Chapter 74: A New Take

Many blades were duplication above Gusion, and an explosion came inside him that destroyed my room.

Gusion was angered by what Lugh said and wants to kill him. "My Mother would never do something like that!"

I wanted to stop Gusion from his rampage, but with the current condition of my body right now, I couldn't move.

Lugh looks completely frightened when Gusion snapped and hid below my bed.

"Kaka! This is quite unexpected, can you stop now Gusion?"

"Don't mess with me! I'll kill this God!-"

Crack! Phenex took out her whip, and it circled to Gusion's hand that he can't move it anymore.

"Gusion, you know that with one wrong move, the feathers on my whip would explode right?"

Gusion was silenced upon what Phenex has said, and he retrieved back all of the blades he duplicated. "*Tsk* If you may excuse me..." A dark shadow swallowed Gusion, and he disappeared.

"Is he gone..?" Lugh asked below my bed.

"Yes he's gone Lugh, don't worry."

From what Lugh has said, Asherah seems to be a caring Mother to her children, even she knew that bringing back Baal to life is a grave sin that a God can do, she still didn't hesitate to do it. This is why I can see why Gusion would protect their Asherah from any insult.

"Lugh; Baal, do you know where Asherah is?" Based on my speculation, I already know the answer to this, but it could be wrong.

"Mother..." Baal has started to speak. "Mother was killed by Yahweh..."

It's not far from different from what I expected it to be, I knew that Asherah might've died in the Great God War, but I didn't expect Yahweh to kill her.

So why Lucifer? Why are you trying to protect Yahweh's name? Didn't he kill the Asherah? The Mother that you all love?

"Baal, tell me why Lucifer rebelled in the first place."

"The news of our Mother's death was only known by a few of my siblings, and Lucifer was one of the few that has heard of it. So at that time when my Mother died, he started creating a new alternative space that freed the giants, and that alternate space he created is other known as Hell. So when he and Satanael finished creating Hell, Lucifer soon started convincing some of the angels to join him, which cause the war between angels and devils to happen in the middle of the Great God War. The Gods on Zeus' side heard of it, so they used this as a chance to push back the rebel angels out of the Earth because due to the giants being freed, the second Gigatonmachy started at the Great God War."

"Actually Haruki... Us Celtics, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Aztecs, and the Persians joined in the fight when the second Gigatonmachy happened. Not only that, but the Great God War is the reason that the famous God war of the Norse; Ragnarok started..."

Ragnarok? I heard of that word many times in history. It's the war that killed many figured in Norse Mythology right? So this means that the Norse isn't the only ones who participated in Ragnarok, but other Gods from different Mythologies too...

"That war was dangerous, but it hasn't ended yet Haruki... After all, Zeus' group is still continuing to destroy the world and they haven't given up yet to do it."

The Great God War in the past was just a stepping stone for Zeus, if one of his plans is to kill every God in the world, then that could mean that he used the first Great God War as a way to kill Gods.

This explains why many Mythologies aren't sided with Zeus and also aren't sided at ours, it's because some of the Mythologies like the Aztecs and Mayans were killed at the Great God War.

"What about this Ea God? Where is he?"

"He was killed in the war to Haruki... Which is why Zeus is currently their leader."

"My King, I beg of you. If you got these questions from Lucifer, I advise you not to trust him."

"Why?" Lucifer has helped me many times now, but why shouldn't I believe him?

"It's because Lucifer was the one who first joint forces with Yahweh, during the battle on the 5th floor, Lucifer and Camael started killing many devils for their sacrifices for some unknown experimentation."

"Does it have to do with the clones?" Millie asked

"I don't know, we can only know if we have evidence, which means we need to see it in front of our own eyes on the 5th floor."

The 5th floor... That's very far, we've only got to the 7th floor during our battle, so if we need evidence to not trust Lucifer, going to the 5th is a must, but it's very dangerous...

"*Cough* Then moving on, this is the last question, Baal. Lucifer told me about Yahweh's plans in creating a new world, but when I asked him why Yahweh would do such a thing, he said that no one knows."

"I'm pretty sure that he's playing with you, my King..."

"Big brother, I think Baal is right. Satanael played all of us like a fool to remember? This is why Lucifer is not a trustable person, to begin with, especially since we have tons of evidence and proof of Lucifer working with Yahweh."

