Chapter 11: Future Plans (III)

[Zeus POV]

After the angel's attack, Zeus invited Yahweh again to Mt. Olympus to talk, but this time not only Yahweh was invited but other Mythological Leaders were invited to the meeting.

Yahweh was with Uriel and they got to Mt. Olympus and saw the other Leaders in the room.

Dagda, the Leader God of the Celts, known for being one of the Tuatha Dé Danann; was portrayed as the father figure of the Celtic Gods, and the name Dagda actually means 'The Good God.'

At first, when Yahweh finds out that Dagda joined Zeus, he was confused because Dagda has always been nice and caring to humans, but for him to join Zeus is what Yahweh finds weird.

Next is Amun-Ra, the Leader God of the Egyptians, at first Amun was the Leader, and Ra is a different God in Egypt, but during the start of the New Kingdom, the two Gods fused and have now been Amun-Ra ever since.

Sitting next to him is Tian Gong, the Leader of the Chinese, and famously known as the Jade Emperor. Also one of the Gods who helped humankind from evil, and the same as Dagda; Yahweh was surprised when he saw Tian Gong joining Zeus.

And finally, Ahura Mazda. The God who the religion Zoroastrianism worships, A good God like Dagda and Tian Gong, and he have one of the religion that has prospered as of this day.

"You're finally here Yahweh, and I see you brought Uriel with you, so can you tell us what happened to Hell?" Zeus asked.

Uriel went to the front with pride to report what happened in Hell. "First, the Demon King Jarren and his wife Xuntea are finally dead, but their son Haruki Hotaru and daughter Millie Hotaru are both still alive."

Laughing loudly, Amun-Ra replied. "So you failed, haha! You should've sent my soldiers Zeus, then Millie and Haruki would be dead."

"It's not their fault that they failed Amun-Ra, because something disturbed them, so that's why they didn't have the chance to kill them." Yahweh responded with a clear voice.

"What?!" He angrily shouted. " Hoy, don't tell me you don't have evidence? Because they still failed at the end."

"Amun-Ra shut up for now because I want to know what Yahweh's saying." Tian Gong stopped Amun-Ra with a smile. "Seriously, your voice is annoying to hear."

"Old man jade, don't tell me that you're in his side."

"I'm neither both on your side." Tiang Gong answered quickly.

"*Sigh* Uriel, show them what you saw."

"Yes my Lord, memory display: Type: Haruki Hotaru." A memory of Uriel appeared in a recorder.

The Gods after seeing the skill Haruki used were shocked by what they saw.

A new skill that the Gods didn't even know about, and doesn't even know that it existed.

Seeing this, Zeus smiled happily... And began laughing to express his joy.

"Zeus is there something wrong?" Odin asked him in wariness of what was about to happen.

"Nothing, I just didn't imagine such strong skill to exist."

"Yes... But how did you think he got it, Uriel?" Tian Gong asked. "Do you have some sort of clue on what it could possibly be?"

"Many theories came to mind, but one of our theories makes sense the most."

The Gods smiled after hearing what Uriel said, for them if something like Haruki's skill was obtained by either one of them, then they can do their plan quickly.

"What is it? And what do you think is the possibility of it being true?" Odin asked Uriel with dignity.

"The possibility is below 50%, but as you see on my memory; when Haruki Hotaru saw his parents die, he was filled with intense rage, which activates this skill."

Odin was confused about what's Uriel is saying. "So, do you think being angry is the solution?" He asked.

"It's possible, but I also think that other emotions can activate this skill too."

"Interesting... So anything else to report?"

"That's all my Lords." Uriel then bowed, and return to Heaven after the report.

"Now, the skill that Haruki used, do any of you think we can use him?"

The other Gods looking at each other after what Zeus asked, and said the same thing, which is "No."

"*Sigh* I guess so, but if we at least obtain one, then it'll be good."

"Zeus, we attacked Hell again, and what are we still doing? We still haven't made a move against Poseidon!"

"I agree with Amun-Ra; if you think about it... Poseidon might be getting more allies with him."

The other Gods agreed to what Ahura Mazda and Amun-Ra said.

Now that they've attacked Hell again, the devils might one day get stronger and get their revenge, but with Poseidon also as their enemy, then they won't have the time to prepare if both attack at the same time.

