Chapter 56: Unexpected Visitor

"So Haruki, how's your first experience of almost being killed? Was it good? Or was it bad?"

The moment I opened my eyes I was back to this mysterious peaceful dream world, and I saw myself sitting on a chair and in front of me was Lucifer drinking a cup of tea.

And just when I have gone back to my right state of mind, this guy immediately asks me that question.

Of course, how couldn't I get pissed off by what he asked, but considering that the person who asked me that is a so-called 'Legendary Figure', I'm not gonna tell him to screw off.

Also, this guy almost killed me too, I guess it's true that they say 'like father like son' I guess.

"Hmm? Is there something wrong Haruki?"

"*Sigh* Lucifer, why am I here again?"

"Nothing really, I thought it'll be nice to have a chat about what happened in the past couple of days in Hell."

"Oh about that... I want to ask you what happened? Is everyone safe? Is Luna safe? Did we win against them? And also about what happened to me..?" I want to know if they're safe first, before asking about my condition.

I still clearly remember what happened with the battle against Milicas, and I also remembered what I did to save Luna from Milicas, so am I still alive? Or... Is it something different than being alive?

"What happened huh? Well to say for the least, Everyone successfully drove Satanael and the other four to retreat, and the stars that Milicas created were used by Millie and Faust as energies for their machine to heal every injured soldier. Oh also, now that I mention about injuries, many of your friends and soldiers are severely injured from the battle, and so as you too Haruki Hotaru."

"I see... That's good to hear that we won against them, but did anyone die?!"

"Besides some soldiers, no one of your friends was killed, but some of them were severely injured though, for example, the General of Envy Akemi Leviathan and the General of Gluttony Shota Beelzebub were in a critical state that the two of them are in a coma."

"What?!" Don't tell me that it's true? Akemi and Shota... Sh*t...

"But don't worry Haruki Hotaru, in a couple of weeks both of them are gonna stand up with energy, so don't lose hope for now."

"Good... But what about me though? Am I gonna see them again..? Because I can clearly remember what happened to me before I came here."

"About the condition of your body... Uhmm Haruki, I don't know what to say-"

"Okay that's enough Lucifer, I don't want to hear it anymore, just say I'm dead okay?" Well... That was expected, because who would survive when your stomach has about 5 swords inside of it?

But... I guess I just have to accept it, aren't I? D*mmit, what is this feeling? When I died back on Earth I didn't feel anything like this, so why am I feeling weird?

"*Cough* Haruki, sorry to say this but you actually survived, you disturbed what I was about to say and didn't hear what's the actual condition of your body."

"You son of a b*tch! Why did you even start your sentence with a sad tone?! Are you screwing with me!? I don't care if you're the son of a God or the Demon King, but that's going too far!"

"Don't blame me, I was forced to say this, blame it the person who wrote my dialogue, Haruki."

"The what?"

"*Cough* Let's forget about that, then let's get back to topic Haruki, I want to thank you and the others for saving Hell."

"Thank us? But aren't you one of the reasons Hell is getting destroyed? So why are you thanking us for saving Hell, which is the polar opposite of what you planned?"

"Who knows? Only I know why I'm thanking you all, besides the past is the past right? So let's forget about that and focus on the present time right now." Lucifer with a smile and drinking the tea in his hand and he lent me a plate of cookies. "Cookies?"

"No thanks." I answered. "Then I have a question for you Lucifer, so I want to clarify if it's okay to ask you everything."

"Sure go on, you can ask me anything; if I know about it."

"*Sigh* When we were fighting Azazel, Milicas, and Baphomet, Talya retrieved useful information from Azazel. And what bothers us the most is one thing, so tell me Lucifer, why are Yahweh and Satanael destroying the Universe?"

"Destroying the Universe? I guess that's normal though, especially if the Gods are the ones doing it."

"Wait the 'Gods'? Are you telling me that not only Yahweh is planning to destroy the Universe?"

