Chapter 77: The Morphing Find

Just by seeing him okay, puts a smile on my face. Since he really is the person who I've been best friends with since when I was young.

I stood up and told him. "Excuse me, how did you know my name..?" Even if the real Haruki he knows is right in front of him, if he knows my identity it'll be troublesome.

Even if it'll be painful for the both of us if I lie, but I still have a job to do...

I was already shaking in pain by asking him that, just by seeing one of the people I truly call my family... It's painful that I'm lying to him.

But I'm just doing this for his and everyone else's safety, which is why I'm gonna give him a fake answer on who I truly am.

Since I'm not the same Haruki Hotaru he knew before. I'm a new one, I've already turned from Haruki Mimasaka to Haruki Hotaru, so that's a big change.

Asahi was checking on me with a painful look, and I know that he doesn't want to accept my answer, but he has to... "Sorry... You look exactly like my best friend, and you even have the same name as him... I think that I might be being delusional now after I cried on his grave... Oh sorry, what am I even saying? Goodbye then..." As Asahi leaves, I noticed him sadly glaring at me.

"Be careful from now on okay..?" I said to him with a smile.

He then continues to go to where he was headed, and he disappeared in front of my view.

It was an amazing experience reuniting with one of my friends here, even if he doesn't know that the Haruki he knew is in front of him, I know that someday if we save the world, I'll visit him and Homura in the near future.

Well... If I survive at least... "Let's go now everyone... Lucas and Zephyrus Ziz might be waiting for us." Even if I am forced to smile, I can see from Luna's face that she's worried about me.

The two seeing how I reacted to Asahi, knew in an instant that I know Asahi, which is why I can see their eyes full of pity for me.


[Asahi Kishimoto POV]

"Oh welcome back bro... How's Haruki's grave?" A little girl who was eating an entire box of ice-cream asked. Her name was Miyu, the younger sister of Asahi.

"Seriously Asahi, You could've told us that you're going to Haruki's grave to prepare his ashes." The person with Miyu, was one of Haruki's friends too, Homura.

"It went well to say for the least... But I think I need to rest for a bit... I'm getting delusional now."

"Delusional? What do you mean Asahi?"

"*Sigh*" Asahi went closer to the two and sat next to them with an unhappy smile, both Homura and Miyu noticed the smile that Asahi was revealing. "*Sigh* Just how do I say this... I met a guy near Akihabara, and what's shocked me is that he is the same as Haruki. He has the same face, his lazy way of fashion, the same hairstyle and hair color, and almost everything on him is the Haruki we grew up with... Even his name is Haruki..." Even if Asahi knows that what he is saying is impossible, he just couldn't calm down after seeing the doppelganger of the Haruki he was friends with.

Homura looked at Asahi and saw that he was serious, but he knew that even if it's hard to move on from what happened, it was painful to see someone who you think is the person you cared for but is actually isn't. "Well... Maybe it was just coincidence Asahi; he may look like and acts like Haruki, but maybe there's a difference between the person you met and the Haruki we know."

"You're maybe right..." Just by seeing the Haruki he saw at Akihabara, he already felt that the Haruki he knew and the Haruki he just met could be the same person, but Asahi knew that it's impossible for that to happen, especially in real life. "Also, I saw that the guy I met has two incredibly beautiful girls with him, so I guess you two are right that the person I met is not Haruki."

"For today's news." Seeing that today's news is on, the three watched together. "Yesterday, the people near Tokyo Tower were surprised to see many hairs falling from above the tower. At first, everyone near Tokyo Tower to witness the scenario thought that it was just a prank by children on top of the tower, but when the hair touched them they were electrocuted. The electricity flow that they felt was painful they said, to confirm what happened and how the electricity felt, we have here one of the people in that scenario. Sir, will you tell us how painful was the electrocution?"

"Well, since I've been an electrical engineer for 20 years, I was surprised how strong the electrical energy is. It's about 60 volts which are not that strong, however, hair is an insulator which is odd to see that electricity is on it."

The newscaster continues. "Also, to add information about the hair, many experts were baffled to see that the hair doesn't contain any DNA at all. With the current technology, they checked that the hair was indeed real hair from some kind of mammal, but when they've investigated the hair more, no DNA was found on it-" The tv was turned off by Miyu with a smile on her face.

Both Asahi and Homura saw the giant smile on Miyu's face, so they instantly knew that something happened to her with the weird hair they heard on the news. Asahi asked her. "*Sigh* I bet that there's something you want to show us Miyu..."

"You got it, right bro, you two wait here for a sec, I'll go grab something in my room." Miyu rushed to her room very fast excitedly.

"*Sigh* This again, why is Miyu into those weird occult stuff, she never changes... As her brother, you better do something before she attends high school next year."

"Okay, okay. It's just fun seeing her happy with her weird hobby you know? Ever since Haruki's death a week ago she was depressed since Haruki was the only one she shares this hobby of hers with."

"That, and also the fact that Miyu has a crush on Haruki... Seriously, *Sigh* Miyu is growing up real fast."

"Wait, Miyu has a crush on Haruki?-"

Before Homura was about to answer Asahi's question, Miyu finally returned and was holding a wooden container with her. "Look at this." Showing the two what's inside of the container, they saw many pieces of hair that has small electricity coming out of it. "Megumi and her older sister were at Tokyo Tower yesterday, and they were electrocuted by the hair too. So out of curiosity, they took many hairs on the ground and gave some to me."

"Really? So what did you discover about the hair?" Seeing how excited Miyu is, Asahi decided to play on her hobby.

"Actually... None yet, but this can make some crazy things, like... This!" Miyu took out a single piece of her, despite that it's electrocuting her, and right in front of their eyes, the hair turned into a pencil.

