Chapter 78: The Useless Luck of Mine

"It's nice to meet you, King Haruki, my name is Zephyrus Ziz." Zephyrus Ziz, he's about the same age as Ryou and Akemi, all I can say about him is that he is a little bit like me. Even if he looks like a proper gentleman and someone well-mannered, his personality doesn't suit the anime merch he is wearing right now.

"It's nice to meet you too Zephyrus Ziz." He doesn't look like someone suspicious, I know from the instant I saw him wearing a merch of my favorite eroge- I mean visual novel, that he is someone we can trust.

Actually, at that time when I went out of my apartment here on Earth, Asahi, Homura, and I were planning to buy the sequel at the con, but some accidents happened and I got killed on my way there.

Also... Now that I think about it, I was killed by the most famous serial killer in Japan, the killer that has killed many known characters and transported them to another world, and I'm exactly like the same. I can't believe that the infamous killer Truck-Kun killed Haruki Hotaru... And it looks like that being killed by Truck-Kun can transport you to another world, and give you some overpowered powers...

"So what are we gonna do for today?" I asked them, since we're here now in Akihabara, not doing anything is a gonna be bad for all of us.

"Since we haven't found a way to contact the Japanese Gods yet, let's play and have fun here for now..." Lucas looks disappointed, but I'm not.

With my knowledge here, I can win anything here on the panchinko store, also I have a special cheat to win this.

Since by Earth year, Luna and Dawn are both under 18, so with a little cheat with Lucas power with his lust, we got them to enter.

"So Haruki, you're the only one who knows what this is, so can you tell us how to play?" Lucas was already sitting in front of the pachinko machine, and behind him were Luna, Dawn, and Zephyrus watching me teach Lucas.

"To question, have you all done gambling?" I asked them, since if you know how to gamble, then it's already settled that any gambler would have fun here. Well not this version of the pachinko though, even if people want money from pachinko, gambling is really strict in Japan... So getting money is a no-no.

"Yes, all of us know the basic part of a gambling machine..." Lucas said.

"Well since this is an anime-themed pachinko and gambling is kinda illegal in Japan, so the number of balls you have you can trade it with any anime merch, figures, and many more."

"Really... Then winning is still useless-"

"No, it's not!" I suddenly shouted to Lucas in anger. All of them were shocked when I shouted. "*Cough* Anyway, if you win you can trade the balls with any anime merch or figurines, if you don't want them, you can still trade them for other Japanese souvenirs."

"Okay..." After telling them how to play, we decided to go to different pachinko machines all by ourselves.

"A pachinko machine is like any lottery machine, but the main difference is that pachinko uses iron balls, and you have to push the iron balls into the machine like what a pinball machine does... But those balls are used as coins in the arcade to play the pachinko machine. And if you get big bonuses and if the symbols are perfectly lined up, more balls for you. Lastly, there are 4 levels here, 1 being the easiest and 4 being the hardest, so remember that and don't waste money." So that's how I explained to them how to use the pachinko machine. Both Luna and Zephyrus look excited to try one, Lucas was a bit hesitant to try it for some reason, and Dawn didn't listen and decided to just watch Luna.

"Now!" I turned the knob on the pachinko machine and got none, I've been rolling for a few minutes now and I still haven't got a big bonus yet.

*Sigh* Why am I even doing this if my luck is bad?" pachinko is like any slot machine, of course, the highest you can get as a reward is the 7 7 7. But there is some variety of pachinko machine.

Big bonuses like 6 6 6, 5 5 5, and many more are considered high too, but with many attempts I got none. I guess I'll go check how the others doing and maybe they can give me some luck.

I went around and saw both Lucas and Zephyrus aggressively pushing and turning the buttons. "Ahhh... I thought Lucas doesn't like the rewards here.." But looking at the two, they're basically physically challenged here.

They're like any gamers who smash the buttons really fast, and the two are screaming and shouting.

