Chapter 51: Broken Floor: Death's Stranding

[Zadkiel POV]

Soldiers were walking and marching to the entire area just to go to the 8th floor for backups. About ten thousand soldiers are used by Camael as his pawns for the destruction of the 8th floor.

Thousands of angels have been corrupted by a sin that they now bear today.

Just by repeatedly torturing the poor body and soul of the devils made them far worse than a devil.

"Even if they the angels are the servant and messenger of Yahweh, it can't change the fact that deep inside that there's still some lingering evilness inside of them. Because whatever you are, even if your a spirit made of light like an angel, a dark spirit like that of a devil, or even the embodiment of both power and law like a God, both evilness and goodness are inside of you. There will never be such a thing as a perfect being in the world, everyone; every race in the world is imperfect, but that's what makes someone interesting. The good and bad of them are intertwined; like they were connected together, both of them are inseparable, that is what everyone is. An imperfect being."

Even at the state of the time the new war started, Zadkiel daydreamed from where he was at.

Thinking about what his mother told them when they were still smaller and developing spirits at the time.

"Hello! Are you still alive Zadkiel?" Noticing that Zadkiel was daydreaming on the time of their work, Ifrit woke him up.

"Oh sorry, where were we again?"

"Hoy! Don't just forget what we're doing right now!"

Seeing that he's outside hiding with Ifrit and looking at the enemy's movement, Zadkiel finally remembers what they were doing here outside. "I remember, sorry about that Ifrit, something just came to my mind that made me stop focusing on what we're doing." Zadkiel worriedly said.

"*Sigh* Then let's go back to action then!"

"You seem energetic Ifrit, did something good happen?"

"Of course there is! Now that the barrier has disappeared, I can finally go back to sleeping in a comfy bed than just sleeping on the ground."

"I see... So? Have the enemies done something important?"

"Yes, on what Shota messaged me earlier, it seems like Haruki, Akemi, and Talya defeated Azazel, Milicas, and Baphomet, which is why Milicas has an angered face on him when he returned to the lab."

"So the soldiers here are just gonna go to the 8th floor without the help with the Archdukes then."

"Seems like it, but we don't know for sure if the three or even Satanael is gonna go to the 8th floor, and Mammon is missing in the whole war for some unknown reason. And when we messaged Haruki and the others, they said that Mammon only comes once every 3 days to tell what Satanael is gonna do or sometimes he just wants to visit the castle again."

"Mammon has always been the mysterious type, so I guess that it's just normal for him to bail and do something that piques his interest, unless..." Unless if there's something important than his mere interest.

Being the embodiment of Greed made Mammon deadly, so if there's something in the war that we don't know about, what are the possibilities of Mammon doing that task?

Stealing, forcing, and even scamming someone or something are the abilities of what the General of Greed can do easily.

Thinking of what Mammon could possibly do right now is making Zadkiel worried about what's gonna happen next; because if there's something that Mammon has that can even rival something like Haruki's Soul Bound, then they gotta do something fast. "Ifrit, has there been any message that seems odd?"

"Odd..? No actually, but there's a message that they sent that said that something weird has happened."

"What is it?"

"It seems like when Haruki had a fight with Ruri the General of Vainglory, he found out that 2 or 3 of his skills were gone, and that's also the same with Sora and Talya. But they said that the skills that disappeared were only weak skills that they rarely even use."

"Missing skills, but isn't Mammon the only one who can steal skills? Well, he's the only one I know at least."

"They did suspect Mammon, but asking him might freak Mammon out and it might lead him to betray us, so that's why they didn't bother to ask and investigate on what the cause of the disappearance of their skills."

"I see..." Agreeing that they made the right decision to not ask Mammon, Zadkiel continues to converse with Ifrit. "Is there anything more Ifri-"

"Hmm... I see that you two are slacking on your work." Zadkiel next question to Ifrit was completely disturbed by the sudden arrival of Cassiel. "My, my, how troublesome of you two to have fun when the others are working to fight Camael and Satanael, seriously this is why many women back on Earth say that boys are lazy. I think that's what they say."

"Don't worry Cassiel, me and Ifrit were just discussing about what the Archdukes on the 8th floor are messaging, so we're not slacking off okay? And why are you here anyway Cassiel? Aren't you suppose to be with Shota Beelzebub to check Camael's base?"

"Hmm... Actually, Camael finally left with Satanael, and apparently, they were now headed to the 8th floor to start their turn, and the base was left empty with no soldiers as guards, which is why Shota went inside to gather data and also to free the imprisoned devils, and I came here to get you two because we're finally gonna go and start this."

Both Zadkiel and Ifrit stood up after hearing what Cassiel has said. "Let's go." Zadkiel said before they return to their hideout.

