Chapter 57: "Godly" Favor

[Lugh POV]

It was an unexpected visit that shocked the country Sheol to prepare for an evacuation.

Soldiers were lined up with their weapons pointing at the visitor, and Millie with the Archdukes was on the frontline to talk to the visitor.

The visitor that came was the Celtic God of the Sun and Skills, Lugh.

Being tasked by Dagda to go to Hell and get the help of the devils is what Lugh came here for.

And on Lugh's perspective on this current situation, he thought that he screwed up.

That old guy! I knew it, the devils would kill me. Saying that on his mind many times, Lugh was nervous to fail this task that was given to him by Dagda. "Uhmm... It's nice to meet you all, I'm the Celtic God of The Sun, Lugh. It's a pleasure to come here in Hell..."

Millie went closer to Lugh and bowed. "It's nice to meet you Celtic God, Lugh. I'm the Princess of Hell, Millie Hotaru. If I may ask what are you doing here in Hell? Especially since that, you're a God, Celtic God of the Sun Lugh."

Lugh was frightened after Millie asked her that, even if he's a God, the way that Millie smiles and asked her was giving him chills.

"Uhm... Uhmm... If possible... Can I ask... A favor to you Princess Millie and the current Ruler Haruki Hotaru..?"

"Tell us Lugh, do you have any intent on planning to start a war against us? And it's amazing that you have the guts to come here alone, well I guess it's normal since you're the strongest Celtic God after all."

"Haa! Please don't kill me! I'll do anything please!" Lugh who was supposed to be more frightening than the devils and stronger than them was as of right now begging, and crying on his knees.

Looking at the situation Lugh was doing, everyone was dumbfounded at the sight of Lugh.

Being known as the strongest Celtic God made the devils think that he's somewhat fearless or tough, but seeing the person right now in front of their faces is different from what they have all imagined.

"Kakaka! So this guy is the strongest Celtic God? Kaka, how foolish... This isn't what I expected." Going closer to the crying Lugh, Phenex tried to step on him but Millie stopped her from doing it. "Phenex, can you leave him be?"

"Okay, my cute Millie."

"*Sigh* For you doing this right now, I guess it's to say that you're willing to surrender right? But why Lugh? For someone as strong as you, why aren't you making us surrender instead?"

Knowing about Lugh's past, what strikes Millie odd is that instead of Lugh showing his strength in front of them, he was showing his weakness instead.

"Why...?! It's because I'm the weakest Celtic God, no I'm one of the weakest God there is!" Replying to Millie with a fearful voice, Millie couldn't do anything but feel pity for Lugh.

"Talya, can you check if Lugh's lying and if he has any intent on planning to attack Hell?" Chizuru whispered to Talya.

Talya replied. "Sure, big sister Chizuru." Using her skills to check on Lugh's mentality, Talya got the answer. "Big sister Millie, Lugh is telling the truth about him being one of the weakest God, and also there's no sign or intent of hostility against us devils on him."

Everyone looked at the crying Lugh, Millie asked everyone. "Hey, what do you guys think? This is the first time a God from a different Mythology visited Hell."

"Millie, I think we should listen to what Lugh would say, and maybe we can use Lugh as the opportunity to get more information on what Talya saw on Azazel's memory. " Gremory said in nervousness. "And also, we can use Baal to prove his loyalty, because out of all the Archduke here, only Baal and Phenex has interaction with any of the Gods, but if we're gonna use Phenex to get information on him, Baal would be better, considering that Phenex has tons of grudges against the Gods."

"We could do that... But Millie, this is a God we are talking about, maybe he has a skill to make false information of him; making what Talya saw on her skill possibly a lie. Not to mention Lugh is a Sun God, which is a massive enemy of any evil spirits or devils, so I think it's not good to put our trust in him." Lucas answered back.

Hearing them talk and deciding on his fate, Lugh couldn't do a single thing, even moving is making him frightened.

"Lucas, Gremory is right. We could gather information on him about Yahweh and Satanael's plan, so we'll have to get Lugh to be our ally because he's a God, and with the help of the Celtics we can get more allies to stop Satanael. So Millie what do you think?" Faust said

"*Sigh*" Millie went closer to Lugh again and asked him. "Lugh, do you promise to cooperate with us nicely?"

"Uhm... Yeah, yes! Definitely. Of course. I'll cooperate with you all nicely... Of course. I promise that I won't cause any trouble."

"Then it's decided. So Lugh, do you want to talk with my older brother perhaps?"

"Ye-yes, there's something important I want to ask not only the King but also everyone here too..."

Millie created a portal to Haruki's room. "Follow us." She said, before entering the portal with the Archdukes.

But before Lugh entered the portal, he was completely scared when Lucas was looking at him with a warning to kill him.

"I hope that I can safely go back to Ireland..."


