Chapter 20: Vanquish of Fighters

[Sora Belphegor POV]

Hearing what Milicas wanted to do, Haruki who was still using soul bound let out a loud roar of agreement.

Mammon and Azazel who decided that they'll leave Milicas to do what he wants, went both to the sky to spectate their battle.

All in agreement to watch, Millie, Sora, Luna, and Dawn created their spatial barrier to watch the two fight safely.

Sora was worried about what could happen, so he whispered to Millie. "Hey... You remember that Haruki fainted when he used that skill, so can I at least help him? I'm kind of worried."

"I know what you mean Sora, but disturbing their fight can lead to some consequences; since Milicas might try to kill us, and also my brother doesn't have a right mind right now, so the possibility of him attacking us too is high."

Sora groaned angrily, because for Sora even if he'll take the risk of Haruki attacking him, he'll still do it to win against Satanael.

"Stay put for now Sora, you're injuries from Azazel are serious, so Dawn and I will heal you a bit."

Milicas looked at his sword with a smile and teleported behind Haruki.

Heading for behind, Milicas was shocked when blue flames burst an explosion on Haruki's back.

Teleporting away immediately to dodge the sudden burst, Milicas threw his sword at Haruki.

Haruki saw the sword thrown at him, and immediately fire came from his body hitting the sword and melted it in an instant.

A smile came from Milicas and with one stomp on the ground, another sword appeared, no hundreds of swords appeared.

Floating in the air, the swords all flew directly to Haruki.

He let out another roar, and like a suicide man Haruki ran up to Milicas.

Hitting and burning all the swords that flew through Haruki, he began to thrust his fist for a punch to Milicas.

"That's all?"That is what Milicas said, Haruki getting finally close to Milicas has ended everyone watching in shock.

Everyone watching thought that Haruki's punch would hit Milicas, but what they saw was different.

"No way..." Or "impossible..." Was everyone's reaction when they saw that exact scene.

In the fight scene was, Haruki who should've punched Milicas, was instead Milicas standing and has caught Haruki's fist with his right hand.

Another roar came from Haruki, and he tried to punch with his other arm, but like the other, Milicas caught it.

"*Sigh* I'm disappointed in you Haruki..." Letting go of one of Haruki's fists, Milicas punched Haruki in the stomach.

He was pushed back by the punch, and Haruki's armor in the stomach was broken.

Milicas stomped on the ground again, and many swords appeared and floated through the air.

The swords that Milicas created all flew again to Haruki.

Instead of Haruki dodging and destroying the swords like before, it hit him. Since the punch that broke through Haruki's armor didn't only damage the armor, but also Haruki's body was damaged in the process.

The swords hit every part of Haruki's armor; scraping it, demolishing it, and tearing it apart.

Milicas who kept summoning more swords and playing with the swords like a dart and making Haruki his own dartboard, was right now watching Haruki getting hurt and laughing with joy at the same time. "Come on stand up, are you a masochist that you enjoyed being played as a toy?"

Haruki who was still being played can't do a thing to escape Milicas' attack, and everyone even including Mammon and Azazel is terrified and disgusted by what Milicas is doing to Haruki.

Millie who also was in the same mind as Sora tried to leave the barrier they created to go to Haruki, but she was stopped by Luna, Dawn, and Sora. "Let me go!" Millie shouted with a cry.

Sora who even was in fear seeing something like this; punched himself in the face. "What am I doing?" As his Genera-, no as Haruki's best friend, am I just gonna leave him like that? "D*mn it... Luna, Dawn! Stay here with Millie, I'll help Haruki." Making a room at the barrier, Sora ran as fast as he can to protect Haruki.

Milicas noticed the sudden disturbance of Sora in his supposed duel with Haruki. "Hoy! Has anyone told you it's disrespectful to disturb a duel?!" Changing the directions on where the swords will go, Milicas changed the target to Sora.

Sora prepared both of his daggers and began to ready himself to hit the swords away.

He hit it away; like hitting a baseball with a baseball bat, but instead, Sora is using his daggers as a bat.

And like any professional batter, Sora hit all the swords that flew to him.

