Chapter 47: Broken Floor: Message

I was sleeping peacefully without any disturbance at all until I heard two people arguing in the room.

Hearing who the two people arguing, I noticed that it was Sora and Lucas.

Lucas was calm like always, and Sora was shouting at Lucas angrily.

I can only hear Sora saying. "Let me go, Lucas! I'll kill this f*cking b*tch!"

And Lucas saying worriedly "Stop Sora! Stop!"

Due to their noisiness, I couldn't go back to sleep properly, so I decided to just wake up and see why they were fighting;

I asked them. "What's going on guys?"

Both of them looked at me, and Sora was more enraged now because I woke up, and Lucas who has had enough of Sora finally let him go and watched as the scene unfolds.

Seeing Sora got close to me I was happy because I thought I made them both worried sick when Ruri and I fought, but instead I got something different than what I expected.

"Sora I can't breathe!" Yes, Sora as of right now is choking me to death.

"You f*cking b*tch! Because of you, I have no chances left!"

"Wait- Sora-!-"

"Because of you returning I lost my chances with the girls! And you even told me one time when we were going to Millie's lab that you'll help me get along with them!"

"Sto- Sora! I can- I can't breathe!"

After almost seeing the light in front of my own eyes, Sora finally calmed down when Lucas helped me fend him off.

Seriously, all I could say is what happened? Did something happen to Sora again because of me? And also why did that handsome bastard helped me when I was about to die? That's why I can't stand handsome guys like him.

Because handsome guys only care about themselves and women! That's all!

"Seriously Sora, *Cough* why did you do that? You almost killed me you know?"

"Almost?! Oh, I want to kill you Haruki! Let go of me Lucas and come here and fight me like a man Haruki!"

"Haruki, can you just make what happened more clear to Sora?"

"Huh? What do you mean Lucas? I don't understand what your point is?"

"Oh don't you dare lie to my face! I know that you're just making excuses Haruki! Now come here you f*cking b*tch!"

"I promise! I don't know what you're talking about Sora!"

"Haruki, Sora wanted to know what happened between you and Ruri after the fight ended?"

"Oh, you mean the fight? So Sora was worried about me and Ruri, sorry Sora it was just training."

Lucas covered Sora's mouth with his hand and said to me in a hurry. "Not that Haruki, you know after the fight ended? You, Ruri, and Talya who was there for some unknown reason, the two were sleeping on your shoulder, and you were hugging them back and sleeping too."

I finally knew what Lucas meant, so I gave Sora a smug smile and said. "Oh, so that's it... Man, I'm lucky aren't I?"

"Oh I'll kill you, you son of a b*tch!-"

"Haruki! I'm proud that you're turning into the world of lust, but nows is not the ti-time! Stop Sora-!"

"Okay, okay. Sora I was just joking you know? Ruri was very tired and accidentally fell asleep on me, so blame her instead of me!"

"Then why did you hugged her back?! And worst of all Haruki! I can't believe that you're really a pedophile! I thought that it's not true at first when I saw you constantly looking at either Millie or Talya, but I guess I was wrong! Go die you sh*tty girl stealer and pedophile!"

"Wai- wait for a sec, first I'm not a girl stealer because you and Ruri aren't dating, and second I'm not a pedophile, because it's normal for siblings to show love to each other."

"Talya isn't your sister!"

"Well, she is now."

Knock! Knock! Someone knocked on the door.

Lucas who was holding Sora knocked him out so that Sora can now shut up and Lucas then opened the door.

When he opened the door, Chizuru was outside. "Yo, I came here to check on Haruki, is he okay?"

"Oh, Chizuru I'm here! And I'm totally okay!" I shouted behind Lucas.

"*Sigh* So is there a problem Chizuru?"

"Actually, when Faust and I were at the lab, we got a messaged from Shota, and it looks like he sent it three days ago and was just received by Anya today, so I want you two to come with me back to the lab."

Shota sending a message? If it's really him then I'm glad that he's still alive and well.

The three of us went to Millie's lab; leaving Sora who was unconscious on the floor, and when we were walking I didn't see Flint with me, so I asked Chizuru if she has seen Flint somewhere.

Her reply was. Faust and I are currently testing Flint's condition, to give context on why we're testing him; when Ruri woke up she showed us her entire memory of the whole fight scene up to Talya appearing right in front of you two."

