Chapter 50: Broken Floor: Piece of Information

Talya and I were already in the air, staring at Azazel who was in front of us.

He was already menacing without his armor, but when he has a strong threatening aura on him, it was a far different aura.

Talya has a worried face on her, and she whispered to me. "Big brother Haruki, Azazel isn't serious yet, because he hasn't pulled out his spear."

I guess that makes sense; because if Ruri, Akemi, and the others have their alive partnered weapon with them, it makes sense that Azazel, Milicas, and Baphomet has their weapons too as their secret trump card against us.

Sh*t, if Talya and I can't defeat Azazel without using his weapon, then it's an instant loss to us if he decides to call his weapon out.

"Ohh? Why aren't you two moving?"

"*Tsk* Why don't you make your move first Azazel?" Taunting him to attack us first won't really do us any good, but at the same time if we attacked him first it won't do anything too.

It's just a matter of how fast I can be to dodge and block Azazel's attack while making Talya try and check Azazel's mind and memory, and also staying alive until Gremory and Phenex finally arrive.

"*Sigh* If you say so- then! Die!" Clap! Azazel clapped his hand and the three of us were teleported to somewhere.

We were now in a scorching hot desert. "How do you like this skill that I have? With the power of the earth element, I'll turn the both of you nothing but a grain of sand."

"Big brother Haruki, this is just an alternate space of reality created by Azazel, so we're still on Hell, but since this is an alternate reality, everything here like the sand and the air is all real."

"I don't really get some of it, but it makes sense-!"

The land shakes uncontrollably and the ground started to crack; creating tons of ravines in the desert.

Even if we are flying in the air as of now, we still need to go back to land if an emergency comes, so not that only we are fighting Azazel but also our surroundings too.

"Now die!" Thousands of sharply pointed gemstones flew around Azazel, and he then fired it all to us.

"Hold still Talya!" I flew all around the sky to dodge Azazel's attack.

But none of the attacks missed, because the gemstones instead followed us.

We kept running forward and Azazel appeared there with a sword made out of gemstones. "I see you!" Azazel slashed the air and many more gemstones appeared and flew to us.

We're trapped, but only in the front and back, and not the bottom!

So I flew back to the ground where the desert which now has tons of caves and cliffs on the ravine.

I thought of a plan on what to do, and went to the bottom of the ravines, and flew to many rock formations that have a hole that we can fit in.

Slowly but surely, we saw many gemstones getting stuck on the rocks we entered, and some of the gemstones in front of us were blocked by Ignisvem.

But there were still many that cut my armor and skin when I failed to block or dodge some of it. Good note is, Talya wasn't injured by any of the gemstones.

"*Tsk* Pitiful." Azazel who was still in the air has now decided to chase us too.

All of the gemstones turned bigger, like a giant spiky boulder.

I looked for a way to hide and dodge and found a giant cave ahead of us.

So I flew as fast as I can; destroying some of the gemstones and I need to go there and hide inside.

"Big brother Haruki, Talya can use one of my skills that can cause an illusion to distract Azazel and since the homing gemstones have spirits inside of them they'll get distracted too, but the illusion can only remain in 3 seconds before the illusion disappears."

"Okay! I'll count to 3 and use your skill then!" Talya nodded, and I looked in front of us to see how close we were to the cave. "1..! 2..! 3..!-"

WIth Talya creating an illusion for us, Azazel was distracted and didn't see us enter the dark cave.

I was breathing intensely and taking a rest inside the cave. "That was intense, who knew that flying is really tiring. *Tsk* My body hurts a lot after flying and some of the cuts I suffered from the gemstones actually stings. And both my hands and feet are shaking tremendously. I also feel heavy and sick after flying, seriously does flying do this if you use it for a long time?"

"Actually big brother Haruki, flying is actually more tiring than running, but due to your stress hormones experiencing tons of stress from flying, you had an adrenaline rush so that's why you were fast and didn't get tired easily, but in exchange for the adrenaline rush saving you... Your body will receive lots of damage like numbness, headaches, nausea, and many other things."

