Chapter 79: The Monkey King's Mission

"So that's what happened..." Dawn and I were walking back to where the others were. And at the same time, I told her what happened between me and Luna.

"So did I do something wrong for comparing her to Azrael? I thought that she was angry because I told her that she looks like the Azrael from the game Hell's Gate. Well... I thought that she wouldn't mind it since the Azrael I was talking about is the one from the game..."

Dawn took a sip from the can of peach juice. "*Sigh* Out of all people you're really gonna say his name..." Dawn mumbled to herself.

I heard what Dawn mumbled, so I knew that there must be something that has happened between Luna and the Archangel Azrael in the past. "I don't know if this is an intrusion to someone's privacy but can you tell me what happened between Luna and Azrael?"

Sip. She drank the can of peach juice slowly and with a sadistic smile. "Give me a particular reason why I would tell you that?"

"Well... Because I'm worried about Luna's safety, and also I don't want to hurt her anymore."

"Hmm..." Dawn aggressively pulled me to the corner where no one was, and her nails became sharper and pointed it at my neck.

I was confused about what Dawn was doing, and also I was afraid of provoking a sadist like her, which is why I couldn't move or speak to stop her.

"Say Haruki. If I continue to put this blade onto your throat what do you think would happen? As you can see it's my nails and not metal." Asking me that with a sadistic look and smile, Dawn continues to thrust it onto my neck.

Even if it's made out of keratin, I can feel the nail's tip on my neck, which is why I was frightened. And I don't even know what to answer her or what to do in my current situation.

"Hmm..? Why aren't you responding to my question? It's an easy question Haruki, any child would've answered that question."

You got it wrong Dawn, no child can answer that question. I don't know if it can be said to a demon child, but that's still something you should not do to a child!

Wait why am I thinking?! I better do something about my situation first, before thinking of some useless logic. "I would die!" I shouted.

"Correct, now that you know that I can easily kill you; do you know why I'm doing this?"

"Why you're doing this? I don't know..."

She smiled aggressively. "Haruki, you're getting awfully close to Luna aren't you?"

"What do-do you mean..? Luna and I are just friends that's all..." I was nervous about what to say to her, because the way she threatens me is unlike Ruri, actually she's far scarier than Ruri, I can totally see the vampire side of hers.

"*Sigh* I don't know if you are really dense or just playing around but promise me one thing Haruki..." Her face went closer to my ear and she whispered. "If you ever break Luna's heart, prepare for consequences..."

A giant light came out of nowhere, and we saw that it was no ordinary light but a barrier.

Our surroundings were the same, but everything froze, every living being also froze, but Dawn and I weren't. Noticing this, Dawn returned her nails back to normal and she looked at me like nothing happened.

"Hey, Dawn... What's happening?" I whispered to her. Dawn and I were still stuck in the same position we were before this barrier came, and we weren't moving an inch just to be safe.

"I don't know, but this barrier seems to only affect people with no skills... So for now let's pretend to be stuck..." Dawn whispered back to me.

Since Dawn was staring at me and the wall, I was the one looking at the surroundings to see who is the person that created this barrier.

Stomp. In front of me, someone came down on the floor from the top of the roof, and what I saw was something strange, because it's unbelievable to see who created the barrier. An ape.

Not an ordinary ape, but it's bipedal like a human, and it's wearing a golden crown and a Chinese-styled golden armor.

"So you're one of the few who has my hair." The monkey spoke. "This is gonna be my 500th hair... I can't believe that this is gonna take longer... *Grumble*"

The monkey thing went closer to us and started to inspect us. "What a weird pose... Are these two a couple? But why is she choking him though?" The monkey went closer to my face, and I was anxious about how close his face is. "Haha! What a naughty boy you are! Did ya cheat on her? Seriously, I commend you for having guts young man."

Dawn looks disgusted and pissed from what the monkey has said, while I was just here thinking about how wonderful it is for the monkey to misunderstand mine and Dawn's relationship.

"Now then... I better look for my hair then." The moment the monkey said that we knew the moment that he's talking about the hair that has electricity on it.