"If he's working with Yahweh, then why did he rebelled when Asherah was killed?" That's odd, isn't it? Lucifer left Heaven because his Father killed his Mother, and now he's working with him? It just doesn't add up.

"Big brother... It's because Lucifer and Yahweh planned on creating Hell and at the same time planning on killing Asherah. After all, Asherah made an entirely new species of life form: us devils, so they might've decided this so that they might want to rule us and create stronger soldiers. Since if they have many soldiers, then it's already guaranteed that they're gonna win against Poseidon." When Millie said that I was silent, so I stopped asking questions for now.

After that dispute we had, they moved me to Sora's room because of what Gusion did.

I'm confused about what's happening right now, because if they planned on Hell's construction a long time ago, then why aren't they controlling us?

It feels like there's a hole in everything everyone has said, it's like there's something missing that we don't know.

The Great God War, the angel and devil war, and The God of all Gods that Lugh mentioned that'll stop the Gods from creating a new Universe.

To get my answer, only the people who have many experiences with what happened in the past know. And those people are our enemies, Satanael and the others, now that Lucifer is pointed as a suspect too there's no way I can trust him anymore, and I guess I can't meet him anymore too.

So there's one person I can think of that might know this; Poseidon. If I can talk to him, he might tell me the legitimate full story of the world and Hell.

And he might also know about who the God that created everything is and why do the Gods on Zeus' side wants to destroy the world. "*Sigh* I hope I can heal my injuries quickly..."

A shadow appeared in front of me, and Gusion came like a ninja. "Sorry for the intrusion my King."

"It's okay... So what do you want Gusion?"

"I just want to apologize for what happened, I'm sorry that I lost my temper and attempted to kill Lugh, right now I'm planning to apologize to him.

"It's okay Gusion..." I know that it must've been hard for the people who experienced many wars in their life. "Because if I were in your position, I might've done the same." Gusion respected Asherah a lot, so it's no wonder that he'll protect his Mother, I guess it's the same for everyone else who knows her.

But since she's not here anymore, Gusion seems to be really sensitive to Asherah.

"Then goodnight my King." He turned into a shadow and disappeared.

I was here alone inside Sora's room, because he was still training with everyone, and it's expected that he'll finish in 3 weeks.

"*Sigh* Lucifer... Is everything you've told me a complete lie?" After all, he and my Father are both traitors... "*Tsk* D*mmit... D*mmit... D*mmit!"

Knock! Knock! "Haruki are you okay?"

I heard Lucas' voice outside, looks like he's done preparing his stuff. "I'm wide awake!"

He opened the door and with him were Luna and Dawn. "Looks like you're safe, we heard about what happened in your room, so we decided to come."

"Thanks... Gusion was frightening when he was pissed off..." Well that Turkey was actually more scarier than I expected, the way she threatened Gusion about what will happen, was really cool.

"Millie said that in 3 days you're gonna be fully healed." Luna said happily. "And after that, we'll head to Japan to meet the Gods there."

"So it's just gonna be us 4 that'll go there?"

"No there's gonna be 5 of us since Zephyrus will be waiting for us there in Japan."

"Zephyrus?" Who's that? I don't remember that there's a demon named Zephyrus.

"Remember when we said that there's two Archdukes living on Earth? You met one of them, right? Baphomet back at the forest of Sheol, and Zephyrus is the other one, his full name is Zephyrus Ziz, the inheritor of the Archduke Ziz."

"Ah yes Zephyrus, he's like Sora but more well-mannered and polite, if you meet him I bet that you two would make good friends and rivals." Dawn said elegantly

"Really?" Zephyrus, I guess a new friend would be cool. "But how are you sure that we can trust him though?"

"He has been in contact with Ryou when we were trapped here on the 8th floor." Lucas happily said. "Also, He sent me a message that he can't wait to finally meet you Haruki."

"Really... I guess I'll trust you, Lucas..." I'm not only excited to meet Zephyrus, but I'm really happy to go back to Japan.

I've lived there for my entire life and I can't wait to experience the culture again.

"Oh yeah, talking about the Gods. How are we gonna meet them though?"

"That's gonna be the challenge to the 5 of us; because we need to find a way to contact them, so we're gonna be staying in Japan for a long time."

I guess it won't be bad to stay there, after all, I can show them around while searching for a way to find to contact them. So it'll be fun.