"The devils are weak, so dealing with them won't be a problem, and Poseidon only has the Japanese Gods, Thor, Loki, Heimdall, Hestia, Hades, and Hermes with him, and the Japanese were damaged a lot and only has about 10 Gods with them."

"Zeus, you're getting cocky. You forgot that Poseidon has his Trident which can damage us a lot, and Susanoo has Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi which we need for our ritual, and can even be used to kill anyone of us, Zeus. And my son Thor has Mjölnir."

"I know that Odin, taking down your son is easy, but with the strength of Susanoo and Poseidon combined? Most of all would be dead, especially since they have the help of Hades, Amaterasu, and Tsukuyomi, but you forgot that most of the Norse Gods and Greek Gods are with us, and the others have their Gods too."

"*Sigh* you only have four Gods with you, me with three, Amun-Ra, Ahura Mazda, and Tian Gong with three also, Dagda with two, and Yahweh has ten Archangels with him, but even with that we can't still be matched with Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi."

"We have our weapons too."

"Zeus, I agree with Odin. Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi is way dangerous than you think, especially since we the Chinese have known the Japanese for a long time, and as you see that I only have three Gods left, and the reason for it is Susanoo's sword."

"*Sigh* Then why don't we attack the Japanese?"

The Gods looked at Zeus like they witness an adult failing a kindergarten test, and they all looked at each other showing pity to Zeus.

"You all don't get it, if we attack the Japanese and damage them, then there's a chance to win, of course, we leaders won't go, but my sponsor told me that this is our chance."

"Even if we haven't met this sponsor you've been telling us, don't you think he's a bit problematic for our plans?"

"Haha! Remember he gave us a key to Holax, which only people that have been given an invitation can get one."

"We know... *Sigh* I guess there's nothing we can do than listen, do everyone here agree to me and do what Zeus said?"

All of the Gods nodded to Odin's question and answered "yes" at the same time.

"Zeus before leaving I'll tell all of you that my Archangels put a barrier in Hell that I gave them; unbreakable. And would last for two months, which would make the devils forbidden from going outside to Hell for three months."

Dagda looked at Yahweh with tribute eyes while also grinning. "Why tell us, Yahweh?"

"Nothing really... In exchange, I want any report from any one of you, especially since we're in a dilemma right now, and maybe one of us is hiding some secrets."

Dagda looked back at Yahweh and replied. "Then... Lugh was killed by an unknown entity, and we discovered that he was burned by the sun."

The Gods were in a dilemma on what their next move is, especially since they now have two enemies they're fighting, and now Dagda confessing that Lugh was killed by maybe one of Poseidon's allow got them to be cautious of their next move.

For the other Gods following Zeus' now is their only option, because if they damage the Japanese; Poseidon would be in a pinch if his only Mythological Ally were damaged.

With the meeting finally done, everyone returned home.


[Dagda POV]

Dagda went back to Ireland and called the Celtic Gods to have a conference.

The conference consists of the two Gods that Dagda only has

Lugh the Celtic God of Kings, Justice, and Rulership, like Lugh in the Celtic Mythology; he is the Master of All Arts.

In many Irish stories, Lugh is proclaimed as one of the strongest Irish Gods, but in reality... Lugh is only reliable in brains, and not brawn.

The last one is Morrigan, the Celtic Goddess of War and Battle, just like Amun-Ra; Morrigan was often portrayed as three separate Goddesses: Badb, Macha, and Nemain, but in reality like Amun-Ra, she's only a single God.

Morrigan is also the wife of the Celtic Leader, Dagda.

Lugh asked the grinning Dagda. "Old man... I'm guessing you have good news?"

"You got it Lugh; because I found something we can use against Zeus."

Morrigan and Lugh looked at each other with relief after hearing Dagda saying what they've expecting to hear.

Lugh who excitedly asks what is the thing he found that they can use against Zeus, and what Dagda answered is unexpected for them. "The Prince of Hell, Haruki Hotaru."

Hearing Dagda's answer they wonder how? Because the Gods knew that Haruki was missing a long time ago, but for him to return and get stronger? Is what the Gods would call impossible.

Lugh who was dumbfounded asked Dagda. "How?! If he returned then he needs to train which would take time, so if you want a devil as a weapon, there's Millie, the King, Queen, and the Archdukes are better candidates."