I made eye contact with Dawn to see what's her answer gonna be, because one of our goals with this hair is to find out what it is, and now we know who it belongs to.

A message came from my head, and it was from Dawn. (Haruki, that guy right there is the famous Chinese Trickster God and also he was known to be the first being to both achieve Godhood and Buddhahood, his the Monkey King Sun Wukong, an enemy.)

Monkey King? But how? I messaged Dawn back. (But what is he doing here in Japan? I thought the attack hasn't started yet?)

(I know, but I think he's here to scout the area, but I guess some troubles came and he used his hair that has the power to clone, and I guess that Sun is getting them back.)

Sun went closer to me and touched my pockets to check if the hair was there, and he smiled when he touched me.

Dawn and I knew why Sun Wukong smiled, and we attacked him.

He dodged it in an instant and looked at us happily. "Oh... So what's a devil and a vampire doing here in Japan?"

Lugh said that if a God came closer to us; the blessing he put on us would disappear, which is why when Sun touched me and Dawn, and saw through our actions.

"My, my, I can say the same thing to you monkey. What are you doing here in Japan if you're a God in China?"

I looked at Dawn and was shocked to see her answer a God with no fear at all, and even calling Sun a monkey and without any formality is suicidal.

"Haha! Hoy young girl, you know that you're talking to a God right?"

"God or not, I don't give a care. After all, every living or non-living being here is just an equal for me."

"Haha! I like your guts little girl, but why do you say that a God is equal to you? Because if I want to, I can kill you right now vampire."

Dawn what are you doing?! Do you really want us to be killed right now?!

"Hmm? After all, all of us are nothing but lumps of atoms right?"

I don't know if that's an insult to Sun or not, but it's cool to hear that coming out of Dawn's mouth. "*Cough* Sun Wukong, if you're looking for your hair, I have it here with me." I checked my pockets to look for the hair, and I noticed that it wasn't there. "Wait." I checked and touch all of my pockets clearly to make sure that it was there, but it wasn't. "It's not here..."

"Haha! Don't think that you're gonna fool me, demon. I can clearly sense that it's near you two."

Dawn let out a proud smile and pulled the hair from her pockets. "If you want to have your hair back, you'll get through us."

"Wait, Dawn! What are you thinking?!"

"I'll tell you later Haruki, for now, we'll have fun with this monkey."

"Haha!" Sun laughed in joy from Dawn's braveness. "Then I'll praise you for your bravery vampire." He looked at me with a funny face. "Well... I can't say the same thing to you, demon. I thought that I'ma say that I'm disappointed in ya boy since your gf is more braver than you."

"*Tsk* Sorry God of Monkeys, but there's no way I would go out with a guy like him."

This isn't a fight anymore, this is them insulting the hell out of me! Do they care about how I feel before they insult me? You know that my feelings are really fragile right?

"*Sigh* I haven't killed anyone yet, so I can't believe that I'm gonna get my hands bloody for today." Clap! Sun clapped his hand and a golden staff came out. "Now let's fight."

I can see the moment he summon the staff that it was his legendary golden staff; his partnered weapon, but the main difference between my sword Ignisvem and his staff is that he can summon it without a chant or just by saying its name. Sun Wukong just instantly summon his weapon.

Swoosh! "Don't think that they're alone." A spinning knife was thrown into Sun, and he blocked it with his staff.

The knife spun and flew back to where it came from, and Zephyrus caught it with style. "Sorry, but I'm not gonna let you touch my friends."

"Come this way!" Luna came from our left and grabbed us both to retreat.

"*Sigh* This is gonna take a while." Sun created 5 clones and ordered them to catch me, Luna, and Dawn.

"So young boy, are you sure that you want to fight me?"

"Sorry, but I'm not stupid enough to fight the famous Monkey King alone."

"Behind you Sun Wukong." With a smile on his face, Lucas appeared behind Sun Wukong.

