember. Akemi, Lucas, and Satanael are members of the Generals right?"

"Yes, the Generals, or what we call the Demonic Generals are a group of Archdukes of Demons that represents each of the Deadly Sins."

Archdukes, who represent the seven deadly sins? I know that we have Akemi which represents Envy, Lucas is Lust, and Satanael Wrath, so that means there are four more others that I haven't met, and one of them is...

Wait, is Lucifer and Satanael even the same? In many stories, both of them say that they're the same.

Better ask Millie to make this clear, I don't want to embarrass myself when I meet the others.

"Hey Millie, just to make this clear, is Lucifer a member? I heard in many stories that Lucifer and Satanael are the same people, but thinking about it Satanael has no pride at all." More like he has no sign of the Sin of Wrath too...

Pride, one of the sins, and the most deadly among all of them; represented by the leader of the fallen angel that fought against God a long time ago, which is the King itself Lucifer.

"Yes. Lucifer is a member, and he and Satanael are not the same person, you probably thought of that because of the Bible and many other scriptures found back on Earth, but in truth, Satanael and Lucifer are actually brothers."

Brothers... I guess that makes sense, God made the both of them, so that means God is their father, and they are brothers.

"Hey Millie, what's your relationship with Lucas?" This is one thing that I also want to know about, I heard that both of them caught Akemi and the old guy in the act in the city, so I've been wondering why they're together at that time.

Me being worried about this, and knowing the relationship of my sister whom I just met yesterday seems odd, but I guess this is what people called brotherly love.

Look at me, this is embarrassing thinking about that, a guy who has no experience with having a sibling is now talking about that.

"My relationship with him? I guess we're close friends."

Anger and hatred for that handsome bastard increased a lot, is that f*cker trying to woo my precious little sister?! If he is, he better ready himself from my wrath.

"What's wrong big brother? You seemed uneasy and mad."

"Nothing, I'm just imagining my weird fantasies, that's all."

"Okay... Pervert."

My little sister just insulted me... This taints my heart forever, but... But is it possible? "Hey Millie, before telling me the reason why the party's being held, what did you mean by so that mom can be happy?"

Almost forgetting about this, due to the fact of desperation that I've been thinking about if they're my real family; if Millie is my real sister, and... If the people I'm about to meet are really are my family. I'm being filled with doubt, while also anxious is a bad combination, especially with people like me who was the goal to meet their real parents.

I've been hiding it and fighting it at the same time because I want to hope that they're really are the real ones that I've been looking for all this time.

But... What if, they're not real? And it's all fake again like my life before? Then am I nothing but scrap? Is my life valuable if I don't have hope? Is it better that I'm dead now? Those are the questions I kept asking myself after hearing what Satanael and El said.

"Mom has been depressed every time she thinks that you won't return, she kept wishing that you return day by day, but every time she wished that; more pain would attack her." She told me that with a sad tone while laying her head on my shoulder she also said. "I know you're doubting us, so I'll do my best to make you believe us because meeting you is what I've wished for a long time."

She then closes her eyes, and suddenly falls asleep on my shoulder while clinging to my hand.

Dramatic aren't I? I've already decided to believe that they're real, and not fake, I'll believe in Millie, I'll believe in Akemi, and I'll believe in anyone for now.

But... Laying her head on my shoulder and falling asleep is already enough to make me flustered. D*mn it, why is she so cute, and beautiful? Hers and Akemi's beauty should be illegal.

If she's not my little sister then I would make my move onto her, and the bad part is she's still a minor, I heard from Ifrit that in human age Millie's 14, which would make me like a pedophile.

"My, my, how lovely that you two are already close." A girl's voice came from behind.

The moment I heard it, I already knew who it was. Akemi! She's here?! But did she get the wrong idea about this? D*mn I hope she won't be disgusted.

"Oh Akemi you're already done with your work, did it go well."

"Of course my Prince, I've already sent the invitation to the other Generals."

Akemi then sat next to me closely.

Now I'm with two girls, and they're sitting next to me very close, is this heaven?!

A little sister, and beauty among women, what a perfect duo.

"Millie fall asleep huh? She's been busy every day with her work as the Princess and as the scientific leader of the scientist, and now she's working here to make a party, I can see why she needs rest." Akemi looks concerned about Millie from her expression.

Thinking about it, for someone as young as her to do all that work, I've been wondering how she managed it? "So she's overexertion herself from her work, d*mn what do I do to help her...?"

"Have fun with her, that's all. All she ever dreamed is to meet you, and give her the brotherly love she wants."

"Really... Thanks for the advice Akemi." I gave her a happy smile from her advice. It's indeed my duty as her older brother to do that... So as of right now, I'll change for the better. Not for my sake, but for Millie's.

Akemi replied to me with a beautiful smile. "No problem at all, Prince Haruki."

"No need to be polite, you can call me by my first name."

"Really..? Then no problem at all... Ha–Haruki..."

Wait... She's now embarrassed, and I'm embarrassed myself too, we only just met yesterday, and now we're already calling each other by our first names.

What is this?! Ever since I came here my luck just exploded, oh god of luck, I'm sorry for calling your luckiness fake, so thank you for showing me a sign.

One of the maids came to us and said "Sir, Ma'am everything's inset."