Dagda said with an unhappy smile. "The Archangels attacked Hell again, and in the process, Jarren and Xuntea died in the battle, but what I'll show you will differentiate you two's way of thinking for Haruki. " Dagda began to process his mind and gave both his memory of Uriel's report.

The two Gods looked to be surprised from what they saw, they both had a mixed feeling of both happiness and fear.

A power that strong that it could rival nine of the Archangels of Yahweh, for them it's insane, and it's not a skill to be underestimated by everyone, even the Gods.

"I can see why you said that Dagda... So, indeed something like this can overpower Zeus, but the boy is just a novice when it comes to skills, and as you can see the video; Haruki can't seem to control that power."

"I know, so that's why we have Lugh."

Lugh pointing at himself from confusion asked Dagda why him? And what's that got to do with him.

"*Sigh* Lugh, you're the 'Master of All Arts' and you can teach Haruki the secret of skills, and Millie is a well-known prodigy in Hell, so getting her trust and knowledge is also a must."

"Are you out of your mind old man?! How do I do that?! Every God allied with Zeus is monitored by one of his soldiers."

"I said to them that you were killed by an unknown entity, which they believed... I think, but at least we can try."

"I think? What do you think?! You don't even know that they believe you! So how is it gonna work!? And what am I even gonna do In Hell except teaching Haruki? Yet you don't even know what the devils are gonna do to me? Do you think I can gain their trust easily? No! I might be killed by them if I went there."

"Lugh is right Dagda, It's really dangerous to send him to Hell as an agent."

"*Sigh* then what do you two think we can do? Right now Zeus is planning to attack Japan which is gonna be a problem, and we can use Haruki to stop the attack and help the Japanese, which then we can make an alliance to them both."

"I never thought of that." Morrigan declared. "If they could be our allies, then our chances of winning are high."

"The devils might want to get revenge, and Poseidon might already be planning something, so if we make the two forms an alliance, it's a win-win for us, the devils, and Poseidon."

"How long do you think it would take for Zeus to plan things?"

"I'm guessing about four months? Yes, four months."

Morrigan looked at Dagda in confusion, because she thought that why would Dagda think that Zeus would take four months? It's nonsense, preparing can only take about one to two months, but why four? "Dagda, why would you think that it'll take four months to prepare."

"*Sigh* Zeus has been blind in the past few days, it feels like someone is controlling him... That's all, and if Zeus wants to go for an all-out attack at the Japanese, there's no way that Hephaestus can make weaponry for the soldiers in just 2 months, especially if Zeus wants to win."

"I guess so, so first we wait for the barrier in Hell to be broken; send Lugh, convince the devils to work for us, and make a secret alliance to both devils and Poseidon."

The three Gods are now at ease after finishing their plan for their next move.

The three all though, is it possible to win this? And is there a way to stop this quickly?


[Millie Hotaru POV]

Back in Hell, the townspeople are now repairing the damage that the attack did.

In the castle, the Archdukes are having a meeting about what they need to do in the future.

the meeting consists of Millie, Satanael, and Azazel. For Millie, now that she knows what both Satanael and Azazel are doing, she needs to be careful in her words.

"Now that the King and Queen are gone, you will take the position of being the Ruler, Millie."

"Why me? Why can't it be big brother?" For Millie hearing what Satanael said, she's wondering why? Haruki is the oldest, so that's why she thought Haruki should take the throne, and also one thing...

"Millie, you should understand what Satanael is saying, the Prince doesn't know a thing about politics, and he doesn't know the law in Hell."

"It makes sense since my brother just got here... And doesn't know anything about Hell, but in name and contract he's the successor of the throne."

"Fine, fine you're being stubborn as always, then you rule until he wakes up, and you teach him about Hell." Satanael said in sheer disappointment.

"Sure, I can go with that." Finally clearing her mind, Millie asked. "So what do we do now? The barrier would take about one to two months to break, so that means we can't make contacts to the 9th floor, so what are we gonna do to the angels in the future?"

"That's a problem is for Haruki to solve, but if he can't the entire Archdukes will make the decision."

"Fine with that, so next question... My brother is in a coma, and the Archdukes on this floor are going to visit him, so what are we gonna do to my parent's burial?"

"Since the war is now over, Satanael and I decided to make the other Archdukes know that Haruki is here, and the King and Queen signed a contract to Mammon that they wouldn't be buried near Lucifer, but to be buried with your parents."