"Of course, there are two others. The Greek God of Thunder Zeus and the Norse God of War Odin are both his allies, but I got that information a long time ago when I was still alive to make it clear; when I got that information from Satanael. But I don't know what's happening right now to this plan of theirs, and who knows maybe other Mythologies joined forces with them."

"Really..? But why are they planning to destroy the Universe though? Aren't they supposed to protect humanity from harm if they are Gods or Deities?"

"You'll find out about that soon enough Haruki because time is up, we have to say our goodbyes again."

"*Tsk* Fine, if you're not gonna tell me the answer then I'll find it myself."

"Why? Do you want to save the Universe Haruki?"

"What if I say yes Lucifer?"

Lucifer let out a small laugh. "*Chuckle* Nothing, I just want to know."

"*Sigh* Then goodbye Lucifer," A bright light shone onto my eyes, and when I opened my eyes I saw myself in a familiar room. To be exact it's actually my room that was supposed to be destroyed.

How did it get fixed? And how did I even get here if we were near Sheol?

I looked around my room and saw Luna sleeping on a chair and laying her head on my bed.

Seeing that she's fine made me happy, but I can't say that to my current condition though, because my whole body is almost covered in bandages, and every time I move even a bit it really stings a lot.

"*Groan* D*mn... If what's Talya and Lucifer are saying is true, then what will happen to the whole Universe if it's destroyed?"

Without noticing that I was speaking to myself loudly, Luna woke up and looked at the room. "*Groan*" Luna looked at me and was shocked to see me finally awake.

"Oh hey Luna, sorry to wake you up."

Luna started to cry and went to me happily; she lays her head on my arm and wept her tears there. "I"m glad, I'm glad that you're finally awake Haruki..."

To be honest, Luna looks really cute when she's worried and crying. "Yeah, but I'm happier to see you okay Luna."

"You idiot! Why did you do that?! You know that you might've got killed if you didn't get lucky..."

"I don't care what happened to me Luna, as long as you're alive and well then I'm willing to sacrifice even my life for you, because knowing that you will smile beautifully again with our friends, I'm gonna die happy with that." Well to put it simply, not only Luna though, because everyone's important to me. So if one of them dies while I survive then I don't know how will I ever forgive myself for failing to protect them.

Especially when I saw that terrifying nightmarish scene that Lucifer showed me; because I don't want to see that happen in my life ever. Even though I'm the weakest among my friends, I'll still do it, I'll protect them.

Luna teared up more and hugged me. "Thank you, thank you Haruki..."

Oww! Oww! Oww! Even if it hurts I have to remain strong, I can't be showing any weakness right now, I have to be strong like everyone.

I hugged Luna back and said to her. "it's okay..."

Knock! Knock! Knocking on the door was Sora, who was already inside my room and he looked angry for some unknown reason; with him was Dawn, and Ryou.

I was shocked to see Ryou come because this is the first time we actually met, but I guess it's normal for an Archduke like him to visit me his King.

"*Cough* Luna, can you stop hugging that guy please?"

That guy? Why is Sora really pissed that he stopped calling me by my name? Oh, wait... I get it now.

Because as of right now, I didn't even notice that Luna and I were hugging for so long. Honestly, I'm happy because this is the first time I hugged Luna, and also I get to see Sora jealous and pissed off again.

Luna let me go after Sora asked her too and went back to her seat.

Everyone came closer to me and shouted with a clap. "Good job on waking up Haruki!" But I can hear Sora only mumbling something instead of shouting with them.

"Thank you everyone for coming, but... Where are the others?"

"Ruri is at Akemi's room, Talya and Flint are at Shota's room, and Millie along with the other Archdukes is at the lab, thus that's why me, Sora, and Ryou were the only one who has the time to visit you here in your bedroom."

Good, at least everything's back to normal now, and good thing that we don't have to worry about Satanael planning to attack. "Anyway, how long have I've been asleep?"

"Only about 3 weeks perhaps, but the problem is that Akemi and Shota are both in a critical state, but don't worry in a couple few more weeks it's expected that they would wake up thanks to the stars that Milicas created. Well, that's what at least Millie and Faust said."

