Chapter 9: Fun Times Never Lasts

"Big Brother wake up! Today is the day that you and Satanael will fight!"

Waking up in the loud shout of Millie, I thought to myself that it has been two months since I last came here.

Time flies faster than I could've imagined... I've been training a lot since then: the accident with my skills.

Improving and gaining tons of skills was fun, and I can't wait to get stronger. Well, I said gaining but Master Ifrit said that it's near impossible for me to get a new one...

Standing up and getting my sword, and saying good morning to Millie, we began to head out.

"For today we'll walk to Milicas' country, I want to show you the outside a bit, and also... So that you won't get used to using the portal system."

Walking..? I'm gonna be more tired, but Millie's right though; I've been here for two months now, and I still haven't gone outside the country without using the portal, except for the time that El kidnapped me and riding on the creepy pet of Shota.

"Come on we'll be late, also I heard that Shota, Akemi, and Master are gonna watch you, and I tried to invite Sora, but he said that he'll rest."

Typical Sora... But... Akemi would watch me?! What do I do if I embarrass myself in front of her?!

Thinking already what she might do, or say if I lose to Satanael, which definitely is gonna be the outcome, but if I didn't get a single hit to Satanael, then what do I do?!

Explaining to either Akemi or Millie that I just tried my best is not an option that I'm gonna use. Also, if that old guy Ifrit saw me embarrass myself, he'll keep laughing at me, and he'll probably tell every General about it.

Is it gonna be okay?! He won't tell it to the citizens because they still don't know that I've returned, the same with the other Archdukes that I haven't met, but... It's Ifrit, that guy is the embodiment of bad luck.

Shota is nice, so I'm not worried about him laughing at me, because out of all the Generals, he, Mammon, and Milicas, are the quiet and nice type.

"*Sigh* Let's go now, Millie." I don't know what the future holds, so I hope that one of them is me winning against Satanael.

We were walking on the streets near the forest El kidnapped me in.

In the distance of the forest, I saw a large mountain in the background.

It's large... It might be bigger than Mt. Everest because half of the mountain is covered in clouds already.

Which begs me a question, how did Hell have a star if Hell's underground? Also, how could life even exist here in the first place?

"Millie, is Hell even underground the Earth's surface? Because how can we have a star here?"

"Because Hell is not really underground the Earth, and how do we have lights here? The light here is the same star which is on Earth." That makes sense, but what's odd is how does Hell even get sunlight in the first place.

"Really... But that made me more confused, then if that's the sun, how can we see it here? And I remember you teaching me that there are nine floors in Hell, so how?"

"To be honest we still don't know, only the Gods knows... All we've investigated so far is that Hell, Heaven, and many more places on different mythologies are alternate spaces created on Earth."

"Then that answers the question right? Because Hell is an alternate space?"

"Could be... Nope, I say about 50%, because when we created an alternated space; there's nothing in there, an example of an alternate space is the soul space."

"But they're Gods, right? So that means they can create a better alternate space?" It only makes sense that God or Gods can create amazing places like this, and if someone like Millie were to create one; the outcome would be far different from what a God can do.

"Faust and I tried to do anything we can to see if Gods are really the only ones who can create a complete alternate space, that's what scientists do, and a scientist's motto is 'there's no such thing as 0%.' Which is why we'll keep doing trial and error, till we finish."

Really... Science huh? Even though there are things such as magic or skills here in Hell; science is still always the answer for her.

Looking a bit at the forest, and feeling a little bit nostalgic, I noticed shadows in the forest marching.

Seeing that made me wonder a lot, so I told Millie about what I saw.

A human-like being, and wings that are the same as a bird is what I saw in their shadow.

"Really..? Let's wait here, I'll contact the guards." She replied in disbelief

"Why can't we investigate it? It might be an angel." Saying this, I already had a bad feeling of what's gonna happen.

"Could be, but in Hell, there are also fallen angels here, so it might just be a lost fallen angel."

"Fallen angels huh? So are we allies with them?"

"Yes, Azazel is one of the strongest Archdukes of Hell, and he's also a fallen angel and the fallen angels representative."

Good... I was really anxious hearing about fallen angels being here.

"Wait... But aren't devils technically fallen angels too?" Could be, because devils are former angels too, and Lucifer is known as a fallen angel at stories back on Earth.

