Chapter 18: New Start

[Luna POV]

In one of the rooms of the castle, there's a room normally decorated like any bedroom, and there are tons of things related to science as decorations and items there.

This bedroom is where the young sister of Haruki sleeps in, and does some part of her work, even if she's supposed to rest and get some sleep.

But despite that, Millie hasn't given up her work, and even pushing herself to do her best as long as she can help.

Millie, when she was still a young girl, studied every day even if she's supposed to play as any other child would; she never did once, instead of at a young age Millie asked the King and Queen permission to get trained to learn skills was all she has done.

Training every day and getting more knowledge is what she did growing up, even if asked to rest she still didn't listen and kept doing it because she enjoys doing those things a lot.

Also... So that Millie Hotaru can get the acknowledgment of the citizens in Hell as the Princess; because Millie has known from the start that she wasn't the real daughter of the King and Queen, which made her do these things to avoid being despised by the citizens, and be seen as nothing but a fake.

In the room was Millie crying, because she experienced one of the things she feared the most that would likely happen someday, but even if she hoped for it to not happen, fate wasn't nice enough to do what she has hoped for.

"There, there, don't cry Millie, we're here. " Lilith hugging Millie tightly, and trying her best to calm her down, was also in pain seeing Millie like this. Because, for the people who knew Millie, crying isn't normal for Millie, so seeing her cry was painful for them to see.

Akemi, Luna, and Dawn, were also in Millie's room doing their best to also calm her down from her breakdown.

"What do we do? We expected something like this could happen in the future, but now of all time?' Satanael has gone too far now... Luna said in danger

"My... I concur with what you said, the fusty man has a lot of anger from us not helping him." Dawn replied with disgust.

The three girls were worried about Millie, but what should they do? Anything they think always seems impossible to work.

"I think I know something, I'll be back." Leaving the room, Luna walked to the hallway finding the thing she's looking for.

At the distance she saw two chimps running, the first chimp was running from the second chimp, and the second chimp was swinging his sword around to try and kill the first chimp.

And for what weird reason, Luna heard that the first chimp was shouting 'step-bro' a lot, and the second chimp was saying stop.

Luna seeing the two sighed and stopped them from creating more havoc throughout the castle. "What are you two doing? Ifrit; Prince Haruki?" That is what she said to the two running chimps.

Hearing the voice of Luna, Haruki and Ifrit stopped running and went to her.

But the old guy Ifrit smiled at Luna only and then left Haruki with Luna.

A coward you could say, even if Ifrit is an Archduke he fears getting scolded by women the most, why? It's because he doesn't want to ruin his reputation as a needless virgin.


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

Seeing the useless Master ran, I let out a deep sighed and asked. "So how's Millie doing?" I asked Luna worriedly.

"Millie... Is still crying, so we're trying our best to make her calm."

"Really? Thank you."

"Doesn't matter, it's normal to make a friend happy."

"I guess so..."

"So? Why are you chasing Ifrit, Prince Haruki?"

"Nothing important... Let's just say that he's acting weird." I can't say about his weird fantasies.

"Then better not ask, so Prince Haruki, how did you feel when you finally meet your parents again?"

I smiled at Luna's question thinking about the answer, and the only thing I can respond to her was. "I was happy, very happy." After all, this was my dream for a long time, even if I said that there's no chance that I can meet them again, I was surprised that it wasn't true.

Luna smiled at my answer beautifully. "Really..? Then Prince Haruki how happy you were when you meet new friends here?"

"I was also very happy; because the only people I can call friends back on Earth were only two people." Yes, here in Hell I have many friends, but back on Earth, there are two people who are my brothers and not friends. "Homura and Asahi, those were the two people who I call friends."

"How nice, it looked like you lived a wonderful life back on Earth."

"I guess so..." More like because I was a shut-in who has never gone outside his apartment for more than 4 years. "What about you... erm..."

"You can call me by my name, Prince Haruki."

"Then Luna, why not call me by my name too."

Luna smiled happily. "Sure."

What is this? My heart is pounding, me being in Hell made me popular with the girls, first Akemi, now Luna?! Is I, Haruki Hotaru living in a dating sim visual novel? How lucky am I? "I hit the Akemi flag and now also the Luna Flag?" I said loudly without noticing.

Could there be a chance to even get the harem ending? Please I hope so.

With a confused look. "Flag?" Luna asked.

"Oh, it's a geeky term in Japan that means friends." I guess it's good that she doesn't know the real term.

"Really." Luna going in front of me and looked at me with a cute smile. "Then I hope we can both raise our flag well."

My heart was pounding intensely after hearing what Luna said, well... Even if she doesn't know what it means, hearing it still counts right? Even if it's unintentional.

I was flustered hearing this, d*mn I need to calm down, or else I might destroy the mood. "So back to the topic, how long have you've been friends with Dracula? It seems like you two were very close."

"Dawn and I were childhood best friends because we grew up close together."

"Really... Now I can see why." Apart from how they interact with each other, the two almost share the same interest in fashion and some other things. So it's normal to expect that both Luna and Dawn grew up together really close.