Milicas angered by what he saw. "I see! So you want more!" Stomping the ground again, and summoning tons of swords, but this time the swords are faster than before.

It was faster than the speed of sound.

Sora stayed strong even if he knew how fast the swords are, hitting what he can hit, and being cut by some swords, but despite that. "I'm not giving up."

Creating more swords again, Milicas let out a laugh-filled with joy. "Haha! Die, hypocrite!" All the swords were teleported all around Sora, encircling him and pointing it at him.

All of it flew at the same time at Sora.

Sora knew that he's dead. "*Sigh* So this is where I die." D*mn it, so in the end, I didn't do a thing.

Closing his eyes slowly, the swords were already close to him.

Knowing that he's gonna die right now, he thought of something.

Why am I dying as a virgin? That is what he thought.

Waiting for his death, he noticed that the swords haven't hit him yet, opening one of his eyes, he saw Haruki in front of him.

And the swords that were supposed to kill him, have all melted from Haruki's blue flames. "Really, why are you giving up easily? *Sigh* You can't be lazy now."

Sora was in disbelief that Haruki was still sane despite using Soul Bound, but at the same time, he was happy for him. "*Sigh* I can't believe that you were in your senses all along, seriously you could've told us."

Another laugh of joy came from Milicas. "So you're still alive?! Then both of you die!" Stomping the ground again, swords were summoned to encircle them.

"Let's finish this and beat Milicas, Sora."

Sora smiled and replied. "Yeah, we'll show them that the both of us can overpower Milicas."

Haruki and Sora looked at each other and fist-bumped.

Sora ran as fast as he can to Milicas, and Haruki burned all the swords coming toward them.

"*Sigh* Just stop resisting..." Stomping the ground again, a chain came from the ground and tied Sora down.

But Haruki's flames melted the chains and Sora ran to Milicas again.

Haruki turned into a small flame and teleported to Milicas' back.

A sigh came from Milicas. "Disappointing." With a snap of his finger, both Sora and Haruki were forcedly teleported in front of Milicas, and with just one punch both Haruki and Sora were pushed back.

"That's all you two can do? *Tsk* Seriously what a waste of talent."

Both Haruki and Sora smiled at Milicas' arrogance, and the two stood up at the same time, saying. "You forgot that we're not the only one here."

Milicas was shaken when he heard that, and he felt someone's presence from behind.

Vines grew below Milicas; constricting and getting trapped at the vines.

Milicas tried to escape, but he saw the vines glow and drains his energy to move and even cast at least one skill.

The cause of this vine was. "Even if you're strong Milicas, your arrogance and pride are your main weakness."

"Millie! But how?! Where did Mammon and Azazel go?!" Looking at his surroundings he saw both Mammon and Azazel tied up together at a wall, and Luna and Dawn guarding them.

"How are they tied up in the wall?! No! How are they defeated in the first place?!"

A familiar voice came from Millie's behind. "Yo Milicas, forgot me?"

"Shota!? But how?! We set five barriers here, how did you get here quickly?!"

A fly landed on Milicas' shoulder, and when he saw that he instantly figured out how Shota got to the castle very quick. "Could've guessed it, *sigh* all of you win for now."

Beelzebub was known as the 'Lord of the Flies' in the past, and when Shota inherited Beelzebub's name, he didn't get the "Lord of the Flies" title, but instead Shota got his own one. "I guess you beat us for the first time, 'Insect Lord.' Shota."

"Glad to take it, Milicas." Shota answered back.

Everyone noticed that Haruki's Soul Bound has ended, and so they went to him in an instant.

Knowing that Haruki was okay made them happy, until...

"*Cough* *cough*" Haruki was coughing very hard, and after coughing blood came from his mouth that Haruki puked a tremendous amount of blood.

"Big brother! Dawn get here quickly!"

Dawn immediately ran up to Haruki and began to use her blood skills to cure and give Haruki his blood back.

"Are you okay big brother?"

"I'm fine, my body just hurts a lot." Sh*t I guess using Soul Bound for a long time is painful.

But... That blonde girl again showed up in my mind and made me used Soul Bound out of my will.