Ruri showed them the fight up to where Talya appeared, so that means she didn't show what we were discussing with Talya at that time.

I know that you don't want to tell them Ruri, but I hope one day you can understand that it's best to tell us sooner than later.

"So that means you all saw about Flint's transformation or him using Soul Bound right?"

"Yes, which is why we're testing him back at the lab and I'm sure that if Millie was here with us, she'll do the same thing because seeing an animal do that is almost close to impossible. Yes, animals can indeed use skills, but since we never heard or know about the existence of this Soul Bound skill of yours that apparently can be used by also an animal, Faust and I want to study about Flint and Soul Bound."

"I guess that's normal, but since Lucifer and my father used it in the past, then it means that Soul Bound is not entirely a new skill or a unique one that only exists for me right?"

"Nice one Haruki I didn't know that you were interested in science too, but yes if Soul Bound isn't a unique skill, then it means that it's just a rare one, so I want to ask Haruki. The others told me about how you obtained your skills, and when you did the test you saw a mysterious girl right?"

"Yes, I saw her."

"And also, when you and the others battled Milicas, Mammon, and Azazel at your room, you saw her again and she saved your life right, by forcing you to use Soul Bound right?"

"Yes, so what you're saying is that she's somehow connected to Soul Bound, which actually makes sense since she appeared the right time when I got Soul Bound, but I think that there's more than that though Chizuru."

"Hmm..? What do you mean Haruki?"

"Actually last night Lucifer visited me again on my dream and Lucifer and I had a fight or something like that though, but when I was about to lose my father came and protected me from Lucifer with his sword. And at the end the two fought; ended in Lucifer losing the battle, but after that my father tried to help me hold the sword and remove my trauma from it, and when I can't do it she appeared; the girl that I saw when I got my skills."

"Really?! What happened? Did you get any information about her or Soul Bound?" Chizuru said with excitement.

"Well... Only one though, but that info strikes me odd; because for some unknown reason the girl knows me, but the problem is I only met her when I was getting my skills. nd she said some very weird stuff like she misses me a lot and even if I'm not the same she's still happy to see me."

Chizuru was silenced upon hearing that, so Lucas spoke. "*Cough* Haruki, to make this clear for me, Chizuru, and you, are you really sure that you don't know her? Maybe perhaps you know her when you were still a child and just forgot about her."

"I'm sure Lucas, there's absolutely no way I know her because the only blonde girl I saw in my entire life was a girl when I was a kid at the beach, but that girl that I saw back on the beach when I was little has a different kind of blonde, her hair is lighter like what Ruri has, and the girl that I saw that gave me my Soul Bound has a golden color. Also, that girl that I saw on the beach has heterochromatic eyes like Ruri and Dawn."

Both Lucas and Chizuru were quiet upon hearing my answer, they seem lost on what to ask me next.

So I thought of a good idea on how that girl knew me since I've read a lot of sci-fi mangas and watched tons of sci-fi films and animes, there's only one answer that I know that can answer how she knows me. "Perhaps time travel right? Maybe I know her from the future, and she went back in the past to help me because maybe I did something wrong that led me to my demise, so that's why she went back in time to save me from whatever it is."

"Not possible." Chizuru replied in an instant.

"Haruki, even if I'm not a scientist like Millie, Chizuru, and Faust, it's easy to say that you're wrong."

"Huh what do you mean? In any science fiction stuff that people read or watch back on Earth, time-traveling is famous from the genre, and since fantasy things such as skills, magic, devils, angels, and Gods exist, isn't the only answer we can get?"

"Haruki, sorry to break this phenomenal fantasy of yours, but time traveling doesn't exist. But things like seeing the future or past exist though, but to pass through time is not possible because of the law of the Universe that the Gods created a long time ago, which is "Thou shalt not break the Law of Time, space, and matter, hence thou shalt receive divine punishment from Him." That's one of the law, so that's why there was never a skill that can travel through time, so something that can break reality or whatever is impossible."

"*Tsk* Then I guess time will tell on how she knows about me." When I let out a deep sigh and look in the direction in front of me, I was shocked to see the entrance to Millie's lab in front of us. "Uhmm... Lucas; Chizuru, how are we outside at Millie's lab? I don't remember going down a tall ladder."

