Chapter 48: Broken Floor: Preparation

[Lucas Asmodeus POV]

"Okay, soldiers! Pay attention to what I'm gonna tell you! And be prepared!"

Lucas who was in Ifrit's arena was with Sora gathering the soldiers that Ifrit specially trained.

Being in the presence of a General made the soldiers nervous that they can't even move from the anxiety of being in front of a General.

"I, the General of Lust, Lucas Asmodeus is hereby ordered by the Prince, to prepare all of you for another upcoming restart of the war!"

Just hearing the word war made their veins tense, but all of them remain calm to keep their pride intact.

"In the next 11 days the barrier will be destroyed and Camael and Azazel who are working together to destroy our beloved home will attack us!"

All of them; the soldiers were freaked out after hearing the name Azazel, all of them were confused about what Lucas was talking about.

The Leader and Symbol of the Fallen angels attacking Hell with the help of a General Archangel of Heaven? Was seen as implausible to soldiers who were listening to Lucas.

Seeing that the soldiers were confused about the sudden declare of Lucas, Sora who was hiding in the corner went to the stage to explain what was happening. Sora whispered to Lucas. "Hey, did you forgot that no one on the outside knows about the betrayal of Satanael and the others? Except for some few though, because rumors spread about the Archdukes fighting when Ifrit, Hans, and Vladamir fought Satanael at the city. So explain to them about the current situation of the Archdukes."

"I can see that because there are some soldiers who knew about what happened in the city at that time. But, if some people find out about the Archdukes splitting up, then there is gonna be some controversies and rumors that'll spread throughout Hell! Which is why I'm afraid that some soldiers might leave or worse fight against us instead!"

"*Siigggghhhh* Why are all of you smart people always worry. Then watch me handle this Lucas."

"Wait, what are gonna do Sora?

"Just standby and watch." Going in the middle and looking at the soldiers with a smile on his face, Sora spoke. "*Cough* Hello everyone, I'm Sora Belphegor a member of the General and blah blah blah, and... Also, we forgot to announce this but Satanael, Mammon, Milicas Lucifer, and Azazel are all traitors. Believe me, I was also shocked when I saw them betray us because of the four, Hell waged war with Heaven and you know things happened that we don't really need to discuss right now. So, I'm telling all of you to listen to us and fight them. That's all, so who's with the Prince side? So raise your hand please."

Lucas was dumbfounded when he heard what Sora has said, he kept thinking to himself. 'Is Sora for real?'

Because just by listening to that half-hearted excuse of a speech or whatever that is can make any listener stupid enough to question their own existence for listening.

The soldiers can't say yes or no to Sora's declaration, to be honest, they're really confused, so all of them looked at each other in confusion and just raised all of their arms slowly.

By slowly raising all of their hands. Sora let out a smug smile to let Lucas know that he actually did it, and even saying to him in a slow voice. "Huh, see..? I can do it."

Lucas pulled Sora to the corner and asked him. "Hoy, how did you even did that? Because people can't agree with you with a half-hearted declaration."

"You see Lucas, smart people like you rely on your brains a lot, I just trusted my gut that everyone will raise their hand because you know why? It's because everyone was thrilled in Haruki's speech, so that's why." Sora answered that to Lucas, and casually leaves to talk to the soldiers again.

Bonk! Sora stopped in pain because someone punched his head from behind.

Sora knowing that the only guy who would do that is Lucas, he shouted angrily. "That hurts! Why did you hit me in the head?!"

"Oh sorry, because you just said some very intellectual things when you answered me, so I thought that when I knocked you out before something happened to your head that you became smart, and you know. In many films back on Earth that I watched before, by hitting the head of the person who changed, then they'll come back to their original state."

"Seriously! You're the stupid one at this point! Don't confuse fiction to reality, know that!?"

"*Sigh* But nonetheless, I'm actually impressed that you did it Sora."

The soldiers were all now smiling and raising their hands to the fullest, and just by seeing the sight that they're showing their loyalty to Hell, made the two Generals happy.

Lucas went once again in the middle and shouted. "I ask all of you this! Who are you loyal to?!"

Every soldier shouted. "Prince Haruki!"

