Chapter 19: Another Reflection

Walking to the hallway with Millie, Luna, and Dawn, we were having fun chatting together while walking to my room.

Even if I said this many times, I'll keep saying it. Talking to people here is fun and it brings me endless joy, that I want to be with them forever.

So fate has brought me here? Even if it's not fate, then what could it be? Did luck give me this? Because surely it's not, since my luck has always been sh*t. "Then... Is it really fate?"

As I was mumbling a bit the three noticed me almost losing my mind from what I've been mumbling. "Big brother, something wrong? You seem out of it."

Looking at the three, I put on a smile to hide what I've been thinking about, I said to them with a direct smile. "Nothing, I was just thinking of something."

"Anyway, Dracula I was wondering, what's with that dog you're holding?"

Looking at her arm and smiling at the dog. "Oh, this cute pup? It's the child of the hellhounds that Satanael put on the castle to kill the workers, and in exchange for killing its parents, I took care of it."

"Really... So what's its name?"

"I never thought of it... Naming an entity is not in my expertise, so any idea?"

Naming... I never named something before, but looking at the pup... Wait. "Hey, did you just say hellhound?" Is it really a hellhound?! The infamous canines that live in Hell?!

With a cute confused look, Dawn responded. "Yes, is there a problem, my Prince?"

"That's a hellhound, keeping it is dangerous right?"

"Well hellhounds are deadly all right, and in terms of their strength, a single hellhound can defeat about two to three hundred living beings but they can also be trained as pets." Up to this point, I still can't believe that Millie knows random stuff like this.

But there's no harm keeping it as a pet right? It's very cute, so I guess it's okay.

"Then... I guess I'll name it." Looking at it closely and inspecting it, I decided on what to finally call it. "Then what about Flint." That is what I gave to it.

"I guess that could work, then can you hold him for me, my Prince. It's better to make him more familiar to the one who gave him a name."

Passing it to me, I happily took the Flint from her, holding him feels comfortable, because his fur is not like any dogs I've touched back on Earth. "Then it's nice to meet you, Flint." Well even if Flint's looking at me with a confused look, I hope it understands me, sort of.

Walking our way through the hallway, we finally got to our designation: my room.

When we opened the door, all of us instantly noticed a dumb-looking guy laying on my bed like it's his own. "Hey Sora, I can't believe you're here instead of going to the conference."

"Oh you four are here... *Groan* Quiet down a bit, I'm tryna sleep."

Millie was pissed when she heard Sora said that to us casually, with that Millie's body started to heat up and small bits of flames came out.

Sora knowing what would happen to him instantly stood up in fear. "So what are we gonna do?"

"*Sigh* For now we wait for the outcome, we don't know what will happen next, maybe they're even infiltrating the castle now..."

"*Groan* Really? But isn't that whatcha expected?"

"Yes, but it's still a loss if we fight them head-on."

"Isn't that already a given Millie? Even if I don't know how strong they are, they're still the original Generals, which would make them an impossible opponent to beat." But... Could there be a chance to beat them? Especially after I saw that incredible skill that I have, but I fainted when I used it though...

Luna started speaking telling us what we could do. "I only know Azazel's weakness, but the other two none."

Then if we know Azazel's weakness we'll take him out first. "So what is it?"

Asking her directly, Luna sighed with disappointment. "We can beat him here because having Azazel in the ground can up our chances since most of his skills are great when he's above the air."

"Azazel's advantage above... Wait, isn't that dangerous? He can attack us in the air now if he wants to." That's the only possibility he'll win, and all of us knew that those four are smart.

"Possibly, but Luna you noticed right?"

With a confused look, Luna asked Millie. "What?"

"In the lab, if Azazel wants to, he could've killed you since he knew all the skills that you use."

Luna looked at Millie and instantly her mind was brightened.

Luna thought about her battle with Azazel, and got her wondering, why didn't Azazel used his strongest skill on me? Is there a reason why? That is what came to mind to her.

With a smile on Luna's face, Millie knew that she instantly got what she meant.

"What about you Dawn? What happened with the battle with Milicas?"

"It was hard, really hard because I didn't know that Milicas has a skill that can teleport himself everywhere, and he even teleported me in front of him, seriously that memory brought me to shame."

"Then did Milicas attempted to kill you?"

"To think about it, no. Even if he can kill me when I'm injured, Milicas still chose to pull back."

Millie looked at Dawn directly and smiled at her, and Dawn noticing the stare of Millie was shocked, not because she was creeped out, but because she knew what Millie and Luna's mind was thinking.

As of now, Sora and I who both have an equal IQ are currently looking at each other, dumbfounded from their gibberish talk.

