Chapter 76: Fun Days Back Home

Giant skyscrapers, busy streets for people to use to travel to their work, familiar animals and plants that I grew up with, and ordinary humans in our surroundings.

"I'm really back..." I couldn't hold my tears from dropping.

Being back to the place I grew up in, I couldn't explain how big my happiness is.

Even if nothing has changed, the familiarity of the entire place is what's important to me. "*Sigh* It's nice to be back..." For now, there's one goal that I have to do. I need to go to Akihabara.

Right now, Luna, Dawn, and I are at the clothing store to bought new clothes for us to use here and Lucas is left at the hotel to do his own things.

To be honest, when we got to the hotel that we're staying at, I saw him glaring at the women's bathroom, so I immediately knew what's gonna happen next.

And apparently, Luna and Dawn mostly have their gothic lolita outfits, so we decided to buy them casual clothes for them to try since the two haven't even tried wearing one in their entire life. Also, it's already summer here in Japan, so even if we three have heat resistance, we still wouldn't want people to think that we are crazy.

Actually, when we went outside to buy some things, I noticed many men both young and old were checking Luna and Dawn, and at the same time, I can see them staring at me with full of anger in their eyes.

I can see how they're jealous of me, since Luna and Dawn are both beautiful ladies, and them seeing me with two beautiful girls, would make any virgin man jealous.

Well, I'm a virgin myself, and we three are only friends which makes me the same as them.

Also... Right now, we're at the clothing store for females only, so even the female workers here are staring at me weirdly for having two beautiful girls with me.

I whispered to myself "So is this what it means by being famous..."

"Haruki, What do you think? Does it fit us?" I heard Luna's voice coming from the changing room.

So they're done. "Let me see-" The moment I laid eyes on the two of them, I couldn't say a thing.

Luna was wearing a long white floral skirt that has thorny roses as its patterns and she is also wearing sunglasses, and her long black hair was tied up into a ponytail.

While Dawn was wearing a short green flora dress that has white dots on it, and the white summer hat she's wearing matches her white hair.

"Uhm-" Now seeing this, I wanted to know what Akemi and Ruri would look like if they wore normal clothes, instead of a kimono and a dress. "They're very beautiful to you two it fits you two perfectly. Why don't you two wear something normally now that you wore one?"

"No thanks, this fashion is not suited for my taste." Dawn replied in a cold voice. "Also, if we're talking about passion, what are you even wearing Haruki?"

"Oh yeah, what do you mean? There's nothing in wearing these." I'm only wearing a normal white t-shirt that I bought, so I don't see what's wrong. "Also, we're only going outside and not the beach."

"*Sigh* If you say so."

After we paid for the clothes they bought, the three of us decided to go sightseeing.

"Do you know any place to visit here in Tokyo, Haruki?" Luna asked me confusedly since she looks worried about me. "Since it looks like that you don't know any places here in Tokyo."

She found out... I guess I should tell her why I'm lost. D*mmit, I was planning to impress them, but I got instantly found out. "Well... *Sigh* The truth is that I don't know a lot of things in Tokyo since I don't live in here." I've lived in Sendai for a long time, and I occasionally travel to Tokyo so that I can go to Akihabara. "I only travel here in Tokyo to buy things for my hobbies..."

"Then let's go to somewhere you occasionally go because I'm interested in your hobby, right Dawn?"

"Anyplace that's not hot is okay, because this heat is killing me..! How can frail humans survive this heat."

It's only about 32°C here, which is really hot for anyone, but if you've lived in this heat for a long time you'll get used to it.

"Wait, aren't you resistant to heat though?" I asked her. Because I thought that anyone in Hell is both resistant to extreme heat and cold, so why is she feeling hot?

"I'm a vampire, it's normal for us to be weak to the sun."

"But isn't sunny in Hell too?" When I first saw Dawn and Vladamir okay at daylight, I thought they're a special type of vampires that are not affected by sunlight.