"Nope we're different, we devils are the first to fall from Heaven, and then came the fallen angels, but due to us devils falling here first, we evolved."

So that's how it is... So they're still basically the same as us? They were abandoned by God like us devils.

For now, let's see who's really there if it's an angel or a fallen angel.


Going across the forest of Hell, Michael and his angels are setting up camp inside the forest to prepare for an attack at night.

"You seven would attack the main city of Hell, Tastraria. The other three, Azrael, Barachiel, and Cassiel would come too." This is what Yahweh told Michael before going to Hell.

Michael is okay with the others going to help them, but there's one thing he's worried about, which is Azrael.

Azrael has the Virtue of Generosity, which makes him one of the strongest Archangel, but despite that, he got a hidden strength that Michael fears the most that he'll use.

Azrael, the Archangel of Death; kills people who disobey Yahweh in the past, and he brings the dead people to either Heaven or Hell.

He is well known in many stories on Earth because one of the names that were given by him by humans made him famous; the guide of the dead, which is Grim Reaper.

Michael worries that Azrael would kill tons of innocent devils without hesitation, but despite the endless killing he has done; Michael still fully trusts him.

During the war, Azrael like Michael was also in self-doubt, so because of that Azrael has been keeping a secret: being disloyal to Yahweh.

Now that he's not loyal to Yahweh anymore, Azrael became the loyal assistant of Michael and follows every order he orders him to do.

But that's a different matter when they're in Hell.

"All of us go to the meeting camp, we need to talk for a moment." Michael said to the nine Archangels with him.

"So all of us are gonna attack Tastraria at night, so any some sort of problems you are all dealing with?"

"Oh me Michael!" Raising her hand excitedly, Jophiel shouted in joy. "Please pick me!"

Seeing that it was Jophiel, Michael let out a deep regretful sigh. "*Sigh* What is it Jophiel?" He asked.

"First come here you two, let's talk privately." Pulling Azrael and Michael to an empty room, Jophiel locked the door, to talk to both of them secretly.

"What's your deal, Jophiel?" Azrael asked her angrily.

"It's about you Azrael, are you sure you want to attack Hell? You too Michael. The both of you are the one who was most damaged in the last war, so are you sure you want to fight?"

Looking both at each other, Michael and Azrael sighed, and both said at the same time. "No, until to this day, we are still in pain."

Hearing that Jophiel was saddened because her brothers that she cherished the most are both suffering from the orders that their Lord gave them.

Seeing that they are in a stage of doubt, Jophiel remembered a scene in the past that she saw about Azrael and still doubts about it. "Azrael... Are you betraying us?" Jophiel asked in a serious and sad tone that shocked both Michael and Azrael.

"What do you mean...?" Azrael was confused by the question asked.

"During our attack at the 6th floor of Hell, and you went missing, I saw you with a female human."

"*Sigh* That's it? Seriously, you can get annoying sometimes, why would you think that-"

The door slammed behind them, and Uriel appeared looking like he's in a hurry, and he said. "The devils found out that we're here!"

Michael stood up in a hurry and went outside to order the Archangels to do their tasks quickly "Everyone! Use the seals and barriers quickly, and head toward Tastraria; we'll continue our conversation later."

Michael thought to himself that failing now is not an option.

For him doing this mission successfully is his goal for now.

"Azrael; Barachiel, go attack the front gate of Tastraria now." He orders them.

Flying towards the sky already, the angels fought the guards who saw them and quickly killed all of them.

Except without their notice, a guard escaped out of the forest.


"They're not contacting me... No, I can't contact them." Millie has a troubled look on her face, and she was worried about the guards we sent to the forest.

"Millie, did something happen?" I asked her worriedly

"No... It's just my message is not getting through them..."

Looking at Millie, I noticed her eyes are getting larger like she's worried about something. "Wait, Satanael sent an emergency message, he said that the portal system isn't working, and they're now trying their best to get to here..."

Wait, isn't that bad?! How can the portal stop? Did something happen?

"Prince, Princess!" A shout was heard from the forest, and it sounds like someone is coming here in pain.

Coming out of the forest, we saw an injured knight coming outside the forest.