Whispering to Sora. "Hey, do you understand what they said?" But, because we two are both stupid, Sora whispered back. "No clue either."

Millie noticing us not understanding what she said, gave us a revolting look, like thinking that we need to get smarter.

Looking back at each other, Sora and I nodded together at the same time; signaling that we actually needed to get smarter.

The three looking at us with a face of disappointment toward us, all sighed and has decided that they really need to make things clear to both of us.

"I'll make an easy example to the both of you, remember when Satanael trapped us? Didn't it come to your minds that why didn't he killed us when we were trapped there?"

"Then could it be..." No way, so that's why Satanael said it before trapping us. "All of you are blind, making sacrifices is the right thing to do?! We can survive this if we throw the life of our people, and the others can just create more supply to us." That is what Satanael said before he was interrupted by Lucas.

All this time. "To think that Satanael wants us to-" Wait, but it could be wrong right? After all, why are they even doing this to us? Then that means what Millie meant is that Satanael and the others wanted us alive for some reason that we don't know.

Sora, Luna, and Dawn stood up and has readied their weapons, and they went in front of me and Millie to protect us.

Outside the door of my room, all of us heard loud footsteps getting close to us, not only that, but we hear three people coming to hear through my door.

"*Sigh* I can't believe that we didn't even have time to chat, and they're already here..."

The door opened slowly, and the way it creaks made it more intense to look at; looking back at it, it feels like we're in a horror film, and the killer is opening the door right now, that's the feeling I'm having right now.

Right in front of us were three people we expected to come here, even if they are intimidating. Sora, Luna, and Dawn didn't move an inch, and the three are in a straight face hiding their fear or to show them that they're not afraid to fight them.

"Nice to see you all safe." That was the word that Milicas said.

The three who we now call enemies are smiling wickedly at us, which makes my skin crawls in fear.

"Then let's get this out of the way, you four! If all of you doesn't want to die, surrender now and join us."

Sora hearing that smiled with joy and began laughing tremendously, but after the laugh, Sora stared at them with an intent to warn them that he'll kill them. "Shut your mouth!" Sora shouted, and ran directly to them.

With a face of disappointment, Milicas sighed with grief. "I guess I'm just pushing my luck..." With one swing from his sword, Sora was pushed back in an instant.

Landing back on his feet, Sora snickered and stood up calmly.

Looking at the way Milicas swung his sword on Sora surprised me, because he pulled out his in a blink of an eye, no. Milicas pulled out his sword faster than a millisecond.

Looking at it is very insane, it's normal to be in awe after seeing something like that.

Azazel looked at us with a smile full of mischief, and cracking his neck, he said. "I guess we better get started, *flick*"

Flicking his finger, the four of us felt a tremble from the ground, an earthquake is the first thing I've thought about, but we noticed the room getting darker.

it's still day, but what could cause the sudden darkness? Wanting to know that, I took a quick peek from the window and saw what caused it.

A large barrier trapped us again, but this time it's different, not like the invisible barrier that the Archdukes always use, but this time is not like a barrier, but more like a wall.

It's a great wall covering the entire castle, a wall higher than the great wall of China, but the downside is, it's made out of clay.

"Trapping us in... Again, but this time you three are here, what's the purpose of it?"

"Nothing, it means we'll do anything to win." Another snap from Azazel's finger, and this time it's not another wall again, but the roof of the entire castle was destroyed.

Remembering what Luna said, she said that Azazel is weak when he's in the ground since he mostly has aerial skills, but now that the roof's gone.

Then is it an instant loss? I don't know how powerful each of the three is, but seeing Milicas blocking Sora's attack is already enough proof that their strength is beyond my imagination.

Azazel has finally flown, and Milicas and Mammon were drawing their weapons.

Even looking at it, there are five of us and only three of them, but in terms of strength... That's a different matter...

A strong gust of wind has started to fill the entire trapped castle, and floating red jewels appeared with it.

"This is your true power, right? Azazel."

"Glad that you know Luna, now it's time to get my revenge for losing!"

Azazel who before has an appearance of a normal human, but has a wing of a raven, has turned into what any man would call a real demon.

His skin turned dark and his claws turned into a claw of a rabid animal, a large horn grew from his head, and spiky rocks appeared out of nowhere and covered Azazel's entire body like armor.

"Then let's begin." Milicas who said that raise his sword and suddenly vanished.

Millie noticed where Milicas would be used some kind of shield skill and blocked his attack from my behind.

"Sora! Go fight Azazel and Luna; Dawn, fight Mammon, us two can handle MIlicas."

The three all nodded back at Millie and went to their tasked enemies.

With a smug smile, Millie looked at me. "Big brother, do you think we can beat Milicas together?"

