Chapter 49: Broken Floor: Continuation of a New Beginning

[Cassiel POV]

"Hmm... looks like Camael and Azazel is ready I think."

Only a day was left before Camael and Azazel start the continuation of the war.

Cassiel who was still spying on Camael to get more information was looking at the soldiers that Camael has prepared.

Just seeing the sight of the angels and fallen angels made her sick.

But only a bit, because it's already ironic that she's also helping the devils.

"*Sigh* I better return then..." Finally finishing her task, Cassiel left the lab.

"Oh! You've finally return Cassiel."

"Hmm...? Where are Zadkiel and Azrael, Lilith?" For some reason without her even knowing, Cassiel was teleported to the kitchen where Lilith is currently cooking their dinner for today.

"Zadkiel is training with Ifrit and Shota, while Azrael is still you know- stuck in his room

"Hmm... I see..."

Seeing that Cassiel stayed here in the kitchen and was just standing there in the same place where she teleported, Lilith decides to ask. "So, is there anything you want to ask me Cassiel? Because if you aren't gonna ask, then why are you just standing there in the same place."

"Lilith, I want to ask, why didn't the other Archdukes, Millie, and the Prince imprisoned you? Isn't strange that they just left you alone without any precautions or anything..?"

Lilith laughs after hearing that from Cassiel. "I guess it's normal to be worried about that now that you know Milicas betrayed Hell. But, why ask now Cassiel? You've been here with us for a long time."

"I don't know? It's maybe because I want to get close to you first before asking. Isn't that normal? Get to know the person first, before asking deep questions like what I'm about to ask you now, I think that's how acquaintances work."

"We've known each other for a long time now Cassiel, and yet I'm still an acquaintance? You know that hurts a lot because you're my elder sister."

"Hmm... We aren't sisters, because as of now we are enemies in a truce."

"*Sigh* So what do you want to ask Cassiel? Don't worry I'll answer everything; if I know about it."

"After Lucifer lead the rebellion, you and Lucifer got married, right? So isn't a couple procreating normal? And it's already common sense to know that Milicas is your son?"

"Sorry, but you got it wrong Cassiel, yes. Lucifer and I did get married after the first rebellion ended, but our marriage is only for a short time and we got a divorce after our 5 months of pretending to be a couple; it ended."

"Pretended? Why did you and Lucifer pretend to be a married couple, Lilith?"

"To answer that is because we need to create an idea of some sort, like saying that marriage and bearing an offspring can be normal for a demon."

"Hmm... So did you and Lucifer did it?"

"Did what?"


"That's too straightforward of you to say that Cassiel, but to answer that no. Thinking about having s*x and bearing a child for a guy like Lucifer is already bringing me to disgust, and don't forget that like every Archduke; I was a former angel too, so that means Lucifer is my brother."

"So what's wrong with it?"

"With what?"

"Having s*x with your brother."

Hearing that word came from Cassiel who is an Archangel is giving Lilith a weird feeling that she can't even explain. So with a voice filled with disgust and nervousness on what could, Cassiel is about to say next, Lilith asked Cassiel. "*Cough* Cassiel, before answering that, let me ask this first. You're an angel right?"

"Isn't obvious?"

"Then why are you asking about s*x and incest like it was normal."

"As I said, I need to know more about you before I ask you something deep, so I asked something normal for a succubus like you. Because I thought that a succubus is a demon that rapes men in their sleep, so I thought that it was normal to use dirty words like s*x, incest, or about the erogenous zones of people to a succubus, and especially since you're the Archduke of the succubuses and incubuses; it made me think that it's normal for you to have s*x with many people. And also I've been having a chat with Ifrit lately, and he always says that incest is hot and shouldn't be discriminated."

"That's rude! I'm not like Asmodeus and his inheritors who are the embodiment of Lust itself, I only bring lust to people not feel lust, and for your information, I'm still a virgin okay."

"Hmm... really? If you say so. So back to the topic then Lilith, if you're not Lucifer's wife, do you know who's Milicas' mother then?"

"*Sigh* I don't know, for some reason Lucifer won't tell us who the mother is, and the worst part is only Satanael knows who Milicas' mother is."

"Hmm... I understand, then I'll leave you then. Bye."

"Bye..." Lilith slowly replied to the departing Cassiel.

After the conversation ended between Cassiel and Lilith, Cassiel went to her room and took a rest to ready for the upcoming day tomorrow.


