Chapter 17: Hell's Next Day

Seeing the familiar place that I last saw before getting trapped, I was finally in relief that I returned to my beloved home.

"What the h*ck! Why is it destroyed!?" That is what I said when I saw this place filled with filth and destroyed furniture.

What happened here? Has there been a natural disaster that came inside the castle?

"All of you are late! We've been waiting here for a day!" Looking at where the voice came from, I saw two beautiful and cute girls like Millie and Akemi.

The two both wear goth lolis dress that fits them perfectly.

"Luna!" That is what Hans shouted to the beautiful girl with black long hair, and has a giant scythe with her.

"Dawn!" This is what Vladamir shouted to the beautiful girl with heterochromatic eyes, unnatural hair color, and pale skin.

A black long-haired girl, and a girl with unnatural hair color and heterochromatic eyes, why does it sound nostalgic seeing these two beautiful girls.

No way?! Could they be?! Those two girls from... wait, wait, there's still a chance that they aren't since my luck is complete sh*t.

Luna and Dawn got close to me and bowed, saying at the same time. "It's nice to meet you, Prince Haruki."

"It-it's nice to meet you both too." Due to nervousness, those words were the only thing I could say, because I now found out that every girl here in Hell are a top-tier model, no they are goddesses!

Lilith is like the mother type, Millie is the cute little sister, Akemi the beautiful next-door neighbor, Luna feels like the nice girl type, and Dawn the princess type.

What is this? Even if I have no chance with Lilith because she probably view me as a child, and Millie since she's not the stereotypical anime sister where she loves her older brother a lot, but there's still three options left: Akemi, Luna, and Dawn, this world is truly amazing!

Shota tapped my back and whispered something to me. "Bro-Haruki, if you lust for both of them, Hans and Vladamir might come for your head even if you're the Prince."

Really..? "Thanks for the warning Shota, but... Bro-Haruki?" That's weird, why would Shota call me that?

"It's because you're older?"

"I see..." Wait how old is Shota? I know for the fact that he's the youngest General, but if I'm older than him... Then I guess he can call me that.

"Okay, Luna; Dawn, did something happen while doing the work that I gave you?"

"First. Like you planned, Azazel did come to the lab, and good thing I safely got the three out and hidden somewhere where Satanael won't find them."

"I guess you blew up the lab right?"

Wait, blew up the lab? No way, is the fight between Azazel and Luna that extreme? With a sigh, Luna nodded at Millie's question, so it is true... I have memories within that lab. Since that's where I first met Millie, Lucas, and Faust, also that's when I first interacted with Akemi and Master. What a sad day for me...

"Then second is this." Taking something out of her dress, Dawn showed us a newspaper that looks new.

Millie and the others looked at the newspaper, and the Archdukes were shocked by what they've read, but Millie didn't react to what she saw. "As I expected, a propaganda from them." That is what she said.

To think that my fourteen-year-old little sister could've thought things like this. "Yes Millie, when I went to check on Mammon I was speechless when you predicted what they were gonna do."

"So anything else besides that?"

"Satanael sent a pack of hellhounds in the castle, and every worker was killed, including the guards too..."

What..? Don't tell me that Dawn's telling the truth? Is Satanael that insane? No, not only him but the others with him too... I can't believe it, pretending to be calm didn't work at all.

D*mmit, am I a failure as a prince? Of course... I'm a total failure. I can't even protect the people working with me...

"Satanael's has gone too far..." Millie snickered. "But what about Phenex?"

"Phenex agreed to help, of course... And she's now keeping Baal in check." Luna said with a nervous smile.

"Then let's set up the phone again, we'll call her."

Putting the weird phone down, and Faust sets it up quickly as possible.

A voice from the phone came before we even contacted the person. "Hello! Kaka, Luna! Dawn! You two there?!"

"Hello Phenex, it's me, Millie."

"MILLIE! YOUR OKAY!" The girl on the phone named Phenex shouted loudly that it almost destroyed Millie's eardrum.