"I'm very grateful for being friends with Dawn, she protected and helped me all the time, so that's why I care for her a lot, the same with Akemi and Millie."

"I see, I guess that makes sense since you and Millie are both the youngest."

"Well, I guess you could say that." She said nervously.

"Hey Luna, I was wondering, have you've been on Earth?"

"Yes, both Dawn and I once went to Earth, especially Japan since we were ordered to check on something and also study a bit about Earth."

"Must be tough... If I were you, I would've given up doing that." So they went to Earth, is it possible?

"Really? I guess doing fun things will help you more, but being the next in line as an Archduke, I need to do my duties, the same for you too future Ruler."

"*Sigh* I guess I need Millie's help."

Luna looked sad hearing that so she asked me directly. "Hey, Haruki... What do you think about Millie?'

"What do I think? Of course, she's my cute little sister and the only family that I have left."

"Even if you've found out the truth about who she is?"

"That she was adopted? Why would that matter anyway? If you have the same parents even if you're not related by blood, it's still the same as being siblings right?" And being an adopted child doesn't mean a thing, after all. I, myself am one, so it doesn't bother me at all that we're not related.

Luna smiled happily after hearing my response then went more closer to me. "Then promise us archdukes, and non-Archdukes, that you'll protect Millie."

With a smile and sigh, I said. "Even if you all don't ask that, I'll still do it." Because that's what being an older brother is for, they have to protect the younger siblings.

"Oh, we're already here."

"Where?" Looking at my surroundings I only see the same hallway as before.

"This door leads to Millie's room."

"Wait... Don't tell me that we've been walking while talking?" How did I not notice that I was walking? Weird... I guess it's because I was distracted.

"Then why don't you come inside Haruki, I know that you're the only one who can get a new start for Millie again."

Luna went inside the room first, because she said that she'll talk with the others about this.

Waiting here for about a couple of minutes, Luna, Akemi, Dawn, and Lilith has finally come outside, they stand beside the door, ordering me to go inside.

Before opening the door, Akemi's hands were gripping mine and she said. "You can do it Haruki, we believe in you."

I smiled back at Akemi and went inside the room.

There I saw was Millie's room, it is highly decorated in science, which made sense since she's a scientist, but I didn't expect something like this, also maybe because Millie is more mature than me, that's all.

"Hey, Millie are you okay?"

Millie noticed me, so she instantly wiped down her tears and changed her expression to be happier. "Oh big brother, what are you doing here?"

I came closer to Millie and sat on her bed and answered. "I just came to see you that's all."

"Really... I guess that's okay."

"Now that I think about it, this is my first time going to your room." Even if I've lived here for about 4 or 5 months now, I haven't been in Millie and my parent's bedroom.

"Yeah right, you were always hanging out with Sora and the others at your room, so that's maybe why."

"Hey Millie, are you okay?"

"Of course, why ask?"

"*Sigh* you don't need to hide how you feel Millie, because it's normal for siblings to know the feeling of their siblings." I guess saying that won't do, so I better say more. "I know about it Millie because Master told me."

"I see... I'm sorry for not telling you big brother..."

"*Sigh* I don't care if you don't tell me about it, I just want to know right now how're your feelings? You know I'm worried about you."

"I guess I'm a little sad, that's all. Because of the thing, I didn't want to happen; actually happened."

Getting closer to Millie more, I patted her head gently. "Even if we're not related, we're still siblings, and I love you very much as my cute little sister Millie, so don't worry about stuff like this ever again."

A tear fell from Millie's eye and she began to finally smile happily, with the joy she received, Millie hugged me tightly. "Thank you, big brother and I'm sorry."

Hugging her tightly too, I smiled because she has finally calmed down, I guess no one can ever break the bond of siblings.

I decided to sleep in her room beside her to make sure if she has really calmed down, which of course made me happy because, in the end, her sadness has finally disappeared.

Being woken up by Millie since it's already daytime, she said that the Archdukes have decided on another meeting on what to do.

Looking at my surroundings, I remembered that I slept here, and when I looked at the door; creepiness was the thing I saw.

An old disgusting bastard who I call Master was peeking at us while smiling creepily, also there's another guy that every man hates; smiling with the old guy.

"Lucas; Master, what are you two doing there? Isn't there a meeting?"

"We know, but... It's normal to get curious you know?"

"Big brother and I are doing okay now, thanks to Lilith and the others."

"Really..? *Cough* Haruki, can you come here we have something to discuss with you."

Going to them immediately, the two pushed the door and we went farther to the hallway so that nobody would hear us.

The disgusting old man said to me. "So did you go all in-" Stopping this old guy's mouth instantly, I asked Lucas' what he's doing here.

"Well it's quite different from Ifrit's because when I saw you yesterday, you were with Luna, so I wanted to know... How's it going with Akemi and Luna?"

"You know what, Lucas even if I sometimes want to punch your face for having a harem, I'll thank you for giving me the advice to be just myself."

"Your welcome, I hope you'll put it to good use."

