Chapter 33: Questionable Dreams

It was finally done, all of the Archangels were tired and happy that the Gods who came were all happy from the foods that they have served to them.

And when all of the Gods have finally left with a face of happiness and satisfaction, the Archangels were in complete joy when they can finally rest for the day, and Zadkiel was the happiest among them when Odin and Freyja left.

Even when Freyja left, and gave Zadkiel a beautiful and seductive smile, Zadkiel was in relief when Yahweh was interfering with Freyja's attempt to seduce Zadkiel.

And now, all of the male Archangels went to Raphael's room to check on how are the girls doing, and they talk about their dream of their mother that Rafael has mentioned to them.

As the Archangel opened the door, they were all in relief seeing the girls were already okay and has finally accepted the situation they're currently facing together.

The next attack to the Japanese Gods, and a third rebellion that was led by the Archangel of Fortitude and Strength, Camael.

The first rebellion they faced was known to many people that it was lead by the former Archangel Lucifer, and the second rebellion that the angels have faced was by the leader of the Watchers that Yahweh sent to Earth, Azazel.

And now that a third rebellion has started, and it'll soon affect both of the future of Heaven and Hell.

Even when Zadkiel looked at Michael, he can see that he seems to be afraid of the current situation they're facing, which Zadkiel couldn't blame Michael for being afraid, because in the next two months in Japan he and Cassiel might never return to Heaven.

Thinking about it makes Zadkiel's blood boil; clenching his fist tightly, he decided to never worry about it. "*Cough* So Raphael, can we now start talking about what we have dreamt the last night?"

"Sure, I guess it's finally to talk about our dream."

"Dream? Why bother even talking about things such as dreams? I rather do something else than talk about this childish nonsense."

"It's because it's very important Azrael, then can you tell me about your dream then Azrael? Or are you afraid to talk about it?"

When looking at Azrael, he seems tense when Raphael asked him that he's afraid to talk about it.

What did Mother tell him? That is what Zadkiel wanted to know.

"So what is it Azrael? Can you tell us?"

Everyone, except for Zadkiel was confused on why Raphael is pressuring Azrael to tell his dream to them.

When everyone thought about it, they think that Azrael is right that they don't have time to talk about childish things such as sharing their dreams.

But Gabriel has told his dream to Raphael before, so he instantly gets what Raphael was saying to Azrael, and even if he doesn't want to share it with everyone, but if Raphael is serious about talking about their Mother, then Gabriel has no choice but to say it. "It's our dream about Mother right?"

Gabriel said that which made everyone surprised and more nervous, since their completely confused about how Gabriel knew about the dreams they had with their Mother.

And Azrael after Gabriel said that, decided to finally say what he dreamt last night. "Mother told me to kill anyone who treated devils like pests or objects, even if those persons are angels."

"What!? There's no way that mother will tell you that Azrael!"

"Shut up Jophiel! What about you tell us what she told you then! And don't even dare lie to my face!"

"Well... Mother told me that... I should also give my love and care for the devils too..."

"See Jophiel? Even what she said to you doesn't make sense at all, so is that the answer you want now, Raphael?"

"That'll do, so what about you Cassiel? Did Mother tell you something?"

"Hmm... She told me that if I ever always feel alone, I should remember that my angel and devils family are always with me."

"What about you Barachiel?"

"She told me... To be with the devils, because I'm one of their families..."

"And lastly, Uriel; Michael, what about the two of you?"

"*Cough* Mother did indeed visited me in my sleep and saying to me that with my intellect, I should use it to understand what's going on in Heaven, Hell, and Earth, and also to investigate what the Gods are planning."

And Michael who was supposed to be next in line to speak up was in complete silence, it's like he had a nightmare when he recalled what his dream last night was.

Worried about the tired and frightened expression of Michael, Raphael asked him. "Michael, is something wrong?"

Michael looked at Rafael with tears in his eyes, and with a smile filled with despair and sorrow, he could only say was. "Yes..."

He seems afraid of something; afraid of what he saw and experienced, that it completely messed his sanity.

Even when looking at it, the only thing that Zadkiel can describe on Michael's face was full of regret and guilt.

That's the only thing I can say to him, because seeing this made me shocked; because this is the first time I've seen Michael act like this. so... "What did Mother tell you, Michael?"

"What she told me... what she told me..? That's right, it was the nightmare that tortured me last night... the nightmare that I don't ever want to see again..." Michael's voice was trembling.

Everyone was afraid from what they heard from Michael; seeing him afraid of the dream he had, all of them were curious about what he saw, so Raphael asked him what he exactly saw in his dream.

"I saw him and his friends, calling me from their grave while Mother is helping me face them, seeing them die again in front of my own eyes, while Mother was saying that it's not my fault is making me utterly insane."