"You think you two devils are enough to fight a God?" Sun sighed in disappointment. "I can't believe that lower beings are really stupid-"

"They're not alone, monkey because you've invaded my beloved home monkey." Coming from above was someone Sun Wukong didn't expect to see.

"*Tsk* Bad timing for you to come here Bishamonten."


We three were currently being chased by 5 Sun Wukongs. "Why now?!" I screamed in fear.

We've been here for about 3 days now, and we easily got noticed by an enemy God?! This just proves that my luck is the reason I'm gonna die.

"Luna! What about Lucas and Ziz?! They're fighting the real Sun right?!" Leaving them with the real one is risky, which is why I'm very worried about their safety, since if Sun can create many clones then they're dead.

Since even if Sun Wukong didn't create a single clone to fight them, there's still no way that Lucas and Ziz can beat him.

"Don't worry, we met got some friends who noticed Sun Wukong coming here to Japan."

"Friends? Don't tell me that Millie and everyone is here too?"

Luna just smiled and looked in front of us, and in the middle of the alleyway, I saw a silhouette in front of us.

The man has electricity coming out of his body, and he was holding a katana that was shining bright. "Don't dare try to set foot to my country ever again, you darn monkey!" A giant electric field came out of his body and every clone was struck by the electric field and was killed in an instant.

A chill went through my spine and I couldn't move anymore when I saw every Sun's clones were killed.

To describe it, I was both afraid and in awe of the person in front of us, all I could say is that I hope I can never piss this guy off.

He went closer to us, and I got to see his face. He has long black hair, giant muscles, and he was tall. His chest also has a giant tattoo of a sword. "Yo, so you're the current Ruler of Hell, I heard many things about you from Luna. It's nice to meet you Haruki Hotaru."

"It's ni-nice to meet you too, thank you for saving us." An ally who can beat the Monkey King, this guy is a good steal. Nice find Luna.

"Hehe, I'm the Japanese God of The Sea and Storms, and the youngest child of the Japanese Creation God Izanami and Izanagi. Susanoo-no-Mikoto, nice to meet ya."

"It's nice to meet you Susanoo-" Wait what did he say? Do you mean that this guy is the famous Susanoo? The younger brother of Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.

So this is why he easily defeated Sun's clones, it's because he is A God, one of the three Gods of Japan...

Knowing who this guy is in front of us, I instantly did a dogesa to him. "I apologize for calling your name with no honor! I promise to do any of your commands from now on my Lord!" For now, this is my way to say my thankfulness for him saving me and everyone too...

Susanoo looked shocked at what happened. "Don't worry, you being our allies is already enough."

"No, I can't accept that! You're one of the Gods here in my hometown of Japan, there's no way that I can treat you with disrespect."

Both Luna and Dawn were weirded out by what I said, and apologize to Susanoo in my stead.

"Don't worry about it Haruki. After all, you were raised here so you're one of my people."

Well, even if it seems weird that a devil like me is treating a God with respect, but there's still no way that I can disrespect a God here in my previous home.

Susanoo went closer to me and looked at me with a smile. "Haha! Both Jarren and Xuntea raised a strong one, I still remember the day Beryl and Spinel raised you here."

Beryl and Spinel..? How... "Excuse me, but how do you know my adoptive parents' name?" Beryl is my father's name, and Spinel was my mother's. They were both named after gemstones and both two talented people, but most of all they took care of me and loved me as their own child.

"Hehe! A God needs to know its people Haruki."

"I guess so..." All of us went back to our hotel with Susanoo, and after a couple of minutes, Lucas and Ziz came back with someone.

The guy said. "Sun escaped, and it looks like he'll be back to get back his hair... So what do you suggest we do now Susanoo?"

Susanoo let out a smile and looked at the five of us. "You five, if you helped us destroy every hair that Sun left, we promise to bring you to my sister. So will you do it?"

All five of us looked at each other in the eyes and smiled that we successfully got what we came here for.

Even if what Susanoo said seems impossible, but this is the only way we can make the Gods trust us.

This could even cause our very own life, but a mission by the Gods is always like this. At the same time, both of us said. "We'll do it."