"How did that happen?!" Both Asahi and Homura asked in confusion.

Seeing the hair turned into a pencil, they were freaked out by it. On their mind, it's like the start of a science-fiction anime, so with the knowledge of the otaku culture, they knew that this stuff was crazily dangerous.

"I still don't know how it is possible or how it is doing it, but.-" Poof. The pencil turned back into a hair, and with disappointment on her voice. "It looks like this one is the only one that can turn into something different, while the other hairs won't morph at all. I guess this is what you call lucky finding isn't it bro?"

"Yeah... This amazing, it's like something on a fantasy world, but how did you discover that it can morph into something?" For them, it's like finding a legendary weapon or items like Excalibur or the holy grail.

"I've discovered it easily since I experimented on the hair like burning it; which didn't work since they don't burn, and putting chemicals on it, so I was just lucky to see it transform. I guess is that this piece of hair started transforming when I put more electricity on it, but when I've done it to the other hairs, they didn't start transforming..." Miyu looked sad when she said that, but for both Asahi and Homura this is already an amazing achievement.

"Miyu, this is already amazing! If we told the news about this, then it could help-"

"Wait Asahi." Homura stopped Asahi to finish his sentence. "You know that some dangerous thing might happen like the government attacking us or our family if we told them that right? Especially since Miyu is the one who accidentally made the hair morph into something like this."

"You're right." Being the otaku they are, they couldn't stop their delusions on what could happen in the future now that they've discovered something magical.

Would they ride giant mechas together? Or fight aliens coming to take their treasure from them? Or even fighting extraordinary beings like demons and evil spirits? Or better, saving the entire world from the hands of evil. Those images came from their mind, and they started to jump together on the couch happily.

"*Sigh* What are you, two kids? It's embarrassing that you two are still thinking about those stuff at your ages."

"Call us embarrassing or weird many times Miyu, but what lies on our hand is already proof that things on fantasy films, anime, or literature could be true."

"*Sigh* Whatever you say bro... Wait, Homura isn't your parents waiting for you to buy the ingredients for your dinner?"

"Oh right! Thanks for the reminder Miyu! I'll go at maybe 10 more minutes..." The two stopped jumping on the couch and sat comfortably.

"Oh yeah, how's Ayame doing? I'll kill you if you try to touch her or anything." Miyu threatened Homura.

"She's doing fine, for the most part. She and my parents are already close and we only talk like 3 times a day, because she's still depressed and she constantly blames herself for Haruki's death. Which is why we've been giving her some therapy, and have been telling her that it's not her fault."

"I can see that after all Haruki saved her life which caused Haruki to lose his, so I can see how Ayame felt when Haruki died." Asahi replied sorrowfully

"Yeah, I've told her many times that she's not at fault. After all, it's her parent's fault, since they left Ayame and she has been roaming on the street for many days alone, and also the fact that she's deaf is making me angry with her parents for leaving her... What's worse is that when I met her parents, I was angered when they declined to take her back and even said that Ayame is not their daughter..."

"Wait, you met them? I didn't hear about this."

"Well, I plan to tell you but we're always both busy on some other things especially for college, so never had the chance."

"Really... So what happened?" Asahi couldn't hold his curiosity on what could have happened between Homura and Ayame's parents, after all now that Ayame was adopted by Homura's parents, she's already like a younger sister to him.

"I was really pissed off when her parents said that they don't know her or they don't have a daughter named Ayame, but when I stayed and kept on telling how irresponsible they are, they decided to tell the truth that they don't want to take care someone with a disability. And what got me angry is when her father told me that Ayame is better of to be dead, so my temper got to me when he said that, and I punched him on the face."

"Then, why don't we go there tomorrow and punch that guy more together." Asahi said that with pride.

"You know what... You're right! let's beat that guy's ass!" The two were in excitement about what's gonna happen tomorrow.

Miyu looked at the two with a weird expression and told the two. "Are you two insane? If you want to get in trouble by the police, then I'll call the polices for you two."

The two went silent and bowed to Miyu. "We're sorry." Both of them said.


[Sun Wukong POV]

"This is bad! This is bad! This is bad!" In the Heaven of the Chinese, Sun Wukong discovering what happened was panicking.

This was the very first time that accidents like this have happened, so when he found out he started to walk in a circle panicking about what might happen to Earth. "Oh! Not only the old man would kill me, but also the other Leaders too..! This is the old man's fault, if he didn't order me to use tons of hairs to make clones, this wouldn't have happened..." Already imagining what punishment that he would receive if the Gods find out, Sun started to cry in his room.

He was planning on what to do, he's goal is to either get back the hair that can transform or destroy it.

But even if he knows that one of his hair can transform, he doesn't know which hair is it. So he has to check about thousands of his hair throughout the entire city of Tokyo.

"There are at least 5,300 hairs that are on Earth... And only one of them can morph..." Just by knowing how much hair he left, Sun was on the verge of giving up, but he knows that it'll cause trouble to Earth if he didn't act quickly.

"Finding the hair that can morph, while also not being found out by the Japanese Gods." It's already a suicide mission, even if he can clone himself any time, the clones will just die in one hit.

So even if it's impossible to do, he'll have to make it possible to finish finding the hair, by doing something that could take not only his own life but others too.

Since the hairs are at many places, like in the houses of the humans, at the hand of the government and many journalists, inside the stomach of some animals, and also if the Gods has it, it's game over for him.

This is why he prayed to be lucky that the Gods wouldn't have it. By doing the impossible, Sun Wukong would do it the easier way. As long as he can get the morphing hair, killing a few humans is an option that he will take. "Whoever has my hair, be prepare to die!"