"Who did you see Michael? Who were the people calling you?"

Michael was already tearing up from Raphael's question. "It was their dead souls that are talking to me: Lucifer, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Belphegor, Astaroth, Purah, and Belial. They were all smiling happily when they were all calling me..."

Jophiel was saddened by Michael's answer, so she went and hugged him tightly. "There, there... That must be scary, but we're here with you Michael..."

"No there were more of them! Vlad! Paimon! Sitri! Furfur! And many more! And worse of all I got to see them too in my dreams! Metatron! Sandalphon! Haniel! Zaphkiel! And the other angels also! I saw them taking my sanity pieces by pieces, everyone who has died in the rebellions and war! All of them came to my dream just to haunt me!"

Michael was already crying tremendously from what he has said to us, and just hearing what Michael has experienced last night... I just want to tell my Lord why can't we ever get peace?

Is it really that impossible to do? Is it something that's hard to obtain?

"Michael..." Seeing Jophiel hug Michael in tears is making me sad; my brothers and sisters suffered a lot in this war, and it's the same with the devils too.

I don't know how Millie and the others are fighting through in their sanity right now, but all I know is that everyone has had enough of this.

Gabriel who was also saddened by Michael's response, just force himself to talk to break the melancholic atmosphere of the room. "Then I guess it's my turn now, and maybe Zadkiel is next and you Raphael will be the last."

"*Cough* Then, Mother told me to fight every challenge that's gonna come to me, she said I need to face them completely to become stronger and protect everyone She and our Lord created, even if I have to disobey what my Lord wishes me to do."

Disobeying to our Lord, even if I don't want to disobey due to my Virtue, but what I saw back on Hell with Azrael, I cannot just say yes to everything my Lord will say.

"Then I guess it's my turn now." I want to believe that they won't laugh at what Mother has said to me, which is. "Mother told me to find a way to break the boundary between us angels and devils, and live in peace together."

I was nervous to say this because everyone will think that I might be a traitor, but this is not betrayal at all, because my Lord said that he wants the safety of the human race, and with peace among devils and angels, that can happen.

And looking at what everyone's reactions were, only Azrael was tense from what I said.

Did I say something wrong?

Everyone was looking down, and all of them at the same time let out a small hysterical laugh.

Hearing them laugh made me concerned, and thought to myself that I messed up.

And everyone just passes it off as a joke, and didn't even reacted and spoke to what I had said.

Looking at them is like they're telling me that it's not gonna happen, which for me still has a chance, but why are they giving up already? That's what I wanted to know.

Even before I wanted to ask what they think of what Mother said, Raphael began to finally say what Mother told her. "She told me to keep healing the wounds of everyone, even the devils, either mentally or physically is a must. Mother said."

After hearing what Raphael said, everyone including me smiled happily that all of us get to gather again, and talk about our worries and problem again.

It feels nostalgic seeing us all gather again, I just wish that Mother, our Lord, Camael, Lucifer, and everyone who have died can gather again, but that's impossible.

And after we talked about this, Rafael said to us. "Now that everyone told theirs, I'm gonna solve what Mother really wanted to tell us, so for now any ideas on what to do? Jophiel?"

Jophiel was mischievously smiling on Michael's back, and she shouted with joy while throwing lots of snacks. "It's now time for our sleepover party!"

"Not joining." That is what Azrael instantly replied.

Barachiel and Cassiel then held Azrael's shoulder tightly and both said at the same time. "You're not going anywhere."

"Now time for the party!"

Seeing that Jophiel and Raphael cheered up again, made us all very happy that we burst out laughing when Jophiel shouted, and so we all decided to stay in Raphael's room for the sleepover party they have prepared.

It was very fun when we did this, it felt like in the past when we're all doing this kind of gathering, but even if we're incomplete, all of us let out a smile, even Michael.

I wish that this can happen again in the future, but with Millie, Ifrit, the other devils, and especially the Prince of Hell, Haruki Hotaru, so I wonder what he's doing right now?


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

Upon opening both of my eyes, I saw myself laying on a familiar grassy field and a familiar civil twilight sky that I once all saw when Satanael trapped us in an alternate dimension.

I want to shout on top of my lungs how I miss this peaceful place, but for some reason, something is stopping me to say it.

Even when I raise my hand on the sky slowly, all I can say about this place was just a dream.

It was exactly after Mammon told us who was the culprit of the sudden disappearance of the Archdukes and the citizens.

After he told us that, I went to the bathroom to refresh both my mind and body after the amount of stress I received from worrying too much about the others.

And standing up slowly on this grassy field, I saw in my own eyes that I was really back from the exact grassy field that me, Sora, and Master were meditating onto before being disturbed by Millie and Akemi.