[Tian Gong POV]

"What an amazing view." In Japan, Tian Gong was at top of the Tokyo Tower and watching the people peacefully live their life. "Don't you think Monkey?"

"Stop calling me that, or else I'll literary beat you up." Beside him was not an ordinary human, but a talking monkey.

The monkey was human-like, wearing a golden crown, and was sitting on his magical staff. "In the next few days, you'll send Chang'e with the other troops of the Gods... Are you sure that it's gonna be okay?"

"Of course, I already told Freya that Chang'e would follow her orders, so no need to worry Sun."

"*Sigh* If you say so..."

Sun Wukong, famously known as the Monkey King. He was watching the people of Japan with the Jade Emperor: Tian Gong to scout the entire place. "Tian Gong, does the Gods even know where the Japanese are hiding? Because I sure don't." Sun continues to flip the page from the manga that he was reading. "Wait! He died!? This book sucks!"

"Can you stop reading and focus on your work Monkey!? There's no way that I have the eyes to look at every direction!"

"Wait, wait, wait... I'm currently at one of the best arcs, so don't disturb me..."

"*Sigh* I should've chosen someone else to accompany me..."

"Wow, this is so cool! I can't believe that there's a famous character based on me! After all, I'm the Monkey King, more famous than the Jade Emperor." Sun said with a smug smile.

"Shut up! I'll show you one day that I'm more famous than you!" He was pointing his finger at Sun angrily. "After all, I'm the Legendary Jade Emperor-"

"Don't care, old man. Buddha is more amazing than you, know that?"

Tian Gong was starting to get angry at the mischievous Sun, and when Sun kept on speaking, he couldn't hold back anymore. "I had it! I'll show you who the Jade Emperor is-"

"Shh! Old man, look at that." Pointing at above them, they noticed a man with a katana with him was another man with a spear above them.

The two instantly prepared their weapons. "Looks like the game has started!" Tian Gong smiled. "Nice to see you two again, Susanoo; Bishamonten. Do you remember me? I'm Tian Gong, the Leader of the Chinese, and right here with me is the Monkey boy, Sun Wukong!"

"Monkey King! Not Monkey boy! Old man!" Sun was angered by what Tian Gong has said.

"*Sigh* You two haven't changed a lot... *Sigh* What are you two doing here? You know that you're trespassing on someone's property right?" Susanoo asked.

"Trespassing? No, we didn't trespass, look here!" Pulling something out of his pockets, Tian Gong showed them a passport. "I got here by plane, so it's not considered as trespassing right?"

Susanoo looks pissed at what Tian Gong had said, for Tian Gong to think of this as a joke is what got on his nerves.

"Hey old man, you pissed off thunder boy, you better say you're sorry." Sun whispered to Tian Gong, but Susanoo and Bishamonten still heard what he said.

"Don't worry monkey, it's just about to start." With a smile on his face, Tian Gong pulled out a Chinese halberd.

Susanoo saw the threat that Tian Gong was doing, and due to his excitement for battle, Susanoo created a strong storm.

Sun Wukong let out a deep sigh. "I can't believe we're gonna fight them... *Groan* I haven't fought in a long time, so I'm ready." He closed his eyes and started laughing. And his real staff appeared.

Ruyi Jingu Bang, the staff of the Monkey King has come out.

Seeing that the two Chinese were serious, Susanoo and Bishamonten accepted their challenge.

Bishamonten spear Vaisravana was pulled out and Susanoo's sword Ame-no-Ohabiri came out too.

Only the Jade Emperor hasn't summoned his weapon, so he decided to fight them without it.

They know that this would cause a massive ruckus to the humans, so Susanoo created a giant barrier that trapped the four of them.

With this barrier, humans wouldn't see them and they can't destroy anything on Earth. "I, Susanoo-no-Mikoto the youngest son of Izanami and Izanagi have accepted your challenge alongside the 7 Lucky Gods and the Japanese God of War, Bishamonten."

Tian Gong smiled. "I, Tian Gong know as the Jade Emperor and the Ruler of the Chinese Mythology are thankful for your acceptance with my fight with the Monkey King, Sun Wukong."

The Four Gods looked at each other with an intent to kill, and when they knew that they're ready.

The four ran directly to the opposite side and started their battle.

This battle will decide the first winner of the Second Great God War, so the four were serious about winning this battle for the future of what they believe.