Chapter 34: Deadly Companion

In shocked, that's the state that I'm in when I heard that Lucifer has Soul Bound too.

The fact that everyone didn't know that Soul Bound existed made me confuse, since Lucifer himself has Soul Bound too.

And he also said that he and my father used to duel with their Soul Bound, so why doesn't anyone knew about Soul Bound?

Ifrit, who trained not only me but also Millie and my father too, seeing his reaction on my Soul Bound is proof that he doesn't know such skill exists.

But if my father and Lucifer have Soul Bound too, then are there more people with the power to manifest Soul Bound?

It doesn't make sense at all... if father and Lucifer have Soul Bound, then why didn't they used it against the angels?

If they used it, then they would still be walking with me right? So why didn't they used it? Millie and the others said that I fought nine Archangels equally alone, but I was defeated by Michael.

But Lucifer and my father who are stronger than me didn't even use it once to protect themselves.

I have many questions about their reason for not using it, for now, I'm gonna defeat this guy and ask him why they didn't use it against the angels.

Our distance is already far, so I guess it's time to start this duel now! "Soul Bound!"

A blue light enveloped my body, and my temperature started rising; the armor plates then surrounded my body, encircling it and attached itself to mine, and when it's done attaching itself, blue flames finally came out of my body.

And at a distance, I can see that Lucifer has a smug and prideful smile, he then began clapping in amusement at seeing my Soul Bound. "I see... So that's yours, you have blue flames like your father."

"If you say that, then I'm thankful that you're comparing me to my father, and now you told me that, I'm gonna use these blue flames to beat the crap out of you!"

If he said that my flames' color is just like my father's, then that means Lucifer's flames and armor might be different from mine.

Remembering what my teacher thought me back at high school, I remembered her teaching about the color of a star, she said that the hottest star in the Galaxy was a blue giant star.

So even if I don't know anything about science, all I know is blue means the hottest.

"Then my turn, Soul Bound!"

It was different than what I expected to happen, seeing him transform into his Soul Bound made my mouth shut.

Instead of seeing familiar colors of any fire and stars, what I saw him have is something unexpected and different, no it's out of this world.

Instead of the familiar blue light that enveloped my body when I transform, Lucifer instead has a dark aura that surrounded him.

It was like a dark shadow swallowing him when I saw him transform, and there it was, dark armor that's like a scale of a giant dark lizard, and in his arms, he has sharp claws like that of a reptile.

Seeing his armor, I saw one thing distinct from his armor than mine, instead of having skeletal armor like mine, he has a black dragon-like armor that has black flames coming out of his body.

All I can say about this design was wow! And why does he have a cool draconic design?! While I have bones?! It's not fair at all!

"Lucifer! Even I'll admit that yours is cooler than mine! So let's start now!" I want to cry because of jealousy.

"Thank you for the compliment!-" He dashed to me as he said that.

He tries to go for a punch, but when he got closer to me, I thrust my right arm to punch his hand.

Bang! There, both of our punches collided and let out a large bang.

I immediately jumped back, and it hurts! My right arm hurts a lot.

When I looked at it, I saw that every time I try to move it, it hurts a lot.

Did my bones break from that collusion? Sh*t! It hurts!

And... how is he undamaged from that collusion? This guy is on another level...

"What Haruki? Don't tell me you're gonna cry from just a fracture?"

"Hell no!" I want to! But I don't want to embarrass myself in front of this guy.

"Then! Get ready for more Haruki!"

He dashed again to me, but this time he's faster than before, so what do I do?!

If I try to attack him again, then I'm dead! So for now! "Run!"

"Why are you running Haruki-!"

Bang! Bang! Lucifer has started throwing fireballs at me!

"Don't run!"

"What can I do besides running!? H*ck, you're a hundred percent stronger than me!" Bang! "Can you stop!?"

"Then make me!"

I haven't mastered most of the things I can do with my Fire and Electric Manipulation skills, so it wouldn't affect him if I use them! "Then Space Cutter!"

The portal appeared in front of me, so I entered it and. "Got you!" I was teleported above Lucifer.

"How smart! But have you ever heard of stay quiet! Explosion!"

Oh, Shi- Bang! The explosion hit me.

