Chapter 10: Unbeknownst Identity (III)

[Sora Belphegor POV]

Running to the gate of the city, Sora was crying along the way.

Seeing many dead bodies of his people that he couldn't protect caused him to grief.

Saying why would they attack? And why do people really despise us devils, a lot?! Those are what kept ringing to his mind.

Blaming the Gods, and hating them are the things he felt; because only targeting the devils seems unfair for him.

"D*mmit! You sh*tty Gods! I'll show you my wrath after I saw anyone of you!" What did we even do, so that all of you do this?! Is it because we rebelled in the past?! Is that it?! Why can't you just f*cking forget about the past?! Do you Gods hold a grudge against us until we become extinct?!

Spotting at the gate, Sora saw soldiers fighting against some angels. Then with the soldiers, he saw both Millie and Haruki fighting some of the angels too.

"Shadow Form: Bow!" Using the bow he got, he shot every angel in the gate.

"Millie, Haruki! You two are okay!?"

Hearing his voice, both Millie and Haruki saw Sora and ran to him.

"Sora! You're okay... Where're our parents?" Millie asked worriedly.

"The King and Queen are fighting Azrael and Barachiel at the city."

With nervousness and wariness can be shown on Haruki's body, he rushed to the city to go to his parents.

"D*mmit Haruki!" What are you doing? Do you want to die? No what do I do?

"Sora wait for Satanael here, and help some people ."

You too Millie?! Can't you see that angels are attacking?! Why are you so desperate?!

No, it's because they're the ruler too, but what about me?! I'm an Archduke too! But... why am I afraid? Why am I weak? Am I afraid to die? Or am I just being slothful as always?

While grinning and biting his lips along the way, Sora said. "Satanael, please answer me later... For now, I have a duty to protect the people."


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

No this can't be! Father don't leave me, mother don't leave... I don't want to see my parents die again.

My parents on Earth died, so please don't die.

"Big brother, use this." Throwing a piece of paper at Haruki. "What's this Millie?" I asked in confusion.

"That's what we call skill seal, I cast three of my skills that strengthen, your speed, vision, and foresight, tear that up so that you can use the three that I cast for a day."

Tearing the paper, I noticed the differences that occur from my body, just like what El's used on me.

Already near the main city, both Millie and I saw 8 angels that are different from any angel we saw in the city.

Each angel has four wings, and a halo on top of their heads; that is the shape of a crown.

Looking at the angel, Millie was shocked and terrified at the same time, I noticed Millie being terrified, I asked her. "Millie, is there something wrong with those angels?"

Millie looking at me directly saying. "Those angels... They're not normal angels... Those are Archangels..." Archangels! Do you mean the strongest angels of God?! No way, so they're here.

"I thought Barachiel and Azrael are the only Archangels here, but I didn't expect that they have allies, especially the one at the middle, Michael." That guy in the middle is Michael?! The famous Archangel of God?

I'm now in despair after hearing that, still stood up to go to the city. "Millie I'll find father and mother, so stay here."

"No, I'm coming with you, you're still very weak compare to the Archdukes and Archangels, so I'm coming with you."

"But..." Disturbed by Millie, she replied. "In terms of intelligence and strength I'm stronger, so I'm coming with you!"

Already giving up on persuading Millie to stay, the both of us went to the location where the Archangels are looking at.

When we got there, we saw Michael going to the ground and drawing his sword at two people.

Seeing the two people Michael's going to kill, me and Millie saw what those two look like. It was our parents, already in rage and sadness seeing them lose, we still tried our best to ran toward them.

Until... We saw Michael beheading both our father and mother.

In front of our own very eyes, we got to saw our parents got killed.


[Millie Hotaru POV]

Haruki who only got to be with them for two months cried in grief and shouted filled with anger. "I'll kill every single one of you angels!"

A strong force of blue aura came from Haruki's body, and a strong force of wind and explosion also came with it.

Millie was struggling to go to Haruki, because of the force and pressure of the blue fire field surrounding his entire body.

Trying her best to stop Haruki from whatever was happening to him, she was pushed back very high by the force.

Hearing the wrathful roar of Haruki, Millie kept trying to call him to calm down, but her voice didn't reach. "Big Brother! Big brother!" She kept on repeating.

She couldn't hold back the force of the strong gust of wind anymore,

"Millie!" Catching Millie from the strong push, Sora took her to the nearest building for shelter.

"Sora, please help my brother, help him please!"

Looking at Haruki now enveloped in spiky armor, that looks like a skeleton, and that has blue flames coming out of his body. "That's Haruki? What the hell happened to him?"

Shouting and repeating the word die, Haruki roared very loud that the buildings were damaged from his roar.

The Archangel who saw Haruki were shocked but flew instantly to the air to get safe from Haruki's rage, except for one, Michael.