"I see that's good, but at least we won, and what's amazing is that no Archdukes were killed, but... How will we say it to the soldiers though..?"

"Don't worry about such trivial things as that Haruki, Millie has already broken the news to the entire 8th and 9th floor about what happened, and the deceased soldiers has a memorial on the 9th floor."

"I'm glad, but what next though? Everyone has probably heard what Talya found on Azazel's memory right?"

Everyone looked tense and saddened by what I have said. "Yes, about the Gods in our world's plan to end the Universe, *Sigh* Seriously, how savages of them to do such a thing."

"Yeah, Dawn's right, they're nothing but straight savages, so what are we gonna do Haruki?" Sora excitedly asked.

"What are we gonna do? Why are you asking me that? They're Gods right? So there's nothing we can do to stop them."

Sora laughed at me after hearing what I said. "Yes they're Gods indeed Haruki, but don't forget that we are devils, we have the power to kill a God! So Haruki, won't you think that it would be cool to save the world? You know, it's like we're gonna be heroes!"

"This is the first time I get to see you this energetic Sora." But saving the world and becoming heroes? I guess Sora's right that it would be cool, but... "Sorry, but I'm not gonna say yes."

"Huh!? Why?!" He shouted in disappointment.

"Come on Sora, look at us! Almost some of us were almost killed, and our enemy at that time was only an Archduke of Hell, so you really think that we stand a chance to a God?!"

Sora went silent after hearing what I said and stopped being excited.

Seriously, that's gotta be the most dumbest thing that Sora has said, us saving the world from the Gods?! That's completely absurd, only an idiot would agree to accept a term like that.

Luna suddenly said to us. "Everyone, Millie message me for us to head to Sheol immediately because there seem to be some serious troubles happening there."

Hearing that everyone except for Ryou immediately created a portal to teleport, I asked them. "Wait, I thought that it's over."

"We know, even we are shocked on what's happening Haruki." After Luna said that, everyone except for Ryou went to the portal.

Now, this is awkward, what do I do? Especially since this is the first time I've interacted with Ryou?

"*Cough* King Haruki, I wanted to tell you this, but I heard from Lucas and Ruri about what everything that you did with Akemi, so-'

Oh no, don't tell me that this is gonna happen, I have a suspicion that Ryou might be an ex-boyfriend or some sort of Akemi, and now that he's here alone with me, I'm dead.

"-I'm grateful my King, thank you for making Akemi happy and smile, even as her brother I couldn't do a single thing to make her happy, so I'm very indebted to you for making Akemi smile."

I knew it I'm dea- wait... as her brother? "Wait, you're Akemi's brother? This is the first time I've heard that she has a brother."

"Akemi and I are twins to be exact, and I guess you not knowing about Akemi having a brother is normal because a long time ago Akemi and I had a dispute. You know like any normal quarrel that siblings do, so maybe that's why she didn't mention me to you at all."

"I see... Then I'm grateful for you too Ryou because when I heard from Gusion that you were at Akemi's room, I'm happy to hear that you're with Akemi." Well, I was jealous of Ryou at first, but I'm not gonna tell him that.

"You're welcome, my King..."

"No it's okay, please I hate it when people are calling me Prince or King, just call me by name Ryou."

"Really..? Then I'm grateful for having the honor to call you just by your name, Haruki-"

"Hmm? Is there something wrong Ryou?"

"No, I just got a message from Luna about the situation that happened on Sheol."

"Really?! What happened?! Are the people at Sheol okay?!" Please, I hope that the situation that happened there is not dangerous, because I was about to get my peacetime with everyone already, and I don't want it to be destroyed already.

"They're okay, and no one was hurt because there were no fights or attacks that happened..."

"That's good..." That scared me, just by hearing the word problem or situation is making me traumatized.

"But, they said that we have a surprising visitor that they didn't expect to come."

"Really? Who is it?"

"It's The Celtic God of the Sun and Skills, Lugh. He came here to talk to us devils."

"What?!" A God?! A God is here?! Please, I hope that he won't bring any trouble.