They've planned that the Three Archangels will fight Camael, and the Archdukes are gonna fight Satanael

Satanael was gonna go to the 8th floor first, so they'll use that chance to wait for Satanael and his soldier to enter, and they'll fight there, while the Archangels are gonna block the gate and fight Camael.

Now that they've started moving, all of them finally sets off and have finally said their goodbyes to the other side.

The Archdukes and the Archangels were all finally near the gate.

Since there were no forests to hide, Shota used his insects to make camouflages for them, so that they are not gonna be seen.

The three Archangels, Millie, Shota, and Lilith were moving on the south, while the others were at the north.

They decided to separate because an accident might happen on their plan, so in case if one of the groups were captured, the other group will come and save them.

"We're finally here at the gate, now let's wait." Shota said excitedly.

Upon looking at Satanael with his soldiers standing and not moving toward the gate to enter it, they were confused, until Satanael spoke.

What he said shocked everyone. "I see that all of you were finally here, Millie."

Hearing that Satanael knew that they were here, everyone's spine chilled.

Coming behind them was someone, the Archangels especially knows. "Ho... So it really is true that you three are working with the devils, seriously you three have the guts to do something like this? It really made me proud of you three."

"Hmmm... The same is with you Camael, you also have the guts to work with the devils like us, seriously I'm proud. I think? Or maybe not."

"*Sigh* I never expected that someone like you and Zadkiel would betray Yahweh and work with the enemies, Cassiel. I can see why Azrael would betray us because of someone, but why you two? Did something happen that made you two follow Azrael, Lucifer, and the others?"

"Hmm... I should be asking you the question why Camael? Because our Lord has announced that you're creating a third rebellion, and also... To answer your question because I don't want to leave your question behind, it's maybe because... Hmm... I think I just happen to love this idea of Zadkiel wanting to have peace with the devils."

Satanael and Camael hearing why Cassiel and Azrael joined burst out a laugh. "Peace? I can't believe that you're that stupid Zadkiel, you really think that after all of us Archangels have repeatedly tormented and tortured those poor devils, and you think that peace can happen? I know that you're not the brightest Archangel, but I didn't know that you are the dumbest among all of us Archangels."

Seeing that Zadkiel was saddened by what Camael has said, Lilith stepped in and said to Camael. "Even if Zadkiel and I haven't talked in a long time Camael, his idea of peace can be possible you know? Because you know why? He's not like any of you hypocrites that only want the destruction of someone."

"*Sigh* I can't believe I wasted my time conversing with such incompetent fools. Very well, everyone surround them!"

All of the soldiers behind Satanael prepared their weapons and ran to Millie and the others.

Pulling out some of his insects, Shota threw them on the ground and made them invisible. "Everyone fly!" He said before throwing the bugs.

When they became invisible, they all flew but as they go above, an invisible barrier trapped them. "Got you all now!" Milicas proudly said below them.

"Lucifer's son?" Looking everywhere below them, they saw Azazel, Baphomet, and Mammon appeared out of nowhere.

Seeing that Mammon was with them, made them confuse on which side is he really with.

"It's nice to see you again Princess Millie." Baphomet said while bowing.

"*Tsk* I can't believe that someone like you would betray us Baphomet."

"I guess what you believe then is wrong Princess Millie?"

"I guess you're right, but at least there's one thing that I believe in, Baphomet."

"Oh really? Could we perhaps hear what it is, Princess Millie?"

"To always look behind you."

"Behind you-" When Baphomet looked at his back, Dawn was in front of him.

"Bye!" Dawn said, and tons of blood came out of her body.

In the blood, Vladamir appeared and tons of bats made out of blood were created from Dawn's blood.

"Haha! Time to show some action!" Coming from above, Ifrit shouted in joy and punched the invisible barrier that Milicas created to trap Millie and the others.

The barrier broke, and everyone finally ran and escape.

The blood bats targeted the Archdukes, Camael, and the soldiers to make time for Millie and the others to escape the barrier.

"How annoying!" Milicas went to Vladamir and fought him. "All of you! Get the bats away from me as possible!" Milicas ordered the soldiers.

Mammon teleported away, and Baphomet and Camael chased Millie and the others.

While Satanael went closer to Ifrit with a smile on his face. "Haha! Ifrit, you're as impressive as ever! But the problem is that you didn't join me like Baphomet, seriously Ifrit. I thought that you, me, and Baphomet were best friends, but you going against me, isn't that different from what a friend is?"

"Shut up! You betraying Hell is already proof that I don't need our friendship anymore!" Putting flames on his hand, Ifrit ran to Satanael.

"Pathetic." A small ball of red light came out of his finger and shot it to Ifrit like a gun.