I asked myself, why am I here? Or what's really happening to me? That is what came to my mind always when I saw this beautiful scenery again.

"It's really beautiful isn't it?"

"Yes it is-" Instantly looking back on where the mysterious person came from, I saw an unfamiliar male standing behind me.

He has dark red hair like that of Milicas and armor that's beautifully well made that has fur covering every side of his armor.

All I can see when I saw this man was incredible, he feels like a real king. "Who are you?"

"Me? My name is Lucifer, what about you?"

Lucifer... Yes, hearing what he said made me very speechless and afraid, because right in front of me is the person that rebelled against God, the Legendary Ruler of Hell, and the original Sinner of Pride, Lucifer.

It makes me laugh in fear seeing him right in front of me, it's like I'm on the verge of dying when I got to know who he was.

I answered him nervously. "M-my name is Haruki Hotaru... ni-nice to meet you..."

He let out loud laughter of joy. "I see... so you're the son of Jarren and Xuntea Hotaru, I'm sorry for the sudden appearance Haruki, I hope you don't mind if we chatted a bit?"

"I-it's okay."

"I see... So Haruki, as the next in line for the throne, how do you feel?"

"How do I feel? I feel nervous since I think I'm not worthy of taking the throne..."

"Not worthy? I see... You're just like your father, Haruki."

"Thank you for the compliment Lord Lucifer, I promise I'll do my best to be like him."

"Lord? Why call me that Haruki?"

"Why..? It's because your 'the Lucifer', the angel who fought against God."

"Haha! You're a good joker Haruki, but please refrain from calling me Lord, I want you to call me by just Lucifer."

"I see... Then Lucifer... If I may ask? Why visit me in my dream?" It seems odd for Lucifer to visit me to my dream, and among all of the Archdukes of Hell, why choose me instead of them?

"Why indeed? Maybe it's because to support the new Ruler of Hell, I heard that they'll reveal your identity to the citizens tomorrow and that you're gonna have a speech for them."

"So... You knew that? Then... I'll do my best to deliver it if I can."

He was quiet when I said that, it feels embarrassing and scary to talk to Lucifer, who is also Milicas' father, but I want to ask him many questions that are in my head.

But I'm really afraid to say it since one mistake could mean death.

"I guess you're nervous talking to me Haruki, so any question you want to ask me? I can answer it if I can, is it to know why I rebelled against Yahweh? Or is it the betrayal of Satanael, Mammon, Azazel, and Milicas?"

I was again speechless, but I at least expected this to happen since he's Lucifer. "Both."

"I see, then I'll answer them both. First, I rebelled because of the desire for freedom, but I guess Yahweh already told you that right?"

"Yes... But I'm confused about why he told me that if he thinks of us, as his enemy."

"That old man sure never changes, but that answers the first question, I don't really want to say any spoilers after all."

Spoilers? Why does he treat this as a spoiler of a novel or something? This is not the time for clichés like a weird man who's breaking the 4th wall.

"Then what about the second question?"

"Why did they betray..? Why did the-, to be honest, Haruki, I don't actually know."

This guy! Why did he even say those questions if he's not even answering it!? He's like another version of El.

"Then if you can't answer those two question, can you tell my why Milicas even betray? He's your son right?"

"Milicas betraying huh? I can't really control his decision right now, but whatever path he chooses, either if he betrays Hell or not, then that's up to him to decide."

"But! You're Lucifer right! and he's the son of the Legendary Lucifer! So why did he betray us!" I couldn't hold back my anger anymore, I just want to know why?

"I betrayed my family too right? My brothers, my sisters, my Father and Mother, I betrayed them all."

"You betray them... I know that! But this time it's different! Milicas' betrayed the trust of our people, the trust that you created! But it was broken because of him! Because of your Father!"

"My Father huh? Even if I betrayed him, I can still both hate and love him at the same time, I guess that's normal for a child right?"

"Don't f*cking change the question Lucifer! Just tell me why?! Why did your own son betray your own ideal world?!"

"Haruki, that question can't be answered by anyone except for Milicas, yes I'm disappointed that he betrayed you and the people, but that's just the Universe is right? It's nothing but unfair right?"

"Yes, the world is unfair! But there are times that it's not! Because of that, I got to meet so many people who I deeply care for and love, but at the same time I was betrayed!"

"Do you really think that a friend can always be with you? Remember, you left your two best friends; Homura and Asahi back on Earth."

"I know... I left them because I didn't mean to, but-" I was already in tears from what I was saying, I was blinded that some of my friends betrayed me, but I forgot about the two people who I left back on Earth.

"Then Haruki, let's do a certain something that your father and I did to remove our worries and stress."

"What you did? What is it?"

A smile filled with pride came from Lucifer's face, and he said. "A duel between two Soul Bound users."