The other Archangels looked at Michael at the ground were speechless after seeing him frozen with fear while looking at Haruki with fear in his eyes.

Gabriel who was angered by Michael's stupidity went down and punched him in the stomach and told him. "Idiot what are you doing?! Snap out of it!" And pulled Michael with him to get above.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!." Haruki shouted, and now creating a large fireball to attack them.

"Michael, what do we do?" Gabriel asked Michael, but Michael reply was. "It's the same thing as before..."

The Archangels not knowing what to do with Michael just spreads out to avoid Haruki's attack, because without Michael telling them to retreat, they're not gonna do it.

They successfully killed both Jarren and Xuntea, but one of their mission is to kill Millie and Haruki too, so that's why they can't retreat now.

Barely dodging Haruki's attack, they left Michael at the top of one of the buildings with Jophiel to talk sense to him.

The Archangels grouping up to attack Haruki at the same time as best as they can are now running toward him.

Seeing the fight at the distance, Sora tries to calm down Millie, but at the same time, he wants to help Haruki calm down too.

"With the amount of destruction Haruki's causing, Haruki will add more damage to the city." Satanael please come here quickly...

The Archangels dodging most of Haruki's attack and kept using different skills.

Azrael kept using clones to surround Haruki, Barachiel summoning thunder from the skies, Raphael healing her fellow Archangels, and Gabriel with Camael using their sword to fight him head-on.

Gabriel and Camael using their sword and kept swinging it to destroy Haruki's attack, while the other Archangels supports them from behind.

"His magic is weak!" Gabriel declared. "But if he kept repeating it endlessly, we can't go near him."

Haruki fed up already because the Archangels kept dodging his magic, ran up to them to fight them directly.

Attacking Gabriel first, he punches him directly in the stomach with full force.

"DIE!" Haruki broke the armor of Gabriel, so Azrael clone jumps in to teleport Gabriel away.

"He's armor's tough *cough*, but this is good, he's not using his magic anymore, which means you can surround him with your clone now Azrael."

"Michael calm down! You're not like this!" Jophiel trying her best to make Michael calm down is shouting with tears already. "Tell me what happened Michael? Is that weird armor that Jarren's son using familiar to you?"

"That armor... Those blue flames..., and the immense wrath he's feeling, it's all the same..."

"The same what do you mean?"

"The last war, Jarren used that skill to kill every Seraphim that Yahweh sent on the seventh floor, and he also used that to kill many Archangels and angels at the war too."

Jophiel is in shock after hearing what Michael said, because right here next to them is a skill that Jarren used in the past to kill most of the Archangels they're friends with, especially the Seraphim.

The Seraph, the highest position an angel can get, even superior to an Archangel, but if that skill can kill a Seraph then they've already lost.

"Michael, you can beat him, right? You've had many countless battles with Jarren, and can now fight equally with our Lord, so please beat him, we need you!"

Michael waking up from despair thought to himself. "What am I doing? My family is dying, and my Lord would be disappointed if he sees me like this." Michael stood up and punch himself in the face.

"Thank you Jophiel, now can you go down to help them, I have something to do to beat him."

Jophiel smiled knowing what Michael's gonna do and went down to help the others.

Michael looked back to see Haruki still in a state of rage and is trying to kill the others.

Michael raised both of his arms and prayed. "Dear Lord, I, Michael. Ask for your strength to help me, give me your word as your sword, and help me fight to protect humanity. Come forth! St. Michael's Line!"

Light shone from Michael's hand, a golden sword appeared after the light, a sword given to him, and only he can use it.

The legendary sword of Saint Michael that was given by Yahweh as a gift to fight Lucifer, has come forth.

"Everyone retreat!" The Archangels looking at Michael with a smile came to him for safety.

Haruki came to Michael too and readying his fist to kill Michael, but with one swing with Michael's sword, everything in front of Michael and Haruki's armor was destroyed by a large beam of light.

The Archangel was speechless because even if they stopped Haruki from his rampage, he's still standing after the blow.

Standing in the destroyed street naked, Haruki fell and fainted.

Going to Haruki to confirm if he's really dead, the Archangel was surprised that a fireball came toward them out of nowhere.

"Yo, you look pale Michael, did something good happen?"

Looking at the guy who fired it, the Archangels began to draw their weapon.

Sora and Millie were both happy seeing that Satanael is here.

With Satanael were Milicas, Mammon, and another guy, Azazel.

Confused about why Azazel is with the three, Sora and Millie were also wondering where Akemi, Shota, Lucas, and Ifrit are.

"Nice to see you all again, Satanael; Mammon; Milicas; Azazel, you four are doing fine huh? Even after seeing one of your cities destroyed."