Looking at the screen of how many balls they have, I was completely speechless. "4,000 balls for each of them?!" How did they get that many? That's not humanly possible... Even if we're devils, that shouldn't be possible too... Especially since that there's no way they can get this many at the level 4 machine, and I've been playing at the level 2 machine but I spend about 50¥ already, and 1000 balls to play cost like 2¥, which is already a waste since I lost all of them.

Moving on, I went to where Luna was playing and as I expected she's playing at the level 4 machine and she seems invested and enjoying playing it, I'm happy that they're happy especially after what Dawn and I talked about at Tokyo Tower.

"*Sigh*" I went closer to Luna and sat next to her, and played the machine next to her. "So how is it? Is it fun?" I asked her.

"It's amazing, to think something like these is created without the use of magic of some sort is truly awe-inspiring."

I clicked the button and turned the knob, to start playing. 3 4 2 was the number that I got, and as I expected I lost...

Looking at Luna, I was both jealous and speechless that she got a 7 7 7. "Just how..?"

"Hmm? Are you getting unlucky Haruki? Here let me help you." Luna went behind me and reached for my right hand.

She was laying her head on my shoulder, her right hand was on mine.

It's like a dream! I'm getting flustered from this, and I can see many people who are playing here giving me a death stare.

"You need to make your timing on clicking the button better."

"Timing? But this is just base on luck right?" Yeah, an unfair luck it is since I haven't got a single jackpot yet!

Luna smiled. "Just wait." With her right hand on mine, we turned the knob, and the game started.

The screen started spinning, and we both clicked the button once and the first landed on 6. Luna wait for the spinning, and a second 6 came. It was now the last spin and she waited and clicked, and the last number is 6.

I don't know if I should laugh or be impress right now that we won, and Luna's precision and reaction time are amazing, as expected of the daughter of Hans. Also, it's ironic that we got the number 6 6 6.

"See? It's really easy, you just need to time it correctly."

"Really..." I looked at her screen and saw that she has 3,500 balls, so I decided to trust her to get better timing instead of relying on my bad luck.

Luna went back to her pachinko machine and started playing again.

"Hey Luna, is there anything you want to get here?" I asked her because if she doesn't then why is she playing? Because I don't want to go back to Hell and tell Hans that I made Luna addicted to gambling, also the same goes for Lucas. He said that he doesn't even want to get any of the prizes here, so why is she determined in playing?

"Well... I want to get Talya some of the plushies that I think she'll enjoy, and also I'm curious about that figurine." Luna pointed to the figurine she was talking about, and I was shocked to see the figurine.

"Oh that's the girl from Hell's Gate, it's one of the anime and games I love." Mostly because it's the eroge that my friends and I love, and the reason why I went outside and was killed. "I think her name is Azrael, she was the angel of death." And she's also an amazing character, also Azrael reminds me a lot of Luna a lot.

"Azrael..?" Luna confusingly asked.

"Oh yeah, Hell's Gate used characters on biblical figures, which is why some characters are named after them, like her for example. I clearly remember meeting Azrael at the time of the first attack happens."

"Really..? Isn't that nice..?"

"Yeah, since most angels and devils here are gender-bend." Which is why I enjoyed playing it... "Like Satanael and Lucifer being sexy women here, Michael too, and many more." The one that didn't get gender-bent is Lilith, which is normal since she's a female in the first place. "Also, I can see why you want Azrael since she looks like you."

"...." Luna didn't give me a response and just smiled at me. "Let's continue..." She said.

I was confused on why she started to become gloomy for some reason, maybe she's angry that I said that she's like the Archangel Azrael? Nope, Luna is smart enough to distinguish reality from fiction. Why am I really stupid when it comes to girls? First is with Akemi, and now Luna. This is why I'm a hopeless virgin.

Looking at her screen, I saw Luna lose. "Luna, if what I said was really offending from comparing you to Azrael, I want to say sorry..." After seeing her lose I knew the moment that there's something wrong with what I said, so I apologize immediately.

"No it's okay, I just remembered something that's all..."

"Really..? Then I'll leave you for now, goodbye then." Before leaving I looked at Luna again and saw her loss again.