Millie touched her ears after Phenex shouted to heal them with her skill. "It's nice talking to you too Phenex... So what's going on now on the ninth floor? And Baal also?"

"The ninth floor is okay and still the same, also I got the help of every Archduke here and we tied up Baal to interrogate him."

Millie and the Archdukes were dumbfounded when Phenex said she tied up one of the strongest Archdukes, and gained the trust of the others too.

Millie was smiling happily when she heard that, even if it's not one of her plans, tying up Baal is better. "Then Phenex, what information did you get from him?"

"Actually... We here don't think that Baal is one of Yahweh's lackeys, because even if he lied we would know instantly since one of us has a skill that can detect if someone is lying, and everything he's telling seems to be not a lie."

"Then I guess Baal is innocent." Why is Millie trusting this Phenex? You know that she could be lying right?

Going near Millie I whispered. "Hey Millie, you know she might be lying right? She might even be one of Yahweh's lackey's too."

"That's impossible because I trust her a lot."

"Are you sure..? You know we need to be careful right?"

"Then I guess I have to show you proof that I trust her. *Cough* Hey Phenex, if you get as much information we need and do this task successfully, I promise to go on a date with you."

A date?! What is Millie talking about?! I guess they're both girls, a friendly date is normal between girls and boys who are best friends.

A moment of silence was Phenex response on the phone and then. "A DATE?! NO WAY! I CAN'T WAIT... KAKAKA! If I can see Millie's cute body... kakaka, I might die from blood loss if I had a nosebleed... kakaka."

What..? What is this girl saying? Isn't she... an old Archduke? I took the telephone from Millie and shouted in anger. "HEY! YOU PEDOPHILE! IF YOU TOUCH MY PRECIOUS SISTER, YOU'RE DEAD!"

"KAKAKA So you're the Prince, HEY! I don't care if you're gonna be the next ruler! If you're gonna destroy my relation to my cute and beloved Millie, I'LL KILL YOU!"

A pedophile is targeting my sister, what do I do? If this girl got close to Millie, I'll kill her.

"Okay, goodbye now Phenex, we'll deal with other things here first."

"Okay... love you, Millie."

Hanging up the phone Millie sighed and lay down the newspaper on the table.

"Satanael has created propaganda against us, so there'll be trouble soon, but for now let's wait for the reaction of the citizens."

The Archdukes have now begun to calm down and have dispersed to check the entire castle, except for Luna, Dawn, Millie, and Akemi.

The four of them sat and began talking, I want to join but... I don't know what to say.

Why am I a pathetic virgin?! Noticing that someone patted my back, I saw Lucas there.

Just by looking at him I was bewildered. D*mmit I wish we can trade faces. "Hey Haruki, you know if you make the first move and talk to them; women would like you more."

I guess this guy is useful after all, I thought he's just an extra in my life. "But... What do I say though? I'm not really experienced in talking with women."

"Hmm... Just say what you say, if you are what you are and not another person, a girl can see who you are."

"D*mn weird advice, but that's actually really cool..."

Pushing me with force Lucas said. "Good luck, and if you fail you can talk to me again."

Walking near them I sat next to Akemi and said nervously. "So... What are you four talking about?" God... This is embarrassing.

Lucas, I hope your advice would work. "We were just talking about the past when the four of us are still hanging out."

Good... Lucas thank you. "Really..? But isn't your age gap big? Especially you Millie."

"Well yeah, here I can show you our memory together, Prince Haruki." With a smug face on her, Luna started showing her memory.

In the memory, it was Akemi, Luna, and Dawn when they were still young, and they're beautiful too. Actually, seeing them at this age is almost turning me into some sort of pedophile.

"How old were you three here?" I asked them curiously.

"As I remember in terms of human age, I'm 12, Dawn is 13, and Akemi is 16."

"Really..." So I calculate it, Akemi is 20 I know that. Then, Luna is 16 and Dawn is 17 today, I didn't think that I'm older by 1 and 2 years.