"I can see that... But at least we're safe."

Talya let out a cute smile and went closer to me. "Then, Talya will heal your wounds and the side effect of the adrenaline then, Big brother Haruki."

"Really? Thank you Talya."

"Stay still, Talya will start now." Touching my hand, Talya closed her eyes and said. "Heal."

After she said that, the cut slowly heals and the numbness and pain in my body are also starting to ease.

But now what do we do? We can't stay here, because another earthquake might come agai-

As I was saying that on my mind, the ground started to shake again.

I hugged Talya tightly and used Soul Bound again, seriously why does luck hate me so much? "Hold on Talya!" I stood up and started to fly.

Looking above me, I punched the top of the cave to make a hole to escape since we went very deep inside the cave.

"There you are Haruki!" Azazel shouted above us.

When Talya and I looked above us, we saw the entire sky change, the blue normal sky has now changed to a reddish color, and many rocks have started floating above the sky too.

While looking at our surroundings, we saw the entire desert change too.

It has now many craters on it; like it was hit by a meteor or something.

Azazel let out a smile and closed his eyes.

The moment I saw him close his eyes, I knew that he was gonna summon his weapon. "Hey Talya, I want to ask this for a long time, why can Chizuru and the third-gen General summon instantly their weapons just by saying their name? Whilst the others they need to chant like some sort of prayer or something?"

"Big brother Haruki, by saying a chant the weapon can show its true potential, meanwhile if you don't say a chant to summon your weapon, many abilities of the weapon will be locked."

"Then we need to stop-"

"Big brother Haruki, you can disturb Azazel, but can your body do it? Even if Talya has healed your body already, you lose a tremendous amount of energy just from flying and from me healing you."

"Then if I can't do anything at this point, you go behind me, I'll do my best to protect you Talya."

"But as a General it's my dut-"

"Shut up Talya! As your King, it's also your duty to listen to my command! So I order you to go behind me."

Talya started to cry and went behind me. "Please... Don't leave Talya alone, big brother Haruki." Talya said in a painful voice.

"Of course, I'll never leave you and everyone Talya.

Raising his hand above, Azazel has started to say his chant to summon his weapon. "Oh dear the darkness of betrayal, I hast call upon you as the bringer of the fallen ones. With the divine punishment we received, our journey hasn't still ended yet, so by the darkness of my feathers like that of a crow and the crown that I lost, I the Fallen Angel Azazel have called upon you as the scapegoat of the rule of God. Fallen Scapegoat!"

A golden light shone on Azazel's hand, and a spear made out of gold appeared on his left hand after the light vanished.

On the sky above him appeared was a giant asteroid that wasn't moving.

And also, the reality space that Azazel created has started to vanish too, and there we see behind us was Akemi on the ground fallen from an explosion of some sort.

Milicas and Baphomet were behind us too smiling at us while watching us getting killed by Azazel.

Throwing his spear at us, the meteor also moved toward us.

I shouted in pain. "Please! Can anyone help us!"

"Kakaka! How pitiful" I heard a laugh in front of us, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a little girl stopping the meteor from moving with her whip.

"Akemi! Talya! King Haruki!" A portal appeared below the three of us after a mysterious girl shouted our name, and we were teleported inside of the forest.

When I opened my eyes again after we were teleported, I saw a beautiful woman in front of us.

Talya shouted in joy behind me. "Big sister Gremory! You came!"

The mysterious woman who was Gremory smiled in relief after seeing us okay. "Of course Talya, there's no way that I would leave my precious juniors alone."

"Big sister Gremory, Talya needs to come with you to fight them, because I need to either get information from their memories."

"I understand." Gremory carried Talya on her back, Gremory then looked at me. "I have no time to introduce myself King Haruki, but here catch."

She threw some kind of glass bottle on me with a weird green liquid inside of it. "Use that to heal Akemi." And Gremory then ran to Azazel and the others.

"Akemi!" As I dashed to Akemi hurriedly, I saw Faust with some knights riding a horse with him; arriving directly toward us. "Haruki! Akemi!"

