Chapter 73: Great God War

After I had spoken with Lucifer, I woke up in my bedroom with many bandages on my body again. "What does he mean by goodbye?" Lucifer has always been patient with me, but that conversation with him seems forced and fast.

It's not like him to do something like that... And also Asherah? He said that Asherah is his mother's name. And what's odd is that he called Yahweh by Father, instead of by his name.

Did something happen to him that I don't know of? Did something happen to Lucifer that he didn't want to tell me about it? Is that why he was in a hurry when he spoke to me? "*Tsk* Everyone above me is seriously leaving me behind." First, it was El, second Satanael and the others, and now you Lucifer?

"*Sigh* If he doesn't want to tell me about it, does Baal knows?"

"Kaka! How idiotic, did that boa froze your brain too? Kaka!"

"Oh Turkey, didn't notice you were there."

"...." The Turkey looked at me menacingly. "How dare you call me that!"

"Wait!-" I couldn't stop the Turkey from choking me with her whip because I'm injured. "I'm dying!- I'm dying!- Stop you stupid Turkey!"

I almost died again, Phenex stopped when I almost passed out. And I was breathing heavily for air. "I almost saw the light again, what are you doing choking me Turkey?! Do you really want me to die?!"

"Of course, if You were to die, there will be no one that will stop me and Millie from getting married."

"Even if I'm dead, I won't let you marry Millie you sh*tty Turkey!" Even if this girl is an Archduke and she saved my life once, I'm not gonna let this Turkey get her way to Millie. Especially that she's about a hundred thousand years old and is completely immortal.

"Kaka! That won't happen especially if I've already taken Millie's chastity a week ago."

"...." What did this Turkey say? Even if my body hurts from moving, I had the strength to go to her and choke her. "What did you say you f*cking b*tch!? What did you do to my precious little sister you f*cking pedophile!?"

"It was a joke!" I stopped attempting to kill her and got back to my bed after she said it was a joke, and even if I did completely choked her to death, she'll still survive no matter what because she's a Phoenix.

"Seriously, how dare you touch me with that filthy hand of yours! Don't you have any sense of humor? Things like jokes exist you know and now that you've touched me with your dirty hands, I'm gonna need to take a bath again."

If I still have at least a little bit of strength and violence against children wasn't a thing, I would've punched this Turkey immediately.

Wait, is Phenex even considered a child? She looks like a child, but she isn't a child, so looks don't matter right? What matters is the actual age, so even if she looks like a child, I'll still punch her next time.

And even if she's a girl, there's no law in Hell about violence against women, because Hell is a place of gender equality.

So I don't care if I punch a girl in the face. "Anyway Turkey, where's everyone?"

"Millie and the idiots are at the lab busy, actually they've been stuck there for 3 weeks now with that stupid God Lugh, apparently they've been interrogating Baal a lot. While the 3rd generation Generals with Ryou who are active are training, and Luna and Dawn are preparing with Lucas so that you 4 would be ready to Japan after you've recovered."

So that's why they're in the lab, even when I still haven't started training at Mt. Levi, they were in the lab busy.

And if Baal is there at the lab, I have some things that I want to talk to him about now. "Turkey, can you message Millie to come here with Baal, there's something important I want to ask Baal."

"Baal? What do You need him for? You know that Baal is suspected to be cooperating with Satanael right? So it's dangerous to bring him here, especially near You."

"I know that, but there are some things that I want to ask him. It's very important to me Turkey, so can you please message Millie?" I could message Millie right now, but my mind hurts a lot so I can't concentrate on the letters and if this Turkey decided to go against me, I'll have to send Millie a message even if there's a typo.

"Kaka! Lucas and Chizuru told me about you possibly doing this, so they asked me to not help you meet Baal in some way just for your safety, but I don't care if you die or not, because your life is not important from someone legendary like me. Kaka! If you want to talk to Baal, do me a single favor." Phenex looks serious from what she said, that her face started to look terrifying.

"Then what is it?" But despite that, asking Baal what Lucifer meant is important to me right now.

"You know that in many shows on Earth and in many cultures, to bargain with a devil especially that You're talking to a more powerful demon, You have to give me something in equivalent exchange. For I, rank: 37 in Ars Goetia Phenex. For You to talk to Baal You have to trade me something I want." Wings that have feathers made out of fire came out of Phenex's back, and she was smiling filled with mischief.

This Turkey wasn't lying that she is indeed legendary. Just by looking at her and her wings is giving me chills that I can't explain. "So what do you want in exchange?" I asked her. Just by seeing this presence of her is proof enough that Phenex is incredibly stronger than an average Archduke of Hell, and since she hates me a lot for some unknown reason, getting on her bad side is not something I can handle, so whatever she wants to trade with I'll do it.