*Cough* Blood coughed out of my mouth and I was pushed back from the strong force of the explosion

All I can describe is it is powerful, more powerful than the Archdukes who showed me their skills, this guy is a monster among men.

My whole body was in tremendous pain that I couldn't stand up anymore, and the armor from my Soul Bound was disintegrated from his explosion, not a single piece of the armor was still intact on my body.

Seriously, I can't believe I lost, and not even 5 minutes have passed and I already lost.

Even if he's already dead, it's still not best to underestimate him, because he's Lucifer.

This isn't fair, I want to fight him longer, but my body completely gave up from just one blast of an explosion.

He looked at my face with a happy smile and looking at that smile of his made me more pissed off.

If I could stand up, I would've punched the smile on this guy's face, even if his Lucifer...

"Are you okay Haruk-"

"Of course not!" I don't even know how can I shout from my current condition, but if I can shut this guy's mouth, I don't care if my throat will hurt!

"Hmm... I could've thought that you would win, but I guess there's always no way to beat me." This guy, I really want to punch him in the face.

"*Cough* Heal!"

A green light came out of my body, and a moment when it disappeared, all of my injuries were completely gone.

The broken bones on my right arm, and the wounds that the explosion gave, have all disappeared without a trace.

And my body was able to move again, and so I jumped back up, and check if everything is okay.

Impressive! That is what I would say, even Millie and the other Archdukes who can heal and bring back missing limbs, but for Lucifer, it's amazing, since every time the others heal me back from the battle it'll hurt a lot, but for Lucifer, there's no pain.

"Thank you, Lucifer..."

"You're welcome, Haruki."

Okay, at first he announced that we do a duel; when we did a duel I got obliterated completely by him, and now that I'm all healed up he's just gonna stand there quietly, which is now awkward.

"Umm... Lucifer is there a problem? You seem quiet now."

"There's been something on my mind about you."

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"You don't have one? A weapon? Maybe like a sword or a bow?"

"I have a katana back at the castle that father and Milicas gave me, but I rarely use it when I'm in a battle against Satanael and the others, so that's why I don't use one. And because I also suck at using one..."

"I understand... so can you summon it?"

"You mean like bring it here? Of course not."

"As I thought... Why don't you summon it here Haruki? You know your father defeated me twice because he used both his weapon and Soul Bound against me."

Really..? He defeated Lucifer twice because he has a weapon, but... I don't have on though, so how am I gonna summon one? And the sword they gave me is completely terrible.

"I don't have one, so sorry... I can't summon one."

Lucifer was quiet again when he heard what I said, so I can't do a thing but cry inside because I'm an embarrassment.

All I can say to him again was. "I'm sorry for being terrible Lucifer, that's just how I'm created.

"No need for that Haruki... I was just surprised that your father didn't give you a sword for a partner, seriously he never change."

"Didn't I tell you that he and Milicas gave me one? They gave it when they trained m-"

"Not that kind of sword or weapon, I'm saying a weapon that is your 'partner', a weapon that's always with you."

What the hell is he even saying? A weapon that's my partner? "I still don't get it..."

"*Sigh* What I'm saying is a weapon that has a mind of its own, a weapon that is alive."

"An alive weapon? I heard things about weapons being possessed by spirits in many manga and anime, so those things exist huh?" Then if they really exist, then I want one.

"They're not possessed by spirits Haruki they're just alive, that's al-"

"Yeah yeah, so how do I get one? Do I have to go to a dangerous dungeon filled with deadly traps? Or fight giant boss-like monsters that can destroy an entire country alone?"

"*Sigh* Neither, you can get one from a weapon that's not alive, you just need to have a deep connection with them."

"Then what do I do? Do I just clean the sword that they gave me every day? Cause I don't have the patience to do that." Well, I'm lazy after all, it makes sense why I can get along with Sora very well.

And even if I get one, how do I even use it if I'm not great at using a sword?

"No, no need for that, because I'm gonna give you one, but first I have to teach you how to summon one."

Give me? How nice of him, I thought he's like that good for nothing of a Master that I have, but most of all I wonder what type of weapon that he'll give? Please not a dagger or a bow.