While walking I slapped myself and kept on repeating. "I'm stupid." It makes sense that Luna is somewhat connected to Azrael like anybody else because of the war, so why did I say that? I just opened up an unforgettable wound.

"*Sigh* I should be careful from what I say from now on..." Maybe I'll get a drink for her as an apology... But I wonder. I might know the answer, but I wonder what Azrael did to Luna and her family? Maybe Azrael killed Luna's real parents? Because I remember that Millie said that Luna is the adoptive daughter of Hans, so is that maybe the true reason why?

"for now, let's just get a drink...." The balls that I have can be used to exchange for some drinks and snacks too, so I'll go to the freezer where they store the drinks.

"Come on cutie, why won't you talk to us?" Looking at where the voice came from, I noticed that it came near where I was headed.

When I got close, I saw Dawn picking some drinks and 5 men talking and looking at her from behind. Dawn was just continuing looking for a drink and is ignoring the 5 men.

"You know, a beautiful babe like you deserve to be with someone like me don't you think?" The guy in the middle said. It looks like the one talking to her is likely their leader, because the 4 with him are following him.

Looking closely at the situation, I noticed the guy working at the pachinko store looks afraid of the 5 men and was hiding on the desk.

Dawn got a can of apple juice and looked at the guy with a cold stare. "Sorry, but I have rankings and standards on how would someone become a groom for me, and by the looks of it, any of the criteria doesn't fit for an ill-bred like you."

Wow, way to go Dawn. You rejected that guy savagely.

The guy looked pissed off at what awn said and was pulling something from his pocket. Noticing this, I went to them immediately and said to them nicely. "Gentlemen, is there perhaps a problem?"

The leader looked at me coldly and said to me. "Who are you? You shouldn't mess with someone's business or else I'll kill you."

I expected that he would say that, so why did I even ask? "Guys, if my friend has done something wrong. I'll pay okay?" It's better to avoid any fights here because it would be bad if I seriously injured them.

"*Tsk*" The guy wore a plastic wrapper on both of his hands and took what he was taking from his pocket. I saw him grabbed it already and he punched me on the stomach. "How do you like that?-"

His punch didn't hurt a bit, because I noticed that he didn't punch really hard, but instead, he punched me weakly like touching me for some reason. I was confused about what's happening, and he looks confused too. "Excuse me? Is there a problem?"

The guy and his men looked at me in fear, and the leader started touching me with his right arm. "What is this? Why- why aren't you getting electrocuted?"

I looked at Dawn and she said to me. "Finish them for me please Haruki."

"Okay, ma'am..." I just said that I wouldn't hurt them, but I got to follow her orders. I pulled the guy's arm and knocked him out with one karate chop on the neck, and in a blink of an eye, I uppercut the other guy, kicked the other one on the nuts; punched the other one very hard, and pushed the guy to the wall headfirst. "Now that's done..." The five men looked at me in fear and run away.

Dawn casually took the can of peach juice and a can of apple juice and went to the guy who was working like nothing happened.

I did the same and took an orange soda. "So this is why you're not with Luna, giving her a drink. You two are really close friends."

"Of course, Luna is really important to me after all." after exchanging 50 balls each for a drink we decided to buy something to eat too. Of course, since I'm the one who knows many things about the snacks here I bought the snacks with my balls.

"These are good choices-" When I was picking the snacks we're gonna eat, Dawn tapped my back and pointed to the ground.

I looked at what it is and saw a hair, not a normal hair but that hair has electricity coming out of it. "What's that?" I grabbed the hair and saw that it was producing electricity. "So is this the thing that the guy pulled out that would electrocute me?"

"Hmm..? Is that some sort of weird gadget here on Earth?"

"No, actually I would've thought that this thing was something from Hell because this seems impossible to exist in the first place."

"For now, let's take it and inspect it with everyone later."

"Sure..." Dawn and I were both weirded out on what could this hair be, because it's impossible for hair to produce electricity, so we decided to look at this anomaly.

Since, seeing that the guy knows how to use it and have it, is making us worried about the existence of this piece of hair. This hair might cause trouble to them if it can do something that's not possible on Earth.

This is why we better need to solve what this is fast.