Millie runs to the guard worriedly. "Heal! What happened?! And where are the others?!" Millie asked in anger, but the soldier who I saw was in tremendous fear, and he replied. "The angels are here..."

At this moment, when we heard the soldier said that, all of us with him were shocked, and hurried to go to the castle.

My eyes grew bigger due to being worried about my parents, I couldn't think clearly after hearing what the guard said.

Time suddenly stopped for me, and an adrenaline rush went to both my and Millie's body.

As we ran to the city in a hurry, I thought to myself, is this really happening? Are the angels here again? Is God planning to destroy our happiness again?

Please! Don't... I beg of you God!

On the day of the party, when I first met my father, I remember him telling me that he became weak from the last war, and a King's duty is to protect his people.

Remembering that, I thought what would he do when the angels got there? We'll my parents be safe?

Please... I don't want to lose you, mother; father.

Anything, I'll do anything, even if it cost my life, please don't die!


Waking up already, Sora went to the kitchen to get some breakfast for him to eat, and doing what he keeps doing to his life every day.

Noticing both the King and Queen sitting at the table eating, he sat down too. "So today's the day that Haruki will fight Satanael, are you sure you two won't be going to watch him?"

"We're currently very busy, so that's why I asked Millie to watch him a bit, and so? What about you? Aren't you going to watch your new best friend?" Xuntea happily asked him.

Sora groaned and stretched both of his arms upward, saying without hesitation. "Even if I watch Haruki fight Satanael, the winner would still be Satanael, so going there would be a waste of time."

Sora thought about it last night if Haruki were to get more stronger and beat the Gods, but he still kept insisting to himself that it's impossible.

After all, a God is unbeatable, they're the most strongest being in the world that only another God can beat, so if inferior species like them were to kill one, then is it called a miracle by chance?

"Sora, is there something troubling you?" Xuntea asked him worriedly. "You know that you can tell me right?"

"Sorry, sorry, I got lost in my imagination."

While eating their food, one of the guards went to the kitchen in a hurry.

"My King! The angels are attacking again!" He shouted. at

Everyone was surprised to hear that, especially Sora because Millie and Haruki are outside the country, so which means they're in danger.

"Have you contact the Archdukes?"

"I tried my King, but the angels put a barrier to the entire country, which makes contacting the outside and creating a portal impossible." The guard answered in defeat.

"Get our weapon, and prioritize the safety of the people!"

"Come on, let's go outside now darling and Sora come with us too."

"Wait Jarren, why can't we bring Chizuru to this? With her power, she'll wipe down the angels, well except for the Archangels, but you can see what I'm saying."

"Sora... Chizuru's power is way too destructive, so we're not gonna use her, so come on now's not the time to chat."

The three of them finally got outside the castle, and what they saw anger them a lot.

Scattered bodies, houses on fire, and angels killing demons are the example of things they saw.

For both Jarren and Xuntea, it's the same as before, the same thing they saw from the last war is happening again.

Flying through the sky are angels throwing fire at the ground, and shooting their bows at the city.

The three of them went to the city with the soldiers; already preparing their weapons, then Jarren shouted to attract the angels' attention. "GET DOWN HERE!"

The angels looked at where the shout came from and saw that their target is the one who shouted.

Came crash in front of them; one of the Archangels, the Archangel Barachiel came with a greeting. "It's nice to see you again, Jarren; Xuntea, also nice to meet you, the new General of Sloth."

"It's nice to see you too, Barachiel. I see that you're still as fast as ever... And the one beside you is Azrael, right?"

A dark smoke appeared beside Barachiel, and when the smoke's disappeared, Azrael appeared while saying. "Sharp as ever, Jarren."

Jarren seeing blood on the sickle of Azrael, Looked at his back, Jarren noticed the soldiers behind him were all dead, so he knew instantly that the blood is from the soldiers behind him.

Jarren bit his lip and clenched fist at the same time to show his anger, he and Xuntea drew their sword.

Azrael running swiftly toward Jarren tried to go for the kill but was blocked by Jarren's sword. "I see you haven't lost your strength..." Azrael said and jumped back. "Let's fight shall we..?"

"Sora... Let us handle these two, you go outside and find Millie and Haruki."

Even though Sora doesn't want to leave Jarren and Xuntea, he wants to know if both Haruki and Millie are okay so that in case Jarren and Xuntea died, the two can continue to rule Hell.