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

After Ryou received a message from Luna concerning the visitation of the Celtic God Lugh, a portal appeared in front of me and Ryou.

Millie with some of the Archdukes, and a guy who my guess is Lugh appeared from the portal.

The moment everyone appeared, I immediately sat and be more professional than ever, due to the reason that a God is here with us.

Pissing off a God right now when most of us are injured is not a good thing, so that's why I have to do my best to act more professionally to Lugh.

"Lugh, this is my older brother and the current King of Hell Haruki Hotaru, I apologize for him looking beat up because there have been some problems that happened a week ago which caused him to get injured."

"It's nice to meet you, Oh Great Celtic God Lugh, I'm the King of Hell, Haruki Hotaru." I hope I did my introduction right.

Ryou looked at me and whispered. "Seriously? Great Celtic God Lugh? You know that he isn't Yahweh who has connections to Hell right? And also, he's a God, so he doesn't need any praises from us."

"I know, but I don't want to be rude to the guy." I whispered back to him.

"Uhmm... It-it's a pleasure to meet you too King Haruki of Hell-"

Woof! Flint suddenly appeared out of nowhere and aggressively growl and barked at Lugh.

"Ha! Please I'll do anything! Don't kill me please!" Lugh was crying and laying on the floor covering his head.

Seeing this sight of Lugh made me completely dumbfounded because I never expected a God to be like this.

I expected Lugh to be a more brave and powerful; tough guy, but reality can sometimes be disappointing. "Flint, it's okay, he means no harm. Calm down."

Flint calmed down after I said that Lugh was safe, but seeing Lugh cry in fear on the ground is making me feel terrible. I can see on everyone's face the same too.

It's both the mixed feeling of confusion and pity to the guy. "God Lugh, don't worry, we're not gonna kill you okay? Trust me I promise."

"Really..? You wouldn't kill me..?"

"Yes, we promise you that, so don't worry about talking to us freely." Well, this is a massive turn of an event, I can't believe that a God is crying in fear for his life. "So God Lugh, why did you come here for..?" For now, I have to talk to him casually so that he won't have a nervous breakdown again.

Back on Earth, I know some people like him that I'm friends with, so talking to him is not really a hard challenge to me.

"Actually, I'm here to ask you a favor King Haruki, this favor of mine is dangerous but please I hope you'll accept it."

"Sure, what is it?"

"In fact, some of the Gods are planning to destroy the entire Universe, and if possible I want you devils to help us Gods who are opposed to the plans to destroy the Universe."

Everyone was surprised and happy to hear when Lugh said that there are Gods that weren't planning to destroy the whole Universe, so Millie asked Lugh. "Lugh, if you know, can you tell us the Gods who are destroying the Universe and are opposed to it?"

"Okay... The Gods that are gonna destroy the Universe are the Greek God of Thunder Zeus, The Norse God of War Odin, The God of Abrahamic Mythology Yahweh, The Creator God of Zoroastrianism and Persian Mythology Ahura Mazda, The Egyptian God of the Sun Amun-Ra, and The Supreme God of Chinese Mythology known as the Jade Emperor Tian Gog are the Gods with their whole Mythologies are planning to destroy the Universe."

All of us couldn't say a single thing to what Lugh said, hearing all of the Gods and Mythologies that are planning to destroy the Universe is frightening to hear.

That many? And also the Gods in their Mythologies are part of it too, so... That means that the Universe will really end.

"What about the Gods that are opposed to the plan?" Millie asked Lugh nervously.

"Well... That's the bad news, actually us in Celtic Mythology are opposed to the plan, and also some Gods like Poseidon, Hades, Thor, Loki, and some other Gods on Greek and Norse Mythologies are opposed to the plan and are now at war with them, and they are allies with the entire Japanese Mythology. But we Celtics doesn't have contact with them so they don't know that we are opposed to. And some Mythologies that were opposed like the Aztecs and Mayan Mythologies were wiped out by Zeus on the last war."

Those few who care about the Universe? It's lucky that they all survive from the was with only a few of them left.

But Lugh said that some Mythologies weren't part of the plan, but they were all wiped out a long time ago. And the Celtics don't have any contacts with the Gods who are opposed to the plan, which makes their situation tougher.

And considering what happened here in Hell, it already means that Satanael and the others have joined the Gods. "Lugh, how long has it been since the start of the war?" If this war has started a long time ago, then it's possible that the end is near.

"Actually, this massive war started a long time ago, even before Hell was even created this has been long-planned, but since destroying the world needs a lot of requirements, Zeus and the Gods are still stuck between to 10 to 20% for a long time."

Millie asked. "Then Lugh, there's something that has been bothering me. How did you know about some of this information if you don't have any contacts with Poseidon?"

"My Lord Dagda is actually pretending to be part of the plan with Zeus and the other Gods, so he sent me here to get your help while he tells us information on Zeus' plans."