"Unlike my father, I'm not entirely resistant to sunlight. I can't die on sunlight unlike any lower vampires, but I can get severe sunburns."

"Then inside the buildings of Akihabara it's very cool, and also you'll learn about the culture here in Japan if you're in Akihabara." Well... The otaku culture is what they're gonna learn, but it's still part of Japan's industry.

"Then let's go there immediately!" Dawn shouted.

When we decided to go to Akihabara the driver told us that it'll only take us about 40 minutes to travel there by taxi, since while traveling we decided to go to Tokyo Tower first and check on it.

Even after living here for such a long time, I never had the chance to climb up the famous Tokyo Tower, surprisingly it was like any normal tower... Well, I shouldn't have my hopes up that something magical will happen since it's already common sense that we'll see the city.

And living in Hell changed my expectations of everything, now that I got to see many things that can only be seen on fantasy shows or literature, some parts of going back on Earth felt boring...

Well, that was my opinion, because seeing Luna and Dawn in awe of the country I used to live in made me happy.

I get that they'll be impressed by some things here because back on Hell the houses that the citizens lived at are mostly made of bricks which you can see, and it looks like buildings and houses you'll see are stuck in 5 BC or lower than that.

And everything there is completely outdated since I heard that the use of science there started when Millie was about 5 years old, and that's the age she became the scientific leader of Hell...

"*Sigh* It's disappointing that Lucas isn't with us." I said in disappointment. "Well, he did say that he'll come with us tomorrow... Also, why do I feel like that we're forgetting something?"

"Actually, before we went to the store Lucas told me that he'll go back to the Tokyo Haneda Airport because we forgot that Zephyrus was waiting for us."

Oh, so that's what we forgot. "So have they met at the Airport yet?" It'll be bad if Zephyrus Ziz went back to his home.

"Lucas told ms that they'll go to our location, so I told them that we'll go to Akihabara. And they said that they'll go to the biggest pachinko store there because seems like Zephyrus knows the place."

"Really..." I think I can get along with this Zephyrus guy because if he knows Akihabara that means that he's into the otaku culture like I am.

So if Zephyrus is like a weird otaku like me, I'll ask him to help me teach everyone the beauty of the world of otaku, even if otakus like me are always looked down upon, I'm not gonna stop being proud of one.

I looked at Dawn who was still looking at the window, and I saw her in complete silence. So I asked her because I'm worried that there's something wrong. "Hey, Dawn did something happened?"

"Nothing." Even if she declined me and Luna can see that something is indeed wrong with her.

"Are you sure? If you don't like it here then we'll leave now." There's no way that Dawn could be afraid of heights since I saw her flying before, so I wonder what is it, Dawn can be sometimes stubborn, so my worries are not gonna calm down if she didn't tell me. "I know, you're hungry right? You could've told me, I know that girls are the type to not tell-"

Luna looks angry at what I said, so she pinched me on that arm, so I stopped what I was gonna say.

I know that what I said is a really sensitive topic to some girls, but I couldn't stop being anxious that I might be doing something wrong that was upsetting Dawn.

"*Sigh* Actually... Right now I can feel what Akemi always feels... I'm envious of the people living here on Earth. Their way of entertainment is something most people like me don't know even existed." I can see what Dawn meant, even if the citizens are happy at Hell, I can see them being jealous of the humans here on Earth for having these sort of things that they don't have.

Back at the lab, Millie and Faust are busy making new products and researching things like technologies for making their research easier: the true origin of Soul Bound, and medicines that'll lower the speed of Ruri's sickness. So both of them don't have the time to produce something that can entertain the citizens of Hell, because almost everything in Hell is completely outdated that people still use fire lamps or torches as their source of light and energy.