"You better rest for now big brother-"

Ha! A scream came toward Shota, and when they looked at him they saw an unknown guy, maybe about in his 60's already.

And most important of all, he is choking Shota and destroying the vines that trapped Milicas at the same time.

Millie asked the unknown guy. "Who are you?!"

The guy looked at Haruki and Millie with a straight eye and a sadistic smile as he throws Shota at them. "I guess this is the first time we met, Princess of Hell. I guess the both of you especially Haruki are more comfortable seeing my other form."

A bright light shone from the unknown guy's body, and his appearance has started to change.

Haruki looking at the mysterious guy was shocked at what he saw, no actually he was filled with immense anger and disbelief at what he saw the guy changed into.

Haruki spoke with a voice filled with fear and confusion. "So it's true... You're Yahweh right, El?"

"I'm happy that you still remember me Haruki, even in my true appearance you know who I am."

"You sh*tty old bastard, just what did we ever do to you for you to do this to us..?"

"To be in fact... I don't know, I just felt like I should do this, maybe... For me to be happy? I guess so..."

"For you to be happy..? So you f*cking attacked us for your f*cking enjoyment! Die!"

Another blue light signaling that Haruki would use Soul Bound has enveloped Haruki's body again.

Yahweh or El, with a sigh, snaps his finger and some kind of bright force has stopped Haruki and bind him from using his Soul Bound.

Yahweh or El used this skill again at Millie and the others to trap them and used it on Mammon and Azazel to free them.

"Now may you excuse us, we have another job to do." Opening a portal for their escape, Yahweh or El looked at Haruki again and said. "I forgot to say this, but you better not use Soul Bound always. It's very draining to the user's life."

Leaving like it was nothing, Haruki tried to stand up even if his body is in pain.

"Big brother stop and rest for now, Soul Bound damaged your body and we don't know if Yahweh is telling the truth or not, but you need to rest."

"I guess so..." Haruki has many things he wants to make clear on my mind, he understood that he was still not ready to accept the fact that El betrayed him.

"We can't destroy the barrier on the inside, so we need to wait for Akemi and the others to noticed us trapped."


[Akemi Leviathan POV]

In the middle of the city were Akemi and Lucas walking through the city to go back to the castle.

With them hiding in the crowds and buildings, were Ifrit, Hans, and Vladamir to protect them just in case if somebody attacks them.

And somewhere on top of a building was Satanael looking at Akemi and Lucas with eyes of aggression.

"How sad to fight all of you, now... I better get going and end our battle now."

Satanael jumped down the building; landing and crashing the streets in the process.

The five saw that Satanael was there, and the three has begun to prepare their positions.

"Akemi; Lucas, leave this to us and go back to the castle as planned."

The two nodded at Ifrit and ran in another direction to dodge the upcoming battle.

The citizens were shocked at the sudden appearance of Satanael, so all of them ran away from fear.

The two ran as fast as they can to go to the castle quickly.

"I can't contact Millie with Shota's insect." Lucas said worriedly.

The two already knew that if Satanael attacked them, then something might've happened to the castle.

Because if Satanael is the only one here, then where are the other three? Are they here too? Or are they in the castle fighting Haruki and the others?

Those thoughts came to Akemi who was worried about what could be happening right now.

A large explosion came from where everyone is fighting, and they saw some pieces of the buildings flying through the air.

"The fight seemed to turn bloody..." They both said with disgust and anger at the same time.

Looking behind them they saw a barrier being created and seeing that they sighed in relief knowing that the barrier they saw would protect the safety of the people.

"Despite saying that... Satanael doesn't want to kill the citizens, he really wants them as sacrifices..." Akemi mumbled to herself.

The two are already close at the castle, but they didn't saw a castle, but a giant wall, actually a cube made of clay is what they saw, and instead of covering the entire land, even the sky is covered too, so going above is not an option.

So they need to destroy this wall, which would take only not worthy of their time to break the barriers.

Checking how many barriers there are, they saw five barriers intact at the clay wall.

With a smile Akemi said. "Easy..." Touching the clay wall; every side and inch of the wall was frozen in an instant.