"Wrong! That's wrong! Next time shout King Haruki, not Prince Haruki!"

"Sir yes sir!"

"Now! I ask you all again! Who are you all loyal to?!"

They shouted back. "King Haruki!"

"Heed and repeat my words! We are the devils!"

"We are the devils!"

"We will protect our beloved home!"

"We will protect our beloved home!"

"Even if the Gods hated us! Even if every race turned against us! Let's not forget what our King has said, we'll beat up the Gods, Satanael, and the people who betrayed and wishes to destroy our home, and the labor and hardships we felt with the sins we were intact with!"

The soldiers shouted all at the same time. "Yeah!"

Just raising the support and morale of the soldiers, made Lucas and Sora smile in pride. and happiness.

"We'll win this stupid war!" That is what Lucas said lastly before leaving to go back to his work.

[Haruki Hotaru POV]

Now that Lucas and Sora finished giving the news to the soldiers, all of us gathered again with Lucas having a map of the eighth floor that he found at Ifrit's arena.

Lucas is gonna be the leading commander of the soldiers, and the other Generals are gonna be the captain of the soldiers.

And Faust being the only one who got to see the eighth floor throughout his entire life, is holding the map and telling us about the location.

"Sheol the closest city in the gate that Hans and Luna are the Archduke at; it's a 10km walk at east, and up north of Sheol is a forest with treants that surrounds the city, so if we used the forest as our advantage to send Sora and some trained assassins with him, then we can easily gather information; because we can finally use Thought Owl to send messages to the others, while also using the treants as shields. And by getting some information, they can easily return safely because of the treants protecting them."

"Uhmm Faust, I've been meaning to ask this, but how are you sure that there are enemies that will come to the forest instead of Sheol?" Raising his hand, Lucas asked Faust.

"Mammon actually came to the lab after you left Lucas, and when he found out that you were preparing the soldiers, for some reason he told us Azazel and Camael's plan, and we knew that it was true because we got Talya to help us."

Talya who was at the conference with us this time; nodded back with a smile to Lucas.

"That makes sense, you can continue Faust."

"*Cough* Also Azazel has 600,000 soldiers both fallen and non-fallen angels with him and 200,000 ghouls, which is why we need to be careful, and we need to fight them near the gates because it'll be problematic if we fought at Sheol. Mammon said that the ghouls with 200,000 soldiers will head to the city going directly to the city, and since Chizuru is the only one with light-based magic skills, she, Flint, and some soldiers will fight the ghouls. While Lucas is gonna lead the cavalry that'll be used for backups to help Chizuru with the ghouls, and when the soldiers who are in the forest are now fully distracted with the treants, Ruri with the archers and Sora with his assassins will fight the distracted soldiers there."

"What about me and Akemi, Faust? What are we gonna do?"

"Haruki. You, Akemi, and Talya will be the key to our victory here-"

"Wait a minute Faust! Did I mishear you? Or did you actually really say Talya's name?"

"I'm serious Haruki; because you and Talya working together against Azazel will up your chances of defeating him."


"Can you shut up Haruki? Because your voice is annoying, and don't worry about anything. I know Talya more than anyone, and I know that she's a hundred percent stronger than the likes of you."

Ruri said with disgust.

"I know that Ruri, but Talya do you want to though?"

"Big brother Haruki, Talya is a General, and it's Talya's duty to protect Hell."

Her cuteness is undeniably intense that I don't want to reject what she wants, but I want to keep her safe though, I guess I'll have to put my trust in what Ruri has said.

"*Cough* I'll continue then, at the south of the gate is still the forest and Mammon told me that Milicas is also coming and headed to the city on the south forest with 1000 soldiers with him, so Akemi can you handle him?"

"Of course."

"*Sigh* Then that's all for now, and remember that the plan might change if we received new information from Shota or Mammon, and lastly I want to know what are estimated soldiers Lucas?"

"*Sigh* I'm afraid to admit it, but we have 50,000 on us."

50,000? Then, we're at a disadvantage, because not only that we're fighting Azazel who might use his real power against us this time, we also have Milicas to worry about and some of the soldiers too.

"Very well, then I'll send a scout to count how much treants in the forest are, so let's end the conference for now." Faust replied calmly, but just by hearing Faust's voice, we can hear the fear in his heart when he heard the number of soldiers that we have.