"Sure if that's what they want." Millie Hotaru, when Haruki was first brought to Earth, Xuntea has a problem conceiving a new child, and when Jarren's good friends died, they adopted Millie when she was still a baby to commemorate his friends, and make them happy one last time by taking care of their daughter.

So that's why Millie doesn't want to take the throne also; it's because Haruki and Millie are not siblings by blood.

Millie almost in tears thought. 'Why did you two left me too? Am I gonna live my life alone? Is my big brother gonna die? Please don't, he's the only one I have left.'

"Then last question." Millie was nervous when she's gonna ask this. "What are we gonna do to the three Generals that my brother doesn't know about?"

Satanael sighed and simply answered. "We won't let them meet Haruki; he can only meet them if the three can control their power."

Concluding the meeting, Millie went to the clinic to visit her brother. In the room of Haruki, there was Akemi, Sora, Shota, and Lucas there. "So you got them Sora."

"Yes, seriously it's embarrassing to see Akemi in tears after seeing Haruki..."

"Oh yeah, we"ve been wondering, why did you call the three of us here? We would visit Haruki anyway, but why call to us specifically?" Lucas asked

"You three, I want you all to sit tight, you're not gonna believe what me and Sora witness."

Millie after telling about the real purpose of the unknown skill soul bound; the real identity of the traitors within them; what she thinks Satanael's gonna do to the three Generals, and Yahweh's coming here to Hell.

Akemi after hearing that cried in pain. "They've been betraying us? How could they? Then they're the real reason why our family, friends, and people are dead..."

Shota and Lucas stayed strong as they express their anger.

Satanael, Milicas, Mammon, Azazel, and possibly Baal, are the people they looked up to and want to be like them in the future.

Being betrayed by the people they idolized and respect the most was painful, especially since they're their teachers too.

"F*ck, f*ck, d*mmit, betraying us huh? You all be careful, cause I'll kill anyone of you if I got stronger..." Lucas saying in grief while punching the wall very hard, while Shota responded. "It makes me sick, that they considered themselves to be Generals..."

"That's why we'll protect Haruki and Hell for them, with that we need to gain allies too."

"Agreed, we only know that there are five of them if we include Baal, but if we think about it... There might be some Archdukes willing to help us." Akemi said proudly. "And knowing the Archdukes, we might possibly be able to seek their help."

In the last war, many Archdukes died, but some survived, and the remaining numbers of Archdukes(including Generals): 23

About 23 Archdukes survived the last war, and the possibility of someone helping them is high.

"Any suggestion on who? I want to sleep." Sora asked in a hurry

"My head scientist Faust can help us, also the possibility of Master Ifrit joining us is 50/50."

"Ifrit has been friends with Satanael even before Hell was created, and he's very good friends with Jarren and Xuntea also, and his only goal in mind is to make Haruki his student which he already accomplished." Akemi declared.

"Even so, if we told the old guy about this, and helped us, anytime he might accidentally say it, because of his stupidity." Even if Shota doesn't want to insult Ifrit, he couldn't handle doing it since it's true.

"Then no Ifrit..." Millie looks saddened by the decision to not include Ifrit. "So who else?"

"I know, even if they're not Archdukes, Luna and Dawn can help us."

"We thought of that too Akemi, and I think the possibility of them helping us is very high."

"Then we have Faust, Luna, and Dawn, I think the numbers are okay now, so I'll go to bed." Sora declared and went to sleep on the couch.

"*Sigh* Millie I know someone that could help us, but I think you won't bother talking to her though."

"Really Shota, who? As I remember I'm good in terms with the others."

"Ummm... Your good friend Phenex?"

"I never thought of that... But... ugh, I guess I'll try, but she's on the ninth floor..." Millie stopped halfway from what she was about to say since she remembered something that she created at the lab one time.

"Yes, so after the barrier break we can contact her to spy on Baal, also I have to more person too, but Akemi might..."

"I already know who you are gonna suggest Shota, sure I can talk to them."

"Now that we have all the people we want, we have six with us."

Already smiling now, their talk concluded.

As possible they want to make sure they won't get caught because if it turns into a fight, a civil war would start.

If a civil war were to happen, who would win? It's already obvious that Satanael would win, but they can't give up hope.