I carried Akemi who was unconscious with my arms, she was heavily burnt and has lots of bruises on her. "Akemi, don't worry allies are here." And I put the bottle in her mouth for her to drink it.

"Faust! Akemi is heavily injured here!"

"Medic! Bring Akemi back to the mansion ASAP!" They finally got here, and the medic put Akemi on the horse.

"What about you Haruki? Aren't you coming with us?"

"No, I'm gonna stay here and gonna keep on fighting."


"Please let me do this Faust! I haven't done anything worthy as King yet, so myself staying here on the battlefield will at least do anything."

"I understand... Then everyone, go back to the mansion now; I'll stay here with Haruki."

All of the soldiers said. "Roger!" And immediately left.

Faust and I then went closer to the battlefield and watched them.

Faust handed me a bottle like that of what Gremory gave me. "here drink this Haruki, this is a potion that works better than the Heal skill."

I drank the potion immediately and was disgusted by the taste, but I didn't have the time to throw it up.

Good thing is that the potion is indeed better than Heal.

I looked in front of us and saw

on the battlefield was Gremory carrying Talya and a child that's about a year younger than Talya, and on the other side were Azazel, Milicas, and Baphomet standing there with their weapons.

And it looks like they all pulled out their weapons except for Talya.

"Hey Faust, can you message them that I'll sneak up behind Azazel and the other two?"

"Sure..." Faust started messaging them. "*Cough* They're okay with it Haruki, they said that if you see an opening behind one of them, go to that person and Gremory will throw Talya to you so that you can catch her and use Talya to get information from their memories."

I know that it sounds dangerous, but it's the only thing we can do.

The six then started to ran toward each other and fought equally.

Gremory with the support of Talya's illusion is doing good work working together to fight Azazel equally.

While that child who was using her whip was the most amazing; because with her small and fast body she is easily dodging Milicas' flying sword and also fighting both Milicas and Baphomet equally without even sweating. "Hey Faust, who is that child?"

"Child? Oh, you mean her? That's Phenex Haruki."

"What?! That child is that pedophile who is harassing Millie?!"

"Yes, but since a phoenix dies and resurrects again, Phenex is on her child form because she died 6000 years ago."

"I see..." So that Turkey is a child.

I looked back to the battlefield to focus on an opening behind them, but they are fast that my eyes couldn't even react.

Phenex was using her whip like a sadist, but the two who she was fighting didn't even show a small hint of fear inside and outside of them.

Gremory even with Talya behind her back was fighting Azazel with her sword wonderfully.

All I could say was awesome! Their strengths are nothing compare to me and the third-gen Generals.

"*Tsk* I'm getting tired of this!" Azazel shouted and flew above to try and created another meteor.

Seeing that he was showing an opening, I flew to him as fast as I can without him noticing.

Gremory seeing that I flew behind Azazel, then threw Talya above Azazel.

I caught Talya and got close to Azazel and I can see him shock by what has happened.

And there, Talya touched Azazel's back and finally gathered the information we need. "Talya got it!" Talya happily shouted

"Sh*t! Everyone retreat now! We were defeated!" Azazel said that and finally teleported away.

Both Milicas and Baphomet were tense after hearing what Azazel say, and they both created a portal to retreat.

"Remember that this is just the first battle Haruki!" Milicas said that as they retreat.

We won, so the information is so important that they retreated. Good.

"Kakaka! What a bunch of losers! Kaka!"

All of us were in relief after they finally retreated.

"No way..." We heard Talya saying that and saw her shaking in fear and was crying.

We were worried about what happened so we came to her immediately. What happened Talya?" I asked her.

"Talya saw, Talya saw what their plan is..."

Everyone was nervous upon hearing that Talya knew what their plan is, so I asked her slowly. "What is it that you saw Talya?"

"The Gods, The angels, King Jarren, Queen, Xuntea, Satanael, some of the dead Archdukes and Archangels, Satanael, and everyone who betrayed us are all planning to not only destroy Hell, but also the entire Universe."