Laughing like nothing is wrong. "So what? This is what the old man said to us, so we just followed him."

Sora and Millie who heard that were dumbstruck and angry at the same time.

Who's the old man are they saying? That is what both of them want to know.

"What about you three? Are you okay that Satanael said that?"

The other three nodded at Michael's question which brought more tension to both Sora and Millie.

The Archangels who heard their reply shocked and confuse about what's happening, and what are the four planning to do.

While Michael was also tense from what he heard and gripped his sword tightly so that he won't break character.

"Then you four prepare to die–" Saying that, Michael noticed that someone is messaging him.

A message from Yahweh, looking and checking what the message is about, he was confused.

"Michael, what's wrong?" Raphael asked

"Lord Yahweh has ordered us to retreat."

"Then let's do so..."

But what Michael is wondering is that they still haven't killed both Haruki and Millie, and why Yahweh is ordering them to retreat now.

Not wanting to disobey, the Archangel retreated, and Michael left a farewell to Satanael and the others. "I'll see you again, and then we fight."

Flying away with the angels, Satanael sighed and said. "Come out now."

Millie and Sora hiding themselves to check what's Satanael and the others doing, and Haruki who's still unconscious was picked up by Satanael.

After that, one guy appeared in front of them, surprised Sora. "No way..."

"Sora do you know who that is?"

"A guy with long hair, and tanned skin, wearing a weird garment, and wearing a weird mask... that's the guy who kidnapped Haruki, El."

"The one who kidnapped big brother?! Then how does he know Satanael?"

"Well if you think about it, how did you think Satanael found Haruki easily that day? Even Akemi and Ifrit didn't get him."

"So... Did Satanael know that big brother would return that day? No– not only Satanael but did the other three with him know? And do they have more people with them?"

Inspecting them to think this thoroughly, for then their only goal is to know the real identity of these five.

"So... Haruki used it."

"*Sigh* Don't think you're forgetting about something, why didn't you tell us that you would attack again? You told us that you'll attack us in the last war, but why didn't you tell us about this? Yahweh."

The two were shocked hearing what Satanael said, the guy who's here right now is the same guy that brought them to the verge of destruction a long time ago.

Knowing the identity of this guy that Sora thought he and El can get along well, was actually the same guy who destroyed their happiness.

The two questioned themselves, why Satanael, Milicas, Mammon, and Azazel are doing here talking to Yahweh? No, they already know what's the answer, those four are traitors.

"I have problems dealing with Zeus and Odin, so that's why I forgot to tell you all."

"*Sigh* So is Haruki getting Soul Bound part of your plan?"

"Yes, and Michael and the others successfully activated it."

Soul bound?! Is that the skill that turned big brother into that rampaging monster? Why would they need to do that?

"So that's why you killed *cough*, ordered them to kill Jarren and Xuntea right? I thought you'll order them to kill Millie too."

Millie was shocked and frightened hearing that, but Sora did his best to calm her down so that they wouldn't get noticed.

"Millie has potential too, but the problem is she's strong-minded, so I'm gonna plan to do something that'll enrage her, and get her to activate Soul Bound too."

Enraging me to activate Soul Bound? But unlike big brother, I don't have soul bound listed as my skill. So does Yahweh knows how to get and activate one?

"Then if you change your mind tell me so that I'll kill Millie myself."

No way... Satanael, why..? What's your main objective?

"Sure, make sure that Haruki is safe, and make sure to check on the other three Generals, then I'll be going now."

Seeing El, no Yahweh teleporting away, Millie and Sora began to think what would happen next.

"They're checking the other three Generals too, so we need to make sure to check them too."

The three Generals, or what we call the Archaic Generals, consist of the three sins that are not in any scriptures of Abrahamic religions.

The three sins are, Melancholy, Vainglory, and finally Evilness.

They were hidden in Millie's lab, because they cannot control their power, and one of them has an incurable sickness.

"Yes, but we need to make Akemi, Lucas, and Shota know about this and get them to help us; I don't know about Master Ifrit or the other Archdukes though."

"What about Luna and Dawn? They can help."

"Sure... for now let's see what they're gonna do now."

Looking back to inspect them again, Milicas spoke. "Satanael, what do we do to the other three Generals? They are protected in Millie's lab, also Akemi is keeping them in check too."

"I'll make a plan after the barrier is broken, and make contacts with Baal."

Baal, one of the most powerful devils, and his power can match Michael's if he's serious, for him to be one of Satanael's allies– we're dead if Satanael ordered him to kill us.

This place has been corrupt from the start, I can't believe there are traitors among us ever since Hell was created.

This is about to get real interesting, I can't wait what's the outcome of Satanael and Yahweh's plan gonna be.

For now, we need to make sure they won't know that we found out their secret.