Chapter 75: A Trip to Home!

"*Groan*" 3 days have passed already, and I was now fully healed. On those three days, I didn't have anything to do besides eating and sleeping, so I was happy when I'm now fully recovered.

Me, Luna, Dawn, and Lucas were waiting at Sora's room for Lugh to send us off since he was making fake passports and fake money for us to use in Japan.

Honestly, I feel bad that I'm gonna use a fake passport and fake money... If the police found out that we have fake ones, we'll be dead.

And he's taking him so long to make, we've been waiting for about 3 hours now.

All of us are sleepy since it's midnight now. Luna and Dawn were sleeping in Sora's bed, and Lucas and I were waiting for Lugh to come.

Creak. The door opens and Lugh came. "Sorry for being late, it was hard to create them *Sigh*. Here are the documents that you will need, fake passports and fake ids are all here, and about 10,000,000¥ with also a credit card containing another 10,000,000¥."

"*Cough* *Cough* 10,000,000¥?! That's a lot!" If I was still on Earth, there's no way I can earn that much money... And now I'm gonna use it... "This is amazing!" With this, I can buy many mangas and light novels.

Since even if I enjoy living here in Hell, my only enjoyment is reading sh*t novels and playing with everyone, so it doesn't compare to what I'm used to on Earth.

Mangas, animes, and light novels have been part of my life ever since I set foot on Earth.

And with this amount of money, I can bring back the old me who's a lame virgin otaku, and even if many people think of me as an outcast, I'll protect my passion of loving otaku culture.

With this amount of money, I can buy stuff that I've never bought before. And also, I need to buy some h*ntai doujins for my alone time.

"Luna! Dawn! Wakey-wakey! Time to go to Japan!" I shouted in joy in front of them, due to my excitement to go back to the culture I was born in, I couldn't hold it.

"You seem excited Haruki..."

"Of course! After all, I can show all of you some many amazing places!"

"But aren't Japan full of shrines? So a devil going to one of the shrines... Are you know dangerous?"

"Oh, you're right..." There goes my plan if I can't bring them to places like Ueno Toshogu and Nezu Shrine, where are we gonna go then?

Because I don't think that they'll enjoy Akihabara like me... "Uhmm..." I went closer to Lugh and pull him to the corner. "Lugh, is there a way for us to go to any shrines?" I whispered to him. I want to show the three the beauty of my hometown, so if possible showing them what I loved would make me happy.

"Yes Actually... As long as you have a blessing of a God, then any evil spirits or demons can visit the shrines, but there will be a downside though... If I cast the blessing onto you four, you can only use your skills if the blessing is gone."

"Then... How do we remove the blessing then?" Because it'll be bad if we can't use our skills, we could get killed if we don't have some sort of protection.

"Well the blessing would disappear if you encounter a God, so putting the blessing to you four so that you could go to the shrine is still useful."

"Really? Thanks, Lugh." So it'll disappear if we encounter a God, then that wouldn't be a problem, since we'll only meet the Japanese Gods if we found them...

Wait... Meet the Gods? Then, the blessing instantly disappears if we set foot in Japan then. "Wait Lugh, Isn't there about infinite of Gods in Japan?" Then how did the Japanese have about 10 Gods now then? Day by day, new Gods are created in Japan... And so, about an infinite amount of Gods or Kamis are in Japan.

"The only thing that could destroy the blessing that I gave you are very powerful Gods, so only Gods that are well-known can destroy the blessing, and since some of the Gods are in Japan are mostly weaker beings, they're not entirely Gods, but part of their bodies are."

"Then! That's fantastic! Don't worry everyone, I promise to show you the wonderful world of being an otaku!"

"Sure Haruki..." Lucas nervously replied it's like he doesn't like the idea of it.

"Well if you like it, I guess I'll try..." Thank you, Luna, I know that you'll enjoy it.

"No need, I don't have time to do childish nonsense." Well, I expected Dawn to coldly answer me.

"Then let's go!"

After my declaration of making them an otaku, we teleported to Sheol to finally leave.