"You hear that Millie, let's go."

We entered the designated room for the party, and it's beautifully decorated with things that are completely exotic to me.

Flowers that aren't found on Earth, floating lights that seem impossible at all, and delicious foods with amazing aromas are placed at the table.

Even if it feels like we're stuck in the 20th century, it's still awe-inspiring to see such beauty of decorations. They really went all-out for this party.

"Wow... It's beautiful." is all I can describe this. My words cannot really express what I'm seeing right now; any normal man from Earth would be amazed by seeing this.

"I know right... Wait! Now is not the time to admire this, we haven't worn our proper clothing yet, the maids prepared a tuxedo for you, and it's at that room."

"Oh sure, I'll go there now–" Clinging on me still, Millie whispered that she wants to surprise father too, and if he got home he'll use the room to get changed, so she said that I have to pretend that I'm not the Prince.

I went to the room and wore my tuxedo and waited. To be honest, I don't look good wearing one at all. To make this clear, this is actually the first-ever tuxedo I've ever worn...

30 minuted has passed and a knock from the door came.

I opened it and saw Millie with a man, the man with her is wearing a royal mantle like the kings from movies and history.

"Oh, who might you be?" He asked. With his appearance, I can already tell that his our father.

"Hi nice to meet you, I–I'm Riku, I'm a friend of Princess Millie, my King." I responded while bowing, seriously why did I think the name Riku? And why a friend of Millie? Isn't she a Princess? So if I pretended to be a commoner, then wouldn't that be bad for Millie's reputation as the Princess?

"Really, nice to meet you too Riku."

Millie excitedly pushed out father to get inside. "Now Father get dressed, we can't be late for the party, we still have an hour, but still..."

"Okay, okay, if it's to make you and your mother happy, then I'll do it. "Our father removed his mantle tiredly. "*Sigh* Work has been really hard today, especially since lots of things would happen from now on..." He whispered to himself, but I and Millie clearly heard what he said.

"Okay, I'll leave you two here." Before leaving, Millie gave me a wink and a smile.

He began to take off his clothes, and wear the tuxedo that Millie gave.

While I'm just sitting here in the corner nervous because that's my supposed father right in front of me.

He looks young, he looks like a normal man in his 20's.

After finishing wearing his clothes, he sat next to me and told me "I hope you'll take care of Millie for me Riku."

Dumbstruck is the right word for me after hearing this, did he misunderstood our relationship? No, no, no, why would he think of that?

Millie is 14 years old, and I'm 18, why would he think that we're dating?! Millie please can I tell him? This is starting to get uncomfortable.

"What do you mean, my King..?" That was all I can ask him.

"One day, there might be another attack, and I became weak from the last one, so I can't protect Hell anymore."

Satanael and El told me the gist of Hell's history since apparently there was a massive war a long time ago that my father, mother, and the Archdukes fought in. It was the second war between angels and devils, and they said that the battle ended up in a tie. We devil almost lost the war but didn't. "Then what about the Prince? He'll return right, to protect Hell?" If I kept lying, then I can get information about the real me, and what happened here in Hell. If this war that happened a long time ago is that deadly, then from just the tone of his voice; it is like he is implying that it hasn't ended yet.

"He'll return to protect this country, but what do Kings need?"

"What do they need? To get stronger and knowledgeable right?" In many ways, someone higher like the president of a country needs the knowledge to win both of his people's hearts and the other countries.

A president or a King needs both of those things. Without the strength and knowledge they needed, their country would doom to fall.

"Wrong, every King needs his people, and everyone needs a King, without the King there's no civilians, and without civilians, there is no King."

"So you're telling me that we need people to protect the King?"

"Wrong, the King needs to protect the people, and not be protected by them. If a King is a coward and uses his people to protect himself, that's not a true King."

"To protect, and not be protected... But he needs to get stronger to right?"

"Yes, getting stronger like training to have immense strength, studying to gain more knowledge, but what's more important is trustable allies."

Of course, how can I be so blind, I played a lot of RPGs and still don't know this.

With no strategy with your allies, then you won't win. It's like a video game, wherewith an ally's help, the easier it would be.

"There is only one thing worse than fighting with allies and that is fighting without them." The old man Winston Churchill said this and is remembered by many to this day.

Is that what he means? How can I not know this, without having trustable allies with you that you can call friends, is more valuable than strength and knowledge.

"Then I'll get stronger too, to protect the Prince, Millie, and everyone here."

He smiled happily and tears fell from both of his eyes and hugged me suddenly.

"My King is there a problem?" There's absolutely no way that you can hug someone you just met, except–

"It's nice to see you again, my son." He whispered to me happily.

I was speechless that he found out about who I was. "Since when did you find out?" I asked him in a trembling voice.

"*Giggle* since the moment I saw you, I knew exactly who you are, there's nothing that beats a parent's love to their child."

Tears fell in my eyes, I was happy the moment he said that. This is all the evidence I need to know who I am, to know my real identity.

I didn't expect that they would recognize me at first, but I hope and luck is with me all along.

"Let's go Haruki, let's finally introduce you to your mother."

"Sure, Father." Finally, the day I can talk to my true father.

My wishes of meeting him have been fulfilled, this day of meeting him is one of the best days I ever had in my entire life. After all, nothing beats family.