"Pay heed, as the Ruler of the demon race; creator and sponsor of all sinners in the mind of the human body, as Pride himself, I order thee to helped fight even the wrath of the Gods, come forth. Nightslasher."

A loud roar came from out of nowhere, and then a dark portal; appeared above Lucifer.

Another roar came from the portal, and a small flying black dragon came from the portal and flew to Lucifer's right hand.

It started to glow and let out a dark aura, and a moment after it disappeared, the small dragon turned into a cool-looking black sword.

Seeing this made me in awe of the sword, it's so beautiful and deadly at the same time to look at, now I really want to have one.

"Is it amazing?"

"H*ck yeah it is! So how do I get one! Will I get a flying creature like yours?"

"No, you'll instead have a small flame spirit that will help you fight."

Of course, it's not a cool-looking badass dragon like his, I forgot that luck completely hates me.

"*Sigh* I better accept it even if it's lame, but nonetheless I have something that I can use against Satanael and the others if we encounter and fight each other again."

And also, maybe I can use it to fight the Archangels, especially Michael.

Because, I fought equally with the nine Archangels alone, but at the same time, Sora and I were both defeated by Milicas in an all-out battle against him.

Which is odd if I think about it, because how can he defeat me, while the Archangels can't? There must be something that we don't know about the power of Soul Bound.

A fiery aura came from Lucifer's hand, and a katana appeared from the fire, so he gave it to me.

"This is made by the feathers of a phoenix and a fire spirit that's name is the santelmo."

When I took it slowly from Lucifer's hand, it started to glow and it heated up rapidly.

A small finch that's made out of fire came out from the sword, and flew to my shoulder and sat on it.

To be honest, it's actually really cute, I think I can accept this even if it's not a dragon-like Lucifer's.

"This sword is the sword of your father, this is actually the one he used to defeat me twice, and he killed most of the Archangels with that sword, but sadly when he fought the Seraphim Metatron, it was destroyed, so I took time to repair it when I was dead, and this sword is still unnamed, so think a name that'll fit on the sword and the user."

Really..? this sword is my father's, I can't believe I'm gonna use it...

What..? Why are tears falling from my eyes?

"I see that you're happy that you received it, so for now this is gonna be our goodbye, because my objective of giving this to the next Ruler is finally done, so goodbye Haruki."

"Thank you Lucifer, this meant so much to me..."

He smiled happily, and with a clap, I suddenly became sleepy and tired, so before I completely fell asleep, I saw him smile with joy; whispering. "You're welcome Haruki."

When I woke up, I saw that I was back in Sora's bathroom, and in the room were Sora and Lucas who were smiling when they saw me finally awake.

"Seriously Haruki, if you're gonna sleep don't do it on my bathroom, seriously you made me and Lucas worried when you stayed here for so long."

"Really? I guess I was just very tired, so I accidentally fell asleep here."

"*Sigh* Now that you're done, get out now since Lucas and I really need to take a bath!"

"*Groan*" After being kicked out in the bathroom, I lay down on the bed and look at my hand.

Can I summon it? So I closed my eyes to concentrate and said seriously. "Come forth, little finch."

When I opened my eyes, I saw on my hand was. "Nothing, there's no sword here at all."

"Then, summon, my sword."

It's still not here, so what do I do now? it doesn't have a name yet, and right now that's not important, but as I remember on that dream.

Lucifer said some sort of chant before summoning that dragon, so what's my chant? Do I have to create one? Or did Lucifer forgot to tell me what it is?

"*Sigh*" For now, if Sora and Lucas are both done taking a bath in the bathroom, I'll have to tell them about Lucifer visiting me on my dream, and him giving me the sword that my father used in the last war.

I have tons of things I want to do, we're still planning on how to break the barrier to save Millie and the others on the seventh floor, I have a speech to make too for tomorrow, and the fight between us and Satanael hasn't ended yet.

We don't know when will Satanael start moving on us again, and Mammon is too stubborn to even tell us when.

Mammon, we don't know what your plan is and what's your objective, but for now, I need to keep my eyes on you.

I stood up and jumped with joy and shouted loudly. "Then, I'll have to finish them all with everyone!"

The door of the bathroom burst open, and Sora shouted. "Can you shut up! People are already asleep!"

"Oh sorry!"