"Give me..." Phenex gave me a sadistic smile. "*Cough* If Millie wants to marry me, give her to me."

"...." What did she say..? So much for that cool set-up with her wings and her mannerism, and she even went to say what her position or ranking is... This Turkey is completely hopeless and rotten to the core.

"Sure, I'll do it." What a dumb Turkey, I know quite well that Millie is straight, and also even if Millie is attracted to the same gender, there's no way that she'll like a girl like this Turkey. And Phenex said "if" so it means that she thinks she has a chance despite not. What a sad lonely Chicken, well I'm damaged too because I'm still a virgin and I still haven't had a girlfriend yet.

Phenex messaged Millie in joy, and a portal appeared in front of us. Millie with Hans, Gusion, and Lugh who was hiding behind Hans was holding their weapons and was pulling a man with a handcuff.

The man who is Baal looks really strong with his muscle. And Baal has very sharp claws and horns too. He looked at me and bowed to me respectfully. "it's nice to meet you, my King."

"It's nice to meet you too Baal," I responded nervously, I looked scared from him when I responded, it's almost exactly like when I first spoke with Leviathan, but Baal's is much weaker than her.

"Big brother, is it true that you wanted to speak with Baal?"

"Yes, there are some things that Lucifer told me that points what he said to Baal, which is why I want him to confirm if what Lucifer said is true, also Lugh if it's okay to you I want you to answer some of the questions that I'm gonna ask Baal."

"Sure..." Lugh said in anxiousness.

Millie and Phenex sat right next to me, Hans and Gusion lowered their weapon and went near the door, and Lugh and Baal were standing in front of me.

"*Cough* Baal, if possible I want you to answer my questions as honestly as possible, even if those questions will bring you back some unpleasant memories, so is it okay with you?"

"Yes my King, I'll answer everything you asked me." He said in a respectful manner. "If you're talking about Lucifer, is it perhaps about Yahweh and the past?"

"Yes. So, Baal, Lucifer said that Yahweh's plan is to kill the other Gods and destroy the Universe to create a new other Universe, is that true?"

"I believe so; because Yahweh has been the type of person who'll do something that'll expand his power, so if he can create a new Universe with only him as the God of it, he'll do-"

"Wait Baal, that's not possible though." Lugh disturbed.

What Baal is saying is interesting and has a high possibility, but Lugh said that it's not possible though and he's a God too which is why he might saying true. "What do you mean Lugh?"

"Actually... To create a Universe you can still do it without killing the Gods, but it's impossible, and even if you killed all of the Gods there's no way for you to create a new one since someone would stop him from doing it, so it's still impossible."

"Someone? Who is it?" So even if you go to a more peaceful route you can't still create a new Universe because someone would stop you and if you killed the Gods this person Lugh is saying would stop him. So even if Yahweh destroyed the Universe, he can't create a new one since this certain someone would stop him.

So it's already a loss even if you destroyed the Universe then, because if you can't create a new one then why destroy the older one?

"The strongest being in the Universe, because it's the Universe itself. He is the one who created the Primordial Gods. He is the real Creator of the Universe and the One that every God idolized. He'll stop Yahweh."

Everyone looked confused on who this guy that Lugh mentioned even is because this was the first time we ever heard about this God, and if he's the real Creator of the Universe, it shows why it's impossible to create a new one.

"Long ago, after HE created the Primordial Gods HE vanished; leaving the Primordial Gods alone to create the Galaxies, the Stars, the Planets, and Life all alone."

"So where is this Creator now? Do you perhaps know his location Lugh?"

"Know one knows where HE is, we know in fact that he cares for the Universe though, so if the Gods destroyed the Universe he'll likely take action, but that's only a small possibility because we haven't heard of HIM for a long time. And to create a new Universe, you need to kill HIM to take his powers... Which is why they'll be stuck."

"But why are they eager to destroy the Universe Lugh? Do you know why?"

"Everyone is just following Zeus' orders, so we don't know why Zeus wants to destroy the Universe."

So the mastermind of this is not Yahweh but Zeus... "Thank you, Lugh. *Cough* Now Baal, I want to ask you why you killed thousands of humans when Yahweh was depressed?" It's odd to see Baal who was protecting his Father in the past to now fighting against him.

"I- I" Baal looks afraid... But I can see why, because this question is a trap for him. If he didn't answer he'll likely be branded as a traitor, and if he answers he'll be branded as a traitor. "I killed them because I thought that they made Yahweh depressed... And I regretted doing it ever since..."

I know that he regretted it by combining Lucifer's story and the history recorded in the Hebrew Bible, so the next following question will show what happened in the first-ever war of the angels and devils. The first-ever war created the identity of devils and Hell. "Baal, who is Asherah?"