Apparently, the gate to the 7th floor can be used to teleport as to Earth

and I already know what I'll say if we step foot on the land of Earth, so all four of us entered the portal in joy(Well I'm the only one who was energetic.)

"Where here-" Here? Where are we?

Looking around at our surroundings, we were in the middle of nowhere, because there's nothing but sand here.

It looks like it's already in the middle of the night here on Earth, but that's not what's important right now.

Because everyone and I were teleported in a desert. "Is this the right place to teleport at?" I asked them.

Lucas took out a map from his pocket that Ryou gave him. "Yes, this is the correct place. We are at the Negev Desert in Israel."

I see... So we're in Israel... "So do you know where to go?"

"Yes, the nearest city is at the north, so we'll head there and stay at a hotel for a day, and then go to the airport."

"Sounds like a plan." After all, Luna and Dawn are tired, so we better get some sleep if we're gonna travel around Japan.


[Tian Gong POV]

Clang! Susanoo's sword and Tian Gong's halberd met. Clang! Not a single hit has been made to either one of them yet, the two Gods were fighting equally with no sweat.

"Your way of the blade hasn't rusted Susanoo!" Clang! In an attempt to hit Susanoo on the shoulder, Susanoo blocked Tian Gong's attack.

Clang! Clang! Susanoo was silenced in battle and was focusing on repeatedly attacking Tian Gong, with both his sword and his skill to manipulate electricity.

Being the Japanese Storm God, Susanoo was very fast at swinging his sword, and Tian Gong was only barely dodging them with his halberd.

"Haha!" Sun was laughing while battling the War God Bishamonten. Sun hasn't experienced battling someone equally, since most of the time Sun always came out as the winner.

Shing! Their two polearms met with a loud bang. With the two having a polearm as a weapon, they memorized each other's movement very quickly.

Sun took one of his hair and blew it to Bishamonten, the hair turned bright and shaped into a clone of Sun.

Even with two Sun Wukong's are Bishamonten's enemies, he wasn't afraid to face Sun with a straight face. "That won't work on me easily!"

"Amazing! Hey, why don't you join us?" Asking Bishamonten with joy, Sun knew what the answer would be.

"I'm not joining with a fake God!" Bishamonten threw his spear at Sun, and his body disappeared. Knowing that the Sun that he hit was the clone, Bishamonten stayed calm and ran to the original Sun.

Clang! Clang! Clang! The two got close face to face. "Hey, Susanoo..." Clang! "How's your sister's doing?"

"...." Susanoo declined to answer Tian Gong's question and proceeded to continue attacking him. With a swing with his sword combined with the speed of electricity Susanoo injured Tian Gong's left arm.

"Amazing! You never seize to impress me Susanoo!" His arm quickly healed by itself, and Tian Gong jumped away. "Haha! For now, I'll leave you be! Remember Susanoo, 6 weeks from now we'll come back-" Whoosh! Susanoo's sword flew at the speed of light and hit Tian Gong directly to the chest. "*Cough*' He coughed up blood and took out the sword. "*Tsk* Be prepared, in 6 weeks... Monkey let's retreat now!"

"Okay old man!" Sun looked at Bishamonten who was still coming for him and smiled at him. "I guess this is our goodbye then." Sun teleported near Tian Gong and looked at him. "Hahaha! What the h*ck! Hahaha! So this is the power of the Jade Emperor?! What a joke!"

"Shut up monkey! If I used my weapon they'll be long dead!" Tian Gong created a portal for them to escape.

The two Japanese Gods saw that they were escaping so they ran to the Chinese Gods to stop them from escaping.

"Monkey! Do something!"

"Okay! D*mn this is gonna hurt..." Sun firmly gripped his hair with both of his hands and pulled them all out at the same time. "OW!" Even in pain that the hair on his body was removed, he threw all of the hairs to the Japanese Gods.

Thousands of hairs were scattered in the air, and all of the hair turned into a clone of Sun Wukong. "Old man! You do something about my hair later!" Sun jumped to the portal in anger.