What's with that question? Do you really think we can beat him? But... "Sure, I guess there's a chance."

Pulling the sword that both Milicas and my father gave me, I heated the blade with my Fire Manipulation skill.

Millie started to close both of her eyes and started saying tons of skills. "Foresight, Swift Step, Barrier of Torment, and Barrier of Security: Target: Allies."

A bright aura came toward our body, signaling that we've been strengthened from Millie's skills.

"Then, better get ready Milicas." I dashed up to him quickly since I can manipulate electricity which sped me up.

Closing to him, we began exchanging blows from our sword, and since I've trained with Milicas I know most of his skills and techniques with the sword.

The way he swings from his left; the way he swings from his right, I've known it all.

But even with that... Milicas is still faster than me, even swinging my sword right now is not doing a thing to him.

With a sigh, Milicas tried to kick me but was shocked when he saw me dodge that. "Impressive, I guess I should've never underestimated you." A fast ball of water came from his hand and threw it at me.

It moves so fast that I almost didn't dodge it, but Millie used her skill Materialization Split to destroy it.

With a smile on his face, Millie was suddenly teleported in front of Milicas.

Me noticing it instantly run up to Milicas in rage and pushed Millie out of the way, but in the process, I was cut in the stomach.

"D*mmit." It hurts.

Millie noticed my injury and in an instant. "Heal!" Millie shouted

The cut from my stomach suddenly started to disappear, and I used this as a chance to dash to Milicas.

But even if I tried, one swung from him was enough to push me back like Sora.

Coughing up blood from the hit, I fell back to Millie, and she healed me again.

Looking at my back, I noticed Luna, Dawn and Mammon have disappeared, but at my top, I saw Sora injured badly, and Millie's heal was doing its best to heal his injuries.

"That's all? Seriously, I thought I can have fun, but I guess you were just a disappointment like your parents."

This guy! "Shut your f*cking mouth assh*le!"

"Oh hit a nerve? Sorry that my mouth just talked by itself." With another wicked smile. "Transport."

The both of us were instantly transported in front of him.

Millie noticed it and used another barrier to shield us, but was instantly broken.

And noticing the barrier broken I used my arm as a shield, and Milicas severed it.

"Oh no!" Millie teleported us away instantly and tried to heal it. "Don't worry big brother, my heal can get your arm back."

Healing it, Millie noticed that my arm won't return and shocked her.

With a hysterical laugh. "You won't heal him nor get back his arm since I've used a curse so that it won't heal!"


My vision is starting to blur from blood loss, what is this? Am I gonna die?

Looking at Milicas again, I saw him ran up to Millie and preparing to swing her sword at her.

My blood boiled seeing that and when he got near and saw Millie trying her best to defend. A blue light appeared in my vision.

There it was again, the blond beautiful girl that I saw when I first obtained my skills, whispering something to me. "Fight Haruki, believe in yourself, and protect everyone."

Hearing that I already know what she meant, and how to protect Millie and the others. "Soul Bound..!"

My arm grew back and the same old armor that made me insane appeared again.

And This time I'm not insane, but it feels so normal now, my body isn't getting wrecked from this thing.

Millie and Milicas were both shocked when they saw Soul Bound appeared.

Sora and Azazel who were fighting at the top also witnessed the scene. While Luna, Dawn, and Mammon who were now fighting outside saw a blue light shining from where we came from.

In the midst of the battle, everyone was worried so they came toward us.

Everyone was looking at me with a mixed feeling of both fear and confusion.

The way they saw me transform into some sort of monster made their mouth shut, while Milicas who is in shock remained calm and began to ready his stance.

Finishing my transformation, I looked at my entire body and saw how cool this armor is; looking cool with the blue flames coming from my body, and looking back at Milicas, I smiled at him.

Both Mammon and Azazel went closer to Milicas, and Mammon started mumbling something to both Milicas and Azazel. "Are we gonna fight Haruki? He equally fought nine Archangels alone when he used Soul Bound."

Azazel whispered.

"We can defeat Haruki, I know it, remember what Yahweh said about Soul Bound?"

"We don't even know if he's telling the truth, so stop with your pride right now Milicas."

"Mammon is right Milicas, me, Mammon, and Satanel don't even trust Yahweh, so why are you listening to what Yahweh said?"

MIlicas hearing the two looked at both of them with disappointment in their eyes. "Then what if he's telling the truth?"

The two have no response to what Milicas said and finally decided to give up persuading MIlicas to not give in from his excessive pride of wanting to fight and defeat me.

"You two are boring to have fun with." Milicas looked at me with a face of both excitement and pride, he pointed his sword at me and with a smile on his face. "Haruki, I want a duel."