Chapter 72: Hellish Training: Last Day Last Life part 2

I couldn't move my entire because the boa was constricting me really tightly.

Both my arms are fractured by the boa, and my breathing is starting to get slower... This boa just won't let me go.

Hiss... Hiss... To close, it's face is really close to mine, Hiss... The boa looked at me in the eyes, and that's when I fell asleep again.

Hiss... "Sh*t!" My left shoulder was bitten by the boa.

This boa wants to kill me slower and more painful... Talk about sadistic! "*Cough!* *Cough!*"

If I can find a way to burn this guy from my Soul Bound, then I might escape, but this guy won't let me move and imagine, so I can't create something to escape.

What do I do? What do I do? Wait that's it.

If I can't create any type of magic with my Fire and Electric Manipulation, then I can do this.

I still memorized some places I've been in here in Mt. Levi, and I even flew up above.

So with Space Cutter, I created a portal below us and transported us above the sky.

The boa noticed that we were up above the mountain and was panicking that it let go of me.

I flew immediately and created one fire and one electric sword.

And since the boa has no wings, it can't move on air, so this is my chance.

I threw the fire sword at its body, and it was extinguished by its skin. "So I just have to use this, Ignisvem!" I threw Ignisvem to the boa at the same time as the electricity.

It exploded when the two swords clashed, but the boa wasn't affected by it. "This guy is really tough." Crash! The bao was finally on land and started running.

"No, you won't!-" Where did it go?! It disappeared the moment it ran... Camouflage?! I created a wall of fire below me and the boa started wiggling when the fire hit it.

Hiss...! It tried to bit me on the head, but I activated Foresight and dodged it.

Hiss...! Hiss...! It's now angrier than before, it went closer to me and blinked its eyes.

I can't move, it's like I'm stuck. Are the eyes its source of power? Hiss...! It headed straight to my head, but even if I'm stuck in this position, I created many flaming swords and copied Milicas' move. Flying swords.

The swords hit every part of the boa's body and I can now move again, so I flew up above the sky and started powering up my Ignisvem with both fire and electricity.

Hiss...! Even if many swords hit it, the boa was still alive and unscathed from my attack. Hiss...! It blink its eyes again, so I immediately readied to summon many types of weapons; from swords, spears, arrows, and many more that's made out of both fire and electricity.

And started shooting it to the boa one by one, ad by doing this I now felt how Milicas is feeling when he was shooting many swords at everyone. From now on I'm gonna start using this technique.

"Ha! Take that you stupid snake!" But summoning this many weapons is tiring, so I better be careful on how to use it, because I'm not like Milicas who can endlessly summon swords.

"Ouch! What was that?" The boa was stunned by the many swords that flew to it and were regenerating itself with the snow.

But what bothers me is that even if it closes its eye, I didn't get stuck in place. But the bite marks that the boa left is starting to get hurt.

I looked at the bite on my shoulder and saw ice growing. "Is this from the bite?" I created a very hot fire on my shoulder and was shocked to see that the ice wasn't melting.

Even if I'm using Soul Bound right now, the heat isn't working on the ice. "This bastard..." I better hurry in killing this snake or else I'll turn to ice.

Hiss...! The boa was now back to itself and ran up to me very fast. Hiss...!

I looked at Ignisvem on my hand and noticed that it was fully charged from the fire and electricity that I'm putting on it.

So if I throw Ignisvem somewhere on its body that's guaranteed to kill it, then it'll kill the boa in an instant if Ignisvem exploded.

Hiss! It blinked its eyes again and I started to fell asleep. "I need to stay awake-" Wait, I woke up when the boa injured me. With the last bit of my strength before I fell asleep, I burned myself with Fire Manipulation.

"Ha!" Just as I expected, it worked! The boa was about to bit me, and before I fell on the ground since I fell asleep in the sky, I created a bow with fire and spin on the air to look at the boa.

The boa's head was almost near my body, and with Foresight, I saw how long the boa would take to catch me with its mouth on the air.

Ignisvem was already glowing up and the bow that I have looks stable. "Take this!" Using Ignisvem as an arrow, I waited for the boa to come close since I'm not good at archery.