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

All of us are already here at Sheol readying for today, Sora and the assassins are already at the forest scouting and getting the information we needed, and Ruri with some archers finally left to go hide in the forest to ready for an ambush to the enemies.

With only having 50,000 soldiers on us, we split it into 6,000 soldiers with Ruri and Sora, and the rest are with Lucas, Chizuru, and Flint.

It was only 30 minutes left before the barrier completely break.

I was here on a balcony of a mansion, which is where Luna and Hans are living in.

I'm just here watching the soldiers readying their weapons, and watching Lucas, Chizuru, and Flint finally readying to set off with their soldiers to go to their area of designation.

"Doesn't it make you nervous from watching them depart Haruki? Because I am." Not even noticing that Akemi went inside the room I sleep in.

I let out a small smile and answered. "Yes, it really is nerve-wracking to watch them set off to fight, but I still have my faith that they'll come back alive."

"I'm happy that you have confidence Haruk-" Stopping mid-sentence to what Akemi was about to say, she noticed my hand on the balcony shaking.

Akemi just continues to let out a painful smile on her face and went to my side, and hugged me from behind. "It's gonna be okay Haruki."

"*Tsk* I hope it will."

A loud whistle came from outside and the guy who whistled to us was Lucas who was with Chizuru and Flint by his side. "We'll be going then Haruki! So stay safe you two!"

"The same with you guys!" I shouted back. I stretched my arms backward and looked at Akemi. "Let's get going then Akemi."

Akemi, Talya, and I were walking inside the south forest to go to our designation.

And above us when we were walking, we saw a bright light cracking in the sky, so we now know that it was finally the time; the barrier that trapped the devils here on the eighth floor for about two months now has finally been broken.

With that Akemi instantly received a message the moment the barrier broke. "Sora said that Azazel, Milicas, and their army has entered the gate and now has started to split up, and also-"

"Also what Akemi? Did something happen?"

"Yes, just like what we planned, Milicas, with a few soldiers are coming toward our location, but what's concerning is that another Archduke is with them."

"Who? Is it Satanael? Or Mammon?"

"No, Baphomet."

"Baphomet? Isn't he the one who started pagan deities? Then that means he's some sort of God right?"

"Yes, but didn't we told you once that two Archdukes were studying back on Earth? And one of the two Archduke is Baphomet, he is not a God, but was worship as one, which made him an equal to Azazel and Baal's strength."

"This is bad, isn't it? If his power is equal to Azazel, then can we even defeat them?" And also, I didn't hear Akemi saying the first name to Baphomet, which means the one that Akemi mentioned that was coming here with Milicas and Azazel is the original Baphomet.

"It is bad, but the good news is that Faust messaged me that Gremory and Phenex are coming here straight to our location to help."

"Then we have nothing to worry about then, but we need to stay alive until the Gremory and Phenex comes here-"

Being disturbed from what I want to say, Talya said. "Big brother Haruki; big sister Akemi, I can see in the distance that the three are already near our location."

"*Sigh* No time to talk then, Haruki; Talya let's show them who we are."

Akemi sounds cool when she said that, but at least it gave me and Talya more confidence to fight against the three.

As we ran toward them, we expected them to be busy with the treants in the forest right now, because us three are really busy with them too.

We kept running because the treants are chasing us, but we're not running because we're afraid of them or can't fight them, but instead, we're gonna use them as allies; we're gonna make the three fight the treants as our bait.

When we finally got close to them, we saw the three being smart as usual, because there's no trace of treants attacking them, but we instead saw the forest burning.

I whispered to myself. "How smart of them."

"Then we'll just have to fight them back Big brother Haruki." Talya looked behind us where the treants are and said. "Sheer of Agony."

She used one of her skills, and when I looked and checked the treants I was scared from what I see.

Because of the skill Talya used, the treants scream in pain and sadness, because of this I get to see them commit suicide in front of me.

Talya's skill is scary, and so that's why Faust said that she, me, and Akemi are the key to victory, it's because Talya has a very powerful skill that can kill a person in a gruesome way in an instant

"I see that your skills have improved Talya," Milicas said in front of us.

"Yo, nice seeing you three again." Azazel said.

The mysterious man who was on the left went to the middle closer to us and bowed. "It's nice to meet you Prince, or should I say King instead?"