Dawn continued. "Gadgets like phones, tablets, and literature that can be bought by commoners, is what made me feel jealous of humans. And also... Unlike us who lives in Hell, we're always constantly worried that our enemies are gonna attack again, whilst Earth doesn't need to worry about things such as war-"

"You're wrong Dawn." I disturbed what she was saying. For people like Dawn, it's normal for her to think that, but she doesn't know about the true face of Earth and the people living in it. "Unlike Hell, Earth is more larger and diverse. Earth has about two hundred countries, while Hell has some countries on it, but it's still ruled by me, which is why it's far more different. Each country here has their leader, which is why their politics are all unique to what the higher-up says." That's some of the good parts of Earth though. " But some leaders are corrupt and only think of themselves and what would benefit them. Which is why Earth is constantly at war, you won't know it since you've only been here in Japan and not some other countries." That's what I hate about Earth, it's people. "Humans here are frail like you said. Humans have frail bodies, frail emotions, and a frail ego. Earth is always at war because of humanity's differences from each other, I know that you're thinking that the people in Hell have differences too. Unlike Hell, our only differences is our races, because Hell is a place where devils, fallen angels, undead, and vampires like us live in, while Earth only has humans in it."

"I know that, so why are you saying by having wat in their differences?"

"*Tsk* Difference in religion; difference in skin color; difference in sexuality; difference of culture is what made them constantly fight. Which is why humans enemies are their selves." This is why humans are stupid creatures. "Unlike Hell... Earth is completely filthy. Thrashes polluting the ocean and the forest, animals getting extinct and endangered every day, and forests are not forests anymore because they don't have trees. All of them are destroyed by humanity, so if you're saying that you're jealous of their entertainments I can understand that, but if you're jealous of their peace, you're just believing in a massive lie." Because peace on Earth will never happen if humanity is here...

It will never happen... Could this be perhaps why Zeus and every God want to destroy the Universe? Is it because of this exact reason..?

"*Sigh* I can't believe you made our conversation into something dramatic... But you're right, Earth is too big for someone like me."

"I don't know if that's a compliment, but I'll take it."

Luna and Dawn started to giggle at what I said, but even if I didn't understand why they laughed at me, so I gave them a joyful smile.

After our trip to the top of Tokyo Tower, we finally went to Akihabara to meet Lucas and Zephyrus there.

"*Groan* I'm really hungry..." We've never eaten breakfast, so my stomach is hating me.

"If we meet Lucas and Zephyrus then we'll eat. Also Haruki, I want to know why people are dressing as maids here." Luna was confused along with Dawn on why a commoner like them are wearing maid outfits outside.

"Oh that. They're just workers at maid cafes, they're really popular here in Japan."

"Maid cafes?"

"It's a cafe where the people serving you are dressed as maids."

"Really... So what's unique about it from a normal restaurant?"

"Well... People who are working there are cute girls dressed as maids..." It made me feel embarrassed to tell them that Earth does have places like these.

"Oh... So it's the women that people are there for... So have you've been in one?" Luna suspiciously asked me.

I feel trapped in that question, because if I answered that they might think I'm a hopeless virgin(Well I am one), But I can't just say to them that I'm one.

"So Haruki, have you've been in one..?" Looks like Luna is becoming more suspicious, and Dawn just doesn't care about our conversation.

"I've been in one, a few times... Since my friend invited me many times..."

"Ah really... I thought that you're one of those guys like Lucas."

Now she's comparing me to a pervert like Lucas, even if I am, but... "*Cough*, Of course, I'm not like him-"

Some guy ran very fast in front of us and hit me that we both fell to the ground. "Oh sorry! Sorry for running onto you!" The guy apologize and stood up. He lends me his hand to help me stand up.

"Don't worry... It's okay..." I held the guy's hand and looked at him on the face.

He looked at me too and at the same time, we were both surprised.

He said to me in shock. "Haruki..?"

It was him, a guy that has been my childhood friend and my best friend throughout my life here on Hell.

A friend that I'm close with, that I can call my brother.

I thought that there's a low chance that I would meet him here in Japan, but lucks gave me a chance.

Seeing that he didn't change and recognized who I am, I was happy, really happy.

Asahi, I missed you very much...