3... The boa was more closer 2.... it opened its mouth... And 1. I shot the bow and the boa noticed Ignisvem coming directly inside of its mouth. Hiss... It blinked and Ignisvem started to freeze.

But even if the ice is cooling up Ignisvem, it still went to the boa's mouth. "Now this!" I created many fire swords in the air and fired them to the boa.

When some of it got stuck on the skin, I summoned another batch of swords, but this time it's made out of electricity.

I don't know about science that much, but I know that if electricity is combined with fire it'll explode, and also Ignisvem absorbs both fire and electricity, so the explosion would be bigger.

The fire and electricity met and the swords started to explode. Hiss..! Hiss...! the boa hissed in pain and its head exploded to pieces.

"Yes!" Today's training is complete!

Tweet... Tweet... A tiny bird came to me and landed near my ear. "Hello little guy, what do you want from me?"

"You haven't killed the frostbite boa little one... Target the heart and you'll succeed..." That voice, this is Leviathan's voice.

The bird melted like ice and the boa started to move again and regenerate its head fast. Hiss!

I still haven't retrieved Ignisvem yet, which means that Ignisvem is still inside the boa's body.

Hiss! The boa blinked and ran up to me very fast. I tried to move but I saw my entire arm frozen from before. "Not now!" I flew with my wings to escape the boa.

This is bad, and my entire body is almost made out of ice, and I can't even move now because the ice is making my fracture worse.

I summoned two pairs of swords from fire and electricity and used the fire on my body to burn up my bones a little bit so that I would move.

Even if it feels like my body is burning, all I can do is force my hand to move as I did with the bow and ignite Ignisvem once more.

Hiss! it blinked again and I was stuck in the air, the boa raised its head to the sky. "Sh*t!-" I tried to summon something as fast as I can but I was swallowed in an instant.

"*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* I"m still alive?!" Where am I?! Wait of course I'm inside the boa's body, I've been swallowed by its whole.

Swallowed whole? Wait this is better than outside! Electricity started coming out of my hands and I smiled with joy. "You're dead!" The body exploded again and I got out of it.

But it's still not over, due to its huge size I haven't destroyed the heart yet. And it looks like Ignisvem went through it more. "Haha! I win!" I focus all of the electrons on my right hand.

The electron turned into a giant powerful ball of electricity and when it's started shaking tremendously, I fired it directly at the headless snake.

A larger explosion came out of its body and its blood flew above the sky and started to rain blood.

With a smile of joy and accomplishment, I shouted. "Take that Dawn! I won!-" Due to tiredness and fatigue plus with my injuries I suddenly fainted.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that I'm back here again with Lucifer.

He was looking at me with a smile on his face and he said. "Congratulation Haruki, you're training for today was a success."

I was happy that Lucifer congratulated me. "Thank you, Lucifer... Without Leviathan's guidance, I wouldn't have beaten that giant boa."

"Leviathan's guidance? So that's why she stopped by me and said to help her soul go back to Hell, seriously Leviathan went back to Hell many times now..."

"Wait you're saying that she seriously went back to Hell?" I can see that because I've talked to her. "So why aren't you returning to Hell then Lucifer?"

"Why? Because I'm dead Haruki, there's no way that I can return to Hell."

"But isn't Leviathan dead?"

"Of course she is."

"Then why can she return to Hell even if she's dead like you, why can't you return?" Would it cause problems if Lucifer returned? After all, only Akemi and I have seen Leviathan here on Hell. So that means she's hiding from everyone besides the two of us.

"Didn't I tell you Haruki? I gave Milicas my soul, so I can't go or interact with the outside world anymore, unlike every Archduke, I'm the only one here who's completely soulless."

I expected that to be the answer since it looks like that the Leviathan that Akemi and I spoke to wasn't her real body at all... "Lucifer, about what we talked about on the 12th day of my training." I'm confused about what he meant. "What are you implying by saying that Yahweh and Satanael's plans are far different than destroying the world?"

"I expected you to ask me that since I left you after I told you that secret. *Cough* Very well... I guess I'll tell you. To put it simply, after a God destroyed the world and killed every living God, he'll have the power to create a new Universe."