Not only Baal was surprised by my question, but Lugh, Phenex, and Gusion too. It appears that they knew about Yahweh's wife Asherah, and Millie with Hans doesn't know about who Asherah is.

It's because Asherah was only known by the original Archdukes of Hell, and since Millie along with Hans isn't born at that time of Asherah was known yet, they don't know who she is.

Understandably, Millie wouldn't know it since I didn't know who she is despite I'm older, and Hans was the friend and inheritor of Abaddon, even if he didn't inherit Abaddon's name.

"How did you know about my Mother, Haruki?" Baal asked in a sad tone.

"She's one of the reasons why you and Lucifer betrayed Yahweh right?" I can see that in Lucifer's voice when he mentioned his Mother's name. His voice has the feeling of respect and admiration unlike when he talked about Yahweh.

"...." Looks like Baal doesn't want to answer this question because he's in pain. "What about you Gusion? Tell me who Asherah is."

"....." Gusion couldn't respond to what I said and was in pain too.

I looked at Phenex to asked her about it, and she said. "I only know about Asherah's existence, not who she is because I'm not acquainted with her in the first place. Since I turned into a devil when Hell was on construction, and before that, I had no connection within the Abrahamic Mythology." I can take Phenex's question on that one because she was originally in Greek Mythology.

"Asherah... Asherah is..." Lugh was nervously answering my question. "She is Yahweh's ex-Wife, and she was also the real reason that the Great God War became more deadly... And also why many Gods were killed..."

Great God War? That's new information. "What do you mean Lugh? What's the Great God War?"

"The Great God War was the first phase of Zeus' plot to destroy the Universe, and that's when he got many allies to join him like the Norse... At that time, the Great God War started because Ea started experimenting on creating life on other planets." Ea? That named again that Lucifer said that first discovered the human.

"When the other Gods found out they were in raged, but some supported Ea. This is why two sides were created, the side that Zeus is in and the side that we are in... The idea of destroying the world has first started when Ea's plan to create life on other planets failed, which is why when he found out about a way to create a new life by creating his own Universe, he started this movement."

"How was Asherah related to this Lugh?"

"It's because when the news of Baal massacred tons of humans was heard by the Gods, the side of Zeus killed Baal." Killed? But he's standing there with us. "Asherah heard the news of Baal's death so he did an unforgivable sin to Gods, which is to revive a God from death; because at that time, Baal was still a demi-god. Soon Yahweh found out about the sin Asherah committed and they argued because the Gods will kill Asherah for what she has done. So Asherah was saddened when Yahweh tried to kill Baal and that's when one of the Gods, Hela got the news of Baal's revival and told Ea and Zeus. Soon that's when war broke out between the Abrahamic Mythology against the Greek and Norse, and when Asherah saw that they were losing she revived one of the Primordial Gods Tiamat-"

"Shut up! Mother revived Tiamat just to protect us!" Gusion shouted in anger.

Millie and Hans were surprised at Gusion sudden change of tone.

"But, didn't the war started because of Baal's revival? Because when Baal was revived, Ea found out that Baal turned into a new species of lifeform called a devil, and Yahweh hid the angels from the outside right? This is why Ea used this clue to make more monsters that resemble the angels which made the war more bloody."

"Yahweh hid us because you Gods would experiment on us so that you would create copies! Because you Gods are jealous that Yahweh created a new form of life: angels and Mother created the devils!"

"But, didn't you Baal created monsters like vampires and undead? Which is why many humans were killed, and which is why the Neanderthals were extinct because of the devils!" Even Lugh was starting to shout back.

"That's becau-, they wouldn't get extinct in the first place if you Gods who are opposed to them did something! Because all of you just stood there and watched the Gods massacre each other!"

"Of course we couldn't do something because we didn't even know at that time that the war is happening!? Because some of us were busy dealing with the mess that you angels made!"

"Mess what do you mean! We didn't even do something on Earth, even until now we haven't done anything!"

"Haven't done anything!? At that time of the war, Lucifer protected Baal from Yahweh and created the mess of the first angel and devil war! Even to the point that Lucifer, Baal, and Satanael created a new alternate space for their home, which caused massive destruction to Earth! It's because of Yahweh's misguidance of teaching you creating a new alternative space that freed the giants!"

"Shut up..."

Their argument is insane that we couldn't stop them.

By hearing what they said, I didn't expect this conversation to be informative and dangerous.

"Shut up... Shut up... Shut up..!" Gusion pulled out many blades in anger and started throwing them all around. "Shut up! It's because of this Creator of yours ignorance that we're in this situation right now!" Bang!

It was completely unexpected, the love of a child to it's parent is amazing, but sometimes it can be dangerous.

I learned many things about not only Hell's history, but the entire world.

This world that many people are living in, are not made out of land and water, but flesh and blood.