He was afraid and tense when he heard the numbers, that he might break out and panic, but in the end, he remained calm and continued thinking of a way to divide the soldiers.

When he finally left, it was silent in the room because of fear and worry of what will be the outcome of the war.

And by looking at everyone I can see that they're calm about this, and I'm the only one who's overreacting about our current situation.

I envy their courage to remain calm and keep a calm face even when they heard that we're in trouble.

So I have to at least try and be like them from now on.

At the distance was Akemi and Ruri making eye contact, seriously they're really easy to discover when they're silently having a conversation.

Lucas stood up with a smile on his face, he said to us. "Then I'll be going back to Ifrit's arena then, Sora can you come with me."

"Okay, bye then."

So the two finally left the room, after they left Chizuru then stood up. "I'll go back to Akemi's room to rest then."

"I'll come too big sister Chizuru."

Akemi stood up, and also decided to come with them without leaving a word.

It was us two again, me and Ruri. And just by looking at it, this feels nostalgic, because I already know what's gonna happen.

First, Ruri will say sorry about what happened between us again, and we'll be back to normal.

"Haruki, I want to know, as we talked about before, are you gonna protect Akemi and everyone for me?'

"That again? Of course, even if you ask me that same question every time, my answer would be always yes."


Wait the minute, why is the tone of her voice has changed? When I looked at her, I saw her embarrassed and blushing about something for some reason. "Ruri, is there something wrong?"

"Of course not! Why would you ask that idiot!"

What's really is with this girl? I'm talking to her nicely, and she's treating me rudely? Well, I guess my masochist side is kinda enjoying it though.

"Are you sure that there's nothing wrong Ruri? I'm getting worried."

"Huh worried? Why would you be worried, you idiot?"

"Isn't normal to worry about a friend..?"

"Well, I guess so..."

"Hoy Ruri, just tell me what's wrong."

"I said nothing! *Hmp!*"

What a stubborn girl, I'm really losing my patience here, because here I am worried about her, and she kept on insulting me and not even telling me a clue on what's wrong, I completely wasted my time talking to her then. "*Sigh* Then if you have nothing to say, I'll go back to Sora's room then, goodbye-"

"Wait! Don't leave yet! I'll talk."

"I'm all ears then."

"Haruki, did you remember back at the dojo when I fell asleep?"

'Oh, that? Of course, I remember it, why to ask?"

"Huh! Then... Can, you forget what happened back at the dojo please..?"

This is weird! Really weird! What the h*ck is happening to her, she's acting really cute blushing and asking like that, seriously I've been used to her being cold to me that I forgot that she might feel something like this. Because every day I can only see her menacing and cold look filled with disgust and hatred toward me!

But why is she asking me to forget what happened though? Even if I try many times, there's absolutely no way that I could forget something like that, because that's the second time a girl fell asleep on me! Well, Ruri's third if I count Millie though.

Wait, could it be? Just by that look on her face, don't tell me that she's embarrassed? I have to confirm this now. "Hey Ruri, don't tell me you're embarrassed?"

She pulled out her bow and shot it at me. "No I'm not, idiot!" Ruri shouted at me while she shot the arrow at me.

I dodged the arrow immediately when it got close, seriously, it's creepy that I'm getting used to her shooting an arrow at me every time I trigger something.

"Hey Ruri, calm down please, and don't shoot again."

"Then promise me that you would forget what happened back at the dojo then."

What the f*ck just happened? She was cute being embarrassed before, and now she's back to her original state and looking at me with complete disgust again, what is really wrong with this girl? "Okay Ruri, I promise that I would forget what happened, I promise. Now calm do-"

Whoosh! She shot an arrow at me again. "You know that I hate liars Haruki, so do you promise to forget about it?"

"Yes! I promise! I swear! Because there's no way that I would lie in front of you Ruri."

Ruri sighed and finally let go of her bow. "Then it's a promise then Haruki." She said that to me with a beautiful smile that has a sign that said that she'll kill me

With nervousness and fear from losing my life right here right now because of her, I replied in fear. "Of co-course, I promise Ruri." That was my answer to what she said.