Touching the now frozen wall again, it broke in an instant when Akemi touched it with her finger.

"Now's that done, we need to find Haruki and the others quickly."

They both entered the castle quickly and split up to check every room of the castles.

Akemi ran up to Haruki's room first, and there he saw Sora walking in the hallway full of bandages in his body.

"Sora what happened to you?! Why do you look like-"

"I know I'm a masochist, but I don't have time for that now... I'm hungry, and since I can't contact Millie due to the barrier in the last attack, I can't get her to help me, so move out... I need to eat." Sora said as he ran painfully and knock over to just crawl.

"*Sigh* Glad that he's still alive, and still the same." Then that means the others are also safe.

With the best as he can even if he's in pain, Sora shouted to warn Akemi. "Akemi! If you're looking for Haruki he's at my room resting, since Haruki's room got destroyed when the three attacked here."

"Really? thank you, Sora! I'll pay you back another time!" Akemi said while she ran to Sora's room.

Sora smiled happily. "You better not waste this time again Haruki, or else I won't help you anymore." Looking at his surroundings, Sora remembered what he was supposed to do. "Now, time to eat!"

Akemi has already got to Sora's room, Akemi was worried when she finally got here, since she doesn't know what happened, or if Haruki's body is okay.

Akemi pushed the door slowly, and when she looked at the room she saw Haruki sitting at his bed, while looking at the window, and also probably thinking of something.

Akemi was in tears of joy seeing Haruki is not severely injured from the attack.

Haruki noticed Akemi standing in the doorway. "I see that you're back Akemi."

"You too Haruki, I'm glad that you're safe and okay." Akemi moves closer to Haruki and sat at the bed.

What do I do?! I know that Sora set this up for me, but... He forgot that I don't know how to talk with girls. Haruki started to panic when he realized that.

Flint came out of the blanket and barked happily at Akemi.

Akemi noticed Flint from Sora's bed and carried him. "Isn't this the pup that Dawn's took from the hellhounds? What it's doing here?"

"I adopted him because Dawn said that she has no time taking care of Flint, so Millie and I took him in."

"I see... So his name is Flint, how cute and it fits him really well."

"Of course, I'm the one who gave him the name Flint."

"I see... So Haruki what happened? You look worn out and when I saw you when I'm coming in, you look like you were thinking something deep."

"Nothing... It's just I felt betrayed again because I didn't want to believe that El betrayed me, but when he came here... I found out that it's really true that he betrayed me."

"I see... I know that you respected him a lot, even if you only get to see him a little bit, so I'm sorry to hear that Haruki."

"It's okay, I'm just cooling my mind a bit after seeing what happened..."

"*Sigh* I bet you used Soul Bound right Haruki? Because that's the only thing that came into mind if you're not seriously injured."

"Yes, but more like I was forced to used it."

"Forced? What do you mean Haruki?"

"I never got to tell this to the others, but I saw her again."

"You mean that blonde girl you saw when you got your skills?"

"Yes, and she said this to me "Fight Haruki, believe in yourself and protect everyone." that's what she said."

"So that's when you got forced to use Soul Bound."

"I guess I was forced, I remembered that I said the word Soul Bound, but... *sigh* I can't remember why exactly though."

"Well at least that you're safe, but anything else besides that? Because why do you seem to be afraid of something Haruki?"

So Akemi can read me... I guess it's better to say it now than later. "Yahweh told us, but we still don't know if he's telling the truth or not, because he said that Soul Bound drains the life of the user."

Akemi was shocked when she heard what I said and she spoke to me angrily. "Haruki, please promise me that you won't use Soul Bound anymore, you can only use it when you're in trouble only."

"Well... We still don't know if Yahweh is telling the truth."

"Please Haruki!" Akemi shouted and leaned her head on my chest, while she cries. "I don't want to lose anyone anymore, so please promise me not to use it Haruki."

"Fine, fine." Looking at Akemi crying on my chest is making me blushed and flustered at the same time.

Thank you, Sora for making me experience something like this! In the end, I think I raised a flag from Akemi's route, so go me!