Dodging Satanael's attack, Ifrit was finally close to Satanael and punched him in the face.

Not being hurt by a bit from the punch, Satanael held Ifrit's head and kneed him.

Ifrit was dazed, but he didn't let it control him, and so he continues to punch Satanael.

Blocking his attack and punching him back, they fought like they're in a wrestling match.

Both of their punches were not missing, because this time Ifrit was completely serious.

Putting fire on his hand because he has fire resistance, and using it to make his punches on Satanael stronger.

While Satanael hasn't used a skill in their fight.

Punching Satanael again on the face, he saw that Satanael didn't even flinch, while after he punched Satanael, he elbowed Ifrit on the back, kneed him on the chest, then the head, and finally punched him on his head.

Ifrit walked back for a bit and saw blood coming from both of his nose and mouth, while when he looked at Satanael, not a single sign of a bruise or at least blood was coming out.

Ifrit then ran back to Satanael; grabbed both of Satanael's horns to try for a knee, but Satanael stopped Ifrit by punching him right to the gut.

Using a skill to see his condition, Ifrit chuckled in both joy and anger after seeing the condition of his body.

Most of his ribs were cracked and broken from Satanael's punches, and he was using his Heal to heal those broken bones.

He looked at his surroundings and saw that the soldiers were finally done dealing with the bats, and were now encircling him.

Dawn was gone, because she might've teleported away and Vladamir was busy fighting MIlicas alone, and by the looks of it Milicas doesn't want any soldiers disturbing his fight.

Noticing that a tooth was coming out of his mouth, Ifrit spits the tooth out.

"Done already Ifrit? I can't believe that I easily defeated you in another match, *Sigh* how disappointi-" Immediately reacting on his back, Satanael blocked the sword that was thrown at him.

Hans and Vladamir appeared on Ifrit's side and said. "Then, it's a rematch between me and Ifrit against you then Satanael."

"Seriously, why did you come now?"

"Sorry, we got busy with some soldiers."

"What about you Vladamir? What happened with Milicas?"

"He's now engaging against Shota."

Satanael let out a loud laugh. "A rematch from before our 'battle' in the city? Then come!"

Ifrit ran on the front, Vladamir on the left, and Hans on the right.

Clang! "You f*cking insect! Never disturb a duel!"

Using insects as his sword to fight Milicas, Shota proudly said to Milicas. "This is war Milicas, there are no rules!"

"Then die! You stupid insect!" Thousands of swords came out of the ground and flew to Shota.

Clapping his hand, Shota said. "Aranefilu!" strings came out of his fingers, and he used them to destroy the swords that Milicas summoned. "Did you forgot Milicas? My string Aranefilu is strong enough to cut through everything, so even if you call me stupid from swordplay, but at least I'm sharp enough to use my strings as weapons instead."

"Stop with your sh*tty joke!" Summoning thousands of swords again and all flew to Shota, Milicas summoned a small star above them.

Dodging and destroying every sword from his strings, Shota was enjoying this fight. "Stop with my jokes? I'm sorry if my puns are punny enough to you Milicas!"

Summoning another set of swords, but instead of using it to Shota, all of the swords flew to the star.

"Hoy! Are you trying to kill your soldiers Milicas!?"

"I don't care!" The star has started to glow to start a supernova.

And when the star was starting, Milicas saw the star disappears. "What?" He confusingly said.

Mammon was behind him flying. "Sorry Young Milicas, but I'm gonna need this star of yours, and also don't kill our men okay? Then bye!" And Mammon created a portal and left.

"That d*mn bastard!" Clapping his hand in anger and forming a prayer on it, Milicas closes his eyes to ready his weapon.

Seeing that Milicas was gonna say a chant, Shota immediately ran to Milicas and formed a bow with his strings. "I won't let you!" Whoosh! The arrow made out of strings was coming toward Milicas.

A stone wall was made that trapped Milicas inside, and when Shota looked above him, he saw Azazel smiling while being chased by Luna and Dawn.

"Why now? Even if I said that my strings can break anything, it can't really break anything especially if it's made by someone very strong."

"As my blood flows as the same as the legendary Lucifer, and with wings that's the same with him, even the inside of my mind and soul that's filled with nothing but Pride, I can call anything by my last name Lucifer with the power of the deadliest sin throughout the entire list, I hereby call you as the son of Lucifer himself. Fillisuperbia!"

A red dragon came inside the stone wall and turned into a sword.

When Milicas hold it, a large explosion came that destroyed the wall and the surrounding.

Shota knowing how powerful Milicas' sword is made him tense and nervous.

While pointing his sword toward Shota, Milicas shouted in pride and anger. "Come! Inheritor of Beelzebub!"