Coming from the video was Millie in a cute princess dress, she looks cute, I guess she's still 10 here. "Hey! Stop showing that!" That is what Millie said, embarrassed by what she saw.

"Come on Millie, you look cute in that dress, why aren't you wearing a dress now?" I asked her since Princesses should always wear dresses like this, so I'm confused on why Millie won't wear one.

Millie still frustrated and embarrassed from what she saw, then ignored my question.

"Then my Prince, may I ask? Why did you look at me and Luna with an animalistic look?"

"Oh, it-" Hmm... I know already what she meant by that, Dawn is someone to not mess with.

Dawn with a sadistic smile and look at me. "It?" questioning me from my unfinished answer.

The other girls also looked at me with a serious look, like they want to know what I'm answering, and gave me more pressure. D*mmit this is your fault, Lucas! Now, what do I do? I can't tell that I'm lusting for them.

"It's to check on you two... If you two are really allies and not planning to assassinate us." Even if it sounds rude this is the only thing I could say for now, so that I could not damage my reputation as a man.

"I guess you're smart, I thought you're a type of mortal that's hereupon is woman's body."

Hmm... the princess type fits Dawn.

With a laugh, I said that I'm not that type of a guy, but Millie and Akemi didn't believe me since they already know what type of person I am.

Talking to them made my day, and I finally got to talk with Akemi again, well only a little bit though; she'll mostly just nod at me.

Shota opened the door and said that he wants to show us something outside the castle.

Millie, Dawn, and Luna stood up first and went outside immediately, then Akemi stood up last.

The three aren't here anymore, so here's my chance.

Standing up too, I grabbed Akemi's hand, which shocked and made her flustered. "Haruki, what's wrong?" She softly asked.

"Akemi, about before when I hurt your feelings when we were trapped, I want to say that... I'm sorry for hurting you..."

Akemi with a beautiful smile. "No, it's my fault Haruki, I guess I couldn't take it that I dashed out, so it's my fault, you don't need to apologize to me."

"Then let's just say it's both our fault, fair?"

Akemi nodded with a smile. "Sure, and let's go already."

We ran outside together and we saw Master Ifrit and the others looking at Millie, Lilith, and Shota outside.

In front of Millie and the others were a large mob of citizens, and there are two groups each for the citizens, and the two are fighting.

I tried to go outside for a better look, but Master told me to stay indoors and listen to the arguments.

"Please stop! And explain why are you all here?" The first group was angered at Lilith's question and began saying hateful words toward her.

The leader of the first group began shouting at Lilith. "What do you mean by what are we doing here?! Look at the news, people like you are the reason the King and Queen are both dead! It's because you Archdukes were lazing around in your paradise, while we're being attacked, and despite even knowing about the attack you all didn't even f*cking bother to come and protect us! What a failure of an Archdukes you were!"

The second group was enraged by the response of the leader of the first group, so the leader stepped forth and began shouting at the first group. "Are you all dumb!? There's no way the Archdukes can protect us if we're far away, and have you heard about the barrier?! The barrier is still here! And it made it impossible to create a portal to teleport them here, so that's why they can't get here faster!"

"No all of you are stupid! The attack lasted for hours, and they were already contacted by then, but what?! They still didn't come, because they were in their paradise, and Lord Satanael said that he tried to say that he needs help, but in the end the Archdukes were stubborn, and only Lord Mammon, Milicas, and Azazel were the ones who listened!"

"And all of you listened?! You know that they can lie right?! They might've paid the news to lie because we haven't even heard the testimony of the Princess and the other Archdukes yet!"

"Everyone listen to us, Satanael and the other three are rebelling against us, and they didn't contact the Archdukes when they heard about it, so that's why my parents were killed."

The two groups again began arguing, because the first thought that Millie is lying, but the second kept on insisting that Millie's correct.

"Everyone! I'm telling the truth, Satanael knew about the attack was gonna happen, and even the last war we had, those were all Satanael and Yahweh's plan."