All of us went to the meeting room already, and the conference has started, but Shota and Lilith weren't there because they're stopping the rampage outside again. And Sora is missing for some unknown reason.

"The only thing I can say is we need to fight back, and create our own newspaper and gain more trust."

Akemi raised her hand. "Also, it seems like Satanael and the others have disappeared; the reason is unknown, but we can make this as a chance to do so."

With a sigh, Ifrit spoke. "Knowing Satanael he might just waiting for our next move, so if we went to publish our own newspaper, they might begin to attack to stop us."

"Then we'll fight back, I already laid out the plan, and we need nine people to do it."

I looked at the Archdukes, and they seemed like they expected Millie to say something like this, but... How? Did she plan this while I was asleep?

"I know who's gonna be the nine too, so they'll be divided into four groups: first: Akemi and Lucas, you two will go to the newspaper publisher. Second: Master, Vladamir, and Hans will protect the two if they attack. Third: Shota and Lilith have finally started to calm the people down. And last: Dawn and Luna will protect the castle and my brother in case if they attack here too, so all of you ready?"

The Archdukes smiled and began to finally depart from their respective designation and task.

That means me, Millie, Luna, and Dawn are gonna be left here. "Hey Millie, why can't I go out yet?"

"The people still doesn't know that you've returned, so that's why I sent Akemi and Lucas at the news publisher."

"So they're gonna reveal me in the news?"

"Yes, I guess it's finally time, and we can use your name to gain the trust of the citizens of Tastraria, and maybe even the people of Hell."

Using me, that's dirty, but I like it since we can easily win this, also... "Hey, where's Sora?" I've been wondering about this for a while, but the moment when we got here, Sora completely disappeared.

"*Sigh* Sora's in your room sleeping."

"Then I'll go to my room for a bit, then you can protect us there."


[Akemi Leviathan POV]

The mission has finally commenced, and Akemi and Lucas were finally meeting with the news director for their task.

The three: Ifrit, Vladamir, and Hans were inside the building and checking the entire place to check if it's safe.

"Now, what can I do to the both of you, my Lords?"

He's not affected by the news was their first thought of the guy. "We want to publish a newspaper specially requested by us Archdukes, and publish it throughout the eighth floor."

"*Cough* But didn't Mammon requested one two days ago?"

"Yes we know, but this time it's our version."

"Hmm... I see, but Lord Mammon ordered me to not follow any of the other Archdukes requests because I heard about the plan that you Archdukes are doing."

Akemi smiled hearing that since she expected this to happen, with that coming in mind, Akemi looked at the news publisher and used a skill called True Skill View; the same skill Azazel used to see if there's a skill used on the target. Looking at the news publisher Akemi smiled and saw a skill that Mammon used on him.

Akemi whispered to Lucas the skill Mammon used; Force Withdrawal, now that they knew what happened, it's now Lucas' turn to talk.

"You know about your daughter right? I heard she's a good girl, what do you say if she became my lover?"

The man was both shocked and anxious hearing that from one of the Archdukes, so he replied. "Sorry, but what do you want me to do so that you would break up with her? If you wish my Lord."

With a smile on his face, Lucas just said. "Publish the news we requested at least two days."

"Sure, I'll do it... But if I may ask, why are you all Archdukes planning to do to Hell?"

Both Akemi and Lucas stood up with a smile and said at the same time. "Save it." With that, they both left.

But... there's one thing bothering them, why hasn't Satanael attack? And what could they be possibly planning?


[Satanael POV]

Hidden on the seventh floor were Satanael and Yahweh talking to each other, also one more... The Archangel Camael was also with them.

"So Yahweh how's it doing with Zeus?"

"They're now preparing to attack the Japanese, so that's why I can't talk to them for a bit."

"Attacking the Japanese Gods... But do you think they can successfully do it? I'm not belittling them, it's just because of the Japanese God of the Storm Susanoo, also his brother Tsukuyomi are both still alive."

"It'll be a combined army with mostly the Chinese and Norse, also some of Amun-Ra's army are joining in."

"Three forces are attacking, so after the attack on Japan, what are you all planning next?"

"Zeus' wants Atlantis to be destroyed, also the entire floor of Hell, so he's stuck on what to do next."

"*Sigh*" Satanael stopped and looked at Camael with a smile. "So Camael? How's Michael doing?"

"Right now he's still okay, Raphael and the others are helping him from his troubles."

"I see... But what about you? You know what's your Lord doing right? Isn't your pride as an Archangel broken knowing about this?"

"As an Archangel, it's my duty to follow my Lord's order, unlike some people."

"Haha! I see... So Yahweh, your orders?"

With a ferocious smile, Yahweh said. "Attack the castle and damage Haruki and Millie."

Knowing what they're gonna do now that Yahweh ordered them, Satanael sent Milicas, Mammon, and Azazel to the castle to attack again.

While Satanael will go to the city to settle things with some friends too. Right now... Satanael will even destroy his reputation with the citizens so that he can get what he wanted. With that, the four left the seventh floor to do some work. "Haruki... Time to meet again."