Then if this God Dagda that Lugh is talking about is a spy, getting information from Zeus and the other Gods is easy. "Lugh, how many Gods are left in the Mythologies that are partaking in the war?"

"Zeus has 4, Odin, Amun-Ra, Ahura Mazda, and Tian Gong with 3, and Yahweh has all 10 Archangels with him, and on the side that is against them is Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hermes, Thor, Loki, and Heimdal. The Japanese were rumored to have 10 Gods with them but we don't know if it's true, because the only confirmed alive Japanese Gods that we know are Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, Kagutsuchi and, Bishamonten. And us Celtic only have me, my Lord Dagda, and his wife Lord Morrigan."

"Then there's 14 that are against destroying the Universe, and then there's 32 plus the Archangels who wants to destroy the Universe. *Tsk* Then it's an immediate loss to the Gods who cares for the world, so that's why you need the help of the devils..."

I can see on what Millie said the acceptance of defeat on what she said, and everyone here is already on the verge of despair.

"I know that us Gods have treated you all devils unfairly, but please just this once help us to defeat the Gods that are destroying our beloved world. I'm willing to even sacrifice my entire life just to save this world, so please help us defeat Zeus and the other Gods and save this world." Lugh was bowing to us when he said that.

Seeing that a God asking us lower being than them already shows that they care about this world.

All of us know that this task is impossible, especially if our enemy is literal Gods. But what is this feeling that I'm experiencing right now? Care? Hope? Or whatever it may be, my soul is asking me to accept what Lugh said.

No, someone wants me to accept Lugh's favor. "Say yes Haruki." That is what I heard on my mind; is what I heard from that beautiful blonde girl.

"So what do you want us to do then Lugh?" I asked him.

"In about a month or two, they'll attack the Japanese Gods, so please if possible I want you to help them with that powerful skill you possessed and save the Japanese Gods and get us to have contacts with them."

Looking at everyone, I don't know what to feel. Because this could cause them to die, but at the same time my soul and that girl are begging me to accept it.

I'm confused about what to say and what to do, no I'm scared to do it.

Because I don't want anyone here who I call my family sacrificing their life for the world, if possible I want them to survive, but that's impossible.

No death in a war? Especially a war with the Gods? That's unimaginable.

But what is this feeling that wants me to say yes? I'm both confuse and scared. This right now can change my entire life base on what I will answer.

"Please Haruki, save the world." But how though?

"You and everyone are the only ones who can do it." Isn't dying slowly better than dying faster?

"If you say no everyone will die, and if you say yes everyone could die." I know...

"So, do this Haruki, save the world with your beloved ones." This mysterious blonde girl is telling me to say yes, but how would everyone react to it? How would the citizens feel about this?

"Both decisions can both be regretful, but at the same time, you won't feel regret Haruki. Because I know that everyone will accept your decision." But I don't even know what my answer is.

"Just say what you want to say..." What do I want to say?

Yes, what I want to say is- "Millie; everyone, please answer me honestly. Will you all follow what I'm about to do? Even on the edge of despair and hope, will you all still follow me?"

"Big brother, if you're talking about you saving the world against the palm of almost every God, then I'm with you all the way."

"Me too big brother Haruki! Right big sister Chizuru?" Chizuru smiles at Talya. "Of course Talya, and I know that Akemi and Ruri would feel the same way Haruki."

"Haruki, me, you, Lucas, and Shota are best friends, and I know that even if Shota is still sleeping he'll join you, right Lucas?" Sora said, and Lucas "Yeah Sora, as your best friend Haruki we'll be with you always."

"Haruki, you saved my life by making yourself a shield, of course, I'm willing to join you." With Dawn beside her, Dawn replied. "Saving the world, it's fun don't you think? Because everyone has a chance to have a good future together."

"Hahaha! As your Master, I'll always support my student's wishes Haruki!"

"Haruki, you saved my daughter's life, so I'll always follow you." And next to Hans, Vladamir said. "Hans is right Haruki, I'm grateful because even with Jarren and Xuntea betraying us, you didn't."

"*Sigh* They're right Haruki, even if I haven't known you for very long, my friendship with your mother will not change, and that's the same as my position as the representative for the female devils." Lilith said happily.

"Haruki, you made Akemi smile again, so I'm greatly indebted to you for making her happy."

"Kaka! As long as my cute Millie joins, I'll join!" Faust said. "I'm the same with Phenex, Haruki."

"Gusion and I will be by your side, King Haruki." Gremory answered with a smile and Gusion nodded with joy.

Woof! Flint barked happily.

Hearing them say that made me happy that they're supporting what my decision is.

Right, I always forget that I'm not always alone. I have them with me! "You hear them Lugh, let's go show Zeus and the others on who's boss!"