The first group was saying things that are unforgivable for me, calling Millie a liar and the Archduke's hypocrites and liars. "Why are you even telling us this? We'll only believe the royalty, and hearing this, the King and Queen are disappointed in you all, especially you Princess! No, we forgot, you were not related to them by blood, so you're not a Princess, and we'll never listen to you faker!"

Millie was shocked, angered, and sad after hearing what the leader said, Shota hearing this was angered. "Shut your mouth! Millie is the Princess, and the daughter of the King and Queen, you have no right to question that! You hear me!" This was the first time I saw Shota this angry, it's like a new side that I saw.

The citizens looked shocked at what Shota said too, and the people who were not sided with us became more angrier that Shota shouted at them.

Millie tried to say something but she was already on verge of tears, so Lilith hugged her and took her back to the castle, and leaving Shota to deal with the angry mobs.

I was shocked when I heard the word fake and not blood-related, so which means that Millie is not my real sister, but even so... For that guy to say that to my precious cute little sister, he's dead...

Both Lilith and Millie got back to the castle, I noticed Millie's tears started dripping hard, I wanted to talk to her to make her calm, but Lilith said to leave her be for a moment, so Millie, Lilith, and the help of Akemi, Luna, and Dawn, went to Millie's room to calm her down.

Shota was starting to shout at the people outside, but they didn't listen to a word he says. More like they were being more loud and aggressive now to Shota and didn't even give a care about Shota's position as a General.

Even when Shota threatened them, they still didn't stop from their havoc, the second group was ordered by Shota to leave, and good thing they listened to him.

Shota was already on the verge of giving up, but he kept trying and until he had enough and returned to the castle. "There's no way to stop them, they are controlled by both their wrath and Satanael." That is what Shota said angrily.

"Let's leave them be for now, and let's plan our next move later... For now, we need to remain calm and rest."

Everyone sighed and agreed to Master Ifrit and went to the various room on the castle to fulfill their role, and remain calm.

Master and I were the only ones left here standing at the door, so I used this chance to talk to him. "Hey Master, what did they mean by Millie being a fake?"

"*Sigh* I guess we should've told you this earlier, the truth is... Yes, you are not Millie's biological brother, and she's not the biological daughter of the King and Queen also." Then Millie is really adopted by my parents.

"And your father and Millie's father were both my student, and they were best friends back then, but like everyone in the war, Millie's parents died, so your parents adopted Millie and took care of her as their own child."

"Really... I guess that's like father and mother."

Master put his hand on my shoulder and asked. "Haruki I want to ask you something, not as your Master, and not as your friend, but as your current guardian."

"Yeah sure, what is it?" This guy really can get cool and responsible sometimes, which is weird considering I always see his usual childish and energetic side.

"Do you accept Millie as your little sister, now that you've found out she's not?"

"What kind of a question is that? Even if we're related or not, even if Millie died or was separated from me, nothing can change that she's my beloved little sister, and as her older brother it's my duty to give her love now that our parents are dead."

"Hahaha! I know you're gonna answer that, but that so awkward as f*ck!" Was Master's response to what I said

"Huh? What are you talking about? I only said the truth." I was confused about why Master has started laughing at what I said.

"You and Millie are not related by blood, so which makes you adoptive siblings, and what you said was wholesome as f*ck, that every degenerate would love, ahahah!"

"What is it?! Did I say something that really weird?" I'm confused about what this old guy is saying.

"Well, 'As her older brother it's my duty to give her love now that our parents are dead.' You look cool at that, but also disgusting as h*ck!"

"What are you-, you disgusting f*cker! Why would you think that?!" I can't believe it, it's true that I said that I'll give Millie love, but he got the wrong idea about what I said.

"I wonder what type of love you'll give her?! I can already imagine Millie saying "Big brother, put it in." Haha! What are you gonna do Haruki? You gonna put it in?"


"Hyaa, don't chase me step-bro"

With that, I chased Ifrit throughout the entire castle and heading for to kill this disgusting old bastard. What kind of adult and Master is this guy? I wonder what my father felt when he trained with this old bastard.