"You must be Baphomet, I don't want to say that it's nice to meet you, because there's nothing nice in meeting an enemy, so I want to ask you this Baphomet. Why join Satanael and Yahweh and betray Hell?! Your home?!"

"It's because I can do and get anything I want if I join the Gods."

"*Tsk* That's it!? Then the hardship of you building Hell with everyone is nothing but a toy for you huh?!"

"What if I say yes then? What will you do King Haruki?"

I clenched my hand from anger because of what he said, I'm pissed off because how can he say that to his home? Are Hell and the citizens' toys to be played within their eyes? Seeing that I clenched my fist in anger, Baphomet let out a sadistic smile to show me that he enjoys my suffering. "Did I hit a nerve King Haruki? But what are you gonna do? I saw on Camael and Milicas' memories your Soul Bound, and I saw that you were weak compare to your father's Soul Bound. Seriously, why did you even return with weak skills like that, you're a disappointment as a King."

That does it, before I knew it my thoughts were filled with nothing but wrath. I shouted in anger. "Soul Bound!" And shouted again. "Ignisvem!"

The three let out a surprised smile after seeing me holding Ignisvem, they then began to got to their side and prepared for a battle.

Azazel started to transform to that demon form of his, and it was different from before, his armor this time is made out of a blood-red gem that's far different from gold. "How do you like my new armor Haruki? This armor is made out of the strongest mineral on Earth, Adamantite! Now fight me to prove your worthiness for the position of the Ruler of Hell, Haruki Hotaru!"

I shouted in anger Azazel's name loudly.

"Haruki, calm down and don't let their taunts get to you! Remember that your emotions are your biggest enemies in a fight Haruki." Hearing what Akemi has said, I looked at my sword and ease up a bit and listen to what Akemi has said.

"Hmm..? Not angry anymore King Haruki? I could've thought that my insults could get to you, but you're stronger than I thought, I shouldn't have underestimated you so I apologized!" Baphomet said that and he ran toward us and attack us.

Akemi closed her eyes and shouted. Come forth! Invigelida!" Everything on the ground where we were standing was frozen solid when Akemi summoned her weapon.

Thousands of very small ice shards were floating around Akemi's body, encircling her. "Haruki! You and Talya should go and fight Azazel now! I can fight these two."

Even if I don't want her to fight the two monsters alone, I can't change the plan, so I carried Talya and flew above to fight Azazel.


[Akemi Leviathan POV]

"Akemi looked at the two with anger. "Now that I'm here alone, fight me you two!"

Milicas smiled and teleported Akemi in front of him.

Knowing that Milicas would do that, Akemi let the small ice shards explode on his face and ran back.

But behind her was Baphomet, and thrust his sword above her.

Akemi noticed that Baphomet was behind her because of the ice, and let out another explosion and froze the sword.

Thunderstruck and hit Baphomet's sword and the ice melted, and the sword moved swiftly.

Akemi used a wall made out of ice and blocked it; immediately then she ran away from them.

A stomp came from the ground, and swords were summoned; following Akemi.

Since she can now teleport with a portal because there's no more barrier, she used it to teleport behind Milicas.

"Nice try!" Baphomet summoned a thunderstrike and hit Milicas with it.

It hit Akemi and she was injured, whilst MIlicas was unscathed from Baphomet's thunderstrike.

Due to her injury, Akemi created a cold fog and a snowstorm has started in the forest.

One of Akemi's skills was Frost Manipulation, an elemental manipulation skill that can control the element of frost or the cold.

In front of Milicas and Baphomet was a giant serpent, who was Akemi.

She let out a hiss and ran to them.

Milicas sighed and summoned thousands of swords and launched them to Akemi.

But because of the thickness of her scales, it didn't affect her.

"*Tsk* I guess I'll try another move then, Baphomet be prepared."

A small star about the size of a walnut appeared after MIlicas said that, and Baphomet put electricity on his hand and punched the star toward Akemi.

When the star hit Akemi, the serpent disappeared and the snowstorm too.

Thinking that Akemi died, they look at Haruki as their new target.

But they were disturbed when they saw Akemi appeared behind Milicas and froze his back. "You let yourself open."

"My back, it hurts!" Shouting it in pain. Milicas was angered and smiled at her. "You forgot about the electric-powered star Akemi!" Milicas snapped his finger and the star let out a massive explosion.

Bang! The star exploded with thunderstrikes hitting it and powering it up.