Sora ran to go outside while telling them to stay safe.

"Now that there's no disturbance, let's begin."

"Barachiel, support me from the air, I'll fight these two from here."

Barachiel following the order of Azrael; flew from the air and began to absorb electrons to cast more stronger magic.

Jarren, Xuntea, and Azrael began running toward each other.

Getting close already, Xuntea jumped on the shoulder of Jarren, and used a skill to make her float; to get closer to Barachiel and attack him directly to his torso.

At the ground, Azrael teleported in every direction to confuse and attack Jarren at the same time.

Jarren with only one word. "Foresight." saw every possibility of Azrael would do.

Azrael doesn't know that Jarren used a skill, so he has now begun to use a skill also. "Shadow Duplication." About 30 clones of Azrael have appeared at every corner of Jarren and began to throw their sickles.

Jarren with the help of Foresight has predicted this to happen; with that, he began slashing through the sickles that the Azrael's threw.

Even if some cut him, he still won't go down unless if it's severe.

The real Azrael appearing at Jarren's back tried to attack him, but he was disturbed when a rapier flew through his arm.

Looking at Xuntea, Azrael saw her fighting Barachiel bear-handed after she threw her rapier at him. "Never disturb a duel..!" Saying that to her and ordering his clone to target Xuntea.

A fireball came toward Azrael and hit him directly. "Never run away from a duel!" Jarren shouted and rammed him.

With Xuntea now occupied with the clones and Barachiel, she grins happily. "Abominable Ice: Spread" a wave of icy energy appeared from Xuntea, and hits everyone including Jarren

When she looked at the clones, she saw them still alive, and she was shocked.

"D*mmit, they're not clones, those are his real body just separated from him." While looking, Barachiel fired the same skill she used, but instead of the ice element, he used thunder.

Hitting Xuntea she was paralyzed from the strong electricity he used.

Looking at her enemies with fear in her eyes, Xuntea tried to move but couldn't.

"How'd you like how my skill improved? It paralyzes the target in my vision completely, cool right? Now die!" Shooting electricity, and the clones throwing their sickles Jarren ran and used a powerful barrier to destroy every attack.

"Darling... You're injured, are you okay?"

"Dang, I can't even put a good fight... But... We did what we're supposed to do."

Xuntea smiled at Jarren's reply, and they noticed the other Archangels are finally here.

"All of you are late." Azrael coldly said to the other Archangels

"We went to the castle to gather information, and find the Prince and Princess, but they weren't there."

"*Sigh* It's nice to see you all again, Yahweh's Archangels, so all of you came here."

Michael stepped forth and asked Jarren and Xuntea. "We watched you two fight, and I noticed that you two got injured on purpose, Why?"

"*Chuckle* So you noticed huh? I guess I should've put on a better act, and answer your question, someone ordered us."

"I see... Then who may I ask?"

"Just a freelancing old bastard, that everyone loves."

"I don't understand... But does following this man's order is what you two really wish for?"

"You mean to die? Yes, it's his order after all." Jarren noticing Michael clenching his fist like he wants to say something but won't, which caused Jarren to smile. "Then Michael, we've been rivals for a long time, and I think of you as an equal, can I ask a question? No can I order you something before killing us?"

"Sure what is it?"

"I want only you Michael to kill me and my wife, also do it without pain please?"

Michael almost in tremendous rage and sadness at the same time, forced himself to agree to Jarren's condition.

Raphael trying to stop Michael from getting close to them still fails to do so... because even if Michael and Jarren were enemies, they treated each other as equals.

Going to Jarren, Michael asked the both of them what their final words are.

"Both angels and devils already won Michael." That is what Xuntea told Michael. And, "If we could've met in different circumstances, we could've been good friends, and please take care of Millie and Haruki." That is what Jarren said.

Michael in confusion from what they said; pulled out his sword and beheading them at the same time. "May you both rest in peace..." He softly whispered to them. Slashed! At the same time, both Jarren and Xuntea's heads fell off from their bodies.

Almost crying in rage, Michael noticed two children in the distance; a young girl, and... A male young adult.

The boy's anger and shout were heard by the Archangels. "I'll kill every single one of you angels!"