"What do you mean Haruki? Chizuru and I definitely saw you walking and going down the ladder."

"Hmm... Talking can make you lost track of time... Who cares, let's just go inside then."

On the inside were Faust, Flint, and Anya eating, while Akemi, Ruri, and Talya were not here in the lab, so I guess that they were in Ruri's room to help Ruri get some rest.

"Now that you te are here, let's get started and we'll just tell the others later, so here's what the message said." (11 days from now the barrier will finally be broken, Camael with Azazel are preparing an army of ghouls, angels, and fallen angels. Both the angels and Heavenly ghouls are gonna be taken care of by us, while all of you deal with the fallen angels at the gate. Listen please.) "And that's finally it, that's what Shota messaged us."

"Then 11 days from now the barrier will be finally destroyed, and with those 11 days we need to have an army prepared, we don't have enough time, so Lucas can you go and prepare some soldiers back at Ifrit's arena?"

"Sure Chizuru, I'll take Sora with me so bye!" Lucas said that to us and immediately left.

So Lucas is gonna prepare an army of soldiers? Tsk, then the war is gonna continue then, and at the same time, many people are gonna lose their lives because of this stupid war.

Am I even prepared to fight? I can't even defeat Ruri back then, so how am I gonna do this?

I don't even know if I'm ready to see a dead body in my own eyes, just by seeing one can make me weak again, so what am I gonna do? Especially since I might be forced to do what I don't want to do: killing.

I'm afraid to kill, but I have to and at the same time I don't want to. What do I do? Here I am again worried about this kind of stuff.

"Are you worried Haruki? Don't worry I'll keep my promise and won't let you stain your hand with blood."

I gave Chizuru a smile after hearing that. "Thank you." I said. "But I'm gonna be useless here aren't I?"

Like Ruri, I feel useless. In fact I'm actually more useless than her; after all, I have no experience in an actual war like them, so since I'm leading, this is not suited for me. No, this war is not suited for someone as weak as me.

I'm afraid that we're gonna lose this war because of my incompetence as a leader.

"*Sigh* Are you afraid Haruki?"

"*Snickers* If I told you yes what are you gonna do Chizuru? After all, it's already common sense that I'm gonna be afraid and worried about this sort of thing because I'm not like you and the other Archdukes Chizuru. I'm nothing but a piece of luggage at this point."

"Hot, come on Haruki, everyone knows that you're not a piece of luggage or some sort, because you're gonna fight with us, and we're gonna fight with you. So you having no experience is already good enough of an excuse for you to fight with us; because in a war the inexperienced learns."

"*Chuckle* I agree with Chizuru, Haruki. In my years of experiencing war and others in my whole life, I learned that the weak get stronger from what they've experienced, because; in front of my own eyes, I got to see Akemi, Ruri, and the others get stronger because of their weakness in the past few wars."

Woof! (Master, even if I'm still a child and has no true experience in an actual fight, I want you to know that I'm always by your side, even in death Master.)

I forgot that my friends are completely stubborn when it comes to me, very well... If the experts are saying it, then I should trust my future in them; because nothing can beat the power of friendship in some films and animes that I watch, so that means it's true in real-life! I think. "*Sigh* What can I do with you guys, very well then, so I'll just ask the others to train me then."

Both Chizuru and Faust let out a loud laugh of both joy and relief after hearing what I said, I was very confused on why they were laughing at me for no weird reason at all, so II asked. "Hoy, why are you two laughing?! I didn't say anything weird didn't I?"

Chizuru replied to my question. "No, nothing really Haruki, it's just because your the same even if you're worried. Cringe but never backs down on something, that's just what you are Haruki."

"Excuse me! I'm not that cringe! What's weird with telling how I feel? It's normal right?!"

Flint went closer to me with a smile on his face, so I let out a deep sigh and carried him. "You too Flint?" That is what I said. "*Sigh* Fine, fine, then I'll accept being cringe for now, but at least you saying that I never back down on something is giving me hope Chizuru."

Both of them laughed out again after hearing what I said.

I looked above and whispered slowly to myself with a smile. "Yes, I forgot, if that mysterious girl and my friends are with me, then If I have them with me, I can do this, I can fight."