"So it's not far at all from destroying the world, it's part of it... So you're telling me that's what Yahweh wants?"

Lucifer looked above the sky and answered. "Who knows..."

I was bewildered by Lucifer's answer. What does he mean by who knows? Is what he said to me a lie? "Lucifer please explain what you mean by who knows? I wouldn't accept an answer like that!"

"*Cough* Yahweh, no... My Father is someone that I admired the most when I was still an angel, I thought he was the meaning of the word perfect. But I found out that it was a lie, there is never gonna be a perfect being or life because everyone has both the actuality of Virtue and Sin... So after time has passed, a God named Ea discovered the future of life known as a human. Ea used humans to make himself more powerful, but then one day the other Gods discovered about humans too. Every God including my Father got the power of the human faith, but a catastrophe happened when some Gods became greedy."

Yahweh once said something to me before when I still know him as El. "-because there's no such thing as a good being; in the end, everyone is evil." So is that what he was mentioning before?

"My Father then started creating his followers like the other Gods, and he treated them all with love and joy like his own children, which is why some humans are still now think of him as their savior... But, my Father didn't want that, he wants the humans to think of him as his equal and not their savior, and that's when he became depressed. Baal, one of the first demi-gods that he created thought that the humans saddened our Father, so he got revenge and massacred my Father's followers. My Father was shocked when he found out so he had a dispute with Baal, which is why when Yahweh got mad Baal was hurt and thought that the humans destroyed his relationship with our Father, and lots of things have happened."

"Lucifer, you told me a story not an answer, what are you even saying right now?" He's just spitting some historical nonsense right now. What would I even do to that information?

"I don't know that answer to what I said, but someone on Hell knows."

Someone on He knows..? "Wait, Baal?" I remembered Millie and everyone saying that Baal was suspected as a traitor so they locked him up on the ninth floor.

And also, Baal's strength is equal to Satanael and Lucifer. So I'm gonna need to speak to him then.

"Haruki, I want to ask you, please answer me honestly. What do you think of your father Jarren?"

What do I think of him? "He's nothing but a traitor to Hell and me." He hurt everyone when we found out that he used Hell for the world's destruction.

He even used Millie's parents as sacrifices just for Ignisvem, so why would I even dare be someone like him?

"Haruki, answer me honestly..."

I'm already answering you honestly Lucifer... I'm saying the truth that my father is a traitor... Why are you so persistent in my answer?

"Haruki... You can tell me..."

"I..." What am I even saying? Even if he betrayed me and everyone, it hasn't changed the fact that he is my father...

Even if it hurts to admit that my father is a traitor and a killer for killing hundreds of living beings both his allies and enemy, but still he and my mother are my parents... And as their child, it won't change...

"It won't change Lucifer... It won't change that I still love both of them because I'm their son, I know that they've betrayed Hell, but..."

Lucifer smiled at me and came closer to me to hug me. "I'm the same Haruki, despite I betrayed my Father many times in the past, I still deeply love him."

"*Tsk* What is this family drama? Cause it sucks..."

"Nope, this is just the two sons that telling each other about their parents, you know something that friends do."

"*Sigh* Sure, so are you telling me that Yahweh is a good guy then?" But he's destroying the world though, why would I believe a word that Lucifer is gonna say.

"No, both. He's good as a father and bad as his own life. That's all I'm gonna say to you."

"Then I'm gonna talk to everyone about what you said to me then, bye Lucifer."

"Bye Haruki, also I'll tell you one thing. My mother once told us this. 'Everything has an end, love, life, Gods, and faith, but even if those memories are gone, experience is not gonna die.' I forgot most of it is, so I constructed it by my memories."

"Mother, so Yahweh has a wife?" Life is full of surprises. "What's her name?"

"Her name is Asherah, her name is Asherah."

"Asherah, what a nice name... Then I promise Lucifer that if you visit me again, I'll finally know your answer."

With a smile on his face, Lucifer transported me back to his world, and before I was fully transformed I got to hear him say. "Goodbye, Haruki."

It's not a goodbye for now like he always says, but it was only just goodbye... No now, but goodbye.