"Then goodbye my Japanese friends." With a smile on his face, Tian Gong gave them a bow and a farewell.

"*Sigh*" With a snap of his finger, thunder came from above and hit every clone in one go. "My sister would definitely make us do more work after she hears this *Sigh*."


[Haruki Hotaru POV]

We were finally inside the airplane, the flight would take about 12 hours which is really long, and if you were wondering how we used our money. I'll tell you that right now we're all sitting at first class.

If I could talk to my friends in Japan right now, I'm gonna brag about my entire life to them. Well if I did meet one of them, it's better not to tell them about me and my true identity, because it would cause an uproar to them if they find out I'm a devil.

"Hey, Lucas." Lucas and I are sitting together, while Luna was with Dawn. "What do you think happened to my body and the memories of my friends here on Earth?" I've always wanted to ask that question, but never had the chance to do so.

"Well good news is that the people you know won't lose their memories of you, and also your body turned into a duplicate, so it's like a clone." Was Lucas' answer. "I know what you're thinking Haruki, you're worried about them, right? Your friends in Japan? What were their names again... Yes, Homura and Asahi right? Along with Asahi's younger sister Miyu."

"I guess it was easy to find out with my face... To be honest, even if I can't see or talk to them anymore I'm happy that the memories we shared didn't disappear..." If I can at least see one of them well, then my true reason for going back to Japan will be complete.

I don't care about the otaku culture that I missed so much, seeing either Homura, Asahi, Miyu, or their parents well is what I truly wanted.

"Don't worry, whatever you're wishing right now would come true Haruki."

"*Sigh* I hope so..." Even if the chances of meeting them in Japan are low. For now, I trust whatever luck gives me.

"Hey Lucas, I want to know. In many games here on Earth, I've heard some of the names of the Archdukes, but I haven't heard of Ziz yet, so what even is Ziz?"

"In Abrahamic Mythology, there are three angels who turned into giant monsters after the war between angels and devils ended. Those three represent what made the entire planet: The ocean and the fishes, the land and its beasts, and the sky with its birds. Those three monsters were Leviathan as the ocean, Behemoth as the land, and Ziz as the sky."

"Really..." I've heard of Behemoth being paired with Leviathan before, but I've never heard of Ziz being paired up with either one of them. "Is Zephyrus Ziz even related to either Ryou or Akemi? Since the three Archduke's names they've inherited are all connected, then isn't coincidental that Akemi and Ryou are siblings? So I thought that Zephyrus might be their relatives."

"Nope, Zephyrus isn't related to them. Zephyrus and Ryou used to be best friends when they were kids."

"Really... Wait used?" I'm pretty sure that I didn't hear Lucas wrong, what does he mean by used to be best friends?

"Well... They were really close like they were brothers, but things happened when we all grew up and became young adults."

"What do you mean by things?" I don't mean to intrude in Ryou and Zephyrus' life, but I couldn't hold back my curiosity about what happened between them.

"You know. Some normal arguments between friends..."

I can sense the lie that Lucas is telling on his face, it seems like Lucas is hiding the real reason why they fought, but if he doesn't want to tell me, then I guess I shouldn't ask more about it then.

"Good morning everyone. This is your captain speaking. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 12:00 pm. The weather looks good and with the tailwind, at our side we are expecting to land in Tokyo in approximately 11 hours. The weather in Tokyo is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this day. If the weather cooperates we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew will be coming around in about 20 minutes time to offer you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight."

With a smile on his face, Lucas said in joy. "Looks like we're about to leave."

"*Sigh*" I wonder what will happen next. I haven't been home in Japan for a very long time, so seeing some changes might sadden me a little.

And since my adoptive parents were buried there in Japan, I want to make sure to visit them and tell them about my adventures, and that I finally succeeded in doing my mission of meeting my real parents. I'm sure that they'll be happy that it has been done.

So with a smile on my face, I stretched my arm upward and sit in a relaxed position to prepare for my trip to go back to the place I was raised at. Japan.